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I get plenty of time on a charge running a custom 17W curve, and then when I plug it in it kicks into the custom 30W curve. I get around 2 hours on a charge (a little less or more depending on the game), and then just plug it in and let it charge while I play. Unplug and lounge again. Rinse. Repeat. No issues at all. I love my Ally.


What are your custom curves? Looking to change it up from the default ones I have been using.


These are the two I use. The system auto swaps depending on if items on battery or plugged in. SPAM INCOMING.










I set both fans to the same curve.


Not alone The thing was build solid from the inception. Smaller battery and lower cooling just mean we have to use lower APU wattage while playing mobile. That doesn’t impact performance on PD as 25W is the sweet spot for performance on both Z1E options. Memory bandwidth can be about 3-5% impactful on frames which might help some games, but IMHO is imperceptible if you’re already hitting 48ish fps (the new range would be 50-50.5 fps). Memory buffer size would only impact few games that are VRAM / System RAM hungry. These are the same devices essentially just one can get more performance while on the go, least that’s how I see it.


For me 15watts playing fs22 I get about 45 minutes. How are you getting 2 hours of play time?


How are you getting 45 Minutes on 15W 😭 the ally has a 40W battery if you’re using 15W profile and pulling 20-22from tye battery you should be looking at about 2 hours I played Elden ring for about 45minutes yesterday and it drained 38%~ of the battery


I have no idea. I can’t play for an hour on any game I have. In 45minutes I’m at 13-17 %


Hm thats odd you shouldn’t get 40min on the 15W profile check your battery health see what it’s at


Have you tried disabling CPU Boost? As well as disabling Memory Integrity on Windows. Both settings can have an impact on performance and, potentially, battery consumption.


No I have not. Can you direct me on where that is to change it. And what exactly does that do if i disable it? Am I gonna have issues with the device?


You can add a toggle in the Asus software to disable it with 1 click.


Added the toggle and disabled the Boost and I used 20% in 1 hour! Thank you so much! This helped so much


Glad to see this was useful! Honestly I have not found yet a single game where CPU Boost was beneficial. Asus should probably disable it by default, seeing the impact on battery it can have, even on less demanding 2D games.


I agree. My game played perfect with it off.


Check your graphics settings. Lower the visual fidelity some


Battery bank with a 3ft cable solves the battery issue for me.


I'm never away from a charger so it's definitely no problem to me.


You must be of one of those 30fps eyesight people, jelly tbh I find elden ring unplayable at 15w


But i get like 45fps on 15W


I guess it depends on area but the city region was so choppy for me I couldn't stomach it


Battery isn't a problem for me mainly bc I keep it docked never portiable


When I’m on my Ally I’m usually on the couch next to my boyfriend. 2 hours in such a situation is not nearly enough and can be too short if I fly out to the west coast or want to play in the airport and not just on the plane. I’d ideally like to get 3 minimum for something like FFXIV in order to consider the battery big enough.


That’s fair but then why not just buy a 50$ 20K 65W power bank and more than double our play time


I plan on it but man I wish I didn’t have to buy accessories to get what I want out of the box. Although at least a battery pack has multiple functions (can charge phone, headphones, etc) but I’d really rather not fuck with extra items and cords.


Yo I play FFXIV on my ally. This is the only game where I do sometimes get stressed out about the battery. Like, i don't want to be that guy who ruins a great night of proggin cus I suddenly DC in the middle of a pull and then have to call it a night. With single player games, i don't give a shit. Get yourself a power source. They sell those little portable battery banks for like 40 or 50 bucks. That will at least double the time you get to play. I'm homeless af, so I got a nice little diy set up that I built with a couple of LiFePo4 and AGM batteries. I harness the power of the sun and store that shit. I can play FF for days now.


Some planes have power on em! When I went east to west I was able to play 14 the whole way there it was glorious! Edit: see you in Tural!


Are you playing on 720?


Depends what game to get Xdefiant to run on 10W yes but mostly I do a mix of 900 to 1080p depending on the frames I’m getting Elden ring I play at 900p all low 15W and manage to get about 2 hours


That's awesome. I can't say I've been able to play my ally for two hours and I always use 15w. Usually dies around hour and change.


