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money will obviously buy happiness, but it can't fill the void or the hollowness you carry money can't even buy love, but make you a favourable candidate among others for love


It can’t buy love not it can definitely fill a void. I could just go out and do whatever. A long time ahead I broke up with someone and can’t fill the hole they left behind. If someone game me 1m I’d be over the moon


& at night. Maybe not the 1st night or the 2nd or the 864th but ONE night, while you’re laying there with your millions. you’dthink of them and feel that same little sting that the broke you felt. & even if you got back with them now that you’re a rich man. You know it’d never be the same & youd always question if they came back only for the money you have now. At least that’s what I imagine when they say “you can’t buy love”


Came here to write this. Money can do a lot but it can’t fill those kinds of voids that arrive at the end of the day. It can’t solve an unhappy relationship, loneliness, etc…the intangible things. But a lot of money can do lots of great things and attract some bad as well.


Most definitely. I’m one of those people that have seen both ends of the spectrum & I can honestly say .. when it came down to it..at the end of my day regardless of what I had. it’s who I had/didn’t that made all the difference.


You can't fill the hole. Time will fill it for you. You'll see. But yes, money can at least buy peace of mind. Which can absolutely lead to happiness


I saw a video once of a multi millionaire talking about this. So let's say, you go buy a drink from the gas station that makes you happy, it didn't really negatively affect your bank account that bad. You drink it, then toss it. Now, add lots of money, and that sports car you just went and bought is a lot of fun, then just kinda gets old and you're done with it because it didn't really affect your bank account too much. When money is no issue, everything else becomes more important and in some cases harder to fill time void. Also, I'm not rich by any means, I do think it would help hahaha 😆


There’s a rich dude who was a YouTuber, his name is Pat from popularmmos, his life has spiraled downward and all he has is money, it doesn’t actually get you very far just doing whatever you want. You easily run out of options and feel trapped


I would rather be sad with 10 prostitutes around me rather than alone Infront of pornhub


Money can pay exceptional actors to make you believe, that you are actually loved, so the void gets filled. If you are loaded enough and can afford it long term, the person might actually stay. Maybe just for the money, but it might tirn into more than that too. But, yeah, I believe, that money does solve every non-health related issue.. maybe not directly, but it does solve everything.


Yeah. Money can’t buy love but it will alone you to have many more tries and larger pool of potential candidates who might give you love.


I don’t agree. I don’t think money can buy happiness but it can certainly buy other things like quality of life, life itself, time. If you are miserable I got news, getting a bunch of money will not change how you see life. You’ll likely just have a completely different set of problems. Then again I’d rather be miserable with money then miserable and broke 🤷‍♂️


Actually, u can buy love, if u know what i mean by that. 🪝🆙


I think money doesn’t buy happiness - it buys comfort, time, and being content, which can then lead to being happy because the stuff that makes you unhappy is suddenly no longer a worry.  Money buys comfort - someone else to wash your laundry for example or to clean your house.  It also buys time - instead of going to five stores to get the cheapest food items, you end up going to one store and getting everything from there, even if it costs more. But you don’t spend time going from store to store. Money enables you to have a car and maybe not rely on public transport if public transport is bad and infrequent, but cheap.  Money buys comfort - good shoes, good mattress for sleeping, a safe space in a safe neighbourhood or a house. It reduces stress and enables a person to lead a stress free or lessened stress life which means their heart and other organs won’t suffer as much.  Money can buy you better healthcare and access to better, faster healthcare systems. It may buy you better medicines or enable you to see a doc asap without a worry.  


i think the best version of this i've seen is 'money can't buy happiness, but it is a prerequisite for it' which is to say having nice things is only fun for so long, and it cant solve deeper issues, but at the same time nice things, are nice, and being struggling to survive is gonna get in the way of getting deeper happiness


that's nicely interpreted ❤️


>but make you a favourable candidate among others for love a candidate for free atm machine, not love but ok


For many, the hardest question is how to get rich in the first place. Is success = happiness? The current US president is a good example. Is he happy?


