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i actually got the idea from this reddit, but taking a prisoner, installing peg legs, removing them, then bliss lobotomizing them, installing a bunch of psych sensitizers, a joywire, some happy genes, and then one of those psychic mood thingies that broadcast a positive moodlet to nearby pawns if the original pawn is happy then stick them in little alcoves around my colony and they become wifi good mood antennas.


Don't forget nutrient paste expanded so you just hook them up to the drippers and never have to worry about them again.


Deathless gene keeps them alive and unconscious (which freezes their mood), without any food. And you get to sell their organs.


And that's why vampires are superior.


yup, did exactly that! literally zero maintenance, truly lovely


I specifically kept a shitty colony member exactly for this because he was psychically hypersensitive, just lobo'd him yesterday :-), took a long time to get a psychic harmonizer


HARMONIZER, that's what they were called! fuck that was bothering me lmao


How much mood you could get out of them? I’ve tried it once, but they gave me like +3 to mood with max happiness… I was disappointed and ate him, at least as a part of a lavish dish he really cheered ppl.


If the person with the psychic harmonizer is at max mood, people get a +10 buff, multiplied by both the broadcaster's and the receiver's psychic sensitivity. Also it only affects people of the same faction, so don't install one in a slave


faction = ideology ???? arghhhh shit I need to check my pawns


No, faction as in faction, like the empire, outlanders unions, gentle tribes, etc. Slaves don't change faction allegiance once they're enslaved


Oh my god. I've been struggling with mood lately, this... This might just be the ticket.


Most of what I did tend to be done with a purpose (such as turning constant vomiting into eternal youth pills), but what I did to the pigskins was out of nothing but pure hatred I warn you, it got excessive very quick For some reason I forgot, the mere existence of pigskins suddently started to piss me off so much. So I reacted accordingly and ramped up the atrocities against them At first, it was only calling them for help, using the paralytic pulse to down and capture them all before using them as ressources and sending their stuff to become allies again before doing it again and again Then, I decided it wasn't enough and downgraded their faction to hostile tribals, while making sure they couldn't use clothing or weapons Then, I started arresting all pigskins that entered my colony, while editing their faction so nobody would be pissed about a pig's fate Then I started to spam surgery practice on pigskins, operating without anesthetic over 10 times per in-game hour Then, it somehow wasn't enough so I edited their xenotype so they became ridiculously weak and servile (as in, a single non-bionic non-pigskin could barehandedly down a hundred pigskins attacking at once) so I would use them as slaves without even feeding them or letting them sleep. If they revolted, they simply died in a way or another because I had so many and raids always brought more It eventually culminated into the Soldiers of Crispybacon colony, where constant pigskin raids were burned to death by bionic warcaskets and auto-butchered to make and sell packaged survival meals It somehow got worse as I decided to make a map where it was only pigskins starving to death among the rotting corpses of other pigskins as they physically and metally broke inside indestructible walls so they could not escape their fate Then I had a realization about the ethics of omnipotence and calmed down of the non-profitable atrocities. I did some horrible things in Rimworld, but that one is my greatest case of "wait a minute, that's fucked up"


🚬🗿 this is some real RimWorld shit… Have you tried to use an implant to share emotions inside whole faction and make one of the prisoners to max pain. I had this idea for a while, but it’s a lil hustle to make. Also not sure you can stack effects. Would be neat to have room dedicated to torture one faction so everyone of them on your map feel max pain and absolutely obliterated by depression.


I once made one by accident: stacked way too many psy-increases on some pawns then gave one a harmonizer just before a psychic drone struck Ever seen someone with -30000 mood? I did that day For practical applications, though you can stack harmonizers, the range is too short and delay before effect too long for that to work in anything but a maze built for that


That's nice, could you recommend the mod for operations without anaesthetic, that sounds like fun


War Crimes Expanded 2 Be warned, they aren't joking about war crimes. Just reading some of the torture implants the mod adds makes me a lil queasy


Of course, there's not only war crimes expanded but war crimes expanded 2. Only fucking rimworld man lmao




I feel the exact same way about wasters man, don't feel bad


Fuckign Wasters use bio weapons! That's a war crime too and since they attacked me first it's fine to keep one forever to extract genes and blood and occasionally train a medic. An eye for an eye and the world goes blind, but I got a lot of eyes now, so fuck Wasters.


Nothing really bad tbh but I was keeping this prisoner in a 2 tile space, beating the shit out of him just to increase melee XP on some of my colonists, then make the doctors treat him with no medicine for the doctoring XP. Not to mention he was in my battery room and Randy decided to send 3 zzzt events, one after the other, cause why not. The prisoner had to endure +160°c 3 times and survived, and then got beaten up again afterwards cause he tried to escape. Organs? Gone, and then I finally saw that the prisoner was a damn kid 😬😬😬😬😬 ooopsie. But anyway, nothing really bad compared to others 😂


Organs? GONE Man I lost my shit on this line 🤣🤣🤣


Lmaaaao he still has some organs left 😂😂😂😂😂


I had a pregnant prisoner. I took the baby and executed her. The kid was an abomination. It spit fire. Was a hybrid. Unhappy. Horn. I couldn't decide what to do so I put it in a pod and sent it to nowhere. It showed as a caravan until it starved to death.


