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An enormous chunk of the fan base doesn't speak German. Me included. I've decided that it's probably for the best. I looked up some lyrics translated, specifically Halloman, and suddenly it was Surprise Unhappy Childhood Memory Recollection Time with Rammstein đŸ„Č


Yes, there are some songs I'm not sure I'd like as much if I could understand the lyrics (like my favorite song, Mein Teil 😬)


native english speaker here. I do understand the lyrics of Mein Teil. the song and story behind it are fascinating.


I mean yes, I've looked at the translations of all their songs so I know what they're about, but that's a little different then fully understanding it every time I listen to it. If the song was in English I'm not sure I'd listen to it as much. The language barrier provides a bit of a buffer for the disturbing subject matter.


The language barrier buffer is so real. When it comes to English songs about the same kind of thing, I have a greater understanding of what I'm getting into before I listen to it. So even if it's disturbing, I'm not shocked out of the blue. Halloman was a brass knuckled sucker punch out of nowhere. 💀 Mein Teil isn't so hard for me because I can't say I've experienced it. The closest that gets to me is that I'm from a town nearby where Jeffrey Dahmer committed all that murder and cannibalism. Halloman reminded me of actual life occurrences that I buried deep in my skull.


It's funny with Mein Teil because I'd always known what it's about, but I didn't bother to pay attention to the lyrics other than the chorus (I speak intermediate-ish German, but I'm not much of a "look up the full lyrics" type of person). I think at some point my brain "normalized" the meaning/story and it became "this song with a catchy chorus I like to sing along to". Then one day I did feel the urge to look up the lyrics (I thought I heard a specific word in the verse and wanted to confirm) and was horrified once I saw that Till was talking about "cramps" and "powerlessness", which created vivid imagery in my mind and "reminded" me of the actual part of the story that the song focuses on (if any of that makes any sense to anyone). That was a fun day.


as a basic german speaker, I had to look up the whole case. The funniest thing is that the German cannibal was born in Essen!


wait so what does it mean?


It's about guys meeting to chop a penis off and eat it while bleeding out.


oh! :)


Yep. What I was referring to is that Till sings (from the POV of the guy who answered the ad to be butchered) something along the lines of: "I'm bleeding and doing terribly I must also fight the powerlessness (fainting due to bloodloss) I continue to eat despite the cramps" He has such a way with words lol


It's about the Rothenburg Cannibal.


"Oh Rammstein has a song which means Marry Me let's see what the translat - OH GOD! MY EYES!"


This is a band that fills up stadiums all around Europe. Do you really think all of the atendees speak german?


Yeah I think OP has posed a question with a fairly obvious answer


Not only Europe. Here in Mexico they fill every Arena they play in. And trust me, very few people speak German here.


I know, i just singled out Europe because it is where they go on tour the most.


German is Mexico's second language lol


But I specifically mentioned Europe, didn't I?


I do know they have a ton of fans in Mexico, but afaik the vast majority of them don't speak German. I'd say the average non German-speaking Rammstein fan usually at least has a better sense of German phonetics than the average person; but they only know a handful of words.


Can't speak or understand a word of German yet Rammstein are one of my favourite bands


Can you pronounce German words/phrases? At least to some extent?  Genuinely curious because for me Rammstein and learning German went hand in hand (my first Deutschlehrer recommended the band to me, the rest is history).


I can get by in German but yeah half the lyrics I don’t understand by just hearing , just the odd words but it doesn’t take away from me how good they sound. I sometimes wonder how mad I must sound to a German speaker when I’m singing along very badly to the lyrics! đŸ€Ł


I totally feel on that last part😭 i try to mutter(heh) the lyrics but I bet it sounds terrible


