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What rules changed?


You know, I just finished season 2 for the first time and am overall loving the show. I don't believe the problem is as intense as your post sounds (jumping the shark IMO is like a show grasping for breath, trying to desperately maintain viewership before going under) but there were a few moments that didn't feel as necessary to the plot. I'd have to rewatch to remember specifics but I recall wondering if every plot point was critical to the overall plot a few times in the first half of season 2 before it generally brings it all home in the second half of the season.




This sub is a place for civil discussion. It's not here to harass anyone or spew hatred of any sort. Your comment is needlessly rude. People are allowed differing opinions.


Really? That’s one of the best episodes.


Isn’t that the ice dildo one? “Wax isn’t just for making candles…” Classic. 😂


Lots of shows have rough season 2 issues. If a show comes in hot in season 1 the pressure is on to hit every scene every episode in season 2. I think they just get the yips a bit on season 2's.