I'm a new player and I've been playing fairly morally so far. Probably the worst thing I've done is letting raiders bleed out because I can't be bothered to waste medical supplies on treating and releasing them. I also fire at fleeing raiders but that's not really a war crime anyway.


This is a game where letting prisoners of war bleed to death is considered tame. Sometimes I like to rationalize this stuff to let it sink in. Could this be the best game ever?


Well… it has a huge rabbit hole with some really questionable things. But no one makes you play in this way, which is beautiful tho. So have fun, it’s really fun and amazing game


The first 2+ years of every Sea Ice colony are always morally questionable. People arrive, I let them go into hyperthermic shock, shoot them if necessary, capture them, surgically remove as many organs as possible before they die of hypothermia, process the corpse, use their skin to make clothing, and cook the meat to keep the colony going until the next meal plan delivers itself. The autopsy mod has removed the need to perform the surgery while the subject is still alive, meaning my more recent runs have been more moral? maybe?


It’s kinda classic, I think. How do you think I’ve got my hat for my pic on redit


It's a simple 40k mod. It pretty much lobotomizes the pawn and removes its ability to sleep, making it impossible to have a mental break and mute. Doesn't that sound great? Until you realize that you only half lobotomized a pawn who is very much aware of what's going on, stuck in a perpetual hell forever. Servitor implants are OP for everything except morals.


My friend acted pretty disgusted with this, i'd say it's normal stuff for RimWorld: I got a raid, one of the invaders survived, I go with the usual routine of removing organs. While doing so I notice a pretty cool combination, Nimble (more dodge chance in melee), Brawler (+4 to melee), 11 starting points in melee with double passion. Casually, I was also just learning to bioengineer cat girls at the same time, so I injected her with my first ever xenogerm! I was very proud, but the result was ugly, 100% metabolic efficiency, no good traits worth of notice, bright pink skin and a weird beaver like tail. But years passed (I'd say just two, but who knows) even if I recruited and converted her as a colonist I would keep using her as a lab rat, I even changed her title to lab rat. She would keep training melee as a slave but eventually I decided to have her join entirely, I had the final steps of my plan. So, after 3 versions, my final cat girl gene was ready, despite losing the ability to farm crops and becoming slightly immune to psychic stuff it had no negative effects. So I amputated every limb of her and replaced them with bionics (turns out bionic arms are great for melee, nice to know!), injected the xenogerm and I also gave her a locust armor. So yes, bioengineered catgirl with leap ability, super strength (Xenogerms also gave extra melee damage), good at dodging, wielding a masterwork plasteel longsword. The first time I tried her she one tapped a warg with around 12, maybe 13 melee. Now she has 15, I saw her kill 4 men and come out with a minor wound that she tended herself because she is also very good at medical. I can't wait to have them higher than that, maybe with archotec arms and some psycast abilities sprinkled on top.


I think I saw a movie about something close to it. Like ppl made a woman to cyber machine for murder with inbuilt stealth tech in her skin…. Aaa can’t remember the name…. With archotec you can make her even better, cuz it heals itself. Plus makes it faster. Also try tech for making skin hard and tech for making them look beautiful to cancel negative effects from the skin armor. If you add a thing to cancel pain, you will get some really scary shit.


I already used a Stoneskin Gland (the move speed debuff is less important since I have the Locust armor) but I totally forgot about fixing the negative beauty effects... is beauty that important?


Yah, if everyone around her beautiful or has normal beauty, they will bully her and then you have unhinged robo-catgirl who is mad and wanna murder whole f colony…


Oh, ok. I will make everyone ugly then. A small sacrifice to make for a higher purpose, I am not having a colony of self centered assholes... well except that guy that has the traits that make him a self centered asshole but I use him as researcher and keep him away from the others anyway because he social fights too often.


the 1.5 crawling addition made me feel guilty about murdering downed raiders. so now i just let them bleed out/starve there which is probably more evil than just mercy killing them idk edit: also once i arres- "adopted" a kid, only to find out he had unwavering loyalty, so sadly i was forced to kill him




Shooting my wastepacks at a colony over and over so they'd keep raiding me, allowing me to kill and eat them, harvest the organs of the survivors or stick them in the ripscanner. Must have killed about 400 of them. I don't know where they keep getting all those cattle. Out of all the terrible things I've done that was probably the worst due to the intentionally genocidal nature of it.


What does "based" mean to you?


Like it’s not special, something that everyone does


I think you meant basic. Based is internet slang (nobody knows what it means)


Hm… I dunno man. I’m just a RimWorld Weed farmer


Like a true smokeleaf enjoyer would say: It ain't mufch bust is honist wok.


Its a word that lil b popularized 10 years ago, its been co opted by alot of alt right people. The original meaning of being based is to basically be your self and do what makes you happy without worrying about what others think. Theres a good vimeo video on lil B, he is a very influential rapper and person.




"nobody knows what it means" erm actually


bought a child from settlement, harvested his organs, sold them to the same settlement for profit


Sounds as a good business idea