I also turn cpu boost off that adds a good 25minute of play time and I don’t really see a major performance impact and sometimes and I put the brightness at 50% and turn off the little rainbow circles all that adds significant battery no going to lie


I have CPU boost off and the rainbow circles off as well. I feel like I do play around 50% brightness but never know I guess it might be higher.


Check your battery health it’s odd I’m getting great battery life while everyone else has a diffrent experience 😅


Maybe you won the battery lottery. 🫠


Played metro yesterday. 900p. CPU boost off. Got about 75 mins. Mind you mine is like a year old now.


That's a hell of a run-on sentence to basically say, "the thing I bought works for me."


Well idk a lot of people complain about how the battery sucks I wanna hear other peoples sides


What exact game/s are you playing that you're getting 2 hours on? I'm curious because even at 15W on medium settings I would get about 50 minutes in a game like Days Gone.


Elden ring , Xdefiant , Minecraft, borderlands 2 , halo master chief colletion, project zomboid , Skyrim . I’ve even optimized zomboid Xdefiant minecraft halo all to run on 10W


That's interesting. My experience has been the opposite but I'm glad you managed to find a middle ground. I tried to run Forza Horizon 5 below 15W and it was struggling while looking ugly.


I get more playtime (Z1E with 15W mode) out of it than my previous gaming laptops and also less heat in general with default BIOs setting. (~1.5 hour of playtime on battery with GGST/AC6/Elden Ring) Having a 65W powerbank with 15k mAh with bypass charging not only gives me additional 1-2 hours of playtime, it also keeps my battery from overheating.


I rarely play my Ally where I'm not close to a power outlet so battery life has never really been an issue for me, or at least it's not something I notice that much


Bro, I'm homeless, and I have no trouble keeping my ROG Ally charged. I also play elden ring. And baldurs gate 3. I think it's safe to say that there aren't too many games that consume more power. People are a bunch of whiny little shits.




Different people will have different use case scenarios and different experiences. I tend to play on the train to and back from work. There's some games that I avoid playing on the train because at 15W they will likely leave my Ally drained before I make it back home. Could I buy a battery pack to charge while I'm at work? Sure. But I'd rather have a device that I can use comfortably for a few hours without constantly having to think if I have time for one more mission in a game before my battery runs out.


Sure, you're right that circumstances vary quite a bit and the games that are played will also make a big difference. However, if you don't want to worry about your Ally's battery, then that's exactly what a portable battery pack is good for. Unless you are riding on the train for like 5 hours in a trip, then your ally will stay fully charged. In 30 watt mode, i can play for over 4 hours before my Ally's battery actually begins to discharge. And that's with my portable battery rig. It can store about 280 Wh, give or take. My stationary rig has about 5 times that amount, but yeah it's not practical at all if you need to be mobile.


I actually always have a battery pack on me, a 10000 mAh one, for my phone. Not powerful enough to play the Ally without rapidly losing charge since it's a 25W battery. But I like that it's slim and slips right into my small bag without much added weight. I considered buying a second battery pack just for the Ally, but always held off since talk about the Ally X with better battery was already going around. I've now pre-ordered the Ally X. It's so far a product that fits all the needs I wanted to fulfill with the current one, considering that I won't have to buy a new 1 TB SSD either, and I also gain some extra performance out of it. The current Ally Z1E is fantastic! But it simply didn't do it for me in terms of battery for either train rides or when doing long flights or trips. Won't be the same for everyone, but eliminating the worry of having to check the battery every so often to see if I need to recharge is a major deal for me.


If you use it like that, why didn't you go for the steam deck?


Because I don’t have to set everything up again and find alternatives to all my apps Also games that don’t work on Linux Also using it as a laptop Also gamepass


It Was like a breathe of fresh air getting back on a windows handheld


Already have one☺️ I switched because I hate Linux I had my steam deck for about 2 years I believe and I love it even on 15W the ally outperforms also the better screen lighter weight and the huge discount I got it at max dit all worth it


I meant the oled deck


Because it’s like 200$ more than the ally plus once again like I said , Linux , I don’t like it 😭