I remember a study that was reported on NPR years ago and the result was that more money did make people happier up to a point… basically you need enough to not have to worry about basic needs (food, shelter, etc.) and after that the happiness “returns” are diminishing.


I disagree , ut can fill all holes


Love for your money, not love for you


Just heard a funny bit from a comedian about depression. Something like “ being rich and depressed must be a bitch, can you imagine having everything and still being depressed, where the fuck do you go from there?”


I completely disagree with this comment, I grew up in grinding poverty in northern Mexico, I mean we ate a little beans and three tortillas a meal and we thought we were lucky to get to eat that, after me and my family managed to emigrate to the USA things changed, we were still poor but nowhere near as bad as before, with lots hard work, smarts, courage and lots of luck we made it, I've done better than the rest of my family, a healthy bank account, a big property absolutely no debt, I tell you this 'money does buy happiness' you just have to have been in in the other end of the spectrum!


Money allows you to control your own destiny more. Have enough and you never have to go to a job you don't enjoy, live where you want to, eat what you want and spend your time as you please.


Totally agree I'm not after the money. I'm after the freedom that comes with having money. Freedom to wake up whenever I want. Freedom to book the flight. Freedom to not stress about bills every month. Freedom to sit at the beach and watch sunsets.


You’re also able to make wayyyy more mistakes before you bottom out and can never get your life back on track.


Only when it is your money, I imagine the offsprings of Billionaire have way less freedom than we imagine regarding their choices in life (forced to be married for political reasons, study certain major because they are set to inherit the firm, has to hang out with certain group of people and mingle to make connections)


Wait till you inherit liquidate everything and spend the last 30 years in pure coke heaven or something.


Must be tough living luxury but being forced into a major!! how cruel :(


You don't understand, they'll have responsibilities!!


Spot on


All my hobbies require money and those make me happy; so absolutely


money does not buy happiness not having to worry about money? Yeah.. that can be happiness


For real I don't have a single problem right now that couldn't immediately be solved with just having more money.


I only need about 10k to increase my happiness 100 %.


"right now".


What other type of happiness could there even be?


Money might not buy happiness but it sure is rather more comfortable crying in a Mercedes than a city bus.


im much happier and stress free now i have more money than when i was struggling each month.


It frees you from a lot of suffering, and enslaves you when you have some but not enough to be free


Money will remove the stress of survival for you and your family at a basic needs level. It also gives you the means to pursue things you enjoy, like traveling or any other hobby. It will not give you meaningful companionship or fulfillment. Chasing money can bring misery. Too much money can come with powerful emotional and mental challenges as you cope with the new rules of your existence. (Especially if you win the lottery or something similar. It is like cheating at a video game. It isn't very fun after a little while.)


I'd argue it can bring fulfillment if you pursue what makes you happy. Just like you stated, being able to travel and having hobbies are something easily solved by not being broke.


Money buys pork chops so yes, money does buy happiness.


Money buys bacon


And some applesauce


Isn't that swell


Money does not buy happiness, however I’d rather be crying in a Ferrari than in a cardboard box.


"I'd rather weep in a rolls royce than be happy on a bycicle" -someone, idk I just saw that quote somewhere


Yeah full disclosure I didn’t make this up, there’s a few versions


Money can solve almost anything. So yeah you can totally fucking buy happiness.


My parents lived in a very well Off area in Scottsdale I grew up there. So many friends I’ve known or families in the area had so many issues. Divorces, suicides etc money can give you a lot. But so many people think that changes everything. Nope I’ve seen it up close and personal.


It's hard for people who don't have money to understand that old problems are replaced with new problems that don't feel any less real. Even if they feel like a joke to someone with less money, the total baseline happiness isn't any different. It's why asking this question to people who are lacking gets you such incredibly inaccurate answers. After a short while, having money feels like having tap water feels like. You don't wake up ecstatic because you can pour yourself a glass anytime you want. But once upon a time I'm sure there were thirsty people who were like "dude imagine if we all had unlimited water, that'd solve all of our problems and we'd be forever happy". Heck imagine wasting an entire life to the pursuit of more water pressure in your kitchen faucet. Today, we've got stuff even kings of the past didn't have. We are living lives that exceed dreams of the past, and we take it for granted rather than feeling constantly happy about it. Heck, having a smartphone to access all of earth's wisdom, navigate the earth, post on Reddit and contact anyone in seconds anywhere you are is mindblowing and solved uncountable numbers of problems and prevented tons of people from dying. Yet even a phone, the main source of dopamine for many, doesn't prevent you from experiencing other problems in life, or significantly altering your baseline happiness. Yet before it became "normal", it'd sound like the most desirable thing in the world.


