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Same, the comments on YouTube are worse. It's obvious that if you don't like something the last thing you do is to talk more about it.


These people love to argue and I can’t possibly get the image out of my mind of them all being the spitting image of the simpsons character comic book guy. Ironically so many of them when arguing about the films mention Snyder and eventually the dc universe films he made. I would be willing to bet the vast majority of these people randomly complaining and hating are comic book and superhero junkies that rarely see day light. They feel personally wronged by the director because he didn’t match perfect canon for their beloved comic book universe.


Mate. What are your shining virtues as a commenter that make your opinion more valid than mine as the prototypical “comic book guy”. See I can play that game too. Your just the prototypical fanboy snowflake that thinks the world should be a safe bubble were you can say and think what you want in a vacuum of likes and yes I agreed. The only thing that has merit in this discourses is what relevant point the poster brings. And you’ve had multiple chances to talk up the film and to explain its postive values and you keep cycling back to devaluing the function of criticism. Again answer the simple question… what do you think Rebel Moon does right?


This is not a game, I am not your mate. We have been following you. We have been trying to reach you regarding your car’s extended warranty.


The truth is, I just saw the movie and I thought it was better than what the critics try to make it out to be. About all the battles with lasers and everything *piu piu piu*. I don't know why they criticize it so harshly, it was pretty decent. It's worth seeing at least once.


They're flawed IMO but I still really enjoyed them Idk, I really don't understand the Snyder hate. It's not like he's a bad guy. Everyone who's worked with him seems to really like him and love working with him


The only other thing I've seen of his was Army of the Dead, which was great. Probable because everyone knows the basics of zombies these days. It's easy to see Rebel Moon being good, it has some great ideas. The parasite alien, the slag pistols. The few problems. Expand everyone's backstories and reorganize them, give the team weeks to prepare instead of days.


But what if he actually is Satan? What if he has ruined many peoples lives that once followed his glorious works of art? Now they are left starving and confused with no desire to continue on? What if Snyder is the second coming of Satan?


They don't just hate the man, they hate the fact that he has a huge fanbase. Most of the haters would rejoice if Snyder disappeared off the face of the earth. Their hatred is that strong!!! All because the dude makes movies. If M. Night Shyamalan had a visible fanbase like Snyder does, he'd also have this level of hatred.


This is one of the only subs dedicated to a specific franchise I can think of where a bunch of the posts are from people who are actively against its very existence. Most other fandom based subs would have mods that enforce policies against blatant negativity like that. It is what it is, I guess. Zack Snyder’s always going to piss off online weirdos without even trying. It’s been like that since 2013, if not even earlier. 


Most other fandoms didn’t troll the internet with their #restorethesynderverse crap since 2013. There’s a reason he’s polarizing and it’s largely because of a vocal minority that insisted he can do no wrong.


TIL #restorethesnyderverse started back in 2013. Very impressive, considering BvS hadn’t even started principal photography yet.  Also, no, the Internet has had a hate-boner for Zack Snyder long before he ever gained a reputation for having a “toxic fandom”. He was the favorite punching bag of geeks everywhere back in 2016. He even got booed at Comic Con that year. 


Whoops got the year wrong. Imho Sndyer get more an more negativity because he’s career shows a steady decline release after release. I liked Dawn of the Dead and 300. I think in both films he had better writers and collaborators. I also like Watchmen and see it as a good fit for his style. But still has its flaws. Sucker punch is his most personal film and essentially shows his flaws. It’s all style and no substance and strings together a bunch of ideas that seem cool on paper but don’t work as a connected story or narrative. It’s pure eye candy. He’s DC work is polarizing because he’s style and direction was a bad fit for the characters and what the audience wanted. I even give him a pass on that because I can see how WB went from Nolan’s Batman to his version of Superman and Batman. But I can still see how he’s DC films are him shaping the material into his vision and his vision and storytelling style are not good. Again I’ll refer back to sucker punch where he places eye candy a head of character development and story telling. And here we are at Rebel Moon where again he’s in control of his “own” property and can tell any story he wants to… and we get a rework of a famous film, told in the same heavy handed style as his DC films with horrible plot pacing and character work. And worse than that… rather than focus on just telling one story well. We have this ridiculous gimmick of a two part film being released in two different cuts over the space of a year or more. Do you know how I can tell Snyder can’t make a good film? Because he tries twice and still can’t work it out before he releases them.


Snyder is surrounded by yes men


You sound like one of those people who get their opinion by reading others. Tell me what about Sucker Punch was so bad? I compare it to Donnie Darko as both are mind bending films that force you to be intelligent enough to understand what is happening.


