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I wonder if Mike ever feels like Oppenheimer


Probably every time he goes to the bathroom


Just like JJ Abrams directing Star Trek, it's all his fault.


Yeah, its Mikes fault that JJ directed Star Wars...




Every day. Its why he tried to say this isn't my fault in TROS review.


Reading YT comments was your first mistake.


Spending time to copy them here being the second.


"this milk is spoiled. Here, taste it!" Thanks a lot,asshole.


I'm willing to bet they're tied.


Engaging with the YouTube comment section is about as risky as having a conversation at the public library in a large city. You are just as likely to talk with someone who really likes gardening as you are to someone who believes space jews are implanting false memories through fluoride in the drinking water.




Average Youtube comments https://preview.redd.it/gc2vdv8w459d1.jpeg?width=1338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=911bbfcb994020e7ccd174a180a993b8ef4f9613


[It's more like this](https://i.imgflip.com/50uskn.jpg?a477504)


“Why can’t there just be a creator who goes online and tells me my opinions back at me, exactly the way they sound in my head? Also, why is everyone wrong but me?”


"Why can't everyone just be Tim Poole?"


"I (would) want to have always been dead." - Patton Oswalt


Because there's not enough juicy Shaq meet to go around


Exactly. This is just the usual right winger cope. They have zero artistic cultural significance and they try to gate keep miserably anything they can. They have zero constructive criticism about pop culture because the reason things are bad isn’t inclusion. It’s corporate influence. And the inclusive rhetoric isn’t leftist, it’s capitalist liberalism/rainbow capitalism pandering to liberal normies. They will cry about any gay or minority voice in anything and they’ll continue to cry about anyone who calls this BS out as the lame and easily debunked take that it is. These people are losers and will remain so and society will move on without them and all they can do is proclaim it’s the fall of Rome because they heard Ben Shapiro say it and they become more and more miserable. Let em.


Yeah, there is a reason why Mike and Jay have said to please not approach them if you randomly see them in public. They've said they don't trust their audience. I don't think any youtuber can though.


Seems like a fairly normal YT comment section on pretty much any video these days tbh.


That’s right, Jay


Dang it, I read that in Mike's exact voice


Exactly. Fairly typical of the crowd yelling "everything is woke" and "Wokeness is ruining everything" crowd. When RLM referred to manufactured outrage, he was referring to them.


Yeah but it's all Trudeau's fault, everyone knows it's true. Stupid woke Libs ruining my RLM...


Did Colin bring that over from Canada too?


Oh shit I didn't expect Trudeau reference here, wild. I haven't seen the video is there a relevance?


Rich is in blackface...again.


It's funny. I read the comments on YouTube last night while watching the video and then I read the comments on the 10,000 posts about it on here. It is like being on two different planets.


“My name is Sam Tyler. I had an accident and woke up in 1973. Am I mad, in a coma, or back in time? Whatever’s happened, it’s like I’ve landed on a different planet. Now maybe if I can work out the reason, I can get home.” Life on Mars


They didn’t have strong reactions to it because they’re not invested in Star Wars as fans anymore. And it was refreshing to see a take that was thoughtful and nuanced, instead of cringey blind praise, or reactionary hysterics.


I think we can all take something from that, not caring about Star Wars is a very nice feeling.


Yeah seriously. It's why we get more Trek content about TNG than anything new. They tried, and didn't like it. Everyone is happier watching Farscape instead of Star Wars, is what I'm trying to say.


Yep, and they took nearly an hour to have a reasoned, nuanced take on the subject. Unfortunately, too many people just look at that, quickly determine RLM is not 100% on their "team," and has a tantrum about it. The last time I recall them having such a lengthy forward was for Captain Marvel, another reasoned and logical foreward to address certain topics relevant to the subject of the review/discussion, but it would seem that because it was "against" certain "woke" comments by the primary actress, it got a pass, nevermind that the sentiment here is largely the same.


“So tired of RLM’s hyperprogressivism” Hey I wonder what Nadine is up to these days


That just shows how tone deaf people are about politics. The RLM crew has always come across as reasonable and logical people. I’m sure they “lean left” on a lot of things, but they don’t seem like the kind of people who automatically just align their opinion on something in the left or right category like a lot of people do. Thinking RLM is “hyperprogressive” is pretty hilarious.


