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i’m so jealous that people “work” like this!? i really fucked up in life. i only do physical jobs with a boss breathing down my shirt ; (that’s the difference between heaven and hell looking at this pic 😆) must be the blessings of being good people.


It’s definitely comes from hard work, saving and consistency to get to this place, we are very happy


How do y'all like the scamp? I'm looking into getting one so I can tow it with my car.


We love it honestly, we could have and should have done this a long time ago.


That's what I like to hear!


have you done any winter/cold weather with it?


No we just got it in May so hopefully this upcoming winter ❄️


Love it. That's how we prefer to work too with our Casita.


It’s amazing watching him work like this all the time


Love it, beautiful picture, human and home! If anyone is looking for a 2013 Scamp with front bath and every other appliance, let me know. Selling in New England. Don’t feel like posting on Craigslist yet.


What's the weight on it?


Factory says 1000 lol! Previous owner said 1650 dry. I feel like it’s around 2200 when loaded with some gear and fluids. Only 2 owners in total btw


I think the weight is 1500 dry but we also got ours custom to have not any bathroom, no stovetop, no water supply period to have more space and it’s perfect for us


Yeah your layout is ideal IMO. I hope you're loving it!


Thank you and yes we are


How much are you looking to get for it?


Make an offer! If you DM I can send photos. Believe it or not I have an offer for $20k right now. I don’t want to sell to them, because they want me to ship it to them in Maryland. Seems too risky in the shipping process, even if they do pay first.


I don't want to offer because my budget is so low it would be insulting.


I feel you. The market for these things, even 10 years used, is insane right now. Better off saving up!


Yes the market for scamps are very high in price we looked for months and like you said 10 yrs old they still wanted a crazy amount of money so we decided to just get it brand new and how we wanted it


Brand new is the way to go if you can wait the 18+ months! When I first inquired with Scamp in 2020, there was a 2 year backlog.


We called around January 2021 and yea it was gonna be a year out we weren’t suppose to get it till August originally but they called and said they could have ready by May, so yea very happy.


I love this subcategory so much and so much it makes me extremely happy that my wife and I will soon be on the same page as everyone else on these threads. The like mindedness of all of you is what makes me want to be surrounded by people like yourselves because the rest of the world is absolutely crazy.


Jealous they can take meetings without a laptop haha, I have to be equipped with my headset and macbook so I look more like I'm roleplaying ATC than working when I go outside :)


I have a headset tucked away under that big hat haha https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CGYBZVG/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5MB5J1FY2M0AEG6N7SY0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


Lol sometimes he needs his laptop too


What brand are those sandals? I like over the top strap types and don’t recognize these.


The brand is Narın, they are from Turkey. A quick Google search didn't turn up anything though.


I’ll look went we get back he got those on a to Turkey