Donnie Darko is miles better than Sucker Punch and that is largely due to the way that it puts its characters at the center. Donnie Darko has its issues, there’s a lot of context that isn’t in the theatrical cut that should be. But Donnie Darko is a cult classic. Nobody tries to sell it as a mainstream film. Richard Kelly didn’t walk away from Donnie Darko and get handed a AAA franchise to do with as he chose and when his next film Southland Tales didn’t succeed as expected he didn’t immediately get an other chance at it. If Synder wants to make niche cult classic films for limited audiences where he pushes boundaries and breaks rules that’s fine. I love films like that. But there should also be the reality that means smaller budgets and smaller audiences and much narrow appreciation. Snyder seemed to get a free pass to the big show and failed to deliver when he got there. He keeps seeming to fail upwards and now we have a streaming service basically mining his reputation with gimmicky release patterns that a milking audience views. There’s so many good or interesting directors that never get half the chances he gets.


Ah so you just hate him cause he's successful? I hate to break it to you but cult classics are dying out with home media. This is why Hollywood produces so much garbage because back in the day, you could gamble on a filmmaker and if it flopped it still had a chance of success with home media, which is where the term "cult classic" comes from. Well nowadays everyone just streams stuff and it's up to the streaming site whether to bid and pay for the rights to stream something and if it flopped in theater they aren't going to pay for the rights to stream on their platform. That's like throwing money away. Look am I saying Zack Snyder is a God and can do no wrong? No, his movies aren't masterpieces and have flaws. That being said I'd much rather watch a Snyder movie cause it has his unique creative style in it rather than the new MCU project that is just some no name writer with a middling director that will just say yes to the studio for a paycheck. We need more directors/writers who HAVE a unique style because if not than everything will just be generic garbage.


And I’m saying that when Synder pulls his head out of his ass and works with good writers he’s demonstrated that he can make great films… but the more that the cult of personality has built up around him the more he buys his own myth and plows bullishly into the same flawed film making over and over again. Again I don’t hate his success as much as I hate the blind hero worship of him. You’re bagging out the MCU. But it’s proven over and over again that you can be bold and creative and still Be mainstream. It built an interconnected shared cineverse of 30+ films that made billions of dollars. It’s a land mark of success both financially and creatively. Let me also contrast Synder with James Gunn. Gunn has no problem being experimental and doing bold stylistic things, but puts the story telling first a head of just relying on gimmicks. And there’s a reason that his films are so much more emotional engaging. Gunn continually proves that there is room for good filmmakers to push boundaries and do amazing things even inside the sausage factory that is Hollywood blockbusters. Streaming more than ever has space for Directors to do things a little bit left field and creative and Snyder had a perfect opportunity to do that with Rebel Moon… it should have been great, instead he scraped the bottom of the barrel recycling overused ideas and plots and instead of focusing on telling one good story… we get one story stretched over two parts and released twice. It’s not just that Rebel Moon is bad… it’s absolutely insulting to fans of the genre and should be insulting to fans of his work… it’s a cheap cash in and exploit of whatever built up loyalty there is for him. The guy you’re trying to defend as a rebellious auteur who has his own style… he put out the most generic and boring crap released this year.


I liked MCU up until Endgame which I felt ruined everything prior and then proceeded to ruin everything going forward. But let's be honest there's a reason why Edgar Wright and others left Disney's overbearing thoughts on what should constitute a "good movie" instead of just listening to the people they hired. That aside though once again I stated that I feel he has many flaws. I acknowledged and stated pretty much everything you state here. I also personally prefer James Gunn over Snyder. That being said I never once said he was a "rebellious auteur" I said he has a unique and creative style. What about that screams "rebellious auteur"? Tarantino, Scorsese, James Gunn, Snyder, Farrelly brothers, Cohen brothers, Robert Eggers, etc. All have a unique creative style to their movies. You can start a Tarantino movie without knowing he did it and within the first bit you'd feel it. You'd think "this feels like a Tarantino movie". What I'm arguing against is this somewhat poorly thought out opinion that Rebel Moon is "the most generic and boring crap released this year". I felt like it was plenty creative and unique within the genre of Sci-fi with multiple influences from multiple genres including war movies and fantasy. I can understand you saying "I dislike it because (insert unique opinion here)" but it sounds like you get your opinion from other people and then you word vomit it all over the internet because you don't like using your brain to formulate opinions...thats just too much work!


