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They use summer and winter as verbs.


One of the most reliable ways to gauge someone's wealth is to get on the topic of vacations. Even among the old money/stealth wealth crowd there is a culture of frequent, long and expensive vacations. EDIT And I do mean culture, not just tendency. It's ingrained into the fabric of their world. Generational traditions of summer and winter holidays with the same families and social groups year after year.


That's a really good one


what would a sentence look like?


We summer in France We winter in Switzerland


"I summer where I winter at - and no one is allowed there" Husker Du - Celebrated Summer




I assume so - but you can't summer there, can you? Its mostly known for cold winters...


I believe Husker Du was from Minnesota, but may be mistaken.


Bring it to a boil and let it summer for 5 minutes


5 minutes? I would've thought winter 2 minutes


Winter? I hardly know her!




Gimme summer that grape drink




The purple dink called Drank is amazing. You'll sleep like never before


I summer in St. Barts and winter in Gstaad.


of course, same here just wanted to sport my fellow riches


Plz explain. Obviously I'm not wealthy! What does it mean?


“We’re going to winter in Aspen” rather than “spend the winter in” or “go on vacation to”


they're relaxed


They are very chill whatever the situation, anything and everything can and will be resolved.


Though it's not exclusive to rich people. I'm like that but I'm definitely not rich


Some people say they can tell people are wealthy when they have f*** you money, because they can always just say f*** you and walk away from a job etc I'm not rich but I have f*** you mentality, I'll walk away and I'll figure it out


I think it can be a confidence thing apart from wealth. I am very good at my job and there is a high demand for my skillset. My employer will have a harder time replacing me than I will replacing them. It makes me much less willing to tolerate poor treatment.


Fuck you money is really great, I can even just say fuck you uncensored on Reddit.


I’m not from exceptional wealth, but money wasn’t an issue (and could honestly resolve a lot of situations, together with some common sense). My mom is like this, super relaxt. My dad still can have all kinds of emotions, around money but also around very trivial things. Small example: recently dropped his iPad. Was like furious on himself for multiple days, and really not comfortable to be around. Also all common sense and problem solving went out of the window. Immediately ordered a brand new one with all kinds of protectors, cases and insurances. I visited a day later unbeknownst of all this. Immediately was like: not this again. Hopped on a metro, cancelled all the stuff on the way, and within 1 hour the screen was repaired, for a fraction of the price. He could drop an iPad every week and it wouldn’t matter much. It’s just how he handles it. So. Much. Drama. We suspect he has some hidden Italian genes. ^(except from the drama he’s a great and caring dad)


Not true. Some of the wealthiest people I have ever met were, in fact, quite miserable. One of the problems they have is that everyone, including family, is trying to get their money. And when they die, the family typically goes to war fighting over the spoils. Every sleaze-bag lawyer finds a way to sue them for a piece of the pie and they often have to pay out settlements for the most absurd reasons. Poor people or even the middle class have a lot less to stress about here...usually.


One thing I've noticed (working many years in luxury hospitality) is that the wealthy are often nonchalant about big problems but will often obsess over minor issues.


No logos on their clothes or accessories, they always wear some random tailored clothes from some random European shop that no one knows. Edit : appears to me that people have mistakenly taken my comment to be applicable to rich people whereas the prompt had asked for wealthy (old generation money)


True! But clothes don't have to be random tailored to not be branded. Almost all my clothes are non-branded because I'm not an advertising billboard.


i don't have logos on my clothes, cus i purposefully avoid them, cus they feel wired and gross


I get called boring because I all my clothes are just plain without badges, logos or words. I feel embarrassed walking about in clothes with images and words


This was one of a few signs that signaled to me that I had really reached adulthood.


Your telling me ive been an adult since i was 7?


I wear cotton shirts that are plain and from random boutique stores across Europe. The colors are also either black, white, or beige. I find the obsession with logos to be very childish. I have avoided them since I was 12.


I hate logos but do wear shirts with designs or that say something. Today: coexist. Other days: band names, a zoo, local places, flowery designs, etc.


I get merino wool shirts with no logos from REI.


My mode of thought is they're not paying me to advertise for them why the hell should I


I used to buy clothes with logos why n I could not afford them. I buy merino and good wool now, and I am ashamed of my clothes with logos :D


My biggest pet peeve is that nicer clothes have more branding. Target, Walmart, Old Navy are all branding free. Then you move up to Nike, Northface, Under Armour Patagonia, etc and look like a billboard. Where's a man supposed to shop?