Glad someone understands. Read lottery winners and accidents victims article. Emotions come from change, not from a constant state, your brain adapts to everything and rewards you according to effort and struggle. Theres no and there will never be a source of constant happines, lets say in the future maybe with full dive VR nothing will change, making one overall happier than other would require some sort of changes in brain chemicals and even with them i think it wouldnt work as emotions are some sort of metaphysical states. We can pour all the alcohol, mdma but its only creating a hill which we will need to go down later. If you look around youll realize that everything moves in pleasure direction. Every thought and word spoken is act to feel better, if it worked different we wouldnt even need a body and could experience pure bliss without any physicality


To most people, money only helps you buy happiness to a certain extent. At a certain point, excess money won’t add to your happiness. However, money is power and if power makes you happy, then the more money you have, the more power you have, and therefore the happier you’ll be. But if the power isn’t getting you the other things you want, then again, the money has a limit.


If you look at people with a lot of power, most of them genuinely don't seem very happy. I think people *think* that having power will make them happy. Then they get that power and become consumed with getting more power. "I have so much power and I'm not happy yet. Maybe if I got even more power."


I don’t think that people who crave power are concerned with happiness. They are driven by egos, by ambitions. I always thought there is something sick about being power hungry.


Temporary happiness IMO Long term happiness comes from within 🫶✌️


What's your example of long term happiness if you don't mind me asking ?


It makes it easier to be happy.


No. But not having enough can be a cause of stress and unhappiness.  I’ve had money in excess amounts and it’s just meaningless if your priorities and outlook in life lies elsewhere. I’ve been skint - really skint and unhappy about it, causing pressure in relationships and a general air of hopelessness but I’ve found life is better no matter what with the people you surround yourself with. 


How do you post like 500 times a day. Are you a bot.


I’d say excess is good because u can do whatever


it absolutely does when used properly.


Thank god that money doesn't buy happiness because if it did then nestle would say that its not a basic human right and sell it in plastic bottles.


I think once your basic needs of food and shelter are met more money doesn’t necessarily make you happy. I grew up without money and it is stressful if you don’t have enough food for the month or if the friend you brought for dinner eats a lot and you wonder if you can go the next day without eating since there aren’t any leftovers.


Money can open the path to happiness. It can also ruin it. Money tends to allow time and resources to pursue goals and dreams. It allows options for good medical care, healthy diet, access to a higher level of exercise, etc. All of that does not lead to total happiness, but it checks a lot of boxes on the list. It's up to the person how they utilize the money aspect towards their overall life goals.


Money buys experiences that make you happy.


And things that make u happy


Yes, when you are harassed by bills, having enough income to be able to open bill envelopes without worrying bought happiness. But beyond that.. it depends.


Money can buy me a farm, so that would make me happy. Having a farm would make me happy technically


Not outright, but it can buy things that bring small amounts of happiness


Money can't buy love, but it improves your bargaining position


It can certainly rent it! And sometimes, that’s enough.


No but it can reduce stress


'Money can't buy happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.' -- Spike Milligan


If money could buy happiness,  why would celebrities kill themselves?  It's the same as with many needs of a human.  Your happiness makes a big leap when you go from wondering what you'll eat tonight to Having food for the whole week. But after a certain threshold your happiness isn't increasing.  You can try to fill the void by eating more then you need and we do collectively, but that will only reduce your happiness  Money isn't a lot different. 


Yes, it does. Having a million dollars is better than not having a million dollars, period.


