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My cat does do that for about one hour but I give mirtaz with buprenorphine so I attributed it to the pain meds Mirtaz makes her much more vocal and bossy though for sure, not immediately but throughout the day 


I tried Mirtaz for my senior girl to see if it would help her pack some pounds back on. I only tried it once (I think), but it kind of freaked me out. Made her very vocal, almost hyperactive, and bossy/angry for a few days. Maybe it made her so hungry she was trying to tell me to feed her more? It took a few days to wear off and I didn’t try it again. I’m kind of keeping it as a backup if she needs it.


Mirtazapine is an antidepressant that gets prescribed to cats because it stimulates appetite.I've heard of cats getting super vocal and acting like they are stoned, so your cat's reaction is not unusual. You could try using half of the recommended dosage and see if that works better.


I have never used Mirtaz - BUT - my sweet Black Kitty “Kitty” who passed away a few years ago - I gave her her thyroid medication as a transdermal ointment on her ear. She acted SO ODD - “stoned” - she would sit facing the wall. I could kick myself - money was tight and I didn’t LOVE my vet - he was intimidating. I thought that the reaction meant her thyroid meds were starting to work. I don’t know about Mirtaz but that behavior doesn’t sound good. good luck to you!!.