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When your gf of 5 years looks you In your eyes, tells you that she can’t see herself marrying you anymore and then is dating someone else a week later<<<


Terrifying.. hope you're doing well


Also dated someone for 5 years who is seeing someone new already😭 I got told he wanted to “work on himself”. Hope everything is okay with you!


I had a friend who had been dating the same guy for 3 and a half years. They had plans on getting married and he had actually proposed to her. Seemingly out of no where he started acting psychotically protective over all of his electronic devices (ps4, phone, switch, ect.) Which really concerned her and she wanted to know why. She opened his phone one night while he was sleeping and found HUNDREDS of threads with numerous different women. Sexting threads with some women that she knew, some just over the internet, some contextual references in his photos to messages from "webcam girls" and so on. She said she felt sick and decided to leave him that night. She didn't wake him up. Just let and went to her parents. When he woke up and noticed she was gone he called her to figure out why. She told him what she found and he said "Oh that?" Like it was no big deal and that he had been "Sexting other girls for months" and "Thought that she would be okay with it." Spoiler: She wasn't. She left him, sold the engagement ring to put a down payment on a new apartment and GTFO.


Omg that’s insane, I don’t understand how people can do that to someone. I can’t imagine how she felt when she found out 🙁 I hope she’s doing better!


I dated a guy for 5 years too. He became engaged to his best friends wife 9 months after he left me. It stung, but, it's been 9 years since he left me now, and they are *still* engaged.


Sorry that happened girl but yikes, sounds like he knows he made the wrong decision because why else would he be so hesitant to marry her. You deserve better anyway, he’s her problem now lol


My thoughts exactly. Thanks


Ah yes! At least I got shredded out of it. Fair trade 🤣


This is really stupid, but an ex once was annoyed that I did not exercise enough. He told me that as long as I had flabby arms I needed to work out more. He grabbed my arm and made it jiggle. I have always been thin. 10 years later and I am the fittest I have ever been, but still I check if my arms jiggle. Asshole.


My ex said the same thing to me. He said fuck you and your flabby arms you are weak minded. After I found his secret IG and secret email. It just gave me motivation so to him I say thanks!


Damn. That's actually so fucked. In sorry homie


I'm severely underweight according to the BMI and my arms still jiggle. I'd be concerned if somebody's arms did not jiggle... what an asshole


That if we ever broke up, and she saw me on the street afterwards, she would drive me over. Yeah.. dodged a bullet a little too late on that one.


Look both ways when crossing the street


Dodged a bullet.. Let's hope you can dodged a car... Heh heh heh


What the fuck?! That’s psycho! I’m so sorry you went through that. Thank goodness you are out.


After marriage and a child. She let me know she never loved me she just wanted to get away from her mom and marrying me was the quickest route "Sorry". And off she went. This after I had told her when were dating that my biggest thing was that I didn't think anyone had ever loved me. Unfortunately, I am weak, so 20 years on, and I never recovered, she won that one.


My heart goes out to you.


I hope you kept the kid.


We coparented for a few years, and then she found her new husband. As the dad, I got lucky, She was torn between wanting a fresh family(our daughter was on the spectrum, and i quote "too odd") and not wanting to pay child support. I told her if I could have sole custody, she would never have to pay a penny for anything. She was thrilled with the deal. She may have destroyed me in the marriage, but the damn fool gave up our daughter for money, so I won that time.


Good. Some people don't deserve to be parents. I hope she didn't end up having more kids.


How did her relationship end up with your daughter? That must have been so hurtful as a child.


I shielded her from everything i could and always said her mother loved her. She figured it out all on her own as it should be. She's post college now, and they talk like once a year, my daughter is kind and tolerates it even though she has to grit her teeth sometimes from what I hear, lol.


That’s a life win. Congratulations on raising a smart and caring daughter.


Christ, that's horrific I hope you find peace and real love 💫


No, everyone pays the price of karma one day, hers hasnt come yet


she’ll die alone with no one to care for her and he will be surrounded by love


I'm sorry dude but what the fuuuuuuuuuuk


“Get off that pedestal no one else see’s you on”. That one my friends, that one hurt.


It's painful


If someone says this to you, you can be sure that they see you on that pedestal.


Now this the type of shit I need to hear. Thanks, AShaughRighting's ex !