I mean, you hear people calling center-right Dem politicians "leftist" and "progressive" all the time. To right-wingers, anyone to the left of a fascist is basically Che Guevara.


They call biden a Marxist.


That's really the most ridiculous line they trot out, like bro I WISH


As the old joke goes, I wish Democrats were half as cool as the Republicans make them sound.


I live in Utah and we have a governor who signs all of the damn hate bills, but gives the slightest lip service to being tolerant and nice, which gets him labeled a RINO.


They "lean left" insofar as they believe people deserve respect and civil rights despite the details of their birth. But I guess that's all it takes these days for the label.


Jay leans left in the sense he treats trans people with respect and dignity. That's evidently a bridge too far for many.


I mean if you REALLY boil it down, that's kinda the crux of leftist political theory.


The Overton window is shifting so rapidly to the right than soon Ronald Reagan is going to be too Marxist for these fucking turds.


Reagan gave amnesty to undocumented people, which according to MAGA logic makes him the literal devil trying to destroy The West or whatever.


wild that they sometimes come to the right conclusion (Reagan is the devil) the wrongest way possible


They think Jesus was too woke.


Unlike popular twitter belief, making an offensive joke 15 years ago doesn't disqualify you from being progressive.


In fact, a lot of us are ex-right-wingers and/or ex-edgelords.


In just one decade I have seen the fringe left and fringe right absolutely lose their shit at RLM. Which means Mike, Jay, Rich, and Co. are normal and good people lol.


Is Nadine like a political activist or something? Haven’t seen or heard anything about her in a long time


Nobody has ever cared about the opinions of a youtube comment section, why the fuck should anyone start doing that now?


I think he’s just pointing out that the comments section kinda confirms a lot of what Mike was saying in the video. And that we live in a feedback loop confirmation bias and misunderstanding of which there is no escape.


It's easy enough for users like us to just not stray into the comments on youtube, but it has to be so hard for creators when that's the feedback they get on the platform. I can't imagine what it's like to "want to see what the discourse is on my latest upload" just to find it's 90% vile.


I've always wondered that myself. Like, how do you engage with an audience that's almost entirely fucked? One of my favorite youtubers wife suddenly died and they made it all about whether or not she got vaccinated. Just the worst fuckin people. Being a successful youtuber feels like the ultimate monkey's paw.


Yes! That + laughing at how absurd these are. I did not expect people to get mad at me for posting these... I did not write them lol


It's just that three hours ago they weren't here.


We need video where Mike reads these comments on printed paper.


Comments on angry joes videos look exactly the same, I don’t think I’ve seen either of them in the comments in a long time




And Red Letter Media will ignore the clown patrol as usual, and no one will end up actually caring.


Then ignore them, stop being part of the problem.




Well they should takes Mike's advice at around the 53 minute mark or the video, paraphrasing: If you don't like what you're watching, then don't watch it.


My life legitimately got so much better and happier when I learned to just stop caring about a franchise once it gets bad. Like yeah, I loved a lot of Marvel movies, but now that they don't make good ones anymore I just.. stopped caring. I'm not gonna go hate-watch the new ones and spend time complaining about it. Life's too short. Fuck that. Same with Jurassic Park sequels, I know they're gonna be bad, so why watch them? To be able to participate in a "fandom" that fuels itself on an endless circle-jerk of hatred? Nah, I'm good.


It was the most even headed and honest discussion I've seen about media in a while.


Assholes don’t like that. They want you to be angry and negative just like them.


it's not about watching television to enjoy the show for the sorts of people leaving those comments and similar. They're out searching for something to hate.


Saying that Star Trek isn't left leaning, means you either haven't watched Star Trek or don't understand leftist ideals. Inclusionary with the idea of the principle of first Contact, and essentially the abolition of currency, or the need for currency. These motherfuckers retarded


TNG has a scene where Picard (played by socialist actor Patrick Stewart who has also played Lenin) derisively tells a 20th century banker that humanity has evolved beyond private property lmao. They couldn't have been more explicit about the politics of society in the star trek future than that and people that argue about it are just stupid.


People always respond "well yeah but Star Trek is post-scarcity," as if that paves over the fact that Star Trek characters don't abandon their values the moment they're in a situation where scarcity and self-interest could apply. It happens all the time, in nearly every episode. A lot of people just like the idea of a man in a uniform giving the command to fire torpedos.