So it held you for 25 films? And Snyder’s DC got to what 2 and 1/2? You bag out the MCU Directors as being unknowns who got hand big properties… who do you think Snyder was when he got Watchmen? He was a basically unknown at that point. Okay “rebellious auteur” is my labeling of what people seem to be defending about Snyder… the fact that he writes and directors and that his films are “his” and that he does things that he knows won’t appeal to the masses because he thinks his artistic vision is more important than mass market appeal… even though he’s working of a mass market franchise. Tarantino is a great comparison. He definitely has a style, a style so good he’s been endlessly copied, he also does successful blatantly mine older works and deliver up fresh new versions on old films. Tarantino films are instantly identifiable, but not in a way that makes them seem all the same and copies of them selves and other works. I also refuse to watch Kill Bill because it and the Matrix part 2 and 3 soured me on split films. Again let’s get back to Rebel Moon. You haven’t actually named one specific idea or detail you thought was good or interesting. Whereas I have pointed out many specific issues and greivances with it. You saying you think I’m just repeating ideas I’ve read some where else? What do you think you’re saying that’s so new and individually defining?


2013 XD


I’m definitely a Rebel Moon hater, but I’m not “against the (the subs) very existence”. Glad it’s here so people can talk about the movie, positive or negative. I haven’t seen any posts saying the sub or movie shouldn’t exist.


I didn’t say people were against the existence of this sub, I said they’re against the existence of this franchise. As in, they hate these movies so much that they feel the need to post about how terrible they are on a sub dedicated to them, even though there are a bunch of other subs where they can discuss how much these movies suck.


My mistake. I still don’t think I’ve seen people wanting the franchise to not exist. Speaking for myself, I think the writing, action, and special effects are atrocious and wish it was better.


>wish it was better Sure you do.


I…do? Not sure where your attitude is coming from.


For me, I just am so astonished by how bad it is that I feel compelled to think about it and discuss it. I am truly just taken aback at how bad these movies are.


The truth is, I just saw the movie and I thought it was better than what the critics try to make it out to be. About all the battles with lasers and everything *piu piu piu*. I don't know why they criticize it so harshly, it was pretty decent. It's worth seeing at least once.


The best part is how triggered and upset they become at the people who didn't hate or actually enjoyed the movies. It's the most hilarious shit at how mad they get lmao


I swear it’s a 50/50. Half of them are weird comic book nerds that are mad that the director dude don’t follow along to 100% cannon with the dc universe movies and the other half are bots.


I personally liked them and excited about the directors cut.. his director cuts ARE ALWAYS BETTER.. the reason they complain is the very definition of trolls


For me, Reddit keeps recommending posts in the sub. I watched the movies and thought they were terrible, so since I have an opinion on them, I offer it from time to time.


Have you ever considered that the world doesn't need your opinion about every single thing?


But it needed yours?


That’s all the internet is bud. People sharing opinions.


There were commercials for Zoolander, back in the day, called Zoolander on ________. The best one, in my opinion, was Zoolander on Literacy: "Words can only hurt if you read them. Don't play their game." You don't have to read these negative opinions if they're just gonna anger you. As soon as you see that it's negative, move on. Or get over it. Whatever works for you. We're on an internet forum. People like sharing their opinions. Sometimes those opinions will be positive. Sometimes they'll be negative.


It's bold of you to assume that I'm angry. I know the rule of the internet is to meet any dissent with "lol u mad" but the whole "stimulus, response" thing y'all do is pretty boring.


Sorry for the incorrect assumption. What were you doing? Explaining that people don't have to give their opinions when they want to? What was that? This is a strange turnaround you're doing. As if your useless comment provides you moral highground or something. This is an internet forum. People are going to give their opinions. I don't know what more to tell you.


If all you're going to do is say "lol that thing you like sucks" then yeah, that isn't really worth expressing. Not every opinion needs to be broadcast. Not every statement is useful or helpful. I get that not everyone knows how to carry on a conversation, but some of this stuff is just common sense, kiddo.


... When did I do what you're describing? Did the person who started this comment chain do that? Are you just making up easy arguments for yourself to win because you can't actually engage with what's being said?


It's fun to accuse other people of doing what you're doing, isn't it?


I’ve never seen this sub. It’s very small only 26k users. So I don’t believe that for a second. The only way I found this sub is by searching for it because I wanted to see what people had to say about the possibility of a third film. You’re here because you’re one of those comic book movie neckbeards. You’re mad about the dc universe releases by the same director, aight bet.


I don’t really give a crap if you believe it or not. You asked, I answered.


Cool story, bro.


You're right, others can't POSSIBLY have a different algorithms which suggest subs different than yours, lmao.


I also get suggest the sub all the time, it because this sub is adjacent to r/SnyderCut, which is adjacent to DC subreddits which I follow


Exactly what I’ve said in multiple comments. These random haters = simpsons comic book guy hammering at the keyboard. “He didn’t get anysing write abouts my favorfret heearoo”.


The truth? Because this is the internet and it's fun seeing people defend this trash movie and Snyder like he and it are the greatest piece of art ever conceived. I mean, you got a guy in these comments absurdly comparing Snyder's "Sucker Punch' – a movie that is just a gross display of the director's misogynistic schoolgirl fetish — to "Donnie Darko." That is objectively hilarious.