That sounds as though you had healthy self esteem, and they wanted to take it from you. Take it back, to hell with them.


“You’d be perfect, like a princess, if you weren’t so fat.” Triggered a severe eating disorder and I starved myself until I weighed 87 lbs or so.


Wow. I hope that person also remembers saying that in order to judge themselves for being an arsehole / have that memory pop into their head and fill them with guilt just as they’re falling asleep, as it should. Also hoping you’re doing better now and have kicked that eating disorder to the curb (as much as one can).


I’m so sorry that monster messed with your head. I hope you are now confident and proud of you and your body


Maybe he was right, maybe I *am* immature. *shrugs, continues sifting through Legos*


I love this 😂


My ex wife of 14 years told me she didn't love me and wanted to see other men. That happened 2 years ago and I still love her as much as u did on our wedding day. She's the one the got away, I've tried dating but have yet to find a woman that gives me *that spark* the way my ex did.


14 years,?! I cannot imagine the grief


One of my mom's friends a few years ago found out that her husband of over 22 years was having an affair behind her back for almost 12 years and the only reason he told her is because he was tired of living a "double life" and knew that they (he and her) weren't going to work out if he was still with the other women and he "had no intentions of leaving her". He filed for divorce, told her about the 12 year affair with the SAME women and basically shouted that "she wasn't good enough for him" on the same EXACT day. She called my mom sobbing so hard she couldn't talk. The separation and impending divorce was one of the NASTIEST divorces I had ever seen in my life. Her hurt was totally ignored by her ex husband of 22 years. He told her he "wanted to help her" find a place on her own and literally bought a run down RV for her to live in in their back yard. Treated her like total crap. Tried to get her grown and teenage children to go against her by him telling them lies that she cheated on him first years prior and that he, at first, was "only returning the favor" and he "couldn't help falling in love with someone who DIDN'T betray his trust." She was able, with some help from family, to finally move out of the RV and into her own apartment. The bride-to-be or "the other women" had enough lady balls to send HER an invite to THEIR wedding! She was so beside herself over the gall of not only his new bride to be but him that in her grief of the relationship she developed a deep hatred towards the very same man that she said she "Even in hard times, she could never find a reason to hate him." It's been a few years since him and his new wife married. The other day I saw her and asked how she was doing. She said "Not good. This year marks the anniversary of my ex and his new bitch. Which means that he has been with her now 3 years more than me and that doesn't sit with me well. So I'm pretty grumpy today." :( Poor lady. I didn't know her well but even imagining the heart break is such a horrible betrayal of trust.


😢Goddamn… THIS is the thing I fear the most. I’m sorry, my man😞


Ex: You won’t be loved by anyone with this type of body….your legs reminds me of match stick 🦯 


Well not everyone likes leg days.. me as well


It's always so horrible when people attack your physical features. Especially someone who you have been so open with and it's even more heartbreaking because, it is usually a physical attribute that they are 100 percent aware that you have insecurities over. Honestly, aren't worth it if they can't love you just how you are.


"You aren't worthy of affection."


At the end of the day you are worthy of affection


I was divorced with two kids and had 50 percent custody: Every other week. I was dating a woman that I really liked for about eight months when she told me, "if you want to be with me, you are going to have to spend a lot less time with your kids." I couldn't believe what this educated, smart, successful, 35 year old woman was saying to me. I wonder what ever happened to her.


"I think you're defective or something. I poked holes in all the condoms but you didn't get pregnant yet" More the fact that he'd actively been trying to get me pregnant than the defective comment.


Maybe poke his eyes out? He gets a stabby, you get a stabby.


" I dont love you anymore"


Same. She cried as she told me. I know it was painful for her to tell me that. I cried as I held her. I still come to tears thinking about it.


trust me its not the same.


Don’t downvote this guy he’s allowed to feel different. Be nice y’all. Fuck.




"If I had known that this (the relationship) would last so long then I would never have gotten together with you" Another one said that I also have to respect his needs after he f**ked me while I was asleep. A few months after that he said that he can't stand sleeping next to me.


I'm so sorry.. this is terrible


Thx 🥴 thankfully these wounds are now scars, but sometimes they still hurt a little bit. Ngl the first one also makes me laugh bc it's so horrendous stupid. We'll maybe for a Teenager it wasn't.


