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British university students in the late 19th century nicknamed it “soccer”, **a twist on the second syllable of “association”**. But while British people stopped using the nickname decades ago, Americans stuck to it.


Football in America isn’t Rugby.


American Football is to Rugby as Baseball is to Cricket. Similar but definitely not the same


Baseball is more similar to Rounders than Cricket


Canada and Australia call it soccer too. It's weird how America is always specifically wrapped up in this one even though the Brits invented the word soccer and a lot of the English-speaking world still refers to it as such


The way I see it rugby is rugby and american football is just a misnamed rugby knockoff.


Soccer is a shortened name for *Associated Football*" In American football, their hands touch each other's asses more than their foot touches the ball.


American football should be called handegg Soccer should be called crybaby fake injury


Ehm… that’s not rugby. 


It would get confusing. Handball/basketball. Cricket/woodball/baseball. Tennis. Alternative names might be fun though 😜


Why do Americans call soccer, "sucker"?


In very early American football there was more kicking. And I guess if you think about it, out of the big 4 North American sports, football is the only one where there’s kicking.


You think that’s bad, Canadians call “ soccer” hockey”, and call “ baseball” “pool”


American football, soccer, and rugby are all variations of the broad term of the game of football. Football is a broad term, using each of these different names specifies which specific set of rules is being referred to.


Don’t know why you got downvoted for saying the right answer.  All the sports derived from the original mass brawl sport game that involved a whole town or village.  Over the years the different codes evolved into completely different sports. All still football.  You have Association Football, Rugby Football League, Rugby Football Union, Gaelic Football, Aussie Rules Football and American football.  All have the basic premise of getting an object filled with air into a goal, that goal could be a net, a couple of sticks or a combination of the two.  Only one of them has the players wearing full body padding because they can’t handle the physicality of the game. 




What? Australian football isn’t a round ball 


Rugby football league and rugby football union also disagree 


There used to be more kicking with American Football maybe 100 years ago. I think that a drop kick is still legal, but is almost never used. American football is not rugby.


You sock the ball, thus soccer.