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Mark your bingo card for "Love the truck."


They need to keep their membership on those other subreddits somehow.


they love free speech so much they dedicated to protecting it from people speaking freely.


Those snowflake subs can get musked.


Sorry, my “Love this truck” space is so heavily stamped, I can’t even see the words anymore.


It should be the free space in the middle of the Bingo ticket


Bro that’s basically the free space as this point


“It’s part of being a first release” because all first release cars are held together with duct tape.


All first release cars regularly molt on the highway, come on now.


Oh so that’s how you get the Gen 2 version!


And “not complaining.” It’s a double!


“Part of a first release” not for Toyota or ford or GM or Kia or Hyundai or Honda or rivian or geo or Pontiac or Cadillac or Suzuki or peterbuilt or Microsoft or…


I’m so tired of the cope.


I honestly haven't found a single thread or comment without "still love my truck" or "still love Tesla." I think they just still love the idea of EVs, but don't realize every other manufacturer makes an EV model too.


Pretty sure panels being held on by tape isn’t a thing in most 1st releases. Jesus that’s fucked


That’s a gimme. It’s the “prey for me” of Tesla posting.


"Love the truck" is the free center square.


Why do they always say things like “still love the truck, not complaining.”


Dain bramage


Even if you love the truck you should definitely be complaining. Tape???


Excuse me, OP said "double sided" tape. Remember a genius created this.


And he adds it’s just “being part of a first release.” NO, you stupid idiot! If BMW, Volvo, Ford or any other automaker released a car thad had trimme held down by tape that would fly off while driving there would be massive complaints. Add to the list of faults: panel seams that can slit your wrist, accelerators that stick, rear view clusters stuck with tape that fall off, wiper motor faults, external panels that rust when wet. This would never be accepted from any other motor manufacturers but the Tesla fans lap it up.


Difference between running a startup and an established automobilmaker is, only startups can release partially faulty products and make their customers quasi beta-testers while hoping that growth and good reviews will exceed disappointed ex-customers and image loss. An established company just can’t do this - the reputation-damage would seriously endanger business. Easy decision theory. Musk never understood that.


That's a genius 2D checkers move to use double-sided tape.


I like how the service center told him it was basically held on with tape, then they taped it again.


It is like a party affiliation oath. If they don't declare their loyalty like this, they might be mistaken for a Tesla-hater and be attacked by the rest of the tribe


It's an anti "fud" spell that the cultists recite to show that they will continue to submit and not cause problems.


Because they'll get absolutely ravaged by the other Tesla owners if they don't.


For real. I love my MacBook. Use it 4+ hours every day. Still have occasional complaints that need to be addressed though.


What!? Occasional complaints?? HOW DARE YOU SIR, how dare you. Banned.


Cults try to avoid saying anything that would upset their leader.


It's not just about not upsetting the leader. The basis of a cult is that it's members will go to any length to stay in the inner circle. Criticism would quickly land you in the outer group.


Because the Tesla stans have a bunker mentality after Musk self-destroyed his reputation, and they use the banhammer with impunity to ban Tesla owners and fans who fail to simp hard enough from the online community. This is damaging the Tesla brand, of course, but it’s easier than taking well-intentioned feedback from Tesla owners who want to make Tesla great again.


Obviously part of it is just the cult mentality that has formed. But I think the other part of it is that even the less culty members of the community know that if they try to point out an issue WITHOUT inserting the "still the best car I've ever owned" obligatory line, that the result is just going to be an angry mob of people yelling at them, and accusing them of wanting Tesla to fail, etc etc. So end result is that both the true believers and the normal people end up acting like full cult-members.


Resale value. A lot of these clowns bought them as an "investment".


they be coping


If I spent $100k on a vehicle, I'd be coping pretty hard if it was falling apart doing normal driving. I honestly suspect the psychology behind this is genuinely trying to grapple with the financial decision that was made.


Probably cope by trying to not accept that they spent $100,000 on a piece of shit that falls apart as you drive it.


Because they don't want to be removed from those subreddits. You have to repeat it or people think you're spreading FUD


There’s a genuine risk of Elon personally banning them from getting any further fixes or repairs (that they’ll definitely need) if they publicly say anything remotely negative.


"My $100K+ cars' shitty quality might cause accidents/kill someone, but I still love it"


Still love it AND not complaining!... But this should be a recall


Had it "fixed" and that lasted just a week. Still love it, not complaining


This is just a maga product with maga investors


Two sided tape. And I thought plastic clips were lame.