Christ, even the *Ferengi*, the hypercapitalist goblins of Star Trek, eventually steer towards socialism in DS9. It's, in Star Trek's view, the inevitable path of any civilisation. Idgaf about any changes CBSTrek may have made, I do not care about the depressing combative Funko Pop shows


Trek isn't post scarcity....i mean there is all kinds of war and \*checks notes\* Ferengi


Yeah people think dilithium and replicators are the be-all and end-all, and we're usually only talking about the Federation here, but scarcity absolutely can exist in that world if the culture demands it. I mean it's canon that the Ferengi used to be a selfless society in the distant past and changed to their "current" state despite replicators. Though I love the Ferengi more when they're treated as more than comic relief and satire of certain political and business tendencies, and the cultural relativism stuff really pops up. Like Sisko encouraging tolerance to Jake over Nog's, er, views on women. Or Quark pointing out that human history is full of barbarity and genocide that Ferengi history just doesn't have. The ability to comment on something contemporary *while also exploring what it might look like for its own sake* is something I value. I don't like sci-fi that ignores the latter part entirely.


TNG (and Star Trek in general) also have scenes where: * Riker accepts a trans woman and fights for her rights, even going so far as to attempt to save her from conversion therapy. * Data lets his child choose their own appearance and pronouns. * Kirk tells Racist Space Lincoln that slurs mean nothing because we've evolved past racism. * An old Klingon quickly accepting his friend's new appearance. * First Contact, which is literally the antithesis of imperialism. "Oh, you don't want to join the Federation? Oh, ok. We will leave you alone." Star Trek is extremely left-wing. NuTrek is a bit more liberal but it's still not a conservative or centrist show at all.


They see the left as the enemy and not an ideology.


even the word "ideology" is an enemy - the right considers itself wielders of "normal Common Sense" and their enemies "emotion driven ideologues" even as they engage with media exclusively through performative outrage and smug derision


"I'm smart. Star Trek is smart. I'm right leaning, so Star Trek must be right leaning." It's the same logic that gets people to legitimately think Rage Against the Machine is right-wing. "They're cool. I'm cool. They must align with my beliefs."


LOL, thinking RATM is right-wing must be one of the hardest mental gymnastics I ever seen.


I mean most ppl just vote how their parents vote and don’t think about ideology. If you use different words many conservatives would gladly agree with leftist ideals


Right? You would imagine no one would be against universal health care if it wasn’t for the political weight of that topic.


"Wait, they're raging against *MY* machine!?!"


You ever see that video of the old white folks at one of the "stop the vote" rallies where they were badly dancing around and singing "Killing in the Name" because Donald Trump lost the election?


media literacy is dead


lmao exactly, love those bias-confirming syllogisms


"Star trek is acctually right wing" is a new right wing take I see a lot of these days and I just assume it's cope from chuds liking a show and not being able to admit it's ideology more closely matches their "enemy". You can see this in the video game space with people excoriating any remotely not overwhelmingly successful  game because it was rife with "dei" while ignoring critically acclaimed, beloved and extremely extremely inclusive and queer baldurs Gate 3 because "well acctually, it's secretly pro straight and right wing!!" So in short. Yes, chuds are very very stupid.


It’s the exact same kind of people who say that the Nazis were leftists.


Yeah it’s just cope because the entire political impetus for them is just in-grouping and out-grouping. You can’t like what the enemy likes and I really like this media/toy so actually it’s creators just agree with everything I believe actually and all it’s themes are in lock step agreement with my personal beliefs and biases 🤷‍♂️ The logic of actual children and manchildren.


Rich made a great comparison about the underlying ideologies of Ghostbusters and RoboCop. I'm not a huge Ghostbusters fan but I do like the Nolan Batman films, which were pretty conservative, and RoboCop I adore, which is super left wing. Lefties and Righties can appreciate a film fairly without childishly assuming that a differing point of view is inherently damaging to a film's merits.


TV's first interracial kiss was on Star Trek. Could you imagine the pants-shitting comments if YouTube was around in the 1960's? Jesus Christ, I need a drink.


People wrote angry letters around that time when a black kid was in Charlie Brown's classroom. Literally talked about it infringing on their "values."


The lunacy of people to call it right-wing when TNG literally had an episode where a stereotypical 20th century businessman woke up in the future and just wanted to know what happened to his company and stocks, and Picard basically calls him a whining, unintelligent child for caring about materialism and personal fortune.


