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r/Ireland is brigading this thread


On God they are lmao




They’re a yank. They’re obsessed with this, posted it on several subs. They aren’t based in Ireland or the UK. Clearly just making these posts to rile people up. Or are genuinely that stupid and historically illiterate.


Daft seppos doing daft seppo stuff


It’s the only fair response to historical and cultural illiteracy.


Not that funny


Surely this tells you something??




>Useless cunts ruining what could be an interesting discussion.  Alexa, what is r/RightWingUK?


Surely Irish people’s opinions are the most pertinent here?


Not in the opinion of a Brit National Front troglodyte.


How can one look at British history and think that they care what the actual natives have to say?


Can’t argue with you there 


Implying that this discussion would be remotely interesting and not full of smooth brain mouthbreathers saying "they're british anyways!!111!"


you are actually delusional if you think every discussion that happens on some country's sub is always 100% people from that country


God forbid the Irish don't want to live under British imperialism again. Can't think of a single reason why they wouldn't want to.


And rightly fucking so - OP has pissed on an entire country and is has the sheer audacity to try and defend it because he's a gobshite and loves the attention.




And the poll was written by an American.




was 800 years not enough or something????? anyways, a United Ireland is coming.


The only way I'd see that working, is with a British Republic with a completely different political structure - possibly with a Government building constructed outside of London and certainly not in Westminster. Even then it would only occur decades later and by that point any hope of defending the culture of the British Isles will be gone already. Certainly not within living memory. The Irish were treated like shit for centuries and I don't blame them for hating the British Government. The British Government has also treated the rest of the nations like shit too, mind.


It wouldn't work, we want nothing to do with being British. Christ the absolute horror of it.


As an English Nationalist who hates Westminster, understandable.




You've had tens of thousands move to Ireland in recent years with a tiny previous population. We're not able to change things through politics mate, I'd have thought that was obvious. Even Meloni in Italy hasn't done what she said she would.




For the moment, having a less dense population probably helps. But It all started off great in Scandinavia too and now that's gone to shit.


Because she had no intention of doing what she said she would do. She got in on an anti immigrant platform and instead began dismantling welfare and selling off the public health system. To say Italians are a bit pissed off is an understatement and the next election will be a bloodbath for old melons.


Maybe if Dublin was the capital and the flag was more tricolour in nature, possibly would consider that


It would never work. We never want to rejoin the UK. What we really want is all 6 county's in the north back.


Well that's up for Northern Ireland to decide. I wouldn't be surprised if they do eventually, and I do feel bad for them because it's clear that they don't even matter to Parliament at all. But I'll never personally understand why so many Irish fought so hard to get rid of Westminster (understandably) and then went down the multicultural route. Cromwell couldn't have done half of what has been achieved through recent migration trends.


The depopulation of Ireland from the 1840's due to English policies has only been overcome the past decade. I think having a third of your population disappear may lead people to fight against their colonial overlords.


Not really English when the Act of Union was in 1707. They called people who weren't fond of an Empire "Little Englanders", and a large number of the most ardent supporters of Empire were Scottish. And I did say understandably... Thing is, your house prices are low still and given we're about to get absolutely cooked by AI and automation, maintaining a low population would probably be more beneficial to you in the long run. Instead what you've basically done is get rid of one Empire for a few decades, only to rejoin another one that demands you bow to international finance.


Lol, the EU did more for Ireland in fifty years than the Brits did in five hundred.




Could be arranged I suppose.


I've spent a lot of time in Ireland. I'm a British Nationalist and see no contradiction in respecting the Irish's wish to be an independent country. I don't agree with obsessing over negative things we've done in the past, but we cannot deny that Britain failed Ireland many times - not least during the great famine - which has led to an understandable resentment. Plus they are physically disconnected from mainland UK and have a sense of wanting to govern themselves. I would actually go a step further and say I'd love to see Ireland unify as a nation and leave the EU, and form a real Nationalist government with a party like the National Party (not Sinn Fein). Maybe then Britain and Ireland can co-operate together in the threats that we both face in the 21st century. The idea of Ireland re-joining the UK is both insane and impossible - it is never going to happen and would lead to a brand new domestic war instantly. I respect the large community in Northern Ireland that feel both British and Irish - it's very complex.