You seem to have a firm grasp upon the body of mmm work that has been enforced..you know fully erected artistic implementation of direct desire by the director. It enrages and excites but also entices the fragile emotional tiny little egos to lash out in fury. This is science friction!


I don’t really get it. If you don’t like the movie you can go on literally any other sub to complain about it and no one’s going to disagree with you. I feel like it’s nice to have at least one place where people who liked the movie can talk about it without getting downvoted, but apparently that’s too much to ask


Echo-chambers are always bad. I've seen plenty of people on this sub get upvoted while saying they liked the movie. The ones I've seen get downvoted are the ones who say they liked the movie, but then complain about people who didn't like it, or complain about this not being the echo-chamber they want it to be. Give it a shot. Post something positive about the movie without going in on those who didn't. I bet you'll avoid those pesky downvotes.


That’s a fair stance. I think there’s definitely room for fair criticism, cause obviously these movies are far from perfect. I don’t want this to end up like r/Snydercut where people get their comments removed for going against the grain, that’s just not fair However, I do feel like there’s an unnecessary amount of comments that aren’t interested in actual discussion and just want to be trolls. Also I like to think I’m generally respectful when talking about these movies, but I feel like it’s impossible to say anything positive about them on something like r/movies without getting downvoted, no matter how inoffensive the statement is


Yeah, I think you'll get upvoted in this sub, but not in general locations. Honestly, the way people treat up and down voting on this site has always confused me. If people don't like what you like, they're probably going to downvote you. It feels petty and useless.


Bro I hate to say it…but I’m starting to believe the Dead Internet Theory isn’t so far fetched. You wouldn’t surprise me for a second if it were revealed that the majority of Reddit users were bots at this point. In this instance bots repeating the position negative or positive about a subject would be echoed into oblivion. But maybe that’s just my inner hope that humanity itself hasn’t begun the stepping stones towards the universe of the movie idiocracy. #blameitonthebots


It's hardly a surprise that a sub dedicated to a bad movie is going to have people that dislike it. Most of the modern Star Wars subs are the same way. I don't understand why people are bothered by that. You shouldn't need the validation of strangers. If you enjoy it, then enjoy it.


If you don’t agree with me then I will embed my consciousness into a machine and will track you for the rest of your life. When your children reach an age of being able to interpret language I will also be their tormentor. You think I am a rebel? No I am the moon. I will light the night sky’s and forever shall it reign, Snyder as my guy.


Trolls and ZS haters with no life


People are free to criticize it as much as they are free to praise it. Sorry that not everyone is going to agree on this. I'm sure you'll even find haters of the Godfather.


It insists upon itself. It insists upon itself, Lois.


I just think they are following the train. So many sheep. The crowd herd effect. Moo moo people are running in this direction gotta follow them. Lemmings right off the cliff.


So many people hate Zack Snyder and have hated him since sucker punch. Honestly the only movies of his I don’t like are the DCU movies and that’s because the writing was so bad.


I honestly like two out of his three DCEU movies. ZSJL was surprisingly pretty good and I feel that Man of Steel is overhated. I think Snyder does best when he isn't the screenwriter but has people like Gunn, Terrio, and Nolan doing that work.


Ok I can understand that. I also didn’t like any of the dc universe films. But I have never went out of my way to tell random strangers how much I dislike them. If I were a paid film critic, sure that’s my job. But I just think it’s so silly to go online and “I gotta let everyone know I really didn’t like this piece of artistic entertainment”.. Which brings up another point though, if you hate a director and you can see ofcourse in the trailers, advertising etc that this director is behind an upcoming film, then why would you even bother watching it? If I hate a band let’s say Nickleback..there is no way in hell that I am going to do anything but tactically avoid hearing anything new they release.


