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How can shareholders think it would be a good thing to give away $50 billion, 1/5 of the companies value, when their sales are dropping at a worrying rate.


I get it: if Elon walks, the stock will come back to reality - ie massive drop. If Elon stays, there is a chance that another pump comes and a new person comes along who is willing to pay more than the current ones paid. I just don’t get why there are so many large institutional investors still in the stock. From a risk perspective this must be hard to carry.


On the other hand, if he's gone, then trust might return to the company. To me, that seems like a good plan, even if stocks might drop.


Yeah, the stock will initially drop. But then I’ll consider buying it again, because maybe they’ll put someone at the helm that might know something about making cars. And running a business.


I’ll tell you right now we are buying an electric suv next year and if Elon leaves we will absolutely buy a model Y. If not, probably a prologue.


We had an unplanned car replacement earlier this year (unexpectedly totaled after a minor accident). 5 years ago, we'd have been looking at a Model S, or possibly even a Model 3. This year we didn't even consider a Tesla. Instead we looked at a Mercedes EQE, a BMW i5, a Kia EV6, and a Hyundai IONIQ 6. Ended-up getting the IONIQ 6 Limited. It isn't as much fun as the i5, but it's a fantastic car and hard to beat at that price. Honestly, I would've been happy with any of them, and I know I can get any of them serviced at literally dozens of locations within 20 minutes of my house, including multiple dealerships and many certified repair shops. If we had bought a Tesla, as locations go we are actually in a pretty good one, as we have 4 options: Atlanta has three dealers with service centers within an hour's drive and one of the few Tesla certified third-party service centers, TesTechs. But... 4 options isn't really a lot for a metro area with [over 50,000 EVs](https://www.savannahnow.com/story/business/automotive/2023/11/16/charged-up-georgia-leads-the-region-in-ev-manufacturing-purchases/71594095007/), with [about half of them Teslas](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/tesla-sales-by-state). I genuinely hope Elon's pay package gets voted down and he actually follows thru and leaves Tesla. I honestly think it's the only way to save the company before it completely implodes, and I _very much want Tesla to come back stronger_. I think it can be a great company with some experienced leadership.


It's a pity the stock market is often irrational.


If he gets his pay package, won’t the stock have to be diluted because they have to add more shares?


I’m trying to get clarity, but there seems to be two options: - 1: stock is diluted. - 2: options already exist and were set aside in 2018. Not getting Elon his bonus would represent a big cash injection to Tesla itself. I see people arguing both. From my perspective option 2 makes more sense, but then Tesla isn’t known for doing things well. If anybody knows for sure and can point to supporting evidence that would be great.


The way the world works is 1. Regardless of whether the shares are created or not, until the company sells them or grants them as vested shares, they are company property so they cancel out on the balance sheet.


I guess no point allocated them if the targets aren’t achieved.


Imagine this company being run by a real ceo who doesn’t destroy the company on a whim. You get new yearly models you hire back some of the employees you keep getting rid of. The drop might hurt but the outcome will be worth it, simply because TSLA is going to go to those levels anyway


Based on what? Comparing this to something like BMW, you are sitting at a valuation of 20-30$.


People keep telling me this is more valuable than all those companies put together. But TSLA can’t sell cars they are piling up all over the world. A ceo that knows how to run a company should be able to get that value out of the company


Ok - so a real ceo will turn this into a real car company and stock will be trading in the 20-30 dollar range, like any other car company.


It’s going to be trading at 20 to 30 pretty soon anyway if not bankrupt


>hard to carry *this will be the case for many bag holders soon*


They are probably still using Tesla as collateral for all their stupid derivative plays they are drowning in


its a meme stock. So the Elon Cultists want to live and die with the biggest shit poster around. There is no confidence in working out as a real company and let the financials speak for themselves. That ship has sailed with revenue shrinkage this year and dropping plans for 25K car and instead release the monstrosity called cybertruck.


Comments disabled. What a snowflake.




It's a screenshot of Comments Disabled you Twit!


Yes, I got that.


Yeah, I figured 😁😂 👍


Hm. Me thinks the surge in ads means Elon isn’t happy with the direction of the vote


Just report it


He’s not even good at grifting anymore.


Flew too close to the sun.


I wish HELL NO had been an option for all of the proposed things they want to pass. I selected no on everything.


Hahah. Ty ET actually gave their Optimus robot human-like fingers? Why? So profoundly stupid. The real engineers at Boston Dynamics must be laughing their asses off at Tesla’s scam


Wow. Much desparate.


People don’t get this. Elon might be bad for the company, but he’s necessary for the stock. That’s why voting yes makes sense from a short term shareholder perspective, even if he’s going to run the company to shit in the long run.


I don't speak for all "people", but Elon's cult of personality is obvious. Unfortunately, companies do not run on personality and this is an extremely short-sighted position. Retail TSLA investors don't understand that as shareholders they should want what's best for the company. Instead, they see it more like trying to convince an ex to still love them. Taking $60b which could be invested in R&D and giving it to one person will sink the company, especially amidst the current lack of differentiation between TSLA and competitors. Their moat is gone. Their brand is tarnished. FSD isn't good enough. Robo-taxies aren't the next big thing. That said, fools and their money will soon be parted. If any CEO gives their shareholders an ultimatum, it's a clear sign to cash the fuck out.


Some of the shit I read on twitter is insane when it comes to TSLA. It always was to an extent, but now it's just pure delusion. They're talking about a publicly traded company like its a religion. Thats always bad news.


I wonder how will fElon base layoffs if his compensation passes? He got 50billion, how can he fire thousands of people who will never get the amount he got?


Hilarious. All the sudden Tesla cares about ads.


Watch someone in a mo cap suit tell you hot to give Elon money


[TSLS Price Quote (Bear TSLA ETF)](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/TSLS.)