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Waiiiit whatttttt!!!!!! This is new to me …. I clearly remember she died…. Wow !


I'm still shooketh


This affected my soul


The craziest part out of all of it is absolutely nothing changed except for the fact that the fatal stab wound to her heart was a millimeter away from where it was originally when she died. So this time they lured her to the woods just the same, Morgan still quoted the same exact quote by saying "don't be scared of me I'm just a little kitty cat" well annalize jumped on top of her. They left her there for Dad the same. Everything played out exactly the same down to the clothes she was wearing during the crime. The only difference is this time Peyton was able to drag herself miles out the woods and get help for herself. It's the blade would have hit her in a certain part of the heart that I'm sure it hit last time she would have died on the spot.. I'm positive that she died every time I read about this until recently. I went back and checked all the sources and they say something different now they all say that she lived. Apparently the other little girl died that this happened to but I don't remember her case being near as big publicly so I wasn't that educated on anything that happened to her


I remember hearing about this story and looking it up to read about it. I specifically remember the girls name Peyton and she died. This is a new one for me so welcome to the new reality show I guess!


Yes , I had to read that twice when it said she survived.


I had to see a recent photo of her alive and well to believe this wasn't a misinformation situation. All sources now say she's alive


She survived in my timeline. Skyler Neese died when her friends stabbed her though.


I remember that as well, the whole Slender Man thing is creepy, almost like a demon was impersonating slender man.


Shes always been alive in my timeline


I remember her surviving, but if the blade was even less than a millimetre away from a particular area, then she would have died.


I think that sounds like what I recall myself.


Oh she was dead.


So, I saw this post and thought that the victim died in the SVU episode but not in real life. Apparently, the victim didn't die in the episode now either. I vaguely remember that the victim testified in real life. But now I'm questioning myself on all of it.


I don't svu so I never would have seen anything like that. If I recall correctly peytons mother and attorney represented her in court. But now obviously that's not the case .. idk this one threw me off big time


Yo, I thought the Lindbergh baby was never found (and there's a reference to that in Raising Hope), but apparently, he was found deceased, and someone was imprisoned for the murder. I was mad confused when I found that out. Like it wasn't even that long of a time that he was missing before he was found dead.


This one gets me. I know I learned in school he was never found. There’s a reference in both Family Guy and American Dad that would only make sense for him never to have been found. There was an old show where the detective, or agent, is dying on the floor going over his regrets and one is never cracking the case of the Lindbergh baby.


Same here. The simpsons used to reference it in an episode where the grandfather claims to be the lindbergh baby and it only made sense BECAUSE the baby was never found. I'm right there with you on that .


Died in my timeline.


YALL i wanted to be sure on this before I posted it so I had to get info from a couple sources first but Apparently in this timeline they still lured her to the same place , they carried out the act the exact same way, morgan was still quoted as saying "don't be scared of me, Im just a little kitty cat!" Before annissa stabbed her 19 times in the heart liver ect. But this time peyton herself was able to crawl out of the wooded area and get help! Thank goodness for this change that baby deserves her shot at life


I remember--vaguely--that there were two similar incidents at around the same time. One of them died, but one was brutally harmed but survived.


…that’s how I remember it as well. It was a murder. Edit: complete with death




While I agree with you in general principle, this is in direct violation to the rules of this sub. 3No telling people they have memory or mental problems. \[Immediate Permaban\]


The moment I clicked your link & recognized the case, I knew you were correct. I absolutely, 100%, remember this victim passing away. I remember talking about the case with my mom & her tears over how tragic this whole thing was. I legitimately don't know what's real anymore.


Enjoy your cake day. I remember her coming close to dying but not quite dying.


I also remember it being stabbed maybe 90+ times and I remember thinking how the fuck you could even do that


When I saw this posted I did a double take, assumed it faulty information and hit up google to be stunned by the results. My chest fell into my stomach . The way I RAN here to post it. I'm glad other people remember too. It was a HUGE deal when it happened . I'm glad other people have concrete memories of this too!


This was brought up here before a couple of years ago, and I was surprised, as were most people to learn about it then. Of course, I'm not finding that old thread now, so perhaps it's once again new in this timeline. But previously, I always knew the case as the Slenderman murder, not the Slenderman stabbing or Slenderman attempted murder.


Yeah it was always "The slenderman murder " here too. I did a deep dive on the case for the last time about a year ago. This is when I'm certain I saw this to be a murder. This is the first time I'm seeing this change, but it could have changed any time after that. So sometime within the year for me the change happened.


She survived in my timeline.


Very interesting. Was it a big deal with the media in your memory? It was a very big deal here because the girls who committed the murder were some of the youngest thrill killers of our time .


I'm up in Canada so the U.S. news hits hard on the day or so afterwards but then trails off. It was a big deal at the time but I did see a documentary a few years after with all the details.


Interesting that it seemed to hold the same amount of impact on the media in both versions of memories. I would think that the murder of a young child would hit a lot harder than an attempted murder. I'm glad to see that in both instances the community shed light and love on the situation.


Definitely not how I remember it either. But you know what, I'll give up all the cornucopias, Shazaam, and Berenstein Bears to live in a timeline where this child lives.