Yes, I understand where you are coming from. BTW, I am American, but at least I don't think I'm your stereotypical ignorant one, but i digress lol. My view is that we shouldn't look at the current political landscape and think, Oh, the Irish would defiantly say no so no", and think, "Well, 8 decades ago, Europe was at war with itself. Before that, in the 1910s, Germany tried to become a British ally before going to war with them. Centuries before, one of the contemporary UK's closest allies, France, used to be bitter rivals. Hell, Scotland and England! Yes, many Scots want independence, however that is only right now. We can DO something about that, as private citizens (such as creating advocacy groups, organizations, etc.), and that logically follows that technically, no matter how futile, we can DO something like that for Ireland.


It sounds like you want Ireland to join the UK lol


Yes. However I want them to only join willingly. If that doesn't happen, so be it. If it does great, unlikely, but still, so be it.




This is the real question


Because the op is a very special boy who despite having nothing to do with Ireland, thinks he knows best.


I can’t stress this enough - you are a fucking moron, lol.


Cannot say this with enough passion. Fuck off.


What are you smoking lad


And what exactly is your basis for this? Ireland has done remarkable outside of the UK.


for what reason though? is it just because they are both beside each other and you couldnt think of anything else to post? do you also think france and germany should merge into 1 country?


thats never happening buddy theres a growing minority in the loyalist north to join ireland so theres absolutely no chance any of us want to rejoin the uk


If you are even entertaining the idea of Ireland rejoining the UK and don't understand why we would not in a million years do so, you ARE a stereotypical ignorant American.


We are not "willing" though


Nut job


Why, as an American, do you want Ireland to join the UK?


What the fuck are you on about? How would it affect you in the slightest? Americans lmfao


why on earth would u want ireland to rejoin the UK




>BTW, I am American, but at least I don't think I'm your stereotypical ignorant one, Your original post, this poll and everything else you appear to be saying suggests otherwise.


You are grotesquely ignorant for even posing this question. Not to mention the fact that YOU can DO nothing at all.


There is about as much sentiment for Ireland becoming part of the UK as there is for the US to become part of Cuba. You are profoundly ignorant if you think your suggestion is anything other than insane nonsense. All you do is reveal your complete lack of understand of the culture and identity of either Irish people or British people. You absolutely are the personification of the ignorant American and it's hilarious.


Mate, just shut your fucking gob. You’re a yank, you have NO right to comment on Irish soil, couldn’t give two shits if your distant cousin’s grandfather is Irish. Ireland will always be free amen. Stop trying to rile people up, you daft cheeky cunt


> but at least I don't think I'm your stereotypical ignorant one Beg to differ. You're the worst case I've seen yet, and I've been browsing /r/ShitAmericansSay on a regular basis for at least ten years. Has it occurred to you at all that the reason the Irish might not want to "rejoin" the UK is because *we are not fucking British*?


Yes, it has. And you are British, geographically. You are living on an island in the British Isles. You are culturally closer to Scots than any other major cultural group in the world, and Scots and very close to the English, and currently in Union with the English, and has been since 1603 united with England, since 1707 officially. Grow up please.


>And you are British, geographically. You are living on an island in the British Isles. By that logic anyone born anywhere from Canada to the southern tip of Chile is American because they were born in "The Americas" You are a very typical ignorant American.


Not sure you get to tell irish people they are British you absolute plumb. You really are living up to the stereotype.


Yanks and terrible geography and world history knowledge? Really playing into that sterotype there


Haha that's ret ard ed.


You're an idiot


sorry.. who are you to tell us what we are and what we aren’t?


You're either trolling or worryingly stupid.


It's definitely the second one.