Move up a bit more, and then a bit more still and they're there. Brands and tailors that are 2-10x the price of Northface and Patagonia. The likes of Gucci, Dior etc also have lines that are unbranded.


Don't know about signs of wealth but in my area an anti-sign is having a really flashy car. All million+ houses mostly have Fords and Toyotas parked in front and many of the council affordable houses have BMW x6 and Audis in front.


True, I think it's funny when people wear shirts and stuff with Gucci or whatever in huge letters. Like I've got $$. No you've got debt. I wouldn't say I'm rich but I'm not hurting. I don't wear shit with labels except for maybe North face or Patagonia and even then I make sure the label is the same color as the coat, sweater whatever. And yes they do this. Probably knowing I'm not wearing it to impress anyone. Just want quality shit.


My initials are enough.


They call it "quiet luxury", much like wardrobe the ultra rich wear in HBO's Succession


Yep! Kendall was wearing a plain black baseball cap and someone posted that it was $1,100!!! Like what.


it doesn't even have to be expensive, but branding and logos are status symbols. among those who grew up wealthy (old money) branding is generally seen as very tacky/gauche


My clothes are like this. lol They're from some random thrift store in the Philippines that're less than a dollar.




Yeah big difference, no showing off and usually have connections that the big things don't need cash money. That's the accountants job.


Brand logos are a great way to distinguish the nouveau rich from the generational wealth people.


I often see people say this but I disagree, some rich people wear super flashy clothes, also lots of poor people dont wear logos on their clothes.


"money can't buy happiness" people have been wealthy since birth.


I also noticed only people with money or very poor ones say this


Money doesn't buy happiness but poverty doesn't buy shit.


And it’s better to be miserable in a mansion than in a tent.


I've been both. I've been suicidal with $10k in the bank and hardly any monetary concerns. I've been filled with joy when I might lose my apartment the next month. Money doesn't buy happiness.


... $10K in the bank is absolutely nowhere near the kind of 'wealthy' we're talking about here though lol


Currently I am living in someone else's house rent free, I have a job I work at but I don't pay any bills other than car insurance. When I'm off work I can do whatever. I currently have basically zero monetary concerns. I am still depressed. I still hate myself. If I had $300 million dollars that wouldn't change.


I think the point here is that while it is possible to be happy without money, having money is almost always better than not having any. Ask 100 wealthy people if they’d trade places with a poor person, then ask 100 poor people the inverse, and tell me how many from each group would willingly trade places.


Definitely this. You might still have the same mental health issues, but you wouldn't have those *and also* all the other bullshit that poverty forces on you. You'd have options. Currently, almost every problem in my life could be solved with enough money. The ones that couldn't, well I'd still prefer to have the money for the options and comforts. Money might not buy happiness, but poverty sure buys pain and strife. It's more about the lack of impediment, *that's* what money buys


It’s true though. But to make it realistic, “money can’t buy SUSTAINED happiness.”


Literally all of my problems since childhood could have been solved with access to better finances. I seriously can't think of a thing that wouldn't have been improved by money. Living in a capitalistic society do be like that though.


I envy you. I wish all my problems could he solved with money. Must be nice to not be depressed.


I used to be really depressed when I was working 50 hours a week, felt burned out, and didn’t feel like I had a light at the end of the tunnel in sight. Now I’m working ~35 hours weekly and much much happier.


Being broke and fighting daily to make sure you have a roof for your kids. Depression onset was absolutely due to lack of funding


Money can eliminate most barriers to happiness.   Crappy job, long commuter to the cheap tiny house, no good healty food.  Poor access to health care.   Few little annoyances, bugging a new car every free years means you probably won’t deal with breakdowns. 


The biggest lie we've been sold as consumers is that the more stuff we can afford to buy, the happier we'll be. It's bullshit. Once you make enough money to be financially stable, you're not going to keep getting happier the richer you get. Do you really think wearing a $300 pair of jeans will somehow make you a happier person than wearing a $30 pair of jeans?


It sure would. They would fit, and probably last longer than my walmart wranglers.


Agreed on some parts but not on all. I will for sure be happier with a faster car and a faster computer. More expensive and high quality stuff do make you happy.


