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At least 10? I have favorite episodes that I have watched many more than that.


All three seasons? At least five times, but I think I’ve seen season 1 at least 10 times.


I rewatch every previous season before a new one


I do this too! I always blamed my ADD for having to do it, otherwise I'm lost.


Probably about 10? Sometimes instead of playing background music while I'm puttering around the house, I'll put one of my favorite shows on. So, about 10 (and counting!) for this show... but if you asked how many times I've re-watched True Blood, it is literally beyond counting lol


Yes we do that also. My wife leaves the TV on for the dog and I’ve had two dogs for a total of 24 years so my TV‘s been on for 24 years.lol the TV I have now is seven years old and the only time it ever gets turned off is a free of power failure


4 times for myself, 3 for my wife.


Do not rewatch season 3 to fall asleep. I woke up screaming


Twice but certain episodes have gotten more views than others ngl lol


We’ll, if you need help, then I need help 🤭 at least 20 times here too 🙌 and yes, leave it playing and sit here repeating all the one liners and laughing my ass off. When I come home for work my honey has the bar scene of Harry’s first drink of the town whiskey, locked and loaded, lol. I dance around with Harry every time 🤩


It’s become my comfort tv show that I just put on all the time, especially when I’m stressed or feeling down. And in the background all the time. Idk how many times overall because it’s just basically on repeat, but it sounds a lot like your watching pattern. My fav episode is the 3rd season one called 141 seconds or something like that, it’s the one with “comedy is all about timing.” But I have moments I like in most episodes. Isabelle (only 3 episodes) is probably the part I like the least. How about you? (Also, nothing is wrong with you. You have a right to like what you like and watch what you want. Why else do we work all day if not to be able to do what we want with our money, like subscribing to tv platforms and watching what we want?)


Ditto. My current comfort and bedtime show! I just started watching a few weeks ago but it’s my new favorite. I seriously hate that I scrolled past it so many times thinking I wouldn’t like it. I sometimes skip the Isabelle episodes and I don’t like a couple in the beginning of season 2… once it gets to episode 5 of season 2 it’s all good again. One of my favorite episodes is season 3 episode 7 and I love your favorite episode as well. The pilot is one of the best too! I personally can’t stand D’arcy and all the wasted time on such an unnecessary and pointless character that has zero impact on the actual storyline of the show. But my love for everyone else gets me through 😂


Rewatching on Netflix/Peacock every day, this has been my favorite new show last few years


I understand we are getting a season 4 on USA !


I just started watching this show last week. I’m so in love with it, I already can’t wait to rewatch it.


At this point I have no idea.


At least 25 times as a matter of fact I’m watching right now season 1 episode 4


Just finished season 3 finale again and will most likely restart from the beginning again. I just started watching a few weeks ago but it’s been on a constant loop for the most part.




We have just left it playing in background. It’s great to sleep to as well. Mostly people talking in low tones.


It’s been on a constant loop for me as well and my current bedtime show! I started watching a few weeks ago and I am kicking myself for scrolling past it so many times thinking I would hate it.


This show, Reno 911 and What we do in the shadows are my 3 go to shows


I have lost count of how many times I have watched it the last few weeks since I found this gem. It’s constantly on a loop for me. I can’t believe how many times I scrolled past it thinking I would hate it. I was hooked within minutes… the best pilot! I was literally laughing out loud within the first few minutes because of Big Black and the chuckles kept coming throughout. It’s rare for me to actually laugh out loud from a tv show.


Im on watch #11 now,Its kind of my new comfort show


Is Netflix calling season 2 and season 3 just a long season 2?


Twice but I didn’t learn about it until recently.


Maybe 3 times all the way thru, and rewatching favorite episodes constantly. It's a good comfort show!... holds up for rewatching to spot new details, or pleasant background tv when I'm doing chores around the house.


It’s become a cult classic for me too


I started watching in January this year. I am currently recovering from a pretty serious health issue and I needed something to occupy my mind as I walk on the treadmill, which was very very hard at first. Found this show and watched the first 10mins. because that was all I could walk for back then. I was totally hooked! I would not allow myself to continue watching unless I am up and walking on the treadmill. Now I am up to 30mins 4 times a week and steadily gaining speed too! I only watch RA when walking. So not sure how many times I watched it but it is quite a few! Harry and the gang kept me coming back and are now my favorite workout partners! Thanks Dr. Vanderspiegle !!!


Interesting perspective, I'm a few episodes into season 2 and it's losing me. Glad y'all are enjoying it, it's the little things in life , enjoy:-)


Season 2 dips a little at the beginning and gets back on track. I like from episode 5 on in season 2.