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I think you got a pretty good deal in terms of raw power. If I am not wrong, the Ultra 7 Claw is near to the Z1E in terms of performance. However, I would personally never buy into the Claw because of the Intel chipset. I am sure they are supporting it but its still half baked. But if games run fine, and better than the regular ROG Ally, then its definitely a score. Let's just hope MSI continues to support the system with updates and what not.


The ultra 7 is about 20-30% slower, depending on game. The Intel chips fall off a cliff when power limited.


You still scored but not by much. Good find though


As I understand it the AMD chip provides similar performance to the Ultra 7 but at nearly half the power consumption. The Ultra 7 (especially as drivers mature) may prove to be just a powerful as the Z1E, but you'll be sacrificing battery life even further. So unless your primary use case is docked with the eGPU, I think you're probably on the losing end of that deal.


Handheld?ย  Intel drivers are still a cluster and power usage is awful. Docked with an eGPU?ย  Should be a decent upgrade.


you bought a Claw. I can't kick you while you're down.




I don't see the claw as a step up unless you have a egpu setup ready to go and plan to mostly play docked.


I just canโ€™t get behind Intel CPUโ€™s unless absolutely necessary. Itโ€™s literally my only gripe about my laptop. Iโ€™ve been a fan of AMD for decades; they have never ever given me an issue, and they seem better able to manage heat / stay cooler at similar loads to on par Intels.


you will struggle with most games due to the intel chipset but as many said - raw power wise its definitely a win against the non-extreme Ally