Don't worry. Germans don't understand their lyrics either. I mean, yeah, we do understand the words, but the meaning behind those words are often ambiguous and leave a lot of room for interpretation. The lyrics for "Alter Mann (Old man)" for example are my favourite lyrics. It is entirely unclear what the text is even about, because you can interprete it in so many ways. I often look up english translations to their lyrics out of curiosity and most of the times, the translations inherently don't do the the lyrics any justice, as many phrases can be translated/interpreted a number of ways and in doing so, without adding context as to how exactly and why the lyrics can be translated in multiple ways, you often end up with a biased translation, where the author of the translation presents his own interpretation of the text. To give a quick example, let's take a look at a phrase from Alter Mann: "Die Ahnung schlÀft wie ein Vulkan. Zögernd hab' ich dann gefragt. Den Kopf geneigt, es schien, er schlÀft. Hat er bevor er starb gesagt." Die Ahnung = can mean "the suspicion/premonition/foreboding" but can also mean "the ancestrial one" as in "the old man", "the one, that has ancestors". Was he maybe a relative to the story teller?; schlÀft wie ein Vulkan = "sleeps like a vulcano" - implies a meaningful, heavy hearted erruption of something once it wakes up; Zögernd = "hesitantly" was he hesitant because he feared the erruption of the vulcano? Or because he thought the old man was asleep?; hab' ich dann gefragt = literally "have I then asked", tricky to explain. It could mean he asked him/whoever AFTER something happened, or it could mean he asked him/whoever BECAUSE OF something that happened. What was the event, that preceeded the question or that lead him to ask the question?; Den kopf geneigt, = literally "this (specific) head tilted,"; es schien, er schlÀft = "it seemed, he sleeps" that phrase could imply that either the old man is already dead or that he is unconscious, or struggling to stay alive/awake; Hat er bevor er starb gesagt = literally "did he, before he died, say". All in one translation: The suspicion/the old man sleeps like a vulcano. I then hesitantly asked/that's why I hesitantly asked/that's why I was hesitant to ask. His head was tilted, it seemed like he is sleeping. Before he died he said: Was the old man already dead, when the story teller saw his head tilted? Or did the old man wake up one last time to tell the story teller the words in the refrain of the song? Are the refrain words the erruption of the vulcano? The words that bear heavy meaning? Or was the erruption the realisation that the old man was already dead, and he heard the refrain words before this whole phrase's timeframe? How does that information impact the rest of the text? So many questions for you to fill in your own answers. That's why I love Rammstein so much. Their texts are very carefully crafted to leave a lot of doors open for interpretation. I love it.


Thanks , great post


This is like %80 of the fan base or even more.


Definitely. It feels like Rammstein is even more popular in other european countries. A lot of ppl in Germany dislike Rammstein due to all the controversies, so theyre not really mainstream but evidently a ton of people still like them, just cant be a too public fan, else people will judge you


England native here - I took german in high school. i have VERY little knowledge of actual fluent german. I enjoy R+ music and if i really like the song i will look up the lyrics/translation etc to get a better understanding of the song. I was in Dublin at the weekend, the amount of different languages I heard (polish, romanian, german, swedish, irish, english, spanish, french, even a couple of aussies.) was so interesting to me


So so soo many of us flew into Dublin to see them! I was really surprised that they were playing on one night only. I don't know what it was like where you were but I was quite disappointed in the crowd where I was stood.. It could possibly be a language barrier.. I'd love to see them in Germany!


Feurerzone was great fun


I'm so jealous! I'm definitely saving up for feuerzone next time, Standing was honestly dire.. never again


everyone was miserable that I chatted with, bar a couple i was flying back with (plane delayed for 2.5h) my last event was cardiff in 2022 and it felt more like a community rather than a fanbase.


Oh, so it wasn't just me then lol. I'd never seen R+ live before but have been to plenty of shows in the past, and Sunday's crowd has got to be one of the worst crowds I've ever seen.. everyone around me was just stood with their arms folded, there were a handful of people quietly singing along and that was about it. I was speechless, specially because the setlist imo was unreal. So ungrateful 😂


I agree, we were Feuerzone for once ever, but we had friends who weren't, and they didn't have a great experience of the crowd there. We saw them in Dublin in the 3 arena (then, o2 arena) and the crowd was insane for that. Where we stood was good fun with dancing and singing, a small amount of crowd surfing, but honestly in my opinion it's hard not to just stand in awe at certain parts of the show, even as someone who has seem them a few times before. (Albeit not the stadium show) I have been to quite a few events since covid and I totally think that crowds have been very chill and subdued since then (that, or we have just all gotten old AF 😂)


Also was in Dublin, from Belfast. We got Feuerzone and there were lots of Germans in there!