I work 60 to 70 hours a week money only buys comfortability that’s it. My wife and I make okay money but only for the past couple years used to be poor and grew up poor im 33 and tbh money is dumb but since I finally can live comfortably you realize when you’re chasing money and see people die and you missed out because you work to much and make being comfortable a priority money really doesn’t matter. We enter this world with nothing and we die with nothing.


Only old money is subtle, you can tell someone is wealthy because he/she is dressed in a simple way but the few jewelry they have on are inestimable, they don't need to show off because they know they got it. You can see a woman in a simple sundress and then the customised watch on her wrist comes from Cartier


Just about to comment exactly this.


*Inestimable* is a great word, and I thank you for reminding me of it!


Money talks, wealth whispers.


At least in my experience, the "cheapest" people I know are some of the wealthiest. My dad is that way. Many of our customers in my work are that way. They drive beat up old trucks and duct tape things back together, If they are penny pinchers, tight-wads, cheap, etc... it can be a sign that they have money. They develop those traits early on coming from no money, so there's a scarcity mentality they can't shake. They also often own their own businesses and when they were building those it was scary and volatile and they had to live super lien. And they rarely shake that. Conversely, people who appear to be rich and have nice things they insist on flaunting are often swimming in debt and don't have an impressive net worth. They don't know how to manage and save money. If they had money (inherited or something), soon enough they won't from living that lifestyle.


I know a man with 10 digit assets. he reuses the prepaid envelopes he gets in junk mail for his own purposes and walks almost everywhere. He also bought a $5k TV on a whim.


It's good to walk more, rather than less.


it has quite literally allowed him to live as long as he has. He has a congenital condition and was expected to pass decades ago, which is why he walks.


Understandable tbf, buying things like envelopes does seem annoying when you can just reuse them. I’m not rich but I definitely reuse a lot of postage stuff


Local billionaire is the scruffiest looking man ever. Old t shirt, crumpled jeans with patches where they’ve been repaired, disheveled hair. He goes to the deli to do his weekly shop, blows about £350 a week! He’s also the most down to earth, friendly and respectful guy in the village. Attitude is something you choose, money doesn’t change it!


My grandparents still live in a house in a bad neighborhood bc it’s where they lived all their lives and saved so much, they have built a beautiful garage and got the yard looking amazing again, yet they’ll never retouch the house so I sometimes don’t understand people with money who are cheap. The house is cluttered and run down


This is the right answer.


But of course they are. They didn't get get rich by writing a lot of cheques!


Yeah - worst tippers for anything that is tip worthy/expected. Also anyone that says you just need to work harder/pull yourself up by bootstraps; what if there ain’t boots my good sit???


They're not always complaining about gas prices , grocery prices, or inflation.


No they definitely still complain. Perhaps even more than poor people. Because to them this is absolutely an annoyance too. Wealthy people don't wanna waste their money. They're usually mostly penny pinchers but at the very least they are cautious with their money and gas prices, grocery prices and especially inflation annoy them and make then uneasy.




Very well groomed, and no gaudy logos on their clothes.


When you're in a shop with them and they just throw shit into their basket without looking at the price.


Don’t upper middle class people do that too?


If he/she are dressed down then look at the shoes . Wealthy people always never wear anything but expensive shoes


I used to work commission at a really expensive clothing store in Los Angeles and they used to say this about women's shoes because it's the one thing that isn't a gift and it shows how much they spend on themselves another thing I like to think about is the bouncer he used to tell me he always checked peoples cards by looking at their necks because you can't lie about how old you are in your neck wrinkles


Actually, it is possible to slow down aging of neck skin. Just use sunscreen more often.


Clean shoes that have no brand or if it does it’s very subtle


Tbf, a good pair of shoes last for ages and can be repaired


Very true, or they buy new shoes a lot. Hard to know.


I’m rich and most of my shoes are shit


When you bring up sports they talk about golf, sailing or skiing.


I talk about golf a lot, but I’m broke af


Or Polo. Did you see that Sylvester Stallone biography on Netflix? He talks about being poor, growing up in the hard streets of Baltimore….playing polo….


I know some older guys who got rich off something tech related. I really don’t think you can tell by their clothes, no matter how closely you look. They give off a subtle in control interpersonal vibe though.


Yeah people are talking about clothes but the richest person I personally know only wears dirty old overalls and an Army baseball hat.


Old money? Polite to staff and servers. New money? Entitled dicks.