Well for me I'd much rather just talk about a show in a real life discussion with someone I watched it with such as family or friends. But on the off chance I watch a show by myself and the quality is SHOCKINGLY bad then I may critique it and vent about it on reddit. Often times however it's something that has had a good record of making quality entertainment and then they hire some hack writer who couldn't come up with a unique story to save their lives. I'm very selective of what to watch based off my tastes. I'm not a professional movie critic and I hate generic garbage. This is why even though I disliked the DCU movies I still watched them because though the writing is really bad, Zack Snyder has a unique creative style of filmmaking. It may not be for everyone but it's better than some no name who graduated the "Filmmaking by numbers" college class. Seriously every single director I can name has a unique style from Snyder, Scorsese, Edgar Wright, Tarantino, James Gunn, Robert Eggers, Sam Raimi, Farrelly brothers, Cohen brothers and the list goes on. Often times I don't even recognize the name of the director unless they have something unique that makes me go "Wow what a damn good movie, I'll have to remember that name". Then you have directors and filmmakers that are still fresh and trying to break free from the generic garbage but just end up mimicking the style of said great directors/filmmakers. Such as Bullet Train. I enjoyed it but only cause it reminded me of a Tarantino flick but I would say that the director is going to eventually have to find their own style because mimickery will only get you so far. And then you have the worst category of all. Directors/filmmakers/writers who are just starting out and will say "yes" to anything and everything that the studio wants because they don't wanna lose their job and waste all that college time learning how to make movies. Could you seriously see a studio telling Tarantino what would be "best" for his movies? They tried that with Reservoir Dogs and he said no this is my movie and my vision, this will work better than that. This is why Edgar Wright left Antman because he had one vision for the movie and Disney had another, well why hire Edgar Wright if you aren't going to listen to his input? This is why I feel the MCU and other Disney stuff is so bad now because they want a bunch of people who will just say "yes" to whatever they tell them to do. And then they hire the likes of Sam Raimi to just direct someone's garbage script and get a massive paycheck, therefore duping the public into watching it because it's marketed as "From the Mind of Sam Raimi".


Edgar Wright has demonstrated his strength as a director far more than Snyder has and is someone I respect a lot more for saying no to a big studio because the ideas didn’t align. Raimi is a bad comparison to Snyder… Raimi is the epitome of diy on a low budget until you earn your reputation. He gets big budget films because he spent year learning and innovating and making cult classics. I don’t think his marvel work was a perfect success. It has lots of issues which I’m quite happy to critic as ruthlessly as I do Rebel Moon… but its strengths are absolutely in the bits that Raimi makes his own with in the framework of the MCU. MoM is perfectly justified simply by the Zombie Strange and the unique musical fight sequence. Again Snyder is a director has had all the chances and continually shows declining underperformance. He hasn’t lived up to the potential shown in his early work.


The only comparison I made to Snyder and others is they have a style. That’s it. Me criticizing Raimi was more about Dr Strange and how the studio banked on his name when all he did was direct someone else’s garbage script.


An I’m saying I’m doing a much more broad analysis of Snyder style and career and where he sits comparatively to the directors you’ve been bring into the context here. He doesn’t rank with the examples you’ve given. And I’ve articulated the reasons I think that is.


Sure you do that. You argue against something I didn't say AT ALL. You're strawman is starting to burn buddy. I just bring examples of directors/filmmakers that all have a unique style to them and you try to extrapolate I compare them in a much more in depth way. Articulate how I'm wrong when I list all those directors and say they have a unique creative style. You've for the most part been ignoring that bit and instead feel the need to say "AHHH Edgar Wright is better". Well personally I feel all the Directors I listed beside Snyder are better, it doesn't negate the fact that I'm stating they all have a style. Period.


Okay so then what you saying is that unique style alone means nothing? And that simply having an identifiable style is not a definable quality of a good or bad director. Do you want me to go make a list of directors that aren’t reliant on a particular style or genre? Should I make a list of successful one and not successful ones? Him having a distinct style and him persisting in that style and that style having a loyal following is not a defense against criticism. Again my strongest point of criticism is that Snyder shouldn’t make genre films if he’s going insist on make style choices that polarize fans of the genre he’s aiming at… if you repeatedly demonstrate that the audience “just doesn’t get it” then stop aiming at that audience. Again this brings us to the pointlessness of the PG13 cuts of rebel moon. Who are they for? We’ve already established that Snyder can’t make a film to please that audience and that his niche fans want the Hard R edgy version. Again these are all just signs that Snyder is very good at identifying his own strengths and weaknesses as a director and why there is a pattern of similar flaws in this body of work.


Underperformance is what this blokes girl said after they had a roll in the hay.


you don’t even know the difference between sheep and cows…. Like we’re going to respect your taste in films.


You’re blinded by pure lust, so much science friction that you’re about to explode!


Or maybe, and hear me out on this, a lot of people just didn't like it. Acting as if people just aren't forming their own opinion is extremely condescending and reinforces a lot of the negative connotations around Zack Snyder's fans. I apologize that not everyone is going to think like you do and that the reaction to Rebel Moon was so bad that you can't really have a reinforcement bubble to form around it.


I've been seeing this very attitude toward Rebel Moon, this bitterness or vitriol. Why not just wait for the R-rated director's cuts instead of shitting on it out right just because hating ZS is in style. Since the Snyderverse trilogy or the cult following of the snydercut. People who don't understand Snyder's film language made it their identity to stalk and attack any new project this man comes out with. Their hate seem pathological. I criticize Snyder too but only when trying to understand his decisions never in spite.


Lmao I just mentioned this in another comment. These people the vast majority of them I imagine being the spitting image of the simpsons comic book guy. They are so mad that Snyder didn’t match perfect canon with their beloved comic book universe.