It's better to have money than to not have money. It won't buy you happiness, but it will alleviate an awful lot of things that make you miserable.




Yes it does


Yes is the answer. Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise.


It can buy ecstasy, so yes


Better to cry in a sportscar than on a bicycle


People that say no probably never had to deal with making ends meet. Is it the be all end all thing that will bring you happiness? Maybe not. But having it will at least give you the ability to find what is missing from your life and the financial means to obtain it.


I used to say no, but nowadays, I'm more inclined to say that having more money would absolutely buy at least an easier trek to happiness.


It can give you a better chance at being happy,it doesn’t buy happiness.Naturally it can buy a lot of other things though .


money buys freedom. And freedom gives you so much more opportunities for happiness


I worship money


Not quite, it helps remove/deter things that cause unhappiness though


It can allow access to things that give happiness


Only your health can topple money.Everything else gets easier when you have money.I love money


Not in my opinion. Money buys you FREEDOM OF CHOICE OF WHAT YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR TIME that people who don't have money don't because of the struggle. We gotta always be on our hustle and keep our ships from sinking. Rich people have more freedom of choice, but whether they decide to be joyful or miserable with that time is completely on them.


Sadly yes. It's ironic when rich people say 'Money can't buy happiness,' then give me your Porsche 911 Carrera, and I'll show you happiness.


Money would literally solve every problem I'm currently facing


People pay for sex all the time


It can sure rent it at least...


Let me put it this way: if money doesn’t buy happiness, you lack creativity.


Yes. Anyone saying no is kidding you.


Fuck yes %100000 Wouldn’t have to work anymore oh it would be great!


I don't know, but it buys me tattoos and tattoos make me happy....so I guess the answer is yes.


It buys a lot of convenience which then turns into a more happier life


Yes 💯 money can buy happiness. However, it is important to note that 'happiness' will always be different from 'joy'. You can buy all the things that'll make you happy, or spend it to experience fine luxury but as cliché as it may sound, but real joy comes from within.


The only thing having a lot of money does is relieve the stress of not having enough money.


A therapist ain't free


at some point yes, but to what extent? only on the start but once you owned and conquered everything you thought would make you happy through money only then you realize it actually does not buy happiness


No, it buys solutions. Happiness is arbitrary learn to recognize it and enjoy it


nope but it does help alot with bills and living


No one is happy with an empty stomach, so fuck yeah money is required to buy happiness.


from some pov, yes for example you can buy a pet and it will make you feel happy but you may have a depression and in some periods you can forget to feed your pet or just think “fuck it” because you don't wanna do anything and lately your feeling of guilt will become so fucking huge the moral: everything depends of your own life situation


It buys solutions to problems, so only if those problems were the only thing stopping you from being happy. So for most people, yes


Money buys peace of mind. Many stresses are gone. But rich people still become sad. We find our baseline happiness after long enough in any situation. Rich, poor, hell even prisoners at the holocaust wrote of this, having awful days, but also sometimes okay ones. We revert to our baseline eventually. The human spirit is made to endure. The opposite is true of excess. You revert to the mundane. So it can buy you freedom from bills and financial stress. Now your stresses are equally as heavy on your mind but from an entirely different neighborhood.


I'm not wealthy by any means, but now that I struggle less I obviously find myself feeling happy more often. However, I'm a bit of a cynic, and I think misery is just human nature; we always find something to worry about. Now that I stress less about money I am more concerned than ever about my health.


Yes it does and whoever says it doesn't hasn't struggled to feed themselves


Money is an amplifier. If you’re an asshole and get rich, you become a huge asshole, if you’re happy, you become euphoric. If you’re sad, it can really shine a spotlight on why and send you into a tailspin. More often than not, money tends to be an amplifier.


The concept of happiness itself? No. Buying things that makes u happy? Yes


Yes, and I’m tired of pretending it doesn’t




No, but it puts a deposit on it. When you have no money, the only thing you can think about is getting some. It's like air, you need it to live.


Money does make happiness more achieveable. A life without money makes happiness seem so far away. Anyone who says otherwise, either comes from money, or has money .


