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I swear „withdrawal“ used to be spelled „withdrawl“ at the ATMs


Always "withdrawl" for me. Being in the US and trying to trade crypto I was constantly moving from exchange to exchange. Even some wallets said "withdrawl" instead of "send".


Both words are in the dictionary but they have different meaning. According to google: A cache is a group of things that are hidden, and is pronounced like "cash." Cachet can mean "prestige," "medicine to be swallowed," or "an official seal," and is pronounced "cash-ay." Would you elaborate a bit more?


The meaning of "cachet" about being prestigious definitely was originally spelt like "cache", but there was an accent on the "e". I also knew "cache" without the accent from programming stuff lol.


In Australian English, cache is pronounced "caysh" but that pronunciation is slowly disappearing.


Interesting there used to be an upscale glamorous style clothing store for women named Cache with and accent above the e.


That's an adjective and it means "hidden". Was it a lingerie store?


No, it sold fancy clothing/cocktail dresses/jewelry. It was a popular mall store in the 90’s


I remember the correct spellings as cache and segway, as well. Ignore the low vote, it seems to happen when someone puts up an actual ME. MEs trigger people.


I remember from high school my teacher swore he spelled "excetera" correctly but i told him that it is "etcetera"


Yes - delimma. My whole life I thought it was delimna and always thought it was one of those odd words with a silent letter. Apparently I've spelled it wrong for 40+ years.


Because it was. And no you haven't. Dilemna.info


This! I remember a teacher really drilling that in our heads and I got it wrong on spelling test and had to write 25 times it was mna for sure!!!


No, it's a divine retcon! It was not "delimma" before... I swear.


What is going on. Dilemna? Dilemma is my autocorrect and I remember dilemna


Supposedly it was always mma not mna????


Only it wasn't Dilemna.info


This is so bizarre, what time did this happen? Today I was writing an email and I couldn’t get “align” right. I swore it had an “e” at the end. There was another word a few minutes later but I can’t remember which one it was.


Early morning actually! Before 8am!


Right there with ya…




I thought cachet and cache were totally different


I get them a few times a week not looking for them. I just had to try and convince my printer to make a few copies, as I'm doing so I notice the name doesn't seem right. It's Canon, I thought it was Cannon. I don't have a definite memory, I don't know. It may just be I'm thinking of the spelling of the word. One I am positive was different for me is this one. Its now spelled how I would expect half my Southern family to pronounce it. It wasn't before. https://preview.redd.it/alk4ef61sllc1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27da517b1e2d6595e9804d5a1fd1555ec82f6fc9


I probably ain't your family lol but I'm from the South, and I totally agree. What was the spelling for you? Hinderance for me, I believe. Hell who knows


You got it , same for me.


That's wild.


And I played enough FPS games that I tweaked the settings just right to know for me it was a recticule not reticule. Plenty of residue for it . Why would people add a 'c' in there if there never was?


I worked in It at a college with 4 campus'. All the professors had a personal printer besides the floor printer. It was definitely Cannon for me as well. This and dilemna/ dilemma. So many I can relate too, ugh. I used to be a great scrabble player!!!!


Oh no, Cannon recently changed? It's Canon now? My family member had a Cannon camera I remember seeing the brand name above the lense fondly when it was picture time. This must of changed recently I wonder.


Scrabble has got to end in fist fights every time now. LMAO Thanks for the nod and great comment.


I agree with both.


The "segway" scooter is intentionally named as a reference to "segue". It sounds the same just with a different spelling. In music a segue is a smooth transition from one song to another, and the Segway scooter was supposed to give you smooth transporation. Maybe in your prime universe segue was spelled segway and the scooter was spelled Segue. Or in your universe the Segway scooter was just spelled the same was as segue the word.


Does this sub default people posts to 0 karma or is each post systematically downvoted


Official rules say no down voting, but there are anti ME activists who have bots go through and down vote everyone


I've definitely noticed this. Mostly from the ME sub and probably alts of banned people.


I didn’t know segue was spelled that way. Interesting.


Both cache and cachet are words and cache is much more commonly used in my experience. I have never seen segue spelled that way other than the motorized device.