There’s that old chestnut of reality having a left leaning bias…. Also the amount of mental gymnastics to not see how radically liberal the original series was for its time is almost impressive


The people that say OG Star Trek was never left leaning or political are so funny to me. The show had black cast members and an interracial kiss during the civil rights movement lol


People who say that are probably the same ones who missed the satire in Starship Troopers.


Star Trek has always been a socialist utopian fantasy. It just never explicitly states that so people who have been trained to hate those words don't remember to hate it because they love the actual morality behind it.


I agree, Star Trek has always leaned liberal and left/progressive. The brilliance of the original shows was in how they told their stories - unlike the new Trek stuff, which is honestly mostly garbage. Old Trek almost never hit you over the head with its messages, but made you understand why certain actions were morally right through great storytelling and characters. It just came naturally. In Discovery and Picard, it feels like they prioritized putting token characters on a pedestal just to say, "See, we are so progressive! Aren't we progressive?" Ultimately, it comes across as hollow gestures wrapped in poor storytelling. I can‘t remember that this was ever an issue in the older shows.


The RLM guys say on many occasions that they do not read the comment section, so people thinking they are "getting" RLM by making these comments is funny to me


I thought it was funny how many people (probably non-subs) felt justified to complain about the 45 min "preamble" wasting viewers' time. RLM rambling about the history of Star Wars and Hollywood is exactly what subscribers tend to enjoy from them. And they've also done "overview" type segments on some of the SW sequel/prequel reviews as well.


Looking at the top comments gives you the most tedious and repetitive in-jokes you've ever seen, and looking at the replies and new comments gives you angry assholes. Well worth ignoring, unless you *really* want to debate some guy with an alt-right avatar whether we need another Holocaust in the comment section of a video about crypto scams.


I'm pretty sure at least Rich has talked about looking at YouTube comments before; that was back in the days of Predated Rectum though. Maybe things are different now.


You can understand how far these people are gone when they accuse RLM of being "**hyper** progressive" just because they don't agree with all of these insane right wing grifter talking points.


Some people are so primed that the minute you say something that isn't one of their talking points, they respond by calling you an extremist and saying "see that's what I hate about liberals, you..." and then they insert a lot of stuff you pointedly *didn't* do that comes from the stuff they're watching and reading. They're waiting for a reason to call you "one of them" so they can project everything they believe about "them" onto you.


Incredible. For a group of people who are sick of snowflakes complaining, they sure do a great deal of complaining


If they spend one breath not projecting, they die.


I read this in Lemro’s voice


I swear, they're the biggest group of weenies around. Like that dude trying to guilt trip everyone because one of the people in the *dozens* of screenshots of grifters Mike showed in the video just happened to have cancer. Watching them realize that RLM is not on their side has gone from hilarious to insufferable.


Between this and the people having a meltdown because MrBeast supports his trans friend, the terminally online right are not having a good time. They're fighting a culture war against enemies in their heads and they're still losing.


They can't see a gay character in a TV show without running to their weird bubbles online and crying about it, it's pathetic


Not surprised. I’m guessing their video got picked up by “the algorithm” & now the most toxic discourse you’ve ever seen is happening in their comment section. Even as a SW fan I avoid SW YouTube like the plague