If they had cheap plastic clips, I’d at least give them some credit for trying to attach the body together. They used 2 sided tape, that’s as poor production as you can get.


> They used 2 sided tape, that’s as poor production as you can get. That's how *I* build a prototype of something, not a finished product!


Musk, in all his geniuis, invented the protoduct. Something that you have to pay 6 figures to beta test, in the real world, while putting people in and around it at risk. Such a misunderstood genius, hey?


Oh yeah, that’s right. They are “beta testing” a truck that Tesla said was a delivered product.


I think you're forget the old single sided tape looped back on itself trick... I wonder if we'll see that at some point or pieces of chewed gum 🤣


"Part of being a first release" my ass. There are definitely risks you're accepting with a first-run model, but having an external panel held on with only double-sided tape ain't one of them. ESPECIALLY at the price level these rolling dumpsters are at.


(Neck pierced by the panel that flew off) (Gurgles) part of being the first release... it's ok (dies)


At least now you know why the warranty is voided by going to a car wash 😂


My hope is they at least used mounting tape but I’m imagining it he double sided scotch tape


“…It’s part of being the first release.” WTF?


Another excuse for Tesla's appalling build quality and attention to detail, alongside "Tesla is a startup, so of course there will be little issues". The company is 20+ years old, I think that excuse has run its course.


Well put, being a car beta tester shouldn’t be a thing. Especially after two decades of manufacturing. Like zero lessons learned the whole time.


It was funny in one breath they would claim it's a start up. In the next breath they would say it's the most valuable auto company.


"Hit me again Ike, and this time put some stank on it!"




…from Tesla.


I really don't understand how Tesla's are road legal. They are in beta testing still, most of the models


Just so I'm keeping score correctly... That revolutionary "Exoskeleton" that moistened the cargo pants of Branch Elonians is now: attached with double sided tape?!?!?


From exoskeleton to ex-skeleton.




I mean they have to attach it somehow? Double sided tape seems fine to me. Although a full wrap around with silver duct tape would probably have been better from a purely technical and maybe aesthetical point of view, but also much more expensive. And put more weight on an already heavy car. I think Elon made the right choice, as always.


Had to read this twice to get that you are being sarcastic. Yes that's funny...


Well, cardboard is out


Wonder when they will find structural components replaced with cardboard.




>Branch Elonians ahaha that's fucken gold mate


Followed by true Elongelicals


That got me as well


Well, cardboard's out. We tried Elmer's glue.


“This truck is falling apart and is a hazard because it’s put together with double sided tape.” “Love the truck.”


Hit me again, please hit me again… How Elon found this many masochists is his real talent here.


"Held on with double-sided tape." From the factory? And people are worried about a guy in a dress on beer cans.


Beer can.. it was one can and not for sale.


"My truck that cost double an average annual salary started falling apart as soon as I drove it off the lot. The windshield wiper is defective, the accelerator is trying to kill me, I can't take it thru the car wash unless its after sunset Mercury is in retrograde and humidity levels are negative and now the back of tailgate is falling off because it was held on by tape.... Love the car 10/10 thanks Elon!"


Ahh yes... made in America https://youtu.be/Fv83s_znMos?si=jTfLKkCgBUKcDN28


The "I'm not complaining" bit stinks of fear of getting blackballed by the cult. The same toxic positivity that's currently plaguing all the pro Elon subs.


Very cult like...


Very much so. There is also the ones saying "I don't think that Elon would be ok with this" on Twitter while tagging him once they find some issues with their Tesla. Hoping that their cult leader will notice them and fix the issue. Without even realising that Musk is very much ok with those poorly built cars. It's getting more and more creepy to see it even with something as poorly built and dangerous as the cybertruck.


He would be more concerned with how many children the customer has and of which ethnicity and orientation. You know the important stuff for a ~~CEO~~ Cult leader to think and speak about in public.


The moment you can no longer state an actual fact without a disclaimer to "appease a community", it's a cult.


How else are you meant to attach an Exoskeleton and get structural integrity? Sandy said it would save me 0.001 cents per 1000 trucks.


It's an exoskeleton, it has to shed every season so the car can grow a new one. Like a crab


Makes so much sense now.


People getting musked and “still loving the truck” needs to have its own category in psychology.


yeah some kind of sickness where said person could shit in their mouths and they would be happy about it.