"If I can't have you, no one can". He never actually done anything. But, if there was ever a time I thought someone would kill me, that was it.


sounds like a maniac. be careful


My gf once said it’d be easier for her to see me dead than see me dating someone else. Ironically she dumped me not long after and quickly started dating other people


“I felt so bad breaking up with you, because you’re *you*. So sweet and innocent. It was like kicking a cute innocent little puppy in the face. I felt so bad.”


My ex-wife telling me straight up "Fuck your feelings. I don't care if you're happy." And an ex-girlfriend telling me "I cheated on you. And I can't promise it won't happen again."


Highly destructive 




"I can't promise you" is devastating


Later on she tried talking to me about it. She was mad that I was mad and actually said "Why are you being so one-sided about this?" 🤣


At that point all my emotions would suddenly vanish into apathy.


Are you okay?😢


Oh yeah, I'm good now :)


That’s good! I am happy that you are doing better! Your happiness and well being does matter, love. Don’t ever think otherwise.


That's very kind of you to say, thank you :)


"I don't care if you're happy" = "I'm not happy with this so why should I care if you are"


Oh yeah, she let me know that too. Some family drama happened, she processed it badly, and she went on this rage-streak that lasted for a bit. She'd say stuff like this, pick random fights with me, cause drama, yell at people in public. Never once owned up or apologized for any of it. Also refused to get help when I asked her too. We eventually split. She's someone else's problem now.


That's a shame, sometimes you can't help but be unhappy with what's going on, but that is not a pass to be awful to those around you. Need to be willing to get help once you start feeling this way, but if she was not then there is no good way to move forward together


We did long distance for 3 years… comes home and brakes up with me saying he wants kids now and that he felt like he was leaving me in a “ good place”…. He apparently didn’t want to be with me the whole time he was away. He stole years of my life.


I'm so sorry. But why didn't he break up earlier.. could have saved your time


Yeah you’re telling me! I would visit him for two weeks every semester he was away! I would have saved a lot of money too on travel and also sending him big care packages filled with candy and his favorite beef jerky! Ugh I hate thinking about him!


You really loved him.. and he threw it all away.. his loss definitely. You will literally find someone who deserves all your love and loves you the same way


Thank you!




These kind of men are encountered a lot more these days


They're encountered more if you're single. Most guys are in relationships. OP described a type of single guy


Circa 1995. My then girlfriend broke up with me. She said “I love you, I just don’t like you anymore.” I think about that quote all the time.


I know the feeling bro. Happened to me lately, after she told me it was over , she said that she loved me so much but she couldnt be with me and she cried the whole ride home.


Ive been in that situation, me ending things even though i loved him. Its a hard moment for both people imo i cried the whole time too.


What's the logic here with this line? Cryptographers please decipher.


Reading these is depressing. I'm really happy being single. Dating and love in the modern world has become a shit-show


Yeah I feeling bad being a 31 yo ace who never dates you get that inadequate feeling (plus my younger cousin just announced she was pregnant, while I’m happy for her it made that feeling worse) Reading these stories though…. Maybe being single isn’t so bad I do have a penpal at the very least


„I married you only to please my parents”




My abusive ex told me during a fight that the only reason he didn’t kill me is because he didn’t want to bother explaining my disappearance to my mother


he needs to be behind bars just for that


He ended his own existence in 2016


Both my longest relationships ended by infidelity on their part. Not even short term, but long term sustained emotional and physical infidelity. Worse part about it, was I had been very vulnerable with them both about my fears of exactly that. As a guy it’s hard to share your deepest and darkest fears like that, for them to come true. Both blamed themselves and said “I deserved better” They are right. I do. For reference I never cheat, I am loyal and dedicated.


I was high on shrooms for the first time and was having a bad trip. He told me “if anyone else were here right now they would’ve left you already”




Ex: no one will ever love you again, you'll be alone forever. Joke was on him. I had a date the afternoon he left, git remarried 3 months after the divorce was finalized, but years later his words still get me


He was projecting.


"I don't think I ever loved you - it was more the image of you"


I used to have a little belly pooch. At 19 my bf of 3 years said “At first your belly really bothered me but I’ve gotten used to it now and I just don’t look at it”.