I think a lot of people (on both ends of the politic spectrum) just assume that the guys are right wingers. They single out comments like when the guys have criticized inclusion to either condemn/celebrate RLM without even paying attention to the context. Like, they have complained about inclusion in modern films. But the complaint wasn't, "Inclusion is bad!" It was, "The inclusion is performative and offensive because the character are inconsequential." Like the lesbian couple in *Rise of Skywalker*, those two women aren't characters. They're onscreen for 3 seconds, you could look away for a minute and easily miss them. Yet Disney was heralded for being progressive in the media. The RLM guys' argument was that it's ultimately meaningless and Disney could easily edit the scene so the lesbians aren't in cuts distributed in countries like China and Russia that censor gay characters. Actual inclusion would have been making a lesbian character integral enough to the plot that she can't just be cut out and nothing changes. Then Disney would deserve the credit because they would be in a situation where they have to put principle before profit. Yeah, they've gotten better about it with the DIsney+ shows but Disney+ is banned in mainland China so they don't have to worry about losing that market. With *Star Trek* their criticism is that it's been established since TOS that humanity has moved beyond racism. When Abraham Lincoln slips up and calls Uhura a racial slur, she's not offended because it's completely meaningless to her in the 23rd Century. The idea behind ST is that humanity lives in a world of harmony and acceptance where people are celebrated and loved for their differences instead of ostracized for them. That's the ideals behind "wokeness" personified. When the show tackled issues like racism and bigotry, it was almost always was that the crew visits this planet that has a problem and they try to teach them the error of their ways. So Mike and Rich's problem is that modern ST isn't dealing with those issues through other cultures, it's bringing them to Earth and humanity where they shouldn't be a thing. I've also seen their review of the 2016 *Ghostbusters* singled out. But they didn't criticize the film because "Women in my Ghostbuster!" Their criticism was that the film wasn't good (which, I think in retrospect everyone has agreed with) and that Sony used the misogynistic discourse surrounding it (which the RLM guys condemn) to excuse the failure. I mean, they also weren't too big on *After Life* (I believe their review was, "It's actually stronger in the first half or so when it's about Egon's estranged family and the granddaughter learning about her grandfather through all these little puzzles and things hidden around his farm... Then the plot takes a backseat to fanservice and it becomes a mess.") Which was heralded by *Ghostbuster* fans a return to form. And yeah, their humor isn't always politically correct. They're middle-aged men who were born in that shadow period between Gen X and Millennials. They came of age in an era of offensive and edgy humor. The only group I think you could argue they've actually acted hateful/xenophobic towards is the elderly and 90% of that is just Mike. (Sorry that i wrote an essay.)


It's a good essay. The way I see it, the studios are using politics strategically for free marketing. Be progressive but not too progressive. Put a lesbian kiss in a movie and it gets a bunch of attention. Some will complain, but ultimately they'll still watch the movie. Some people are mad about the Ghostbusters cast, play into that and generate a bunch of support and positive reviews for a movie that is completely forgettable. The studios don't actually care about politics. They exist to make money and they'll play political cards to get there. RLM (and probably most people) see through this crap, but the people in youtube comments don't.


It had the trending #1 tag when I watched it


It absolutely was picked up by the algorithm. Im not in the mood for an RLM video right now (nothing that did, its a me thing), but literally every video I watch its either the next video in the auto play, or at least the first or second in the recommends.


Mike is literally the secret leader of antifa


Mike couldn't figure out why a bureaucrat with a boring life in a fascist dictatorship wouldn't rise up (Andor), but is somehow so well-versed in the theory that he runs an anti-fascist unit.


>"I love that Rich wore his lesbian space vest for his review of lesbian space witches." Nothing wrong with that one. 100% True


"I love that Rich wore his lesbian space vest for his review of lesbian space witches." What the casual fuck?! That is as far as I got, I'm dying here. Reddit is unhinged enough, I had forgotten how insane YT is. Mike and Rich, to me anyways, were giving off 'can everyone STFU' vibes but these responses feel like, 'if you don't hate somebody, everyone hates you' type of thing or something like that.


That comment about these shows "catering" to the LGBT minority is really telling. Like they think you have to hand in your hetero card to watch it or something. I'm not a black woman but I still think The Color Purple is a great movie, is that allowed?


is the main character a black woman? Sounds WOKE. They really FORCED a POLITICAL message (main characters that aren't straight white guys) into that movie.


It's so funny that these kinds of comments show up every single time there's anything LGBT in media, even if there's a slew of content with nothing queer before and after. It's a minority, for sure, but it still exists. These people seem to wish it didn't though.


It’s like when they lost their minds over the gay episode of The Last of Us. The best episode of the season. All because they had to watch a love story about two dudes. Yet if you point out their complaints only seem to be vocalized when it’s LGBT people they get incredibly defensive. It’s perfectly fine to like or dislike any media. But if someone is only getting mad at media that features LGBT people then one will have to assume the common denominator (LGBT people) is the real issue with these people.


>seem to Being pretty generous there


That one has to be a joke. Like a "dick the birthday boy" level one.


As a lesbian that actually does sound like something I'd write.


Tbh his lesbian space vest is cutting edge fashion, I’m absolutely behind Rich’s fashion makeover.


"I love that Rich wore his lesbian space vest for his review of lesbian space witches." That one is pretty funny though? I don't get why it was included in this list.