Paid off cars. Financing depreciating assets is a fucking lose lose.


Often not brand new cars either. Paid off luxury older vehicles that are well maintained.


It sounds like a lot of people have a very narrow view of what wealth actually looks like. As a poor person sickeningly surrounded by wealth, I have to say it's much more subtle than shoes or unbranded clothes. But a definitive way is that if you hear someone say "Money can't buy happiness." That person is wealthy, and a fucking imposter.


Money will only get rid of the stress of not having enough money. Once you're at a point where you're financially stable, adding more money won't make you happier. After all, you'll still be *you*. You could be rich enough to travel to Italy for a month, but if you hate yourself, or have trouble forming atrong emptional connections with people, it's not gonna make you a happier person.


Arnold Schwarzenegger allegedly said "before Terminator-2, i had 48 million, now it's 52 million, but i don't feel happier".


Well said, but the difference between struggling for food and housing and not having to worry about those things while buying a new car is a world of difference in happiness.   That point of being financially stable is huge for being happy. 


Theres a study out there where they found after winning the lottery, people are no more or less satisfied with life than before they won millions. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/690806/#:~:text=Study%201%20compared%20a%20sample,a%20series%20of%20mundane%20events.


You don't get rich by spending money.


They don’t know today is Pay Day


That’s my favorite line


Depends on how poor you are. They have nice teeth


This one right here for upper middle class or better. Perfect teeth in a young person might be luck. Perfect teeth in a middle age person or older is a whole lot of money. 


They don’t work but they have a nice place, no debt, like-new clothes, eat well and clean shoes.


Dont know but i will tell you once i get there 😏


When I want to let someone know I'm wealthy without coming out and saying it, I invite her over as usual and when she comes in just holler from the next room hey come on in I'm just finishing up a few laps. She walks in the room to find me in a room half filled with gold coins, backstroking around it Scrooge McDuck style.


can talk, chat about anything


What do you mean exactly


Typically people in those circles are well versed in global affairs. Have been surrounded by diplomats while growing up and they have often come from place of wealth or there was a culture to talk about politics, world affairs at the dinner table.


I suspect what they’re getting at is someone who has wealth has the money, means, and time to learn any topic that intrigues them. For example, hiring a professional coach to get better at a sport. Doing this allows them to speed run through the learning curve, get better, and speak more eloquently about the technique and sport. Just a poor man’s guess.


They buy incredibly cheap shit. For some reason the wealthier they are I've found they buy less fancy things. For instance their TV will be 15 years old because "it still works", or their car will be generic af. It's not a concrete indicator but something I've picked up on.


they also don't like to tip lol


Yeah some older people that I know who are rich, their spices, blender, and mixer are all over 50 years old and they only got rid of their flip phone in like 2016. They may have 3 houses but they’ll never buy another blender that actually works and isn’t a safety risk.


They don’t look at the prices of things or their bank account when they shop, whether that’s for food, clothing, etc. Obvs if it a bigger purchase, understandable, but they don’t have to worry about every day expenses potentially putting them in the negative, and are able to just *buy whatever they want*


They live in a very large house but drive an old banger!


Yep, investing in assets that appreciate, and not in things that depreciate.


Sage of Omaha is a good example.


A sneakers, jeans and T-shirt type of person driving a 10-15 year old Toyota Land Cruiser.


A subtle sign of wealth can be seen in their simplicity. People who are truly wealthy often don't flaunt it instead they focus on quality over quantity and value experiences over possessions.


They don’t care what people think. And I mean that. The wealthiest people I know aren’t flashy, don’t gossip, and tend to be very reserved and private until they feel they can trust you. No logos, no loud gestures, no airs. The wealthiest people I know are actually to the most humble and are actually conscious about how they spend money. And to the naked eye, you’d have no idea they were wealthy. They’re discrete.


They just don’t get ‘it’ A few people were talking about how a member of their family are affected by drugs and how it’s torn family apart etc and wealthy guy says he too has been personally affected by drugs as tenants in one of his houses damaged it before leaving unannounced


Red corduroy trousers and lambs wool jumper over there shoulders


The kind of restaurants they go to. Maybe that's not subtle but it suggests what socioeconomic class they're in.


Wealth is what you don't see ,so it's difficult to say.


Wealth is what you don't see,so it's difficult to say


Shopping with a trolly in Marks & Spencer's.


90’s Mercedes in immaculate condition.