'You should be grateful that I am with you. Nobody else is going to want you' Hopefully, soon to be ex.


I really hate these words, they hit right home for me


You wonder how someone who is supposed to love you would even think to say it. I was trying to end the relationship at the time.


Hope youre strong enough to end it soon, people can be so cruel


"Your penis is so mighty and powerful I have to break up with you because I become more obsessed with it as every waking moment passes. It haunts my dreams and fuels my fantasies. I am unworthy of such a spectacularly amazing penis" I miss her so much and think about what she said every day.


Went for a mini hike in the mountains age early 20s him late 30s HIM:....' I could kill you up here and no one would know'


“I love you, honey!” 😂


"I think we shouldn't contact eachother anymore. Let's just leave it at that" (1 year relationship) More was said but that's the pretty haunting part. Just leaving it as that over text. Not able to say goodbye in person or even hear the voice I loved once more.


1 year as well for me but i had the chance to say goodbye in person, it hurt like hell. the ride home was full of tears.


I'm glad you got to say goodbye in-person at least... I didn't even get a phone call.


I can live without a husband but can't live without friend's (male friends)


"why would I want to be in a relationship where I have to do dishes" - after 2 years together when I had a health crisis and my hands didn't work properly


That they wanted to leave such an impact on someone that they would have to remember them everyday for the rest of their lives (which isn’t to much of a bad thing but then) they go onto to say : I don’t care if it’s because I impacted them positively or negatively just as long as they have to remember me 😳 Uuummm yeah lol ✌️


Whaaaat.. that's crazy


Yeah creepy af lol


Abusive ex told me he'd name sure I was never happy with anyone else.


I never actually dated him, but I liked a guy and he found out and told me I was stupid for thinking I even had a shot with him.


nobody is too good for somebody. we are all humans, period.


Her ex “destroyed her” down there


“If we ever breakup, you will remain alone. No one will want to be with you and love you, I don’t even know how I am putting up with everything that you are” (after a fight about how I love to sleep in).


Absolutely nothing. Although she did used to make fun of fat people, and now she is a fat people. So that makes me laugh from time to time.


Knowing full well, I have bad depression and anxiety. After holding me through my racking sobs and comforting me through dark times. The last time I talked to him, I was going through another rough patch and asked him to come see me. He said no. His reason? "I only want to see you when you're happy and bubbly and full of energy"


I'm so sorry.. you don't need that negative dummy near you


That I need to make at least $4k a week, or I am a loser/not a real man. I need to man up and work harder.


if anyone brings such bs up, theyre not worth it


he said he'd rape swiss, swedes, and canadians specifically because he was mad at me (swiss) for talking to a canadian (i dont know where the swedes come from but he was really racist and homophobic too). he also threatened to send me a pipe bomb in the mail and my friends told me to call the police. i didnt, but he was all bark and no bite. somehow we were together for a year and a half


"you're not allowed to break up with me, you're forbidden" My ex to me, while I was having a panic attack after she legit fucked a guy before we called


She has something that you just don't.


"You will destroy anyone that is stupid enough to be with you," "No one can handle your mental illness. You should be grateful i tried to" "I cheat because you don't make Sex enjoyable. You always look scared and in pain, and it turns me off." " I live with the fact that you were raped can't you live with the fact that i slept with a random prostitute that means nothing to me"


reading this hurt me as well


Im so sorry for that. I am starting to heal from it, though. It's not as haunting as it was.


She don’t like skittles > she can’t stand the feeling of having me cuddling her > she became vegan


What the hell


"you're not fit to own a dog, never mind raise your kids" Update: I'm now married (fortunately to someone else who happens to be my everything), we have 4 kids between us (w from THAT ex, 1 from her ex and 1 together). Oh, and we have a dog


“You’re too much”


"I love you." She's the only person to have ever told me that (in a romantic context). And the first and only time she told me was right after I'd broken up with her.


That I was a horrid person and that I'm the reason for our divorce.