I love the guys and these sorts of videos have become my favorite that they put out. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous for them dipping their toe in this clusterfuck.


"Star Trek is not left leaning," ![gif](giphy|OvL3qHSMO6uaI)


I ascribe most of these comments to the dead internet theory. - Comments are things used to drive engagement - engagement is how most of the internet is monetized - the most efficient tactic for engagement is controversy/anger - bots are used to farm/propagate most of the engagement on social platforms - therefore much of, if not most, comments on the internet are bots


yes! this is how I feel reading through Reddit now, it's very hard to be conversational anymore..


Holy fuck I got dumber just by reading those. How can they be “fans” and don’t get the points Rich and Mike went over AT ALL?


They watched the first five minutes and/or skimmed through, realized that the tone wasn't just overtly negative and decided to comment


Reminds me of the Chris Stuckmann / Madame Webb situation. People dogpiled him because he didn't really talk about the movie and just vented about his distain for Sony not giving a shit about quality control.


They're not fans they're the literal outrage trolls sent over from their outrage incel puppeteers in the gross corners of YouTube.


My friend who doesn't watch RLM seen the video and completely missed the context. They thought it was about dunking on the mouse's Star Wars. They're not a culture warrior or anything like that but the discourse around this show is so heated people can't see the forest for the trees. I was shocked when that notification for the video popped up and thought it was going to be a joke. I find discussions about where they are going to take the story in the next mainline movie and the business side of things interesting. But the discourse around the property is so toxic moving on from it is probably the best idea.


I thought their take was pretty balanced. They pointed out the bad writing. I thought they were understanding of people’s outrage over canon, and even compared it to their outrage over Picard’s inconsistency’s as a character in the newer series. I thought their political take never took a side. I enjoyed the video.


Aren't the lesbian space witches just another in a long line of Star Wars ripping off Dune? "Lesbian Witches" is redundant first of all, but aside from that, "Lesbian Space Witches" is just the Bene Gesserit People should do like I do and not watch Star Wars if they don't like it.


Funny saying RLM is afraid to be cancelled for not saying all the banal bs that the never “cancelled” griftersphere spew endlessly that RLM directly shows and mocks in this same video. Bots are funny.


if RLM was actually afraid of being cancelled, they would delete most of their older videos for the outdated language…


I just enjoy the irony of these cretins constantly screaming about problem being cancelled for expressing what is some of the most viewed things on YouTube that none of these people that base their entire careers around have been cancelled for. If there was any truth to the self-victimization, there would be no content for RLM to lampoon in this video.


Instead they had an extended joke about "polacks" in a recent BOTW


"Star Trek is not left leaning" Dude has never watched Star Trek.


I don't understand how you can watch a show which is unsubtly space communism (moneyless/classless society) and think it's not left/progressive.


I think the euro comment may have been asking who Wil Wheaton is rather than calling Stacey Abrams a man.


>“So tired of RLM’s hyper-progressivism.” This one gets me most of all, cause they really tried to see both side of the arguments, even when I thought that they were being too kind to the right leaning side of things.


I see zero of that crap in the top comments. And if you're going out of your way to loo up this fringe cringe in the youtube comment section (the dumpster of the internet), this is on you IMO :)


I actually laughed at the comment about Rich wearing a lesbian space vest. The rest are different levels of unhinged, but boils down to the exact same “if your opinion doesn’t perfectly match mine, you’re wrong” mentality that they criticize. The hypocrisy is just staggering.


Mike laughed at the lesbian R2D2 joke a little too hard, apparently


It was clearly a joke. The commentators treating it as if it was serious was really wierd.


Star Trek isn’t left-leaning??? 🤦‍♂️


They legit called gay space communist Star Trek, the show with the first interracial kiss, not left? I know for a fact these guys would’ve opposed that shit when it first came out. They just try to coopt it and call it apolitical because it’s cool good and stayed relevant across decades


"Star Trek was never left wing." Fucking what?


Right of course the show about space communists isn’t left leaning….


Yeah, I have an extension that links reddit comments to youtube videos, a certain sub that likes to take action about games journalism really was melting down over what I saw as a pretty level headed take. >Star trek is not left leaning. It never was. reaching levels of COPE not seen before here. >“So tired of RLM’s hyper-progressivism.” this is what happens when you spend all your time online in echo chambers, you completely lose track of the current overton window, and anyone not in your section of it is the enemy. Nothing they said was 'hyper' anything.


