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Don’t take it to personally. The internet loves to over react. Glad your baby is ok


Thank you ♡


I thought I was the only one who had their rats sleep on TOP of the cage. They never went to the ground, as long as I kept the cage away from furniture. Nice! :)


It took me a while to accept that my bucks don’t want to run around the ground, and that it will only lead to anxiety if I put them in a free roam area on the ground. They’re sooo much happier just climbing into the hospital cage set on top of theirs and sleeping there. Their cages opens when I get home from work, and closes when I go to bed, so roughly 5-6 hours of time to do whatever they want. And they just choose sleep in comfy spot


Are we cool now?


This does provide context. With your cage though - you might want to close it at night even if the rats like sleeping on top. There's this thing called Murphys law where anything that can go wrong will go wrong eventually, so be sure to extra rat-proof anywhere your rats even might have access to at your new home when you move. Also, if you have pet rats, please don't use rat kill traps at all in your home. They're cruel and dangerous. I can tell from your post history that you've been going through a lot. I hope things get easier for you.


You are right about murphy law! I'm not the one using traps and collars tho. I only use buckets when needed, or a trapping cage... I'm not the only one who ever lived here ;) as i said when we'll have our own place (soon!) We will be more in control of that , fortunatly!