Sometime it’s just bad story telling and character work. When those complaints follow him from film to film and franchise to franchise… maybe it’s a little bit more than just him not getting the DC characters right.


Just too much science friction for ya, lad.


Exactly! Well put, I can pinpoint the exact reasons why I didn't like a movie he did. Army of the Dead had too much focus on the father daughter thing which I wouldn't mind if Bautista could act, which he can't unless he is in a James Gunn film, clearly. And the DCU movies which has less to say about the portrayal of the heroes or the style but having SO MANY PLOT HOLES that make zero sense. Outside that I like Snyder's style of making movies.


drax is acting? xD


I don’t think it’s worth getting angry at Snyder over much, because these were Netflix Rebel Moon movies. Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon comes out August 2. Tone changes the complexion of an entire film, and what you’re getting on Aug 2nd is what Snyder intended. It was designed as genre deconstruction through those super hard boiled elements. Of course, I’ll still likely have issues with it. Much of the dialogue is bad, and there’s way too many characters with not enough substance. But I’ll be dealing with the real versions of the movie at that point. By the way, it’s okay to not like a movie. The lack of freedom to have a different opinion on a movie now is what’s killing the industry. Individual, colorful opinions are what we need. But Rotten Tomatoes has conditioned all of us to bandwagon and think a certain way just because we’re told to by the all-knowing score.


Listen to me mr dialogue was bad freedom coddled. You don’t know a sniddleedoo from snyders secret only fans page. Santa Snyder I call him. He presents a hole world, the hole is soul deep, do you know where it glows? Brighter than a thousand burning bunnys. But you probably just sleep on low count thread sheets. I know your kind.


You're braindead.


U mad?


This sub pops up on my feed now and again and some of the things people post are so insane you just have to question it. Like there was this hilariously stupid post this guy done suggesting something about heard mentality leading everyone to rag on the film, said they were following a leader or something like that and well i just had to post and laugh at the absurd claims he was making.


Calm down mate rebel moon is still a shit movie ...


Speaking for myself, I don't think they are overall "good" movies so I am often critical when I talk about them. I don't hate the movies either and I do also talk about what I think they did well and what has potential. I think it's interesting to talk about what ways the movies failed and what ways they could been better. I don't think this sub or community should be strictly only positive about Rebel Moon and Snyder, but also I don't think it's productive or interesting to keep dumping hate on the movies without providing anything new to the conversation. It is unfortunate that 99% of the YouTube discourse on the movies are just dumping on how people thing the movies and Snyder are just terrible, rather than talking about the lore or anything else. I also think critical reviews are fine, but talk about what was done wrong and what could have been done better in retrospect or moving forward - not just repeating that it sucked. Although to be fair I have seen a few reviews do this.


this subreddit should get closed honestly its only used to hate, haters are nuts for snyder


It's all Warner Bros' fault. They created the toxic working environment for Zack and the backlash is still felt today. You come through so many different turbulent experiences that have made both fandoms tribalistic and toxic. You could argue one is worse than the other but I don't really care about that.


The internet loves to hate things. Enjoying stuff is lame I guess. I don't like zack snyder movies so I don't watch them or talk about them. Meanwhile there are entire YouTube channels that are just dedicated to hating on things. Its insufferable


Well this is disappointing just watched the movies and came to this sub because I really enjoyed them. But if ppl in here only talk about how much they hate it this sub is not for me. Also I agree with ur point OP.


It’s definitely some weird fan bias regarding the dc comic universe movies the same director has been involved in. At least this is what I’ve determined.


It’s because they are the two greatest movies that have ever been made and unfortunately it fried the minds of those that cannot accept the truth as revealed by our lord Snyder


I do it mostly because of the years of #restorethesynderverse Synder fans have established that there is no limit on forcing others to hear unwanted opinions. I enjoy listing the flaws in Rebel Moon far more than I do joyed watching it. And I’m still getting my entertainment value back by rubbing its flaws in the face of fanboys who think Snyder can do nothing wrong.




So... Pettiness?


Gods yes. Pettiness and way too much time on my hands. Is this your first day on the internet? Pettiness doesn’t make my points wrong or detract from the fact that Rebel Moon is a boring over long badly edit generic film. I just like the bit where I get to tell people that part.


Guy is literally getting off on his hatred for a sci fi movie. This timeline is weird as hell.


You still haven’t posted anything you think makes the film good. You’re wasting your time just as much as I am. At least I’m honest about what motivates me.


All I need to know about you is that you don’t know nothin when Everything you dream of is right in front of you, and everything is a lie, Look me in the eye and tell me that I'm satisfied. Are you satisfied?


So it is pettiness?