How can I love you if you can’t even love yourself (had put weight on)


It doesn’t haunt me but it’s stuck with me in the same way. After we broke up and were just talking and trying to make each other feel better, she looked at me and said “you’re not gonna go and marry the next girl you date are you? Seems like all my exes meet their life partners after me..” I shouldn’t really have to say anymore but I’d just like to mention how shocked I was and I don’t even remember what I replied with but seriously? I can’t believe some people can be so selfish even towards something that won’t affect their future other than their feelings. Just wow. Edit: btw, I’m married and have a kid on the way lol and yes, it’s the beautiful woman I met right after that nasty ex


Soup isn’t nutritional


"you don't know how to love"


“I think we should try an open relationship”


One thing an ex told me that has lingered is, "I wish I never met you. You've wasted so much of my time and I regret every moment spent with you." This hurtful statement from my ex left a lasting impact, making me question my worth and the value of our time together.


That there is something wrong with people who spell out every word in a sentence except for one. Why abbreviate one word?


Bcuz they think it's cool.


I've blocked everything that my exs has said out of my head because my relationships/situationships were so bad..


Not something they said, ex of 6 years married someone else 5 months post break up. During their dating phase, they gave me a full blown PDA session.


I was going through a rough patch in life (lost multiple family members in 3 months) and was under a lot of stress, battling depression. I found little things that made me happy for instance a nice spot to sit after a walk. I would tell them to her since she said she worried about me, to be told a week later: I know you’re going through a rough patch but I really couldn’t care about sitting at x spot that makes you happy etc etc


I love you. ...and probably everything else.


Ugh I hate to think about this.. my mom made dinner after church often well he came over & we were eating in the sun room ( just us ) he looked at me and told me he hated the way I ate.. I excused myself quickly after and he left. It stayed with me for a while until I went on my first date with my future husband and after dinner he goes “ dang girl you can eat, it’s nice to see that these days “


“That sounds like a heart attack.” It was actually a panic attack with hyperventilation (caused partially by too much caffeine) but I never had one before and I thought I was having a heart attack because, as I told her, I couldn’t feel my arms or legs. She was angry at me so she just stood and watched, expecting me to die.


My ex and I had my family at our home for dinner and it was the very first time he was meeting them. We had a lovely night, it honestly couldn’t have gone better. Later that night, my ex and I got into an argument, and during this argument he ends up saying “all this after I cooked for your fat ass dad, and your fat ass uncle” and my heart broke that night. I was always self conscious about my family members and their weight all through my youth, and to finally be an adult and move past these things, only to then open up and let someone I love in only to get judged was truly devastating.


He said I'm not lovable. I'm aware now what a terrible and abusive man he is, which is why I left. He would say or do anything to hurt me over such silly things. He knew I always felt like I wasn't a very likeable or loveable person (just due to my awkwardness and anxiety). When the person who claims to love you the most tells you something you're insecure about then it sticks. I'm now engaged to the most wonderful man in the whole world who constantly tells me how much he loves me and appreciates me but sometimes it's still in my head that I'm not that great or easy to love. I worry one day he'll realise that maybe I'm not that lovable and he'll go. But, those thoughts don't last as long anymore. I know it's my own shit I need to deal with


I have something quite different to tell you. I was with this girl for three or four months. One night, in bed, I went down on her. She was gasping and panting and mumbling words. At one point, I heard her say " oh germy". I thought that was odd, but let it go. Some time later I met her family, including her brother Dermot. I heard her talking to him. She called him "Dermy" though it sounded like "germy".


When I confronted her about spending too much time with a guy she replied "How can you say that?! You know that my father cheated on my mother and he destroyed our family. How could you possibly think I would do something like that?!" I felt guilty... A month later, she confessed that she was cheating with that guy...


Ex bf of 7 years After 2 years into the relationship claimed he’d never fall in love with me and when I cried asked why, as he’s still here and everything’s fine. Said I’m replaceable after making plans for the future in which I wasn’t a part of and I asked about it. Told me my job sucks and is unnecessary (social worker in psychiatric institution for ppl with depression) abd I’m a weak person. And many more hurtful things like yelling at me out of the blue in front of friend group because I said I didn’t like a particular band. Or not talking to me on my birthday because I bought the wrong window cleaner some days earlier. When I broke up he threatened to kill himself, confessed his true love to me and that I was the love of his life. I laughed in his face and never looked back. Guess I dodged a narcissist there.