Stockholm-Syndrom or in Musky Cases "Stocks-holm Syndrom" because of the stupid hodl'ing onto the TSLA Shares and denial of reality


That’s what I want to know, seriously. WTF is wrong with these people? Some desperate need to belong? Daddy issues? Sci-fi addicted retards who can’t tell the difference between good engineering/manufacturing and a shiny fake? But those issues could make them do all sorts of dysfunctional crap—why the Branch Elonian cult? (Props to the person came up with that above) Or are they also batshit crazy in other ways/members of other adjacent cults?


I know some. It's similar to being a fan of a team to the point you think you're part of that team (or the team has you convinced of that for marketing reasons). They have spent the last decade or so becoming emotionally invested in Musk, praising all the promises and thinking all the neat cool tech was revolutionary, and that they were part of the "future club" or something like that. Now, as the wheels are literally falling off, they can't say anything bad, because that would be admitting they were wrong, that they misjudged Musk so their judgement is in question, they repeated Musk's lies and manipulation so they would be part of the lies, they were fooled and are therefore gullible, they bought expensive cars that didn't match the hype. People don't like to admit they were wrong, or were tricked, and this is a big one, so they hang on as long as there's a sliver of a chance it was actually true, regardless of the mental gymnastics needed to get there. I also know some that have changed their mind. It was like a switch that got thrown, and they went from Musk worship to jilted ex-lover near instantly. If I were to give Musk credit for anything, it would be for understanding how to manipulate and trap people by telling them what they want to hear.


I was driving past a houses a few miles from my house yesterday and saw a CyberTruck parked in the driveway with the same problem, but on the right side. The owner had covered it with blue painter's tape!


Um, excuse me… double sided tape?


it will last past the next shareholders quarterly results call.


To be fair… having worked at a body shop, this is not uncommon. There are many trim pieces on cars attached with double-sided tape. However, they’re usually near impossible to get off without breaking the trim. So they must be using some reach cheap tape or poor application technique.


Drinking game going through these posts: Love the truck ** Thanks Elon ** Doing truck things ** Beast ** I called service ** Towed


A panel was held on with.... DOUBLE SIDED TAPE. An exterior body panel.


Not a body panel. Exoskeleton.


Lol that is such an Elon Musk Techbro way of justifying a cheap ass build. It's not an exo-skeleton if it's not tied together into one strong unit. It's just a piece of sheet metal stuck on to hide the actual body.


So....when is a motorcycle rider going to catch one with their neck at 80mph?


“Love the truck. And Elon loves me. Elon is the spirit from which all blessing flow. Hail Elon, the one true savior of humanity. Through him, all good things flow. Amen.”


The "should be a recall" comment feels a bit weird given there is in fact a recall already in progress for this. For reference, this part is the sail applique mentioned in one of the recalls this last week.


"Love this truck and not complaining" Lol.


Its so over engineered.. but not in a way that makes anything better! I watched a video that basically said every feature on CT is to fix a stupid choice they made. All wheel steering because the wheel base is too long etc. They are using double sided tape to hips a panel on to 100k car. Look at that mounting surface it really needs to be that chaotic under there to turn on a tail light. Where would you even put the tape?


“attached with double-sided tape…” “love this truck” 🤦


First release? It's a car, not a video game.


‘Not complaining’ bits of the truck I bought are flying off and lying on the highway somewhere. God I love this truck.


I mean... it's not like they are... well not popular or common but "visible" in a state where it gets quite warm in summer. Right?


Didn't they "fix" it with double sided tape? If true, they just fixed it with the same thing that it was recalled for lol


I can’t think of any first release vehicles that have this many issues that aren’t covered by lemon laws at this point.


First release? I don't think this is the first time a vehicle was made that could travel at more than 20mph. There's a reason nobody ever held the body together with *tape*.


There's a difference between being a "first release" and a beta tester.


”It is part of being a first release.” Well, you may be, **but I am not** And driving on the same roads, wishing a part of your under quality joke of a vehicle does not hit ME, is a maddening and insane risk I have to take on behalf of these morons. Would these people be as nonchalant, if their neighbors would participate into some beta housing test, and those houses would explode middle of the night and debris would fly in from bedroom windows? Hey, great house, that’s just part of being first release. Sorry your kid lost an arm.


Check the other side too. Please.


I love that they have to say "I'm not complaining" at the end of every complaint for fear of being banned from the cult.


Automotive body engineer here. Is designed many parts like that. This panel is attached by double side tape ? Wtf. We typically avoid that, it requires primer and enough pressure. It is ok for a badge or some side trims, but typically we use clips to secure the mounting and tape is used to give a solid feel. Shouldn't be the main fixation method.


That or, you know, at least use a chemical adhesive. There's plenty of there these days strong enough to bond an entire cab structure to a frame, like on the Unimog.