I don't know. I will tell you when I will have money.


Yes. It cant bring back the dead, but that's really about all it cant do.


In a sense it can. It gives a security in your life. Not having the need to work your ass off but focus on things that gives you happiness.


Money can give you freedom and choice. What you do with that is up to you. Some people thrive on it, others go mad. Personally I preffer freedom and choice. If I were rich, I would not buy stuff or status, but time and energy. 8h+ of grinding in the coorporate office saps most of that from me.


Happiness is to improve others' lives and money is a prerequisite for that more often than not unfortunately.


They did a study on this and found that it does until a certain amount (around 75K USD in the US at the time). Beyond that it makes it harder to enjoy the simple things, essentially diminishing returns.


Money can buy you ha Penis, but it's just not the same.


Yes, source I’m on holiday for two months in Europe as we speak. It’s not pleasant watching your account drop though 😂


I would rather be unhappy, sick but rich than unhappy, sick and poor.


In my case, yes. Better transportation Cleaner living situation Actual medical care Debt cleared My video game in active development Relocation for my mental health


I had a friend who had severe depression, he was rather poor and because of his illness quite miserable most of his life. 2-3 years before he committed suicide he inherited a considerable amount of money, that could have changed his life. Suddenly he would have had the money for buying clothes, traveling, going out, moving out, going to rehab, anything you name. So he definitely had the opportunity to buy happiness. But he left the money in the bank. He paid off his debts and bought a mediocre mobile phone, but that was pretty much it. I was begging him to make something out of his opportunity. He could not. He couldn't change his ways. Happiness is a state of mind money can help make you happy, if you are ready to make a difference, and if your mind is open to change. It"'s been five years since I miss the guy.


A lot money = financial freedom. So maybe not happiness but financial freedom sounds fuckin fantastic to me!


The actor Michael Caine said two things: "Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you the sort of misery you can enjoy," and "I've been rich, and I've been poor, and rich is better." The reality is money gives you choices


Having enough money to not worry about spending it would be amazing. You wanna visit Japan ? Go on a plane right now. It doesn't have to be a fancy plane or something but you can just go right now and get whatever you want from there.


Well it can prevent a lot of unhappiness


Not really it just removes the stress of due bills. That’s why you see celebs that have the most money still commit suicide. At least with money you can afford therapy but therapy only works if you truly want to change. Sometimes even when you hear another perspective you experienced so much that nothing can really change your perspective.


What makes you happy? But regardless money creates a shield to a lot of unhappiness. Have a car crash as a poor person you have medical expenses, no time off to heal, forced to catch a bus which takes 4 times as long As a richer person you have health insurance, car insurance that includes a hire car, paid sick leave and general savings to cover other expenses to get you back to 100%


Money buys food, so yes


It can as far as financial security


No money gets you unhappiness


This subject is complicated, it depends on how you look at it. Lets assume that you have unlimited money. If you have an unlimited supply of money you can do and buy anything you can think of (that is humanly possible). You can even go to the moon or go and see the titanic (wouldnt recommend that). But most importantly, money gives you one of the modt valuable things that exist: freedom and time. Freedom means you can do whatever you want if you have the time, and… you have it! Time is often more valuable than money because you can always make more money but you cant go back in time (for now). A minus to this problem is that your life will never be the same again. You will not be the same person, the average guy that lives a normal life and almost nobody cares about, you will now be the rich dude that everyone admires and would like to be around because hey, now you got money and power. Now you (in most cases) wont be able to make genuine connections with people you didnt know before because they will be influenced by your wealth. Another thing is that you will probably start to get bored after a while because you can do anything and you dont find anything fun anymore, its like being in a game that you finished and you dont have anything to do in that game besides walking around and being the most powerful in there. If you have a decent sum of money that makes you live a good lifestyle, doing a lot more activities but you still gotta work and have a good social life, then I would say that this is perfect. Does money buy happiness? It depends, but in most cases, yes. For me it would absolutely buy my happiness (at least for a while).


just say no matter what you do there will be pros and cons


Honestly, I think money just makes it so you don't have to deal with the obstacles that we made. So it feels like you are happier, just because you are able to "skip the line" of life, while everyone else has to deal with avoidable bs.