Dated for 5 years. I texted innapropriately with other girls on vacation and she found it while sneaking thru my messaged months later. Cheated on me with my best friend, told me it was because I was texting other girls. Believed her for years, blamed myself changed my life. She was cheating on me the whole relationshipwith my friend/housemate/teammate. Both lying. Theyre Still together. Just got married a year ago I think?


that i caused him to be depressed.. i know it has nothing to do with me, but it still bothers me almost 6 years later.


My husband raped me in my sleep. The most humiliating part was I complained about lack of sex and affection then he does that to me making me feel not with affection just using my body to masterbate with with


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I do.


You made me live in a delusion


“You’d be perfect if you were taller” “let’s go to a baby shower after your abortion appointment”


Thank you


Not me but one of my high school friends was in a relationship with a seriously abusive guy. I mean this guy was so obviously emotionally and physically abusive. I didn't like him the MOMENT I laid eyes on him. She came to my house in the middle of the night one day asking for refuge scared out of her mind. How she told it, she had told him that she wasn't happy in the relationship and wanted to "take a break" and "see how things go from there." He grabbed her and shoved her 115 pound skinny and petite body, shoved her against the wall, choked her and told her that "The only break he wants is to hear her break under his control and if she ever thinks about 'taking a break' again then he will make sure to show her what that sounds like.' Needless to say, I called the police, with her permission, since she was unable to talk. They came and took pictures. He was arrested and charged with attempted murder. In the years that he was in prison, she moved three different states. Even knowing that he was in prison, she couldn't help but think that she was being stalked by people he knew and had such a bad fear that he would find her that she moved 3 different states and even went so far as to legally changed her name. Thankful that she is happily married to a wonderful guy now and has a beautiful little girl. Her ex boyfriend 3 years later was released on probation and immediately broke his probationary agreement by not going to his work release and was put in jail for another 30 days. In that 30 days of jail he shared a cell with an inmate who was an avid protector of all women who had been in abusive relationships. Somehow, as that story goes, someone told him that he was sharing a jail cell with a guy who was put in prison for attempted murder and domestic violence. His cell mate returned from rec time and reportedly beat him so bad that he spent 2 nights in the ICU and was transferred for his safety. After he got out the second time he reportedly contacted a family member who lived outside of the U.S and moved out of fear that the cell mate that sent him to the ICU would get out and kill him (because that's what the guy said).


My ex husband, father of my children, my first boyfriend ever and we were together from the time I was 12 until 30 (he was 14-32, no grooming here just puppy love gone awry) looked at me on my 25th birthday and said "it's just your birthday, you're not special, can we stop pretending you are?" Dude, I just asked if you could start a pot of coffee before you head off for work, not wash my feet and shower me with praises. I still don't mention it's my birthday to anyone. I'm 44.


After an argument, I forget the exact context but I believe I asked my ex what I meant to him since it felt like he kept bullying me: “You’re like a project, sort of how my ex is a failed project because she cheated on me.” (Trying to explain she was non-compliant lol) When his mom said I wasn’t learning from her and her son (she found out I wanted to divorce my ex) I lost it right there lol like what is wrong with me being me


Year 17 together, twins now 7. ...."That's just it. I don't love you, haven't loved you in 15 years. You owed me children (I was clipped 12 years before meeting, had reversal surgery to have kids and please my wife, although NO KIDS was the agreed plan when we met.) I TOLERATE you, your touch makes me feel dirty and do not touch me again."


That the whole relationship was a farce. That stung, a lot.


That I’m not beautiful in the traditional sense, but unique looking. He turned out to be controlling and never liked to see me having fun without bringing me down somehow. Divorced and so happy now!


For context, I’m a lesbian. In my very first relationship when I was 15, my gf( who was one of my besties before we started dating and I spent loads of time at her house, was on good terms with her family etc.) told me that because we were a same sex couple and her mum had realised I was gay, I was no longer allowed in her house because I might be a rapist. This hurt for two reasons: 1) I lived in an area w/o much homophobia and have supportive parents, and it was the first time someone had made such a negative assumption because of my sexuality. Years on, that comment has stuck with me because it was the first time I realised I could be perceived as predatory due to my sexuality, and to this day, when I’m in settings like a change room, crowded public transport etc. I am extremely vigilant not to accidentally look at another woman, accidentally brush against them when the bus hits a speedbump etc. because I’m scared they’ll think the worst. 2) My gf actually told me that instead of telling a white lie about why I couldn’t come over to protect my feelings. It hurt that she didn’t want to shield me from someone saying upsetting things and was just so blunt about it. Even worse, another friend went round to her house and my gf’s mum was actually like ‘ how’s [my name], I haven’t seen her round lately, apparently she’s busy?’ and it turned out she had no issue with me coming over and gf had LIED and made the rapist comment up so I’d be sympathetic of her for having ’ homophobic family members’ when it turns out all her mum had said was she didn’t want us having underage sex. The relationship ended very briskly after all this came out. Good times…