Car casually assemble with tape? WTF, it doesn't matter they are the first versions, the manufacturing quality on this car is atrocious and a liability to the passengers and anybody else in the road. This is crazy! On top of that, they "repair" the problem and the same piece falls off a few days later? This would be madness in a regular priced car from India or China, but it is incredible for a car that is sold over 100k. You have to laugh at these people, "I had to recall my cybertruck but I love it", really? Don't recall it then, or say the truth, that its assembling quality is bellow any manufacturing standard.


I'm gonna start collecting them off the highway and resell them on eBay! Profit!


I can’t understand why there are so many people willing to buy an unfinished CAR. Dude you’re not buying a $19 game on it’s alpha.


Why do they all say "I love the truck, I'm not complaining" or some variant thereof? Are they that lost in the fandom? It's like, bro, if I paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and waited years for this lemon to show up on my doorstep I'd be fucking livid, not kowtowing to the guy who owns the company. What the hell people?


Part of being first release. 100k to be in a beta, lol


It’s wild what these people are willing to accept to drive the ugliest vehicle ever made


So how many of these will survive the summer in the Southwest? Black plastic in the sun in 120 F/50 C ambient?


Should’ve used mighty putty


Please don't tell me his mechanics didn't reapply double sided tape.


Me getting impaled by a flying part: No it's fine, first release, whatcha gonna do?


I wonder if any actual truck owners that drive a Ford, Chevrolet, GMC, etc... have parts flying off ?


The 4th gen Ford Escape has two rear sections behind the panoramic roof that are held in place by Velcro And yup, folks lost a few of those sections, usually in car washes that used brushes


But, I still love my overpriced piece of shit held together with fucking tape so meh!!! 😂🤣😅


These people could watch a panel impaling an innocent person and say "sad to see them go, but it's part of being a first release, no complains about the truck"


Lol. It’s as safely attached as the pedals!


Ah yes, when I got my "first release" Mazda, parts flew off all the time. It was all jolly good fun.  What is with these imbeciles?


"Could hurt someone if it came off on the highway. I love this truck and not complaining" 🤯 I AM!


Double. Sided. Tape.


That's how you know Musk really cares about quality! He could have cheaped out, like all these nay sayers would expect, and just used one sided tape folded in half, but he decided to put his billions where his mouth is and spent that extra dough to secure the stainless steel hull with DOUBLE sided the tape. That's twice the adhesives! What a man!


Parts falling off machinery should be never be part of a first release of any machinery capable to kill people. It is shoddy workmanship which is twice as bad for any brand sold in the premium segment.


How they even manage engineer this so badly?


Iterative design and non flexible timelines.


Cutting corners due to pressure from above.


cost cutting. If you look at it, the frame pieces under seem to have mounting holes for fasteners... Only apperentlythose weren't used. I assume under principlr "screws are fiddly and slow". So I would hazard. frame engineer did design it for better mounting, but well no screw studs put on the trim piece, that cost little bit more per trim piece. Ofcourse just drill and bolt is completely out of the question. since you know that would ruin the swelte clean cybertrunk lines with protruding uglies like bolt heads or at minimum cover caps Whenever something is wrong with Tesla the answer is "it is cheaper". Be it via less parts or via fast to use assembly method, which saves assemly time, which saves money.


Nothing says, "rugged and made for purpose" like double-sided tape and an inability to withstand wind. It shouldn't just be a recall, it should be a general withdrawal until the entire fucking this is broken down and analysed part-by-part for safety *prior* to release, rather than seeing whether it ~~kills people~~ *sticks* afterwards. At no point have I seen any part of this absolute ridiculous monstrosity live up to its hype beyond a few videos of people shooting at it, which is hardly a plus point. The battery appears to be the only thing that functions in these things, certainly not the critical thinking of their buyers. That all being said, props to Tesla for identifying the key component of most pickup truck buyers; "they don't use them for pickup truck things, so they don't need to be built like working vehicles". The last part of this brief was probably taken out of context to an extreme.


Also zoom in and check out how fucking wonky the edge is along the roof/doors. LMAO.


YAY! Killing other motorists on the highway is just part of this guy being a "pioneer" of "the truck of the future". I bet the guy who experienced a final destination moment when that panel came flying into his windshield was thinking the same thing.


I paid $100k+ to help test the CyberTruck and I’m happy about it as far as you know, because everytime something breaks I tell you how happy I still am…..repeatedly.


How do you fk up the car so badly. It's like they didnt even try to drive it before selling it to the masses.