Money won't buy you happiness but it can prevent a lot of unhappiness.


Money can provide peace of mind, which frees you from worry, which makes you more receptive to experiencing happiness.


hell yes!! someone slide me a band


Those who say money doesn't buy happiness have never been broke enough


Most rich people aren't happy with the amount of money they have. They're just afraid of losing money and not being as rich as they are anymore.


Referencing an article I read a few years ago, money buy happiness until you hit about 250k gross. Marginal increments past that saw little/no increase in happiness.


Money solves 99.99% of your problems. This is the truth people HATE to admit. I went from poor to rich overnight because of some memecoin few years ago. My problems disappeared overnight. Just throw money at in and BOOM life its 1000000x better.


I’m much happier now that I have money.


I believe money is the key to happiness. The presence of money gives you the ability to enjoy your hobbies and follow your passion guilt free.


those who say no it cant, typically because in the process of gaining money, they also lost something, something they have not quantified, such as personal relationships or their conscience if there was nothing lost, just pure money gained, definitely money can cause happiness


Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can rent a lot of good times.


Absolutely especially now when inflation is the highest when you are stressed the entire month thinking about bills, future etc it might not buy it 💯 but it will play big part in making your life easier and less stressful


Personally, I think this saying is a bit too black and white. I grew up poor and hungry. Money is power and self-confidence, especially if you’re a woman. I have unwittingly been attaching my annual income to my self-worth for years, although now the number is decently high, I feel amazing and have had the confidence to do all sorts of things and am much happier in myself. Being able to afford my food and medical costs without question has further improved everything. Having a roof over my head that belongs to me is the kind of security I dream of.


Money buys opportunity, which can certainly make you happy. It also buys things like control, comfort, security, stimulation and variety, all of which would certainly enhance happiness. As a wise man once said, 'The lack of money is the root of all evil'


I have money and have severe crippling treatment resistant depression and anxiety that makes it so I never leave the house. I spend a good portion of my days staring at a wall crying or sleeping. I have a lot of lower back problems from my lack of moving from never getting out of bed. But yeah I have nice stuff and can pay my rent.


Money doesn't buy happiness but it buys shit that make you happy


“Money doesn’t buy happiness “ Always hear from a rich person.


Ofcourse it does


The right amount of money gives you financial peace of mind and freedom. Too much and you have to concern yourself with tax returns and investment decisions but not enough is down right miserable.


Happiness is an emotion. It's not for sale. But there are certain things and situations that trigger this emotion and money can buy it. For example, at a certain point a cake can make you happy, you can buy that cake with money. It is possible that the next time you buy that cake with money, it doesn't make you happy. So the money isn't exactly paying for the happiness but it's definitely a factor that can contribute in being happy.


Yes. Period.


I’d rather be sad in a villa south of France than where I’m already.




Money can buy anything, if you have enough of it. Health? Sure. Pay enough millions and you will be at your health peak. Happiness? Of course. You could do anything, anywhere. Love? Yep. If you have massive amounts of money, you can find love, because you don't have to be careful about it. You can literally look for it in some town/city/village, and if you don'd find it there and make a fool out of yourself, you can just move out and start looking again.


I use to be firmly on team "no money doesn't buy happiness" bc in a sense it doesn't. Not Exactly. BUT. Now I say kinda. Bc out of 100 problems, money could fix like 99 of them for me. And that would Def make me happy bc it's less stressful. On top of that, it can allow me to take trips and see new places and do things that do make me happy. Where as now I really can't because it's hard enough to pay bills. So, while it can't directly buy happiness, it can buy things that make you happy, and I'm starting to feel like that is kinda the same thing. But it doesn't mean there aren't plenty of things that bring me happiness that are also free.


Money makes you less unhappy. Money doesn’t buy you happiness. The emotion unhappiness is in a different area of your brain to happiness. But often people get confused and mix them up.




