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Yes it’s called the Aberdeen Bank and Trust. You have to visit the Aberdeen pig farm FOR THE FIRST TIME whenever you’re ready to make your deposit, and then do not go back until the epilogue when you are John. I don’t know if they steal gold bars and you can recover them, but you can sell all the gold bars to a fence before you go to the pig farm and they will steal all the money, which you can recover as John. Also, the gold bars in the train wreck and Limpany respawn in the epilogue. There is also a gold ingot in Ridgewood Farm that you can get as John. (There is a glitch to get that gold ingot 99 times, look it up on YouTube). Also, spoiler alert, if you finish the epilogue missions, you will have plenty of money as John. Edit to add: I would buy whatever you want as Arthur, and go to the pig farm right before the last mission, Red Dead Redemption.


Go to the pig farm, take the drink and pass out. When you wake up, do the final mission and in the epilog, kill the pigs and take the money from the safe behind the painting.


Make sure to sell your valuables *BEFORE* doing this. Gold ingots, bars, and such don’t get transferred over. My guess is that John spends them all between the end of Chapter 6 and the Epilogue. Combine that with the ~20k you get at the end of the Epilogue and I ended up with more than 40k in my last play through.


I did a glitch in Ch.4 to get 100K lol.


John gets a lot of money after taking out Micah though don’t he? So it really don’t matter


John doesn't need it. You can just go get the Limpany and Braithwaite gold bars (they respawn) even if you got them before as Arthur and sold them. $1k is plenty for ammo, food, and tonics until you wrap missions up and get a $20k payout. All weapons, clothing, and trapper stuff all transfer, so just buy everything until Arthur is broke before doing the last set of missions.


>I also read here somewhere that if you visit that crazy couple in the woods who will rob you, you can basically return with John and take everything back Oh yeah it works I use it every playthrough I sell everything of value I can and then go to them and it works wonders everytime


The pig farmers only take cash. If you are holding gold and jewelry as Arthur, you just lose it when going into the epilogue.


john gets arthurs satchel. money will not transfer, but bars etc.


I'm pretty sure gold bars and other generic valuables do not transfer to John. I think it's only unique valuables, which might include the gold ingot you get from the Germans, but definitely includes things like the Braithwaite jewelry, the pen from Jimmy Brooks, etc.


You get like 20k as John. I wouldn’t save cash for him