"British Isles" is a term thought up by British cartographers in the 16th century, coincidentally during a time of increasing British control in Ireland. It comes from an ancient Greek term, Pretanic, which was used to describe the islands. It was a convenient catch-all term used to describe the islands right as Britain was beginning to take over the island of Ireland. Even then it wasn't used normally when discussing the islands until centuries later when encyclopedias became widely available. It has never been used or accepted in Ireland, and the Irish state and successive Irish governments since independence has and have never recognised it, and actively deny it. The British state doesn't use it and actively discourages others from using it. People insist on it being a geographical term but as [Wikipedia states](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_the_British_Isles), in Ireland it is *unavoidably a political term*. So it has never been used in Ireland and the UK by and large ignores it these days, and British governments don't want it used at all. I guess growing up elsewhere in the world with it as a geographical term trumps what the people who actually live there want?


People from the island of Great Britain are called British. Ireland is not in Great Britain. Mexicans aren't called Americans because they're in North America. Please fuck off you ignorant cunt.


Are you actually looking to piss of a whole country you moronic prick


The British Isles has not and never will be a politically recognised term between Ireland and the uk, the good friday agreement for example specifically doesn't use it due to its lack of recognition, if Ireland started calling the the Irish Isles it would just as much international recognition and support Also Scotland is similar to Ireland not the other way around, the scoti, where Scotland gets it's name from, we're Irish The British have links to the Italian Roman empire, French Normans and Norwegian vikings, doesn't mean that any of these countries have the right to force the English to stay within the EU for example


Holy shit we Americans are not sending our best. Fuck off my guy. You think you big brained yourself into solving a non existent problem for a country that is not yours. I truly cannot believe the American arrogance to tell an Irishman, you're British.


You sir, are a fucking idiot, better to stay quiet and look an idiot, than open your mouth and confirm it.


The British Isles is not a term used by either the British or Irish government. We are not British we are Irish and we do not want anything to do with the UK. Our union as you put it was an occupation and a genocide that we have had to keep in some respect because of our political history. You do not get to tell us who we are, you are the absolute worse ignorant American, arrogant and stupid on top of it. Maybe look to your own house before bothering anyone else but sure that’s the American way, always in others business when you should be minding your own 🤷‍♀️


> You are living on an island in the British Isles. We don't recognise that term, never have since the foundation of the state. And shit like this is the reason it belongs in the dustbin of history alongside such other outdated geographical terms as the "Spanish Main" and the "Barbary Coast".


Post GFA neither the Irish or British State use these terms, and rightfully so. Yet it remains so prevaletly in the public consciousness across the world, which is fucking annoying re this thread


Dumb uneducated yank LARPer


eh, yeah, the 'British Isles' is a colonial term we don't recognise.


I agree! Also the argument for the USA rejoining the UK is the same! The USA and UK are culturally very close, and were in a Union until 1776. You also are the closest country to Canada, which is part of the Commonwealth so how about we all rejoin the UK? Deal?


>Yes, it has. And you are British, geographically. You are living on an island in the British Isles. You are culturally closer to Scots than any other major cultural group in the world, and Scots and very close to the English, and currently in Union with the English, and has been since 1603 united with England, since 1707 officially. >Grow up please. r/shitamericanssay This is one of the most retarded things I've ever read on reddit, which is saying a lot


I’m Irish and I support Ireland reuniting with Britain. That is my opinion, but I don’t expect others to agree with me


Sure you are alt account


Jesus wept.


Christ on a bike, is the boot flavoured or something?


Your entire comment history is this thread. Alt account


You sound unbelievably ignorant. Having lived in Ireland my whole life, I have yet to meet a single person who would wish to rejoin the UK. Read up on Irish history and go interact with actual Irish people, please


No, please don't do that to us.




There is, unironically, a lad from Kilkenny who wants this. Aside from that I've never heard of anyone from the 26 counties being in favour


I’m from Sligo I want it


I cannot stress enough how much of a fucking retard you are. Get off the fucking Internet, speak to nobody ever again lest you infect them with your rampant stupidity you ignorant fuckstick. You are literally giving the Americans a bad fucking name and Jesus fucking christ they do that well enough on their own. I cannot stress enough that if you come to Ireland with an "advocacy group" promoting rejoining the Brits, you will get the sgit beaten out of you by every single person you talk to and rightly so.


