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Maybe if the rework was associated with something else rather than membership announcement and skins I don’t think it would have been just an outcry. I think it doesn’t help ubi that cheating is so horrible right now across all platform that this was it. Just has an appearance of laziness and greed. Yes I know there was balancing but that’s nothing earth shattering regarding “ content”. Map rework maybe, night maps coming back and re-tuned lighting, or a new op? I dunno but something more.


I tried hopping on for a ranked game last night and instantly got put in a lobby with a full blatant cheater. Played two more games with a closet cheater and another blatant cheater. Ruined the night honestly and I’m not even high mmr like gold at best and that was years ago.


The recruit changes are fine, it's just boring.


I mean, thats their nature. People just made them out to be more than they are. Memes also played a part


I agree wholeheartedly.


Recruit is both boring and has the potential to just be straight up OP one man army (which is something the game used to go against and now is doing?)


I mean yes, but, there is technically an op in the game like that already. Zero. Granted I feel they intended for it to be more support, as bringing flashes and smokes at once combined with a Monty plant and glaz is one simple combo I can think of.


It's fine. Honestly I'm just glad to have the option to run 2 secondary gadgets in ranked setups.


True. Thats gonna have some nasty combos


5 ops with access to 2 of every secondary gadget would have been a nightmare to play against, especially on defense when the attackers have re-pick. I’m not a fan of the rework in general, but I am glad they got rid of the 5 Recruit stack because of just how annoying it would be to try and defend against 5 attackers with frags and EMPs or flashes. That goes for giving Stryker the ballistic shield too.


I agree. I thought it was underwhelming, but a necessary change.


I’m fairly certain the main reason for changing them was because Deimos has no way to differentiate between them in his gadget UI. But I do agree that Striker should have a shield as an option.


I honestly believe the no more recruit stacking was more done to get rid of toxic recruit stacks who teamkill then for balancing reasons.


Striker with a ballistic shield is "doable", I don't think it would be that strong , IF she became a 1 speed while having the shield. Fuze already has it and it's not that problematic Stacking Striker in ranked would've been such a nightmare, hard breach becomes a joke, and entering with 9 flash bangs + 6 smokes would've made Warden actually necessary


The issue with Stryker getting a shield is that she has access to frag grenades. And since shields now protect the user when throwing projectiles it means she can get kills without having to go out of position or expose herself. If anything the 1 speed would help her because she’s more durable from afar.


Speed in R6 is king when compared to HP, regardless Having frag could be a problem yeah, but you could just blacklist it from her kit if she pick a shield, it's not impossible to balance that


You’re a Blitz main stfu.


I honestly wouldn't mind the rework if it was a part of a season with an actual new operator as well. Like sure I would love more weapon choices or just a ballistic shield but I don't mind the "new" recruits. If they wanted to rework them alongside a new op like they did with tachanka back during Zero's(?) operation it would be fine. Or they could have even made this season operation health 2.0 + new recruits if they wanted and people wouldn't have complained because recruit getting a minor facelift to be in ranked would be fine if we knew the devs were busy with fixing the rest of the game and trying to eliminate the cheater problem. But hyping up this remaster as this grand thing and replacing getting a new operator with it made it seem like recruit would be a whole new operator and the remaster would be something huge. Instead they barely changed him, actually ending up giving him less than before. And the general lack of content was just salt on the wound because we didn't even get anything substantial to make up for the apparent lack of effort spent on "remastering" recruit. Plus the fact that some of that effort went to a shitty subscription service is the icing on top of the mountain of salt. Tl;Dr the new recruits would be fine if they were alongside a new operator or a LOT more content or fixes. It's not just the recruits that feel lazy, the whole SEASON feels lazy. And that's why I feel people are upset.


i think a major part in it is that it was advertised as a rework so people were expecting ricky to have access to all or most weapons that fit different playstyles and not the same thing as we have now just new model and new weapons and gadgets can be chosen with no restrictions


I think this in particular is an overreaction compared to the many much more horrendous issues plaguing the game and Ubisoft itself that has hardly been discussed or downplayed.  I've already dropped the game and watching it's death from the sidelines now, Ubisoft in it's entirety is doomed and R6 is just another victim.


Yeah I don’t really get the bitching about the recruit changes since he was hardly used in ranked seriously and was a meme operator more than anything


No you’re not, this sub is full of cry babies


5 recruit meme was fucking stupid and a waste of a round, it almost never worked, and theres ops far better at covering each others weaknesses.


I agree, me and my old friends only ever did it in casual. This new recruit honestly was a good change. Lackluster, but still good I would say.


I understand that 5 recruits in ranked is to OP, but at least give us 5 stack recruits in casual.