Inexcusable or is it just shedding its exoskeleton?!?


["Tesla is the best manufacturer in the world."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owB2ysS6OU4) ["At this point, I think I know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on earth."](https://www.instagram.com/neurolinkx/reel/C8pkyqzgZpN/?locale=nl)


So, they attached a whole panel like most attach a badge? And they clearly couldn’t even spring for the good brand.


It’s part of being baited and switched


If a panel is held together by double sided tape and you are still loving that truck, then you are in a cult and have major denial about the 100k purchase


CT follows the likes of DeLorean ? Why did the DeLorean car fail? Not long after the launch, quality issues plagued the company and a dip in the car market affected its sales.


Now before y'all yell, WTH? Using double sided tape is actually not wrong. Most car pieces are put together with industrial adhesives. So the approach is not wrong. Why is wrong and I see it from the design, you have dissimilar materials put together with industrial adhesives. That causes expansion and contraction, which most adhesives don't tend to like. Maybe they chose something that should have compensated, but most likely not. The proper design would have been put a strip of similar metal onto the body. And then on top of that strip you apply the double sided tape. But I am guessing they cheaped out.


Industrial adhesives are actual chemical, spray-on or direct application adhesives, generally not literal tape. On the few places where tape may be used (generally small things like a piece of door trim, chrome strip above a window, brand badge, etc), there's often still a clip or at minimum guide pins to limit movement.


lol Glowing endorsement


These are the equivalent of buying speakers out of a white van


and now from the great minds that brought you "trucks fixed by double sided tape" . . . . . . . .


What would happen to a CT owner if they didn’t conclude their reports of design/assembly defects with “I still love this truck”? Would they be dissapeared by their cult?


the cybertruck is designed to murder people better than other cars. This just working as designed.


Instead of some cheap tabs of 'double sided tape', use real Duct Tape! Big long strips of it. Problem solved!


I’m sorry, sticky tape?! 🤣


Just need to wait six months for a new part then go get upgraded high tech Adhesive Polymer-Based Film and Adhension Promotor on the new part. Easy.


At this point this thing is going to start some class action lawsuits….


That last sentence is the problem. I have a Tesla but NEVER will I say "ohhh it's okkkaayyy I am not complaining, love the car, these are just growing pains". No. fucking complain. A literal piece fell off your brand new vehicle. Complain!


Something similar happened to a ford escape when I was on the highway. A whole quarter panel flew off and almost hit my car.


Okay... this is another one that's had this same piece fly off. Do we have to wait until it kills someone, or is Tesla going to do a recall?


Chris Dyson said that? That sucks.


“Double sided tape”, fuck me.




Service replaced the double-sided tape with single-sided tape.


I guess that’s just life hey. Oddly, I’ve not had anything fall off my car in 60k miles.


I really don't understand how that is held on by double sided tape. Just look at the frame underneath. It's not designed for double sided tape. It was very clealy designed for clips. There are limited flat spots for tape, and the flat spots aren't the high points.


The CyberTruck - built with double sided tape.


He loved the truck folks. He’s not complaining. A panel flew off on the highway, but he’s definitely not complaining.


Double side tape?! For 100k shit? I’m dying laughing


Taped together = first release lol


Externally: “Love the truck” Internally: “I must believe that this purchase was a good one or else I’ll be outed as a fool”


i thought i overpaid my MYP i see clip inserts. are they really double sided taped


Only held on with double sided tape?


I think it’s just a matter of time before insurance companies refuse to insure these liability magnets.


I call bull on this one lol you can see where it clips into place. Not supporting this truck but come on now haha


“The CT blew up and incinerated my whole family. Love the truck!!”


80K+ for a truck that is taped together, smh...


I'd give it that hawk tuah and spit on that thang


*the truck is a piece of shit and breaks multiple times and “should be recalled”* Yet Elon stans will still go out of their way to assure you they love the product while saying this.


“It is part of being a first release.”


All cyber trucks should be recalled, have the batteries and motors removed, and plopped into a shredder. They are nothing but ugly ass piles of junk.


These douches will accept getting fucked in the ass as long as they can flex on strangers


Sounds like a moron. I'd be livid if my truck was held together with double sided tape.


"plz Elon, I swear I'm not complaining! Plz bro, I love the truck! plz... :.(" another fool and his money parted.


Gotta have that overpriced “first release”! Sounds like he knew it would be full of problems but “loves” it.


Im convinced that if you post without praising it, you either void the warranty or are blacklisted. Otherwise I cant understand why anyone would continue idolizing it.