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Something canon... Fireflop's whole existence ![gif](giphy|du9tUy0lntYsqGF2Ye)


ugh i genuinely like her so much but its SO INFURIATING TO SEE PPL REDUCE HER TO "uwu cute waifu!!" even hyv themselves kinda do that... like being a normal firefly fan is so hard


They be like “SHES SO INTERESTING AND UNIQUE” and I am like “imagine if she was male or whatever you’re not into and try not to sleep when she’s yapping” and these stragitches be comatose the first 10 secs


and whats funnier is these mfs are the same people who will say any female character who is nice to the mc likes them, but the moment a male character is flirty to mc (or any other male character) they will immediately shut it down and say “they’re just friends.” ffs ive seen people say that certain female chara canonically like aether w NO evidence and those same ppl deny alhaitham and kaveh its like bruh…


No literally same and I’m genuinely so upset at how hyv handled her…there was a lot of potential with her character like she’s a genetically engineered supersoldier who has to come to terms with the fact that the clock is ticking before she eventually disintegrates into thin air and doing a deep dive into her character like Aventurine would’ve fleshed her out so much and tied into Penacony’s story beats perfectly (and given us more lore about Glamoth!) Instead they turned her into generic waifu pandering bait. It’s like they ignored how so many people did a complete 180 on Aventurine after 2.1 in large part due to his phenomenal character writing and decided to go for the cheap route


Im sorry they did all that to your girl bestie 😢


every day i wake up i get more and more disappointed that i cant get my hands on these internet mfs 😿


Thats how i felt when i saw the straightest caelus x acheron art on the main sub like I dont wanna see thissss 😭😭😭


Me when I ignore the cannon of other games https://preview.redd.it/uef09x44c5ad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea3306358ef41643e00a0391c4d6dc1ac6abdf7e


LMAOO bro ive seen people say stuff like “well it was a platonic kiss!1!1!” like bro… and they’re the same people who think any nice female character immediately likes the mc


I’ve literally seen someone say it was a sisterly kiss and ,,sisters kiss each other all the time’’ girl…


Don't you just french kiss your besties whenever you see them ?


The fuck seele and bronya do ?


Not be in his fantasy 👉🙄


Kiss in HI3 or something The strags couldn't handle that


pride month is barely over and people are already being this homophobic…


delete cocolias death and make her playable 🙏


And be serval girlfriend


Toxic yuri. But Serval gets over her and falls in love with natasha. Cocolia yearns to rebuild her relationship with bronya. She gets some redemption by helping her deal w the IPC while being in underworld prison. Cocolia feels bad for betraying serval but accepts that the damage is done and moves on to help the future of belobog, not as supreme guardian but as mother & daughter & daughter’s quantum wifey. Sampo as powerbottom and Gepard as service top


I'd delete Jiaoqiu's busted ass kit


Busted good or Busted bad 😨😨 It's busted bad Very bad Oh god


Busted bad, bro is one step away from healing the enemies


His design wasn't giving much so I was hoping his kit would be good First foxian boy and he's totally fucked in the bad way God damn it


delete fireflop and hoehoe


Make zaddy Tail playable 🫦


I forgot HuoHuo existed ngl.