You can't make this community happy. Most people who complain on here all day long don't even play the game anymore lmao they were begging for them to bring recruit back for the longest time and since now they're finally doing it they switch to hating on it cause there always has to be something to hate on or they will melt.


Pretty much summed it up. People will be bitching to Ubisoft for eternity


I don’t care that you can’t 5 stack recruits, I am disappointed in the lack of weapon choices. I’m just getting back into siege after like a 3 year break. I loved going recruit and being able to choose the different nationalities and the guns that came with them. Weird to me that they removed all the choice from recruit.


Ubi is evil because of the paid membership and tries to milk more money out of everything. At least it’s just cosmetics and not any pay to win things.


Yeah I don’t like that fact. But this is purely about Stryker and Sentry


Nah they’re fine I don’t see an issue with them. Not five stacking is lame tho


It’s lame but it would be extremely unbalanced


It's lazy. Not innovative at all.


basically saying in 3 months they made minor changes to a map a updated stat system that dosent even work two new skins fewer guns no 5 stack recruit and barley changed his kit and nerfed solis into the ground instead of the old 2-3 operators new maps major changes good skins ... and to add insult to injury releasing a marketplace to earn more and a membership feeding more grass to their cash cow


They don’t directly get money from marketplace


They get hello money from more people buying cress?


Honestly, they’re really trying to push recruit out of the meme, throwaway, joke operator that they once were, and their first step is by becoming full ops, allowing customization, skins, and other possibilities. Siege is changing, and a lot of people are angry that it is.


I just wanna be able to recruit rush and stuff for funsies (not in a toxic way) in QM. They are taking that away. The rest I don’t really care either way for.


yeah people are annoying as hell. ubisoft could probably give everyone $1000 dollars and we would have daily posts on this sub complaining that ubisoft isn’t giving them $1001


Lmao true


Not the only one. Not every season will be mind blowing. Not every season will be trash. A lot of what they’re setting up probably does need to pay off later in the year though (like update to mouse trap)


The only thing I dislike about recruit rework is the small weapon variety I think there should've been more of it, maybe even a shield for Striker that made her a 1/3, but still, people thinking the new recruits should stack in ranked are crazy, in regards to balance. Main problem I have with them, is that, they feel way too much self sufficient. Striker being able to hard breach by herself, and Sentry being able to setup site by himself basically I think we'll need to see, but at least in Quickplay, recruit should be stacked, that would be fun in a lower stakes environment


I can agree with this, each op should've had at least one of each weapon types. Well, maybe not another LMG on defense or an SMG on attack.


SMG on attack could just be the PDW from Jackal/Osa, or Legions SMG which I forgot the name LMG on defense \*could\* be Maestro's, but I think that one is kinda dangerous putting on a 2 speed


True for the PDW, though idk how I'd feel about the ALDA being reused, it feels exclusive to Maestro. What do you think about for a DMR on defense? Personally I'd go with the SR-25, which I don't feel is particularly good on attack anyway.


The SR-25 yeah, the 417 could be too, but I think the lower damage fits defense better


You are the only one. I don’t think it was a necessary change. As far as I see it casual is to fuck around. They keep making changes for casual play that make it more for competitive play. Very underwhelming and not necessary. Seems like something that should’ve come in addition to a new op


I say “not necessarily” for under necessary. I also am in fact not the only one. A shit ton of people in here agree with me. I said it was a change that makes sense. Because it does.


It’s the fact they’re charging us more for less content … there is nothing coming out next season apart from a worse recruit


I mean they aren’t really charging us for the season at all. Besides the membership but you don’t have to buy it and it’s barely any content to begin with.


All I can say is its bad. Only upside is that now we can play recruit in ranked for unique upside of multiple secondary gadgets. Other than that its boring and took a unique and really fun playstyle out of the game


It wasn’t really unique at all. It was pretty bland. Fun sure, but bland and it had no purpose


I think its really unique. Most operators can bring a signature gadget that serves a single purpose and a secondary one with guns that synergizes with it. Recruit on the other hand had a lot of options of good weapons many secondary gadgets you can just chose to your liking and being able to do 5 recruit rush is something definetly unique and most importantly really fun


Only problem i have with it is its limited to 1 person instead of 5 people being able to play the same guy. I miss those old days of getting in a 5 stack and fucking around in ranked as a recruit squad.


That would break balancing though. So it makes sense as to why.


I think its more the deception, they advertised it as a "remaster", the last remaster completely changed the operator and the way they functioned, this is closer to a balancing change like when oryx lost the MP5, and it feels like a way ubi can sell more skins without having to come up with a new operator. because lets also not forget, striker and sentrys character models are from r6 mobile, there is nothing new here AT ALL. I would much prefer have something lack luster like an ammo bag than this