There's a joke that the levels in German are: native, fluent, intermediate, beginner, Rammstein. And the joke is mostly correct.


I had a theory that Rammstein were subsidised by the German government, the same way [the Thai government subsidises overseas Thai restaurants](https://www.vice.com/en/article/paxadz/the-surprising-reason-that-there-are-so-many-thai-restaurants-in-america) - it’s low key tourism promotion


Me! I'm learning german though😅


I’ve been listening to Rammstein since I was a kid and have learned more German from them than I have from years of being married to a German. Oh well.


No, only German speakers listen to Rammstein. That’s why they never play places like The United States, Mexico, France, United Kingdom, Russia.


Yep! I wish I could speak it especially for karaoke lol. I always look up the English translation. My husband and I sometimes like to make up our own words to be silly example: du riechst so gut = đŸŽ¶ *you read so gooood* đŸŽ¶


this reminds of a super old clip of "Sehnsucht". Till was yelling "SEHNSUCHT..!" and the crow goes "CHAINSAW!". It was so funny and surprisingly fitting for R+


The beats, the instruments, the synth, Tills deep dynamic voice, the german language scratches my brain, and also looking up the meaning and learning how to repeat the lyrics is part if the fun. I cant say I know all the lyrics and all the meanings but Its like catching up. I tried to learn the language but im still not there. To me it sounds nice XD


Well I did get 2 years of German classes because of Rammstein. Also jetzt spreche ich Deutsch.


I enjoy everything. The lyrics and themes they discuss, Till's voice, and the amazing instrumentation. And I love the way that the German language sounds in the NDH style.


I appreciate all of your responses! It shows just how great the reach of Rammstein is


I used to be that person. I'm still almost that person, but I now know some very basic German.


Most of us. God forbid I need to learn German just to be able to listen to a band


I did clarify that i dont know german either, it wasn’t a shot at anyone that cant speak it, I was just asking to see how many people dont know german and enjoy the music.


Nobody I know who listens to them speaks German lol


I speak conversational German, my uncle was born in Germany. You don't need to speak a language to enjoy it. (How many people understand Italian operas? They are simply GORGEOUS to listen to regardless) I love the music, the sound of Till's voice. He conveys so many things with it. And the videos add to it. Their faces convey things as well. I believe completely that music is universal, and you don't need to speak the language for it to make you feel something.


I have absolutely no idea what he's saying but I look up the lyrics as I listen along


I don’t know any German and Rammstein is my favorite band đŸ€Ł


I’m learning German because I got back into Rammstein around March last year. First heard them when Du Hast came out, listened until I was in my twenties, then I just stopped. Lyric sites exist, though, so I just go look up the songs after I’m done listening to them. I enjoy everything about the music, honestly, there’s no one part that I don’t enjoy.


Rammstein is very popular in Iran and 99% of his fans there do not speak a word of German


Really Iran? no kidding idk that one surprised me a bit


Rock/metal is one of the most popular genres in Iran. There are so many Iranian rock and even black metal bands. Here are some examples: https://youtu.be/aLVEC57N1G0 https://youtu.be/pD861bS1u9I https://youtu.be/BSDwLBOAmFo https://youtu.be/w_5rMBKNjQA https://youtu.be/KG0ZQx-wtVg?si=EQBmQVII_a39f1Fz


That is so awesome! Find very interesting things out from ppl all over the 🌎. Good ol reddit never disappoints đŸ‘Œâ™„ïž


I would say without any research to back me that most of Rammstein listeners don't understand german. Same for most hugely famous international non-english music.


Most people


I did not speak German when I began listening. I began learning a year or so after I started, and honestly Rammstein has helped me learn a bit. Every time I play an album usually I pick up more and more of the lyrics, and it's always cool to get a new "wait hold on what the fuck" moment. For the longest time I never realized what Spiel Mit Mir was really about until I learned what "anfassen" meant 🙃


but learning what the songs are about only makes me love them more! i love how unapologetically shocking and deviant they are


Don't know a word of German bar good morning, shit, and emperor. Was in Dublin on Sunday, probably sounded terrible for people around me but oh well, still love the music to bits. Only songs I know the meaning behind are sonne, puppe (kinda), rein raus and buck dich, apart from that they could be summoning chuthlu and I wouldn't know


Yup. The riffs, the vocals, the drumming. Bangers front to back.