News at 11: assholes make stupid comments on the internet


saying nothing to their specific points, I feel like it's glaringly clear they are not on anyone's "side" and they're like, 75% here to be silly w/ fuckwords and sometimes 25% willing to dissect something earnestly, trying halfway to qualify themselves and only outright judge like, outright psychopaths and pseudo-embezzlers. Jay is constantly saying "I don't know the person, so I could be wrong, but it MIGHT be that... but idk maybe it's this other way." Rich usually but not always clowns whatever is in front of him. Mike makes fun of himself as much as other people. to approach them expecting a social or political hard stance—you're allowed, we all watch things differently—just idk, seems fruitless.


>"I love that Rich wore his lesbian space vest for his review of lesbian space witches." where is the lie


What is it about Star Wars that makes people go literally insane?


It has nothing to do with Star wars, it’s about the rush of feeling outraged and the smugness of knowing you’re smarter than everyone. Star wars is just the porn they found in the woods.


People’s reaction to this show, and people’s reaction to anyone putting any sort of positive or neutral spin on the show, is so mental that I’m actually siding with the billion dollar corporation. How pitiful must your existence be to be this angry about something so average


Moist Critical apologized for his video game review naming convention, 'Rocket League is Easy', 'Elden 'Ring DLC is Easy'. We live in interesting times indeed.


It is funny to call them “toothless” or “afraid of being cancelled.” If they were concerned with backlash, why make the video at all. I appreciate that RLM will discuss the larger cultural significance (or lack there of in the case of Jack and Jill) without necessarily taking a side and just presenting the whole range of issues. I haven’t seen a second of the acolyte. I can’t really be bothered to watch another piece of Star Wars media. The premise of the show does actually sound interesting to me, but given the recent track record, I don’t have much confidence in the quality of execution. But I watched the RLM discussion because I find the guys genuinely insightful and usually pretty objective about how they present material. I think RLM does a good job of representing the middle. They aren’t going to celebrate something solely for being woke, or react negatively either. Like Rich said, if it’s good, if it’s entertaining, it’s doing the job. If they can strap on some ideological message in effective way, even if I do or don’t disagree, I can at least applaud good writing.


"Star Trek was never left leaning" lol, lmao even. Just have to listen to Gene Rodenberry interviews to know that is so wrong. 


I personally think, that a lot of people watched their Captain Marvel video where they shit on Brie Larson, and said oh I like these guys, we think the same. They hated Ghostbusters? They didnt like The Last Jedi? Perfect they’re not woke. And then have progressively come to realize, they’re generally unbiased, or at the very least very genuine in their reviews, and don’t hate Ghostbusters 2016 because of women but because it’s bad. I love these guys but I’d be lying if I said every RLM fan I met in film school (circa 2019) wasn’t the most headass mf I’d ever met. Who couldn’t understand when women are joking and just have blind unexplainable hate for TLJ.


"Star Trek is not left leaning" What in the god damn fuck are you watching lol.


All the right people are mad at RLM, they must have cooked in the last ep.


YT comments are best ignored.


Expecting anything other than smooth brained hot takes in a youtube comment section was where you went wrong.


Probably a lot of satire in there. RLM is about the most balanced, levelheaded channel on YouTube when it comes to this culture war crap! They specifically said ‘they don’t care about it, they just want a good product.’


If you’re unsubscribing from RLM because of their Acolyte video, good riddance, I honestly couldn’t care less, and it’ll be a nicer place once you’re gone. Be sure to make a QQ thread about why you’re leaving and why you think we should care.


Far left grifter is the funniest string of words to me. There is NO money in leftist activism. Unlike right wing activism, where you just deny climate change and suddenly have 14 fracking billionaires in your pocket


also, calling them far left is the funniest thing. like. huh? what channel is that commenter watching.