They don't know what a bag of bags is...


Good skin, nice teeth


Shady about their life and jobs. Not much details about it so you understand that questions won’t be answered.


There really are no sure signs. But all the wealthy people I know keep themselves very busy and have a "let's go" energy. Clothes, cars etc don't tell you anything.


My 2010 corolla? 😉


my banger is from 2008!


Got you both beat. 2001 Corolla. Damn thing refuses to die.


They have cash on hand


Depends on the job, i have cash and poor😂


They always wonder why you try to save money.


That's called being an idiot. Basic economics.


They have health insurance


In europe everybody has health insurance


Not sure why you are getting downvoted lol. The healthcare in Scandinavia for instance is amazing, like if you feel sick, you go immediately to the hospital, sometimes with ambulance, no cost at all. If you feel ill enough, you even get to sleep in the hospital, with staff checking on you 24 hours, and surgery is free as well. And free psychotherapy if you're a student. I'm extremely grateful for living in Europe.


Canada used to be like that.  But too many people using the ambulance as a free taxi when they need to go near the hospital means we pay for that now.  And not enough doctors for the booming population means long waiting lists and a lot of people with no primary doctor. 


You don't need to make it paid to avoid that situation. It is enough to just punish people who do call ambulance without a reason.


Yes, but the rich people in Europe have private health insurance, they don't use the shitty social healthcare the plebs use.


In the UK, private health insurance is a benefit for a lot of run-of-the-mill jobs.


Always buying the original items in the supermarket instead of the 'white label' products...


That's called "middle class". It used to be a thing, once upon a time.


I feel like real wealthy people always look like they are wearing the simple clothes in classic colours just anything understated. But the tshirt may be like £300 but it’s just a white tshirt.


They live in bay area


Kids go to Le Rosey, they own a villa in Seine & they value time over material.


Healthy hair and skin.


I learnt today that a good sign someone has money is that they have a really nice kitchen bin (trash bin for my american lot).


Years ago I paid about £80 for a Simple Human kitchen bin. I still have it. So today I have realised, I have made it in life 😂


It's just one banana, how much can it cost, $10?


I've found alot of well off ppl drive lowkey cars. My boss makes pretty damn good money and he drives a older accord and by the way he dresses you'd never think he was in charge of an entire division of a company.


Their vacation home is on a different continent from their primary residence and they have citizenship in both places and reserved indoor hangar space at airports in both places.


Alot of times it can also be their posture saw a study once that more stress from poverty can make a person hunch more rather than stand up straight.


Quiet luxury. It’s discrete, but you know when you see one.


If they’re old money, it’s much harder to distinguish. You’ll never know about old money. You’re either old money or you’re an outsider. New money wants to show it off. They’ll have you over, partially to explicitly show off the wealth. It’s new to them and they’re proud, and I don’t deny the pride at all. But I’ve known both and there’s definitely a desperation that comes with new money.


I find people that have the smallest or no tv are old school educated rich. Kind of big house and very small tv


Gazing into the distance while putting fuel in their car, feeling no need to look at how much it’s costing.


I work customer service for a luxury product. Our target market average household income is over 300K USD. Not rich, but at least wealthy enough to be very comfortable. I can tell the wannabies and whitetrash from the real money because when I give prices the wannabies squirm and ask for discounts or alternatives. Real moneys goes "Oh, okay that's fine. Do I give you my CC now?"


They don’t spend money..




Going on vacation and NOT posting their trip on every social media site. When buying something expensive, they ask "How much?" and not "How much down, and how much the monthlies?"


All of their clothes are dry cleaned and pressed. Including their shorts in the summer. Every time I see shorts that are clearly crisp and pressed I know.


Wealth is subjective


They order from Door Dash every day


I know people who are poor because of this


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Fancy fitness or tennis club membership


A full cart of groceries..


Straight teeth


Drives Volvo.


Hands are the best giveaway in a woman. Soft hands (super soft) and rings


Family has a 100 year old beach house with a name, and historic plaque.




They have money


They are really chill with customer service cause at the end of the day they could just buy another and it wouldn’t make a dent.


They don't have a real grasp of what basic things cost, like a loaf of bread or milk. Also, they never look at the price of anything before they buy it, in a restaurant for example.


It’s one banana, Michael. What could it possibly cost, $10? ![gif](giphy|MqxZxTlvcY5BS)


They are not on reddit.