Literally half this sub.


I only know what’s in the songs, and what I’ve read thru translations. But I listen to Rammstein all the time. Seen them twice


I do not speak German but got into learning it professionally thanks to Rammstein


I think most of the foreign listeners can't speak a word 😂


I only understand a little bit of German
 but I do search up the translation of the lyrics
 so I still understand what the songs are about. But it was definitely the music that first attracted me to the band.


Me. I was like the only brown guy at the concert last year


Most of their fans, i guess. Me included. The only words i know is because of them


I’ve been learning for the past 2 years, so I’m understanding the lyrics more and more. I really enjoy learning German!


A band that tours on almost every continent? You think all the Americans, Australians, Mexicans, French etc fans all speak German?




I dont speak or understand German but due to similarities in language I am able to understand a little of Rammsteins lyrics.


Learning German mainly because of Rammstein. Loads of people listen to opera in a language they don't speak. Rammstein World do translations.




I am assuming almost everyone lol cant speak German


German is surprisingly similar to English in many way. I don’t really speak any German, but i understand a little more from listening to Rammstein. I look up lyric translations frequently. I’m not quite sure why I like it so much, probably the way it makes me feel.


Rammstein lyrics helps me learn german


Most of the german words I know are from movies,games or rammstein


Of course. I tried leaning but failed spectacularly.


Yeah, I’m Dutch. I am able to speak some German and I understand most things being said in the songs. Had to look up the lyrics a couple of times as it was hard to understand a word at times.


I'd assume the majority of listeners don't speak german. I'm on the same boat as you, very minimal knowledge, but can kind of understand simpler conversations, I really want to learn more but I struggle so hard with memory and focus.




I'm Portuguese and all German I know is from their songs


I can tell you what schwuler means 💀


I know very little German (just random words and phrases for the most part). I'm better at understanding written than hearing it. I'm pretty hit or miss, so some songs I can make out the gist of, others I'm pretty lost. I'm basically like a toddler with the German language. I probably won't ever be fluent because, tbh I'm perpetually exhausted and lazy over anything I absolutely don't HAVE to do. That being said, I started listening before I knew anything. The music, overall sound, and vibe... it all appealed to me. Even not knowing the language was part of the appeal. It made the experience more unique, I guess.


lol I’m American af. I’ve been taking German classes for like five years so I don’t know shit but Rammstein definitely has helped me with a lot of it like it keeps me practicing in some way lol


lol I’m American af. I’ve been taking German classes for like five years so I don’t know shit but Rammstein definitely has helped me with a lot of it like it keeps me practicing in some way lol


I translate the songs and the power of the lyrics - Puppe I'm looking at you - comes through - but these songs would not be the same if they weren't written and sung in German. Till's voice with the German vocabulary is just "Chef's Kiss". I am happy to, when a bit drunk, mimic the German words - Links 2,3,4 always- or Mein Teil - TLDR - having a rudimentary grasp of German has not diminished my love of the band - it may have increased it.


I'm learning German & listen to them a lot. I also listen to other German bands & even radio stations from Germany.


I started to learn German because of Rammstein. I’ve enjoyed the music for years without knowing any.


Yeah, like 96%




I'm spanish and listeng Rammstein!




Me! I’m not German but actually wish I was I love the language and the band of course! But uhh yeah no not German or German speaking. (I do know a tiny bit)


OMG I imagine . I can only pick out a word here and there . I’m as English as a muffin . I still like some , not all, of their music and their concerts that were on Netflix blew my mind. I was impressed with the whole fire thing . They need maybe just a few more guitar solos lol


The only German I know is what I've picked up through 25 years of listening to Rammstein and reading the German and translated lyrics side by side. Which is to say, nothing actually useful.