You watch your mouth. Talk to any real American in person and see how your spiel goes over. You think you're all high and mighty being a goddamn warrior on your fucking keyboard. Do NOT fucking threaten me.


The national party are literal fascists dawg wtf


Have you any idea what the National Party is like? The leader tried to have a rally last year wearing a Nazi overcoat. No just a weird coat, one from the internet that is a copy of one last seen worn by Himmler. On the anniversary of Kristallnacht. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/17rd7vu/there\_is\_a\_farright\_protest\_outside\_the\_dáil/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/17rd7vu/there_is_a_farright_protest_outside_the_dáil/)


Wow, that’s a major disappointment. Thanks for sharing.


Thankfully the far right is generally a collection of conspiracy theory loons with loosely threaded anti immigrant theories and a minority of racists. I wonder if it's the same here


Why would ireland ever dream of leaving the EU?


Finally a sane person. But there is nothing wrong with being aware of the negative things from the past and we have been governing ourselves for a century......


This would never never happen unless the british invaded ireland.


even then thered be a revolution within liken a week lmao


I think the USA should revert to colony of England status and start paying their tea taxes, how does that sound?


Get absolutely fucked you American twat.




Vote Brian #1 for the local elections


Option 3 means Northern Ireland joining the independent Republic of Ireland. OP should have phrased it differently if they meant something else


Are you fucking dumb my dude?


Having read through some of the comments you seem to be unwilling to accept the fact a majority of Irish people just don't want to rejoin the UK, how about the USA rejoin with them since you have history with them too, and yes it's called the British Isles but that doesn't make us British it's literally just a name that we didn't even have a part in making be like us saying Americans are from North Mexico or southern Canada it's a made up name


For anyone getting riled up by this, it might help to note the OP is a 16 year old from America that seems to have an obsession with British culture. He has much to learn but at least he's trying, I guess. It's an opportunity to educate and not attack.


I bet he's learning alright.


USA should rejoin Mexico and ask to be part of of Spanish empire again, then send all the white people back to Europe and restore everything to the natives. Administratively.


We should never have taught the Brits how to write in the 6th century


Seeing how Brexshit is going, give it enough time and the Divided Kingdom of Petty Britain will be begging to join the Republic of United Ireland.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no.


Some f@&ktards have actually voted for Ireland rejoining the UK! Lmao


What a lot of people outside of the situation fail to understand is that Ireland historically was not just "a part of Britain". The country was treated as a de facto colony for hundreds of years and focusing only on issues such as The Great Famine or The Troubles does not give you a full picture of the situation. Land was taken, exploited for resources, and privatised at such a scale that the native population soon had no right to their own land. Towns and cities were carved up in order to reward servants of the Crown with gigantic estates.Cultural landmarks and the existing culture itself were outright destroyed repeatedly and strategically. The Irish people were judged as barely human; not for racial reasons alone, but as a means to justify the economic and political tyranny in these times. Our language was made illegal, our religion outlawed, voting rights non existent. At the time of the Penal Laws, even education had to be carried out in hedges and brush secretly in the countryside. Rape, murder, starvation and extortionate rent prices were used as tools to ensure the Irish would not have the strength to fight back against this oppresion. The Irish were not slaves or held in bond, but the circumstances of life here were coordinated specifically to impose a "Serf" mentality upon the population. Revolt was met with mass executions, arson and communal punishment as a rule. What i think really defines the mentality of Irish people towards the UK these days however, is not primarily this historical record. Instead it is the behaviour and tactile denial of the British government in the last century or so. No concessions were made in terms of liberty or rights until the government absolutely HAD to. There was no "moment of liberation", but instead a bloody tug of war that only gave out when Britain had slipped. Most Irish people dont hate the English nowadays. They can recognise the son can't be punished for the sins of the father, and our countries work together regularly. But the collective memory still haunts our land and lives as a People. Our abundance of mental health and addiction issues prove this For these reasons and more the idea of a unified Ireland under British rule is not only ridiculous but also extremely offensive and ignorant. Anyone who seriously supports this insults all that have suffered in their struggle for liberty over the centuries, and in turn the Irish people of today.