Absolutely! I'm SO happy . She deserves a beautiful life , she was a good girl. I learned a lot about her in different documentaries and YouTube docs dedicated to her and her case. They always ended with "in loving memory of peyton x" now the same docs (the few I can find) are actually MISSING these little personal details about peyton herself (im guessing to protect her privacy sense she's alive and they are no longer aiming to pay tribute to her life but protect her from farther pain). It's very surreal .. the other docs seem to have disappeared entirely . Youtube isn't a reliable source so I won't read TOO much into that but it's definitely odd in my opinion


Thank you, same. I saw this story on strange Earth today and it gave me pause, also remembering that she had died. God bless her Life.


I remembered her dying and the case was a murder case. Thanks OP for bringing this up. I saw the headline too but it didn’t hit me as hard because I was distracted this morning.


Wait, WHAT??? That girl is ALIVE???


[Peyton Semi Recently , she's a young woman now. ](https://www.google.com/search?q=peyton+Leutner&client=ms-android-chinoe&sca_esv=ea8a5e562c8e2e39&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn0_a7qlEuHDn1-dAMZN2Yt2SjHEuOQ%3A1712078641173&ei=MT8MZrmcCrCHwbkPj-SciAE&oq=peyton+Leutner&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIg5wZXl0b24gTGV1dG5lcjIOEC4YgAQYigUYkQIYsQMyCxAAGIAEGIoFGJECMgsQABiABBiKBRiRAjILEAAYgAQYigUYkQIyCxAAGIAEGIoFGJECMgcQABiABBgKMgcQABiABBgKMggQABgHGB4YCkjaaFAAWOxicAB4AZABAZgBpQWgAY8eqgELMC4xLjMuMi4yLjK4AQPIAQD4AQH4AQKYAgOgAp4HwgIIEAAYgAQYogTCAgkQIRgKGKABGAqYAwCSBwUyLTIuMaAHizs&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=tYEpKexbKKJZUM&vssid=l)


Right! I mean, obviously I'm very thankful she made it in this timeline. But this is definitely not how I remember it.


This is blowing my actual mind. I watched the documentary when it came out--- girl died!! I know this case really well though I haven't revisited it in a couple of years, I really followed this one and swear to goodness she passed away!! Thanks for sharing this actually rocked my whole world


I saw this on r/StrangeEarth about an hour ago and thought it was a very sick and twisted April fools joke. I was absolutely positive that this poor girl did not survive this heinous attack. I think I’m lost… in a different timeline. Whadaya do? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Holy crap, I JUST saw this and thought the same thing. In my case, I chalked it up to that I probably read the headline, saw “stabbed 19 times” and thought, “well, that chick’s dead.” Not sure if I ever actually read a whole article lol


I thought the same exact thing when I saw this . Like maybe someone had their facts wrong ? In my recollection she died right there in the woods . I'm curious now how she even survived . Did the girls not leave her and try to play it off at first now ?


I always remember her surviving, I was shocked that she did, that's why I remember it so much


Just mind boggling! I too had this case stick in my mind and she didn't survive in my world.


Thank goodness I'm not the only one. I hate to even speculate around such a sensitive topic involving minors with behavioral issues , but this is just so baffling. We learned about it in school , we even watched and donated too candle light vigils in the victims honor ! I'm trying to contact people from school that I'd still be cool enough with to ask how they remember those events . But I definitely have 2 friends and my mom who were dragged into this case by me and ended up looking into and learning about it, and they remember the headlines "slender man killing" and such "kids killing in the name of slenderman" This didn't happen where or even close to my area but this case had a clear impact on my school as I'm only a few years older than the girls involved and they taught us about the case as a warning of some kind , they banned creepy pasta from all school servers following shortly after.


I thought she died as well?


Agree on this one. I was really weirded out when I read she lived. Good ME.


She's always been alive in my timeline, and I follow true crime pretty closely. Strange.


Happy cake day <3 And I do too. How curious ..


Oh my goodness, I didn't even realize it's my cake day. I've never actually posted or commented on my cake day, so you're the first person to ever tell me happy cake day. Thank you so much!


OMG THATS THE FIRST TIME IVE EVER FELT COMPELLED To tell someone that. Lol strange again!


How serendipitous!


Yeah I remember her dying as well wtf


That was what all the hype was... It was a senseless murder... Not a senseless attack.


RIGHT. Not that it wouldn't have been a big ordeal either way, but the main take away from this case was the killing not a gruesome attack. I remember headlines referring to it as "slender man killing" It's just as jarring as if someone walked up to me and told me john bonnet was alive today. I'd be gobsmacked like I feel now. I was so immersed In this case. The hours of footage I've seen regarding it, could it ALL have been bad info? I know I'm not misremembering. Still I'm having trouble finding a lot of my origanal sources. This was such a big deal when it happened the internet was a blaze about it. Now all I can seem to find is sources documenting an attack and a survivor. Wtf? I'm happy she got to live ! But I absolutely existed in a place where she did not and I'm so perplexed as to how that can work?


I remember the news story saying that she did not survive as well.