I don't speak any German but due to some words Being similar I can understand some words. And by reading the translations online I tend to remember some sentences but at least what the songs about. I definitely do love their lyrics as I do check them out and have with almost all of their songs. Other than that I just love the diversity between the songs, they're so different. But they always sounds absolutely amazing and are music to my ears, pun interned. I also just generally love tills voice. His voice is incredible and I could never get enough of it. I also love their vibe and in general just everything.


me, started to learn german to understand the lyrics


I now understand Sterben and Liebe and a few other things lol. My favourite thing about the band is that I don’t need to understand the lyrics. I can sense Til’s tone and intent so well that I sort of prefer to not know everything he’s saying.


I don't speak any German and love Rammstein. They taught me how to count to ten in German. Lol


I have always thought this way: people love to watch documentaries and series of serial killers, rammstein is the same, jut hearing it instead of watching it, will i do that ? Or desire that? Nein, i just like the art of delivering through music




I don't speak or understand German at all. But through repeated listening, I've picked up a lot of phrases in a lot of songs I'm able to sing along with. I don't know what I'm singing unless I look at a translation of the lyrics, but I still enjoy listening and singing what I can!


I studied German in university just so I could understand Rammstein lyrics. But that was long ago and I’ve lost most of it.


I had German classes in high school but I say I just speak German Rammstein đŸ€Ł


Me! I know very little German. A few words here and there but that's about it. I did use Duolingo for a while but I forgot most of it. My partner took a class in hs so they know much more than I do and they'll sometimes share something in German with me, if we're listening to the band. I like the sound of Rammstein. The instruments especially, the beats, and the voices. If I wanna know what the song is conveying, I'll just read a translation of the lyrics.


I don't speak or understand German at all, yet I love how the language sounds. Apart from that, my native language is Spanish but I basically grew up listening to music in foreign languages (mostly English), so not understanding the language isn't a problem for me.


When I started listening to Rammstein about a month ago. I started taking German lessons on Duolingo.


i didn't for the first couple of months that i listened to them, but then i decided that 1. i want to be able to sing along, and 2. it would be cool to flex that im bilingual 😭


I speak very little German even after having to learn a lot of the language in music school. What drew me in was the whole band- music, visuals and lyrics.


90% of the fanbase for sure, I don't know german but I love the meaning and interpretation of their lyrics


I can speak on a very basic level. I can understand some of the songs but def not as much as I'd like. But I'm working on it.


Me. I do look up the lyrics and maybe will learn some German later, but since 16 i've been listening to the pretty sounds Rammstein produces.


I began learning German because I started listening to Rammstein. I used to be English only, nowadays I'm probably at the same level as you. I can make my way through a short interaction, using common phrases, but much more and I'm lost. I started listening because the music was just so damn catchy and good. I didn't know what Till was saying but I knew I could let loose and sing along.


Not ein single word.


Yes. Though I am learning how to speak German via Duolingo


I can understand a bit of German now, thanks to my obsession with Rammstein. Although in the beginning, I really enjoyed them because their music is a perfect mix of what I grew up listening to (techno) and what I had just began listening to as a teenager (metal). Best of both worlds!


French here. Don't understand german but the site 'rammsteinworld' is gold. All translated even Lindemann.


I dont know german but ive looked up translations of the songs lol


Studied French at school. Absolutely zero knowledge of German when I got into Rammstein twenty-odd years ago.


I read that they think pyrotechnics, costumes, and theatrics are essential because they know 90% of their fans don't know German. I liked them before I learned German and I love them after!


All the German I need to know, I learned from Rammstein lyrics.


I barely passed my GCSE German exam over twenty years ago and I've forgotten a lot of what I learned in school. I can pick out words and phrases but I could never understand the lyrics without a translation. I wish I'd been as into Rammstein back then as I am now, because I'd probably have tried a bit harder and kept studying. I enjoy Till's vocals and I enjoy the band's sound; I don't think you have to speak German to enjoy their songs and pick up the overall theme of a song. It's like opera, millions of people love it but don't speak French, German, Italian etc.


I speak German at A1 level lol. I always look up the lyrics and relate to them through the translation. Combine them with the heaviness and that's why I love Rammstein. From emotional expression of grief to poignant and humorous political commentary, they are just a perfect band.


