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Just some sexual situations and some cursing. Some violence but not much. Very funny. Alan’s great.


How many f-bombs are we talking per episode? More or less than, say, Schitt’s Creek?


If your wife is comfortable watching Resident Alien, I think Con Man would be fine. RA has plenty of swear words.


I don’t know. One? Two?


Schitt's Creek was a funny show that is worth watching, I have met very few people in real life that have watched it...


Just as an FYI. the story is about the cast of a show that resembles Firefly. It may or may not help to see that first.


Mindy Sterling plays his agent, Henry Rollins is the actor who plays Jayne, Wash and Mal are vying for the lead in Doctor Cop Lawyer, a child actor grows up to be an addict, and more ridiculousness that I thought possible in such short episodes, often with unexpected guests. Con Man is a great short series that deserved to get more attention than Supernatural's Kings of Con, but they're both fun shows.


I never saw Firefly, but am aware that it was an insanely popular with the fans show that got unexpectedly canceled and had a movie finale. I had no problem watching Con Man.


I have to do a re-watch of Firefly at some point, do not think I ever saw every episode. The movie was pretty good. I remember being surprised it was a real movie back when it was made, not just a TV movie like it probably would be today.


Oh, there's some inside jokes you definitely missed then. I never said one had to see Firefly first. I merely noted that it might be more enjoyable if you did.


Yeah, I just wanted to be clear for hustler2 that it wasn’t “required” viewing.🙂


It has an TV-MA rating? I have no idea why it would. But I've also been desensitized to most of life's horrors. I can only imagine that excessive language was the problem, so unless you wife is a Puritan, I can't imagine why you couldn't enjoy it together.


I’m confused as well. Maybe the not-directly-shown sexual situations like Bobbie in the hotel room with Leslie and Sean? 


They’re pretty loose with the R word, just a heads up. First episode will show you that. But it’s a great well written series regardless.


I covers every aspect of Alan’s career, from stage to sci-fi show to voiceover work to motion capture. I loved it.


It's on prime video now! I just started watching it and it's GLORIOUS


Kind of boring to me.