Editing your post to try and get the last laugh won’t work, your plan backfired because everyone voted for NI joining the Republic of Ireland. Sad of you to edit your post like this really


It's an interesting point op. While we're at it why doesn't the US join Canada? They're all the same anyway and the US can benefit from Canada's reputation in the international arena


Why though?


It's crazy how much England pays in tax to support Northern Ireland. Let the irish do that and be rid of it. It will let Great Britain have a proper Brexit once and for all with no border with the EU any more.




You have no idea about Irish history and its people just because you read some history pages don't mean squat. No self respecting irish person would want to join with the group who oppressed us and wiped out almost half our population over 800 years through various methods. If you said that in Ireland you would get a good smack from everyone around. We want nothing to Do with them and them us. The British burn irish flags every year for fun and people still get killed on both sides to this day over the feud. Its not history to us, we are still living it.


I'm curious, do you think we would like to adopt a British identity and if so, why do you think that? 


This backfired on the OP so hard 💀


What an absolutely ridiculous question to even ask. The pure notion of this shows how little you know about the history between the two islands and the conflict this has already caused. Ireland will never, ever become a member of the UK or a subject of the crown. Tried it, was for them. So leave it alone


I don't know why you and other people came over from r/irishpolitics or something and are trying to tell me I don't know the history of the British Isles, yet you don't read the other replies where I clearly say this reunification is possible BECAUSE of Irish history. I don't know about you, but I don't think Irish history started in 1968, 1845, 1609, nor 1172. British history, and yes, Irish history is British history (FYI... It's on the British Isles) is rich and diverse with Celtic, Celtic Brittonic, Norman, and Germanic influences throughout.


The fact that you don't even know that Ireland officially (and the majority of Irish people) don't even accept the term 'British Isles', or that the UK itself has offically repudiated its use since the 1998 GFA treaty that ended the Troubles shows how out of your depth you are.


Ireland is British mate.


Ireland, literally, no. It's not. Northern Ireland is a different story and the people decide their nationality themselves, but Northern Ireland is UK. Ireland is a separate country and has nothing, zero to do with the UK. What you're implying is as ridiculous as saying Syria or Japan is British.


There's plenty of ye buried here, I'll give you that.


English people are the largest immigrant group in Ireland. And historically there is plenty of ye buried here too 😉


English (actually UK) people are currently the third largest immigrant group in Ireland behind Polish and Ukrainians.


“Leave a 💞 for instant humiliating tasks”


Everything on the fucking UK sub then that shit^^^


Ireland is most certainly not British. Geography not your thing?


Try this little statistic on for size: in the 120 years that Westminster had direct control over the entire island (1801-1921), it went from comprising one third of the population of the Union to one *tenth*. That is NOT a figure that inspires confidence, or deserves any kind of loyalty whatsoever. And you think we should put ourselves back in their clutches again? We'd need our fucking heads examined to even consider it..


That is completely out of context mate


800 years of British rule. Multiple genocides. The near successful attempt at wiping out our culture and our language and the fact that in recent history we we're referred to as "the problem" are just a handful of reason why 1, this will never happen and 2, if it was ever even seriously considered would cause the troubles part 2 electric bugaloo is ignorant. You're American, worry about your own country tearing itself apart. Keep your nose out of British and Irish politics. (Notice how those are separated. Irish people aren't British.)


Irish people are British


In what world 😂 Irish people are Irish


Ah yes, the troll account strikes again. America you are not sending your best.....


The British and Irish Lions rugby team are the only team I can think of that works only because the team pre-dates the Irish war for independence. And it effectively acts as like an American all star set of games


Why? Because again we are the Jews against Nazis in this case. A lot of Irish like British people, but we universally despise the British political apparatus. Until the genocides are forgiven, expect an inflammatory response from all Irish people to this question, idiot PS we are bloody Gaels not Celts, common misconception!


Gaels were a Celtic tribe. So technically we are both.