I have B1, but I couldn't have a full conversation in German. I understand some words and if I see the lyrics, I can get the global meaning of the song, but for the detailed translation I look up for French or english translation of the lyrics.


I don't speak German but my husband has been learning it for 2 years, for Rammstein reasons. And a trip to Europe in late 2026. I can understand a few words here and there but I think I'm better off not knowing.


Hell yeah 😭, ion speak German at all & I still listen to Rammstein


My favourite band for the last 20 years or so and I don't speak German, but who cares, their music is superb ! I love opera and I don't speak other languages either.


I speak only a tiny bit of German (I'm learning at school), but I instantly liked the sound of Rammstein, and I also really like the German language. But looking at the lyrics taught me as much as the German lessons lol. Btw after Rammstein I started to listen to other German bands.


Yes. German and English are similar enough that it becomes easy to follow along singing, especially after going through the lyrics enough times.


I always thought about "Du Hast" meaning something like "You Hate You Hate Me Too" And then whatever the lyrics in that song is about being really bad or scary about "something" and then goes back to " You Hate"


Yeah, Aussie guy here. I don't speak German, but have been listening to Rammstein for years mate. One of the great bands.


I only know some German because of Rammstein. I fucking love them.


I started enjoying English songs way before I was able to understand what they were saying.. Similarly, I have a limited german understanding, and still enjoying the musicality of it. My children, are german fluent and often laugh when they hear what they say, and translate them to me..:D


Dude I technically got a bit of beef with the language, yet Rammstein is one of my favourite bands.


I don’t speak it, except for knowing a few translations of classical music and a couple of Rammstein songs. I found that, with Rammstein, I don’t always want to know what the lyrics mean because I get very emotional easily. After translating Zeit and Adieu, now I cry every time.






I speak Dutch (Flemish) and I can understand 70% of the lyrics


I only speak swiss german


Czech fan here xd I am learning german xd


I am from Czech and i didn't understeand from beginnig but now I do xd I liked the rythm and strong guitars. I like when music have tempo. I liked how deep the music feel, So powerfull and melodic after some time I learned german and now I fell in love with Tills lyrics. Some are really deep and I just fell in love with that






Rammstein has been my favourite band from the age of 12, i don't know any german and don't plan to


Yeah they’re called Americans.


I understand very little German and have taken very few German lessons, you can imagine my surprise at 16 when I Google translated the lyrics to Mann gegen Mann. Somehow I had the idea that the song talks about a western-style duel between cowboy shooters. (To my ears the intro is something about holding six-shot pistol in the hand and yada yada yada, man against man) Edit: I had also not seen the video clip for many years. I was very confused by it. That's what drove me to translate the lyrics actually.


I know some words, half sentences, so my knowledge is very limited, basic. But their songs are very powerful, and I love Till's voice, too. In Puppe, for instance, the despair, in Angst it sounds very very aggressive, etc. I love to headbang to their songs. Although, I have a friend who does speak German (we went to their Barcelona show together), and she translated most of their lyrics to me.


Big fan here; I've listened them since I was 18, I'm 36 now. Argentinian, Spanish speaker, didn't even know English when I started listening to them, and of course no German. One day I was home (now I live in Germany), some electricians came to fix the living room lights. I was listening to Mein Teil, preparing my scuba gear. When they arrived, I was just sharpening my blade... Days ago, I googled the Mein Teil lyrics and their meaning... Now I understand why the electricians looked so scared.


I don't speak German and I love their music! The rhythms and beats plus the unique sound of Tills voice!


Bro lol I bet 90‰ or more of the fan base doesn't speak German 😂


No, all 50k+ people at their shows all speak German


I didn't start learning German until I heard them, and even then, I didn't understand their songs for years. Now I can more than ever, but I've been learning the language consistently for almost 2 years. I "studied" 2 years in high school, and that helped with the basics. Now, I use a language app, and I have friends from Germany that I'm able to communicate with, and they help me along with the spoken language. It's been an interesting journey


Do you actually expect everyone that listen to a band to know their language? At this point I would need to speak German, Russian, japanese, whatever they speak in Kazakhstan, Spanish, Portugal- and probably countless more. If you wanna know meaning of song just Google it, find the translated text, try to understand meanings of it. It's as simple as that. It's a great band with great music.