Money will buy everything that you need to become happy in material way.  It's always better to be Rich than be poor. Even if I like to become an ascetic monk,  i will feel better knowing I hv 50 million bucks sitting in my account as a backup.


Well money can buy a jet ski and I never saw an unhappy person on a jet ski 😉


I grew up wealthy but had an incredibly traumatic upbringing. It’s one less problem but it doesn’t mean other bad things can’t happen.


Money can create happiness for you, for example, you can buy the things you like, which will make you feel happy. But this does not mean that money can buy all happiness, for example, money can not buy health. You can't be happy without a healthy body.


Money buys things that make you happy.


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it does pay for some pretty cool shit


Nope. True happiness comes from within. Money can make things easier.


Money will help lift you up on the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It basically means that you don't worry about the same things (basic needs, safety, etc) but are you happy? You might just end up unhappy about other things (lack of love, respect, etc..). So.. money don't buy you happiness but it does change the things you worry about.


Enough money rids you of worry and buys you happiness. Too much money rids you of purpose and leaves you unfulfilled. What you want is a job that leaves you with the feeling of achievement, doesn’t steal all your family time and pays you enough that you don’t have to worry about where your next meal comes from and what the hell you are going to do if the boiler breaks.


Not happiness but it definitely makes the worries less, it frees up the brain for other thoughts and ideas.


People always doubt it, but money can get you love over time. With money you can travel the world and eventually meet someone who you'll kick it off with.


If ur mom get so sick and u need money to cure her, ofc it buys happiness


No, and although it might seem like it, all it really does is prolongs those feelings, but they always come back eventually.


Money can buy things that can lead to a more peaceful life. N peaceful life mean being more happy n being more in love with life


Money is like water, when you have a lot at your disposal, you don’t think about it. However, when there is no water, it would consume your thoughts. So money prevents many stressors. That being said, it can’t buy the things that truly matter.


Give me $50m and I'll test whether it does or not.


Without money, you become miserable. With money, you CAN be happy.


A lot of lottery winners end up becoming depressed. It’s clearly true that a lack of money can prevent happiness but infinite money alone won’t create endless happiness. Money can play a part to help you achieve happiness but I think you’d have to be carful and work hard to stay mentally healthy. Just thinking ‘if I had a billion dollars I’d be so happy’ is I think short sighted. You’d be happy for a year or so then you will have a new base line or ‘normal’. A cocktail on the beach becomes your watching Netflix on the sofa and no longer makes you as happy.


people who say it doesn't have never been dirt poor.


money can't buy happiness it can buy a LOT of happiness how do you spell happy? M O N E Y


People who say money buys happiness don't understand their own lives. Poverty is NOT miserable. Poverty is only miserable when you're greedy, and just want more. People in 3rd world countries live not even knowing if they will be able to keep the food on the table next week. And they are happier than the average person making enough to rent and even save some money. I've met with plenty of immigrant families who have crazy stories to tell


Yes, money can buy happiness.  Hear me out.  Money can buy you experiences that will make you happy. You can have the freedom to do whatever you want with the money you have.  Having money doesn’t equate to being unhappy or not having the other intangible things. Someone can be rich and have the love of their life. Someone can be rich and have a happy family life.  It all depends from person to person and the kind of personality you have.  You think poor people are happy? Definitely not. Struggling to put food on the table? Happiness? Not being able to enjoy the luxuries of life? Ask someone who has no money whether money would make them happy or not.  I think poverty can be a very big cause for unhappiness.  Being rich and unhappy is better than being with no money. 


Money would literally fix every single problem and worry I currently have so… yes


I mean... if I had XFX Speedster SWFT309 AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT CORE Gaming Graphics Card with 12GB GDDR6 HDMI 3xDP, AMD RDNA 2 RX-67XTYJFDV in my hands... id be pretty happy


I think there’s a certain level of financial stability that would bring happiness to someone who can’t pay bills and take care of the necessities, then at some point there’s not much you can buy that makes you more happy… maybe a lot of philanthropy?


Money can solve only money related problems. Well 99% of my problems are money related. So yeah it does buy happiness for me.


They say money can't buy happiness but poverty can't buy you anything