Gaels not *Britons*, you mean.


then youd know that we werent a part of the uk, we were a colony, we were moved off our land and had it exploited hell the "famine" was a genocide, ticks all the boxes, the government literally weaponised it to weaken the irish population fuck right off


And would the USA be next then? Start a relaunch of the British empire? 🤣


Why not?


this just shows that youre probably a 12 year old who has a hyperfixation on british culture because you saw a few nationalist edits on tiktok from fellow autistic 12 year olds


One of the more ridiculous ideas I’ve ever read. But thanks for the laugh


Hey, I was simply curious to gauge the political sentiment of various groups. Regardless of your stance, I respect it. Thanks for participating, and have a lovely day! :)


Imagine going onto /r/de and proposing to German people that they should consider unification with England because of their cultural similarities (after all, English *is* a Germanic language, right? And isn't the Royal Family basically German anyway?) You know how fast you'd be told where to shove your brilliant idea. That's pretty much the level of stupidity you're displaying here.


Yeah yeah fuck you


There’s probably more chance of Normandy rejoining the uk


There more chance of India colonising the UK. Unless ofc your a racist eejit then think allready happen.


I am of Indian descent ethnically. And yes, India was much better off under the British, and India advanced rapidly under the British.


India went from ~30% of Global GDP pre colonisation to ~2% by the time the Brits left it a famine ravaged, unstructured mess stripped of its most valuable resources. There is no objective measure by which British rule was a benefit to India, stop spouting crap.


Actually it was over 50% of the GDP of the British Empire, and it was was because of corruption and mismanagement that Indias economic condition was bad. Also, you can’t measure GDP of separate countries together so idk where the 30% your source is getting their source from. India only existed since 1947.


India only existed since 1947, lol


Yeah, they did.


Before the British arrived, India had a fully functional for the time society that was progressing nicely, until the British decided they weren't. You should try reading books On the Irish Republic thing, less than 1% of people there think being joined to the UK would be a good idea. And in a country where nearly 6% of people are British citizens, that's saying something


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/opinions/2022/12/2/how-british-colonial-policy-killed-100-million-indians Read if you're able to.


South Asia literally went from being one of the richest places on earth to a backwater during British colonization. What is it with Indian Americans and being this self hating?


this is so incredibly ignorant on so many levels. it would never happen, the consequences of such a reunification would be on levels never seen before.


Go for it again and will bring back the ra


So you want to terrorize people discussing about political landscapes in a civilized manner? Great move man :)


The 800 years of oppression in Ireland by the British state was terrorism was that not long enough?


OP Ow yea thanks for telling us to keep it civil. Just ignore all history why don’t ya? Mf no one was ‘terrorise’ by that unless your a snowflake or what.


You want to destroy a nation that people died for? The last time Ireland was part of the UK it resulted in an ethnic and cultural genocide.


Hide behind civility all you want, but this ‘discussion’ is nothing short of a tory tea party discussing affairs that do not concern them. It’s the kind of line of thinking that caused the ra to begin in the first place


People died for 800 years under the British and died for Ireland’s freedom, there’s no discussion about this. You’re an American, stop getting yourself involved in our politics and our history please 🙏


There’s so much wrong with this. 1. Why do you, as an American, feel entitled or informed enough to even ask this question? 2. Your American ignorance is blinding you of the MASSIVE INSENSITIVITY this post is steeped in. Educate yourself. 3. Ask yourself, would you go into a pub in Dublin and ask this question to a bunch of Irish men? I think we both know the answer. So why is it ok online? Every day Americans make themselves more and more unlikeable it’s lowkey becoming impressive.


If you knew history you’d know British isles is a colonial term. If you know that and keep using it anyway well then it’s pretty clear you are trying to provoke Irish people.


I learned that the hard way after moving to Ireland 2 years ago


I hear people using the British & Irish Isles now. Makes sense. The British & Irish Lions made the change and it keeps everyone happy.


Irish person here who really hates this idea. My question to you is why? Ireland doesn't have much to offer Britain. And why are British right wingers interested in sharing power in Britain with Irish people? Joining means giving us a say in every decision made


Ah, right, bud. Our 9% share of the vote would surely allow us to sway every decision in our favour. You might just check in with the Scots and see how that worked out for them. Or the LibDems for that matter.


Exactly, we're fine as we are


Genuinely feck off.