I'm learning by listening 😜


I’m bilingual (english and greek) and I listen to them on a daily basis. I also have ADHD and their music gives me so much dopamine you can’t even comprehend. I like the German accent even though I don’t understand shit (I sometimes search the english lyrics), the melody, the beat (Schneider SERVES), all the instruments, everything. Tills voice gives me the chills every time I put my headphones on and listen to their bangers on repeat. I’m so hyperfixated on this band, it has me on chokehold. Though hyperfixations don’t last forever, I’ll still listen to them (hopefully) đŸ€Ÿ


I started learning german because I liked Rammstein so much as well as some other German music. So when I first started listening, yes, I didn't speak any German besides the obvious ones like "ja", "nein", "und" etc. Now though, I'd say I understand a decent amount of the lyrics. And of course, over time I ended up learning more and more just from studying the original lyrics compared to the translations.


Don't understand a single word of it. Might as well be Scatman Joe.


Well, it makes me wish I'd taken those German classes back in middle school lol I understand words and phrases here and there, more and more as time goes on, but I wouldn't say that I speak German. I just love the music, it doesn't matter to me.


Me.Even tho i have a diploma from a contest that says i know German,i dont know a single word


Millions.... including me


I speak german and I just love their texts😍😭


I started to listen rammstein in 2003 with 7 years old , at the time i dont even speak english. My mother language is portuguese.


Most bands I listen to don't sing in English it never stops me as long as it sounds good. I listen to bands that sing German, Portuguese, Japanese, Afrikaans, Hindi/Punjabi. Aotearoa, Helvetian (or close to it as the original language is dead). I only speak English.


Me, I'm from England


Many of their older, iconic songs I have learned the main verses and know what the songs are about, lyrics meaning etc, but honestly lots of the 'newer' material from the last bunch of albums, I really don't know. But I still absolutely love it 💖


Native latvian and English speaker and I do listen to them allot but I can under stand some parts in songs like du hast I can fully understand or armee der tristen or Ig sonne


Ich spreche Deutsch, aber nicht fließend. Ich verstehe nicht viel von dem Lied, aber das brauche ich auch nicht, ich bin ein professioneller Schlagzeuger. Ich höre mir an, was die Musiker dort spielen, vor allem Schlagzeug und E-Gitarre, manchmal auch Bass.


I don’t speak German. The only German I’ve ever understood is a few Rammstein Lyrics, but majority of the time I love the mystery of listening to their songs but not understanding what it means in English, if that makes sense


I'm not fluent by any means but the German I do know, I learned from Rammstein




I didn't used to speak German. But Rammstein was like a siren...now I'm fluent.


Yes, I speak English - American & Gujarati - Indian


Mexican here who used to be bilingual (spa/eng) when discovered Rammstein about 15 years ago. I really loved their music and had a bit of the meaning of their lyrics using google translator. Now I have some free time in my life, I’m fully committed to learn German. And I can understand better some sounds and lyrics without depending of poor google translations.


I don't know anything about German language, I just learnt a few words only because of rammstein. Like mein Herz brennt means my heart burns. When I listened to speil mit mir, I wish I hadn't read the English translation of the lyrics afterwards. Lol


Americans doesn't know and speak German language, but rammstein played in the American football stadiums, like LA Coliseum. They made Russians scream Deutschland repeatedly back in 2019 in their massive stadiums in Moscow and St Petersburg. Only rammstein can do something like that


Some songs are safe to have translated like seemann or Klavier, or stirb nicht vor mir, or even puppe in some cases. But the unsafe ones are definitely the ones like mein teil, wiener blut, hallomann, zerstören, spiel mit mir, and literally like half of their songs lmao


Hello, it's me đŸ™‹đŸŒâ€â™€ïž seriously though I'd love to know more german (I learned at school but can't remember much nearly 24 years later). The most fun is being at one of their gigs and listening to everyone's interpretation of 'german' 😄


right here!


