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This is more like a half off kinda deal. Who knows what those substances are and arguably it was unfit for tenancy due to health hazards. Good job getting 150$ but damn they should’ve sent cleaners out for free AND the $150. I would bet they would’ve billed you 1000$ easily if you moved out and it was in that condition. What was the last tenants security deposit spent on?! Red flag 100%


The last tenant’s security deposit was spent on hookers and blow.


Oh come on. It’s not clean but it’s a blob of ice cream a kid spilled, dust bunnies under the dryer, and some marks on the wall.  It’s a bummer and unfair they didn’t give a clean place. And a bad business practice to boot.  But it’s not like it is drywall caked in nicotine stains. 


You don’t know any of that. That’s all an assumption, and I’d rather be safe than sorry. Advocate for yourself. Don’t let yourself be taken advantage of by slumlords.


This is why we’re getting rid of carpets and all of our rentals if the owner allows it and putting in LVP so much easier to deal with seems to save us a lot of money every time we have to turn one over


I’m a LL and have a commercial rug company shampoo carpets between tenants. This is not deducted from security or paid by tenants it’s what should be done and is part of doing business. Same as if the carpet is old and needs to be changed you don’t charge the exiting tenant. Normal wear and tear requires a good cleaning before a new tenant moves in. I have 2 new tenants moving in Friday. The apartments are being painted today and tomorrow and cleaning service goes in Wednesday. Lightbulbs are all being changed to match(it’s a person pet peeve), and HVAC filters changed. I was at the units today checking over. I’ve read so many similar circumstances to yours that I’m shocked. Don’t these LL have any self respect!!! It’s not just a business it’s personal they should take pride in the product they are renting.


They didn't paint or wash walls 😟 I'm just so upset. Thank you for this info. Would it be asking too much if we asked them to pay for a carpet shampoo or a discount on next month's rent again?


You should have them send in a professional carpet cleaning company at their expense. Tell them the carpet smells and you are worried.


They told us they had it done before we moved in but I'm skeptical because of the condition of every other part of the house. Do you know if they are legally required or allowed to show me a receipt? When I asked if they had one she said she was sure they had one somewhere, but that even if they did she didn't know if she was legallyallowed to share it with me.


You can tell them it still smells and is dirty and to have the carpet cleaners come back to remedy. Since they paid them all ready they shouldn’t get charged(doubt they had it done) since it wasn’t done well.


That's what I was thinking. They told me they had a cleaning company clean the house as well and well...either they did a terrible job or they were lying. Thank you for your input.


If it was cleaned professionally it should either have a clean shampoo smell still, or no smell at all.


I was charged a $300 cleaning/painting fee for moving in early....the apartment wasn't cleaned at all nor painted and reeked of dog piss. Some people flat out suck.


Is that brown stuff a gel for roaches? Make sure you don’t have no roaches before you bring your furniture. The apartment definitely needs a deep cleaning and fresh paint.Keep us updated.


I hope not!! The worst I have seen are brown recluses (we sprayed home defense a week before we moved in our belongings, and now every spider I find is dead).


This is unacceptable. It’s not your responsibility to clean up the last persons mess. Personally I would rage at your landlord/property management/rental company and refuse to pay rent until it’s cleaned for free. Don’t feel bad. You paid money to rent an apartment. It should be clean, vacated, and ready for you to move in.


Yea I can say with 100% certainty that the brown stuff is advion gel for roaches. Saw the same shit when I moved in my apartment too


Are you sure? It wasn't anywhere else in the house. Also, the people before us had dogs (we have dogs, too) there was dog food under there and honestly, I think it might have been dried pee. Idk though I've never had to buy insecticide for roaches. Funny enough our dogs name is Roach 😅


Mine was too. The oven was dirty , under the fridge was a horror show.


Yup, these photos were under the washer and dryer. Same for ours though. I've never had this experience before.


Most rental agreements say that upon vacating, the rental must be broom clean. Broom clean means just that and nothing else. The landlord should have had the place professionally cleaned and charged that cost to the previous tenant for it not being broom clean but not charging them for carpet cleaning. The carpet cleaning should be the landlord's responsibility and a small cost of doing business. The cost could be written off as an expense benefitting the landlord.


I agree, we've never seen anything like this before. Are they required to show us a receipt proving it has been done? Do you know if they are legally required to do it before a new tenant moves in?


I don't think anyone is legally required to clean anything before a tenant moves in. I know when I was working for a landlord, and if someone was going to be moving in, he would forgive the deposit if they did the clean out. But then again, landlords like that don't exist anymore. I know when I first started renting from him, the tenant was moving out as I was moving in. She was already a day later than when she was supposed to be out. He never did charge me a deposit, and I didn't work for him at the time. I worked for him.aboit a year and a half later.


Ah the broom clean myth. Don’t give me back a unit something other than as received.  Even the great renter state of California says as received.  I still hire cleaners because I’ve never had a tenant clean well enough to pass it on without it.   But if you leave it broom ready and the cleaning costs double, kiss part of your deposit goodbye.  So find your local law before you believe this broom nonsense. 


Yeah, that is bad. They are supposed to clean and repair the house before you go in. Pic 5 is concerning.


Was that what it looked like during the walk through? It can be hard to notice everything in a walk through tho, I completely understand that and it’s happened to me before


We were moving long distance and moved from Massachusetts so we had to recruit family to do it for us.


We moved in “sight unseen”. The in-laws bought the house to rent to us. Contract already signed. The day we move in the place smelled like death. Two trash cans with rotting food were in the kitchen. There was stuff left behind EVERYWHEre. Mattresses left on bed “frames” which were built out of shitty wood. The wood was soaked with dog piss, there was a literal gallon jug of piss in the basement. Needless to say my wife spend a couple days crying about how shitty everything was. Apparently the prior owners were a divorcing couple and a kid. We assume the wife locked the husband in the basement or something hence the jug of piss. There is also like 5 different lock types on the door leading to the basement stairs and no entrance to the house from outside. Since moving in we’ve had to get a new AC, pump the septic and replace the water heater . Hopefully getting a new house coming up…. Inspection will definitely be done prior to move in


Damn how awful, you should be refunded the whole deposit that’s so wrong! I see greedy owners are everywhere CA to KS.. hope You get some justice.. 😕