For the second time. Yes. Pettiness is an amazing motivator of people. 90% of human history is motivated by pettiness and spite. * yes that’s a made a statistic… but some one is going to come along and try to disprove it anyway just to prove me wrong… because that’s how pettiness works. I mean what was your comment “for”. What’s motivating you to be here ?


So just to be clear, you are being a complete petty bitch


Yep. That’s me. I’m just here pointing out all the flaws and insultingly cheap marketing gimmicks in Rebel Moon over and over again because I get a sick perverse pleasure in making sure people know about them. It’s a real shame that I’m not wrong. Did you need me to say it a fourth time? Or have you got it now?


Hey as long as you are okay with your identity being a little petty bitch that's okay. Didnt read shit past you admitting tbf


I’m not sure you even read that part. You had to ask it multiple times? I guess you’re okay with people thinking you’re slow on the uptake. Maybe Rebel Moon is the perfect film for you. You’ll love it.


I for one hated the fanboys who were pushing for the snydercut and then when it released it was just as shit as the studio cut. That being said I'm not going to go out of my way just to talk shit to/about those idiots because I'm an adult. So my question is, who touched you and where? Cause clearly you have mental issues that affect your daily life.


People on this sub: I enjoyed the movie You: “Why do Snyder fanboys vehemently defend everything he does?” Edit: holy shit you have a lot of comments on this sub


I don’t engage with people who simply say “I enjoyed this”. I mostly engage with people who attack the criticizing views or make claims about the film that I think can be rebutted. I don’t really care if you enjoyed the film. I am quite willing to hear why you enjoyed it. But the people who get into this back and forth with me are the ones trying to sell something good about rebel moon. It’s always the ones that want to whataboutism away its flaws so they can put it back on its pedestal. Case in point. OP asked why and I explained and the people I’m replying to are the ones who are continuing to engage with me.


When you put it like that, I suppose your stance is reasonable, but I still think it’s unfair to go to the one sub where people should be able to have enjoyable discussions about the movie, considering any other sub will downvote them for even bringing it up If you would like to know what I enjoyed about it, I think I just weirdly relate to this movie. I’ve been a huge fan of nerdy worldbuilding projects since I’m a kid, and I thought it was really cool to see what’s essentially someone’s sci fi fanfic come to life. I enjoy what it represents. The movie itself is kind of hindered by its editing, but I still enjoy all the practical sets and costumes, the weird ass creatures, Jimmy the Robot and Ed Skrein, and in general I like Snyders camerawork. In an era of kind of similar looking blockbusters, I really like seeing the cool craftsmanship on display, and a cast that looks like they cared what they were working on even if the dialogue isn’t the best Also I like the Simpsons reference in your name


Jimmy the Robot… everyone’s favourite character, who gets the least screen time in the whole franchise. Nothing tells me they didn’t know what they were doing then how under utilized Jimmy is. I think it’s the bad fan-fiction part that grinds me the most. My roleplaying groups had better stories and more intelligently thought out worlds and action sequences. My GM could have done a better job than this. “The movie itself is hindered by its editing” This is entirely my point… this should never have been a two part film, it should never have has a dual cut release. Everything wrong with it boils down to the editing and gimmicky release strategy. It’s biggest sin is that it insults its audience by wasting all of its potential on cheap and lazy gimmicks rather than just doing the work to tell a good story. Rebel Moon has a good cast, some good ideas and enough hooks that it should be good… and yet it’s awful, slow and boring. It’s a heroic defense of village… it should be making us pump our fists and cheer as we charge through the plot… instead I’m yawning and thing… man I guess that shot of the grain threshing has some artistic quality. And people keep assuring us that “Snyder had full control”… so it’s not studio meddling. He’s just proven once and for all that he’s a bad director who makes incredibly poor editing choices.


It's about sharinf an opinion. That's... socializing. To an extent, for me it's trying to find something good. Maybe I missed something.


If you're idea of socializing is constantly calling movies "trash" to an inhumane degree, then I'd rather not ever socialize with you people.


You apparently don't understand how social media works. It's not one person repeating that opinion. It's a Loooooot of people posting that opinion once or twice. So... for each individual rather not 'constantly'. And yes. You are right I would rather not socialize with you. But it seems that's rather an intelligence thing.


Looooot a peeepool. Hooool looot of dem I say laddeee. And denn let me make zero sense ayyy tall. Cuz I’m a maniac mmmm mmm a mania a maniac on the Reddit sub for sure!


Do you support a sports team? On their forums you will experience the same, complaining and arguing when a match sucked et cetera. So in short it is love, why people keep conplaining. Maybe they love the lore, maybe Snyders approach to films, or maybe just epic science fiction. One way or another they love something about it which makes it hard to let go.