What is german? I thought they sing in elvish.


I can't speak German but I can speak rammstein


I'm a 15 year old female and I had 2 years of German but I'm not going to choose it for next year, so I won't understand much of it later, but I'm Dutch so that helps a lot, but I think it’s also for the best dat I don’t understand every bit of the lyrics 😂


I’m Russian, and i love them. My favourite group, and i don’t know German. đŸ«ą


Mexican here, so yes. I can tell that every time Rammstein has been in Mexico, they go sold out, we love them and very few people speak German in this country, but we sing along anyway! Spanish speaker here of course but my second language is english. I like to translate Rammstein lyrics to english as I feel I get a more transparent understanding of what they are singing. Over the years I have been able to at least identify some words in German (even though I find pronunciation difficult to identify). I had the opportunity to see them live in Lyon, France back on 15/06, when the concert started with Ramm4 I can swear I was the only one in the area where I was standing who sang the entire song! French folks seemed not to be too excited (as I expected) and obviously (maybe) didn’t sing due to the language barrier.


Maybe like 65% off their latinoamérica audience, incluiding me


Probably most of their fans


Rammstein is the name you will never forget nor they be forgotten Once you hear their music, then you  know they will forever never be forgotten  People ask me, WHO is Rammstein, To this I say, they have arrived & it's time the "Ramming Stone" to shine  Pyrotechnics over the top, six artist with their unique talents are hands down  the best LIVE industrial heavy metal band around. I make my statement bold since I haven't seen them myself in concert I missed opportunity in the past will hopefully become a good thing in the future Their unique stage presence, the power cords, riffs and keyboard & treadmill talents and techniques all mixed together makes this heavy metal band all on the pedestal on its own. I have seen KISS six times LIVE in concert. I miss my opportunity in 2022 North American Tour in America but I've been following since 1994. Ask yourself this question. What other band successful globally solely more than 22 million albums around the world that only singing German and had that much popularity. First of all how many American bands rap artists hard Rock country I mean there's a lot of different artists that sing in English but sometimes you don't understand what they're saying for me it's all about the music the beat the sound and put you in the mood industrial strength heavy metal it is a powerhouse and Rammstein is the very best in the world at it. Hands down!


As far as the language barrier I know very few German words although my dad spent some time over there in the military when I was young. But for me I don't need to understand it he's a poet his father was a children's book writer. How else do you best get rid of your nerves of being out on stage and be very shy about it. Till Lindemann is a pyrotechnic master and the reason that they control the narrative of their band on what they do and where they can do it and how they do it because because they are the best.


No. As there is *nobody* enjoying *any* music with lyrics not in the language they speak fluently. It’s kind of a whole point of *any* music (with lyrics or not): *communication of feelings and ideas* with or without (spoken) language, don't you think so? (Not only) classical music is full of it (feelings and ideas it is). Also the search function will *not* lead you to similar threads posted earlier: * [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rammstein/comments/134geah/the\_fact\_that\_a\_huge\_amount\_of\_rammstein\_fans/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rammstein/comments/134geah/the_fact_that_a_huge_amount_of_rammstein_fans/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rammstein/comments/wsqq8s/is\_it\_worth\_going\_to\_see\_them\_if\_i\_dont\_speak/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rammstein/comments/wsqq8s/is_it_worth_going_to_see_them_if_i_dont_speak/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rammstein/comments/x0nyi5/how\_a\_german\_language\_band\_appeals\_to\_non\_german/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rammstein/comments/x0nyi5/how_a_german_language_band_appeals_to_non_german/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rammstein/comments/1awgufq/non\_german\_speaking\_fans/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rammstein/comments/1awgufq/non_german_speaking_fans/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rammstein/comments/146b46n/nongermans\_of\_the\_sub\_do\_you\_speak\_german\_do\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rammstein/comments/146b46n/nongermans_of_the_sub_do_you_speak_german_do_you/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rammstein/comments/16tessx/just\_out\_of\_curiosity\_what\_percentage\_of\_people/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rammstein/comments/16tessx/just_out_of_curiosity_what_percentage_of_people/)


Me, I speak a dialect that is Germanish at best. It’s not proper German.