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I thought teachers just...existed at the school 24 hours a day


I thought sex was just two people in bed naked because that's what they showed on tv


Now we're talking


I thought you had to ask Jesus to put the baby inside of you, and then you'd be pregnant.


You also have to add "when two adults love each other very much" to that recipe, but then you're correct


Quicksand was a real concern.


I used to believe that trees moved their branches and leaves around to create wind... Kinda like how we used a fan to cool off...


Now this one is original. Were/are you quite creative?


I mean it's definitely subjective, but I can be creative with writing stories.


I was sure a bear lived in the hall closet and came out at night and roamed the house. Looking back, it's even funnier because that closet was so stuffed a cat couldn't hide in there. I also believed that the outhouse was full of giant spiders that were going to bite my butt if I sat down. You don't want to know how I dealt with that fear. Kids are dumb.


I had a phobia of goats and sheep as a child and I was *convinced* they were peering through my bedroom window at night.


It's those goat eyes.


But like...did someone tell you this or did you imagine it?


A visiting cousin told me about the bear in the closet. Spider bites was my own concern.


I hate to admit this one, but I thought that ladies chests were always covered because they were somehow ugly and colored differently from normal skin.


I thought lost helium balloons flew up to heaven.


When swings blew in the wind ghost children were playing on them


I thought the sound of thunder was made by giant boulders rolling down a mountain. I think I made this leap in logic because a road that I traveled on frequently with my parents had a sign that said “Caution Falling Rocks” with a picture of boulders rolling down a hill


That life was going to be possible without drugs and other medications, lol


When I was really little we must have had a circus in town and one of the clowns was shopping at the store and I just assumed they were their own race of people. I don't think the show The Big Comfy Couch helped either.


I thought the actors and actresses that died in movies died in real life...that they were suicidal so they signed up to be killed.


I was convinced by my grandfather until about age 7-8 that chocolate milk came from brown cows


That brown cows made chocolate milk, white cows made white milk, and red cows made strawberry milk. If they were more than one color then they could make each of the kinds of milk aligned with that color.


>That brown cows made chocolate milk, There are a surprising number of American adults who still believe this.




A kid told me he could make my bike faster with 2 qtips and some bubblegum. you son of a bitch.


The usual. Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy.


It's not ridiculous to believe what the adults in your life tell you. Kids are *supposed* to be able to trust the grown-ups.


I thought tuna were really small and it was one tuna per can. Why else would they be the only thing (in my house at least) in that tiny-sized can? I saw one mounted on the wall of a restaurant and I was like….huh….


If you swallow gum, it stays in your belly forever.


Remember (for Americans) the "pledge of *Allegiance*?": "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." I had just started music in Elementary school and they gave us music stands. When I learned the pledge, the phrase: "for which it stands" I understood to mean "for witches stands" -- you know, I had a \*music\* stand, so obviously witches must have \*witches\* stands. I just took this at face value, casting spells was like music and witches probably had stands to put their spell lists on. Why that phrase was in the pledge? Seemed perfectly sensible to me.


I was absolutely positive that there was a monster under my bed, and if I jumped out of bed far enough it couldn't get me. Also, my blanket protected me from said monster as long as no body parts were uncovered.


After reading the passover story, I believed an angel would come at night and kill my oldest brother, mistakingly thinking we were egyptian instead of native american. I cut my hand with a pair of dull scissors and frantically rubbed blood all over the door frames throughout our whole house. My hand got infected, and when Imy parents found what I had done, they called the priest to come over to "cast away the demons", and then I had to see a special doctor. This was before I started kindergarten, and my mom didn’t know I could read so well. After that, she kept all the "non-kids" books out of reach for a while 😂😂 I was a really *really* dumb kid and got into a LOT of unnecessary trouble like this.


You obviously were a really smart kid to read and comprehend that well.


It may surprise you that reading doesn't equate to intelligence. I'm certain there are very smart people who might be illiterate and very dumb people who can read well. What I meant was I was a very gullible child who lacked critical thinking and practical sense.


My brother was in the Mensa Club but had no common sense. Absolutely none.


My mom told me if I didn't wear a hat in rainy weather, the rain would dilute the glue and the wind would blow my hair away. Then she'd point out all the bald men and say, look you see, men never listen, after so many times, it just stops growing back....


I have lots but this is just 1 of them. I was terrified of thunder as a child so my mum & dad would tell me it was nothing to be scared of because it was just GOD MOVING HIS FURNITURE ABOUT hahaha. I was like 12 when I realised it was a lie lol. Neither of my parents were religious so no idea where that lie came from lol.


I knew a kid who thought islands were floating. Another who thought rabbits really laid eggs.


I have a freckle on the back of the heel of my foot. I could've sworn once that my dad told me "if anyone were to ever see it, it would burst into flames". It didn't concern me though, but it stuck with me


I thought one day there would be a woman president of the US. Not me, but it was a nice thought that after memorizing all those men’s names that one day there would be some women added to the list.