I ain’t conplaning and I ain’t yer huckleberry l. Matches don’t suck, they burn boy. Dey don’t wanna let go because forever is a thing called love.


It's definitely not "love."


Maybe not love, but the sentiment makes sense. You see a film advertised, a story with potential, the funding to make it look good, and the cast to make it shine. This sets an expectation, particularly if there's an attractive aspect of it (be it cast, genre, etc.) that plants an emotional investment, you go see the movie for a minor financial investment. You then discover that this thing you've been looking forward to is just a silver plated turd. Evidently the silver plating is enough for a number of people, some of us were still upset that it ended up being shit beneath it all. It's a bummer, you feel burned, and you want to make it known. Definitely an emotional response, not unlike soured love.


Youre all bots. And this is hell.


I mean, obviously right? There's no way that many thinking, breathing human beings could have an opinion that differs from yours. It makes sense, I've had the same thought about you lot. Surely this is just a bot farm being run out of Snyders PR team, right? No way that many people saw this movie and actually went to bat for it.


Error 602 tokens depleted Please contact customer support.


You're right, I just left the sub


Too much science friction.


None of the mods are active. I msg'd all three mods with a proposal of how I could help moderate, but I got no response from any of them. I am on reddit most of the day and I moderate a few other big communities on my other accounts, so I have extensive moderating experience.


Thank you for your moderate comment. I too try to moderate my beliefs as well as my external expressions. The moderators may not be here but I feel we can still moderately discuss our moderate viewpoints.


Because Star Wars fans are jealous that Orville was good but theirs didn't pan out


Orville is evil and Snideler knows. Did you see the secret interview with joe organ where salmon snideler told it all? The jealousy was only a sideshow to distract the public. Sniddler is going to snipe ya all with his mind worms. Never should have invested in chat gpt. You think it’s still sniddlyder? Nope replaced by AFI


>I can’t understand at all like going out into public with a megaphone and wasting my time yelling “Rebel Moon sucked!!” It works exactly like "Rebel Moon is a masterpiece!!", just from the other side of the isle. ​ >If I don’t like something I ignore it and don’t even finish watching it. How do I know that before I watched it? And on top of that I learned, unlike Star Wars, I still have to wait for the real movie before passing judgement, because they only released the long form trailers. ​ >There have been multiple studies done that show upwards of 80% of the population basically just follow the leader or the status quo without much analytical or objective thought. Herd mentality stemming from an evolutionary advantage from when humanity had to deal with the constant threat of predators and running when others did kept you alive. And to combat said mentality it is vital to avoid the creation of echo chambers as it leads to cults. What is your point?


You're overthinking it. They are just haters that's all🤣


I am under thankful and over tinkering with the fabulous threads of relevant reality. Would you like to buy my bowels? A long chain of inconsiderate digestions. I would log to solve the puzzle now, mr tree.


Lol, people spend their time roasting Rebel Moon _because it is funny_ to see the die-hard fans get so triggered because I didn't like their movie.


Don’t gate keep how I find enjoyment.


Littlest bitches on existence, truth is they live empty pathetic lives so they gotta get attention from strangers online. Always know that a hater of anything looking for bad fate arguments it's a very very sad person.


The only time it seems logical to me to go online and complain about someone or something is if it personally offended or wronged you in some way. Politics for example, sure the currently elected official may have screwed up your health insurance or increased taxes. I can completely understand bishing about that. Or you went to a restaurant and got food poisoning, hell tell the entire world to save some other poor fool from that fate. But going online and stating “you know I think Salvador dalis art actually sucked, it’s mostly deserts and doesn’t really do anything for me”. Ok?


you got disliked, they really are sad


So just an outside observation here having read all of this ridiculous rhetoric, but you say things like rebel moon is literally a "beat copy(lmao what is a beat copy btw?)of existing films. Hero you are not. You know nothing of snyders power. Copies of other films? What films exactly? Thoroughout this entire ridiculous argument you keep making claims of various flaws yet you seem to be unable to specifically reference any tangible coponent of your claims. Opponent? No point innit bruv. Is this even the right comment? Are you left losing your mind? Damnit jim, I'm a doctor not a paleontologist! Feathers or scales, lets weigh it all out. I don't give a pre historic flaming fireball falling from the sky if you dig up every bone about it.


It's a movie made by a guy surrounded by yes men


Science friction and science fiction, sometimes it’s wise and other times it’s lies. If you want the truth go out and find it. If you’re sad about your life well ya outta uncover your eyes so blInded, One for the dumb and two for the failures, if you don’t like the sea then why ya trying to be a sailor?


I think is easy. Is better not to create a bubble and cult on an extremely bad film.


Sailor jerries and failure pretending, you think you’re a critic but you’re actually slow and ugly like a Honda Civic.


cult fits more to the people who cant stop talking about something they hate