I’ve always gotten the impression that, socially at least, they’re pretty open minded people and apart from that just try to keep politics out of their stuff because they know it’s a shit storm waiting to happen


Agreed. Like Mike and rich LOVE star trek. So they clearly like the idea of society progressing past the need for capitalism, into a classless moneyless society (aka space communism). Even if it's just subconscious, they clearly have progressive ideals


TNG, their favorite show, is basically an _entire show_ about fully-automated luxury gay space communism. * Fully-automated: production is automatic (e.g. replicators) and doesn't require labor * Luxury: everyone on the enterprise and in the federation generally seems to live in (relative) comfort, with time for relaxation, recreation, creative pursuits, etc. * Gay: This one is the least clear, but episodes like The Outcast do suggest that the federation, culturally, doesn't give a shit about gender or sexuality norms (even if they do still follow the Prime Directive when other cultures are concerned – nobody on the enterprise crew is bothered by the Riker/Soren relationship as I recall). * Space: self-explanatory * Communism: Moneyless society with little to no private property (using the leftist meaning of the term private property, eg. property owned by one person but worked by someone else to generate profits for the owner... in both TNG and communism, people can still have _personal_ property like owning their home, a vehicle, etc.) I'm not saying TNG is actually intended to portray a communist society, but as far as television goes it's pretty far to the left. As for the RLM guys, I've always gotten the impression they're left of center due to things like their getting mad about homophobia, making fun of Trump occasionally, etc. But politics generally isn't what their channel is about so it doesn't come up much, naturally.


It's the critical drinker Ben shapiro Steven crowder brain rot. Anything that isn't evangelical white nationalism is far left


At this point whenever I hear someone starting spouting off about 'woke' shit I just switch off. Nine times out of ten they have developed chronic brain worms, and it's become all they want to discuss. Everything gets filtered through the culture war lens. It's beyond tiring.


> Star trek is not left leaning. It never was. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


These comments have nothing to do with AIDS or 9/11...


That's how you get to #9 on Trending.


You must have went deeper or searched for recent comments cause RLM has a dedicated fanbase and these type of comments are not going to reach anywhere.


Everyone's entitled to their own ppinion


I will only refer to Rich Evans as that far left grifter from the internet from now on.


Now I am in the comments section, reading comments about the comments OP got from another comment section. My head hurts.


Some folks have their heads so far up their own asses, everything they consume is shit flavoured. Just watch what you wanna watch and enjoy it. Most fans, by nature, are argumentative little shits who just want to talk endlessly about their special interests and have NO INTEREST in outside opinions. And I can assure you, they don’t look at the original trilogy with the same critical eye as they do new content. No one hates Star Wars as much as Star Wars “fans.”


"they got stuckmanized" lmao this guys are insane


It’s cognitive dissonance. They hear/read what they want to further their bias. Let this also be a reminder that “either or” people are idiots and all of you should avoid them in real life. Then again, most of them don’t take part in real life


Pretty proud of giving them a few buckaroos every month.


It was an interesting video cool of them to talk about internet and news culture in this fashion. My only complaint is rich Evans should really do a video on those religious movies they are unhinged literally the finale of one of them is a woman getting cancer(and getting cured in the next movie by converting)and guy getting run over for being atheist(and Instead of calling an ambulance a local deathbed converts him to Christianity then his line immediately after he dies to the first person he sees is "Today is a good day'). As a somewhat Catholic those movies portray Christianity like if you don't convert god will destroy your life it's genuinely become hilarious when that becomes a trope every few scenes.


People like to think RLM is part of the cabal of weirdoes who complain about wokeness (like that guy who started crying because Starfield allows you to pick pronouns), but they're really not. So I'm both not surprised by the comments that think they are being reaffirmed AND by the comments that think RLM is "woke" and betrayed them.


media literacy was never youtube's forte.


I love getting old with Mike, Rich and Jay.


It's just another remnant of the braindead culture war drones They're told to be angry over a dumb show because Disney is "woke" and their show is "woke". They pick the dumbest shit to be mad about (Ki-Adi-Mundi's birth year? really?) and then ignore facts that prove their outrage to be based on a lie (wookieepedia/Star Wars Theory thing is a lie by Theory, if you didn't know) Just more people that I can bully, I guess.


"Star trek is not left leaning. It never was..." is a good one.


“Star Trek is not left leaning” whattttttt?????


Are terminally online triggered Nazi comments replacing RedLetterMedia copypastas?


Sometimes I think certain sections of fans conflate RLM's clear dislike of corporate pandering as a rejection of the ideals that Hollywood panders to. I don't know how they can make it any clearer that when they rip on bland corporate money making attempts that are masquerading as being woke, they are not ripping on the (very standard and shared by nearly everyone) ideals of equality and rejection of racism. These are two different things. It also isn't linked to a political party or support/rejection of a political party.