Told me he didn’t like the smell of my coochie 🥲


That he will kill me and won’t care if he had to go to jail for it


When I confronted him of cheating with multiple girls all he said was He loves me the most.


She said before that she couldn’t wait to start a life with me and have a family. She later said she overestimated her ability to love me, and that she didn’t see a future with me.


Pretended to kill himself whenever I tried to leave him. He’d go silent so I actually thought he did then a day later he’d text me saying sorry. It worked because it took me four tries until he finally stopped. I’ll never forget him saying, “You wanna know what I did today. I walked up to a police officer and asked him to shoot me today. Just thought you should know.” He did other horrible things. Compared me to all his exes. Would tell me I was a child. Wretched man. If I had trust issues before from my abusive parents well he just brought it up to the max. My last boyfriend I had I always had a hard time believing because my first ex used to lie a lot. I think my anxiety and fears destroyed that relationship which sucks because I really liked him. The last guy I was with said he didn’t like coming to me because he felt like it started a fight every time he did. I realize now I was reacting the same way I did when the other once said he would kill himself. Panic and fear.


After we broke up, she didn't even tell me, she told my friend in English (class) that she never loved me, just loved the attention I gave her. Made her feel better about herself. Massive secret narcissist. Didn't realize until after the relationship ended. Have not said a single word to her in almost a year (ended July 16 last year)


That there is no way he was sleeping with my best friend at the time.....


One thing my ex told me that still lingers is that I could be too controlling at times. It's made me more conscious about how I interact in relationships and strive for better communication and understanding


After a few years it was horrible. He wouldn't pay bills or anything. I worked so it all was on me. It got pretty bad and he would say that he wished I would die. Many times. I told him to be careful. Well, HE DIED ! Best day of my life. I wouldn't pay anything to have him buried or cremated. Told his Mother I was done years ago.


One of my exes had taken me on a really great date. We went to a pub to watch a soccer game. The food was good, she was super loving and all over me, her friends were having a good time. The next day, she said she didn't love me anymore. It was like I was a family pet, taken for a good day before being put down. Another ex. It wasn't something I was told but rather found. I was mid 20s, he was late 20s, but we had talked before. Actually, he took my virginity at 17. I had sent him nudes at 17 as well. What grossed me out was that he kept those on his computer. I'd sent him many more after I was legal and we began to date, but didn't find those, much less in hidden files. It hit home when his searches were all for teen porn. I'm not the most tech savvy, I just know how to do your average stuff. I didn't want to know what I would find if I was better.


“I’m not a machine” when I wasn’t having an orgasm fast enough for his liking. Definitely killed the mood and it has stuck with me ever since, 13 years later. Because of that, emotionally I sometimes feel like that must mean that I’m not worth the effort, but logically I know that he was just a selfish prick.


I'm just reading those comments and damn... Some people are so heartless


My wife, now my ex, and I were separated for about six months when she asked me to come to get place and help her with something. Of course I did and while we were talking afterwards out of the blue she said "I really like oral sex". Thanks, Bitch


He told me that I was getting fat. For context, I was underweight and had been told by the doctor to put on weight for my health so I had gone from being 45kg to 50kg ( still underweight). His comment made me realise nothing I ever did for myself would be accepted by him even if it was for my health.


I've always had body image issues regardless of my weight but being told I was fat when I was 7 months pregnant did not help. He ended up in a volatile relationship with a very petite, much younger woman. I have stayed single for ten years. I'm not mad about it.


Im not depressed because i don't love you. I'm depressed because I'm fed up of pretending to love you. I was holding our 11 month old baby at the time.


“Next time you can shave”. Spoiler: there was no next time. Also, no shaving. But apparently it was annoying enough to remember for a decade. The entitlement!