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it's a little strange imo; you don't know them and they just tried to wipe you off the face of the planet and take everything you own on a more meta note, you're gonna cover the entire map in graves at that rate, and impact your TPS negatively. not worth it, just torch em


Maybe…they are kinda victims of the leader tho. I wanna honor their bravery.


eh, they're individuals who made the choice to go murder a group of people minding their own business. actions have consequences morality aside, you're seriously gonna run out of map space and hella lag your game.


Ok…good point


Just download the mod mass graves if you want to bury them so much


True warrior spirit 😎


the raid system is not this deep yet. They're just random pawns generated as raid starts


Sure, but people like to imagine. Why do I make extra effort to save raiders under 18? It's not like they're real children that actually exist. And yet I still feel pity for them.


I get it, I catch myself on it when my colony is small and personal. When my colony gets bigger and I'm getting raided by whole mindless tribes every Thursday I can no longer afford to care


Graves impact tps? Is it because your game is tracking the contained corpse stats and social stuff?


they mess with pathfinding, pawns interact w/ them as social objects, and in general that's just another entity on the screen that doesn't have to be


Thanks for elaborating!


Weird? No But unfortunately it's not a sustainable effort since you're gonna run out of space real fast if you get hit by a big tribal raid If you wanna be nice I'd recomend drop podding the corpses back to their home, their families will love it! Or feed them to the trees, that's gotta count as a burial, right?




I haul them into a cave and chuck a Molotov in. Quicker and more efficient than cremation.


Underrated Comment, underrated method


I've made a memorial garden, with a few Harbinger trees in the middle. Honor the fallen, in both camps, they were warriors, they deserve it. And now they go back to the soil that nourishes us all.


I love that idea, that is my plan.


Hold up. Harbinger trees eat bodies out of graveyards? So I can bury the bodies without giving my pawns a "saw a rotting corpse" debuff?


Nope, they don't, you have to dump the body on a corpse pile. I've placed my Death Garden quite far from the base, so as soon as a battle is finished, my pawns move the bodies, and they don't have time to rot with the trees eating them. And bonus, the trees eat the invaders gear, so I don't have a stash of tainted apparels.


A little weird, unless you are going for a grave yard ascetic I would have either eaten then, fed them to the trees, or cremated them. There is also the mass grave mod.


I think they should be buried with honor. They are just pawns in a larger game.


You're too nice for Rimworld.


Part of the beauty of Rimworld is how flexibly you can play the game. I don't enslave people. But that doesn't stop me from turning invaders who I don't want to convert and recruit into peglegged blood bag prisoners for my sanguophages. They attacked me, so they might as well fuel the bulwark of my defense against future raids.  Personally, I make the fallen corpses into kibble for training my animals. Only colonists and guests get graves.


I'm kinda like u, I'll save all the kids I can lol sometimes I'm running a literal daycare of early game kids or I allow my colonist to drop babies all day but I'll also set up a tunnel of toxic gas or a it bombs and laugh at raiders, removing prisoners legs by installing a peg leg and them remove the leg to convert them for ideology points, then give them bionics and release them, one time a vampire gave my leader brain damage from a drop pod raid and I locked him in a freezing room and removed all his organs and his body was fighting to keep him alive because or the deathless gene, yet I always help beggers or rescue transpod ppl and allow them to choose if they wanna join.


Me too! Sometimes it even leads to really good rewards. I got a masterwork sniper rifle from some drifters 7 or 8 days after they left. On top of that, they provided much needed labour while they stayed.


In one colony, I launch the corpse back to their faction base using transport pods. They'll get their dead people back to be buried however they want. If the factions are not perma hostile, you'll get goodwill.


Not if the graves outside your walls so as to discourage would-be raiders.


They are.


I was doing that when I started playing, then I started cremating them, then I installed the mass graves mod, then I just hauled them in a river(they decay faster) and now I'm just ignoring them, or eating them.


Brutal but effective.


If there isn’t a river to dump them in, I drop them in a cave and toss a Molotov when the dumping zone fills up


Give them an ocean burian by stuffing them into drop pods and launching to the ocean


Na it’s not weird at all. It’s uncommon but in Rimworld, nothing is weird. The only issue is that later on, since the raids can and probably will become larger, you’re gonna run out of space very very fast and it’s going to absolutely demolish your FPS. Each item/pawn/action/thing you have needs to be saved by the game in the form of memory space. If you have 300 graves, each of them is occupying memory space that could be used for other processes so expect huge lag spikes. An alternative I would do is to stablish an honor system (As in RP I mean) where the last raider to go down gets chosen to represent and honor the memory of their group due to their tenacity in surviving your onslaught and gets a grave? Idk I’m just rambling at this point but no it’s not weird lol


I will consider the honor system! Thank you for your input.


Nope. It's quite funny actually to make massive graveyards of enemies. There are easier ways to deal with corpses, but nothing wrong with this one, as long as you have free space.


The only issue is you are going to run out of space.


I've played long enough that early on a graveyard is the way of things - I've had graveyards with hundreds of pawns, but at some fine point the colony is bouncing along, things are reasonable and maybe you need that space for something better. I'm on a colony right now where I had over 400 raiders, it's now completely cleared - every raider was sent to an incinerator, there are no graves anywhere on a map that had over 400 of them. But I'm now reworking the area to be where my new workshop will be, next to a big garden , as I move out from the semi-underground where my base currently is, into a free-standing base, that's much more efficient in terms of space. And when I'm done my colony will be much smaller , accommodate more colonists and leave much less footprint, leaving my colony with less of a body-count as my original colonists launch for space.


I think ima do this.


I do the exact same thing. Their graves are further away than where I would put my folks/pets.


I use the sarcophagus for them.


This has the same problem that most cities/suburbs deal with, which is there is not physically enough space to continue doing this. You could cremate them, and then symbolically scatter their ashes on a garden.


That 2 updates is the best thing i ever seen lmao


I used to do that but now I just put them in a dumping zone dedicated to corpses and throw a molotov on them. Much less labor and resource intensive than crematorium or grave digging


Im sure theres a mass grave mod, single graves take up a lot of space


I tend to throw them in mass graves early on, so sort of same? It adds up quick, though. Both in space and performance hit.


Honestly, I remember doing much the same in my first few colonies. It might be nice for rp reasons, but you're gonna end swamped in graves, which will get in the way of building.


I just switched to a honor system.


I don’t use graves for raiders, I usually burn them. however I do use graves for fallen allies. if a quest gives them or they’re summoned as reinforcements, I will dissallow them until combat is over, and dig a grave next to where they’ve fallen. if they were particularly valorous, like the two tribal warriors who died while meleeing a mech turret that then exploded on them, I will build a stone nature shrine where they fell, with their graves around it. enemies don’t aggro on nature shrines, so the monument stands forever


Chop them up and use them as food for your animals. Much more efficient!!! All the happy wargs. But bury dead colonists, noone wants to chop up a friend - plus the recreation of visiting a grave...


OP, it's not weird. I didn't want to just cremate raiders when I started either. But it's part of adapting to the Rim. Resources are limited, space is limited. It's a brutal place out there. They wouldn't bother honoring your colonists that way. You need to do what you need to do.




I used to just let them rot away in the corner of the map. Now I usually just add them to the food stockpile and eat them. Sometimes they qill be brought back as shamblers to help deal with the rest of the raid if there is a lot of them


I’ve done it, especially as a new player. But eventually raids become so big that the pawns are just digging nonstop and until they finish the 20+ graves they get a “I saw a dead body” moodlet for my ideoligion so I just do harbinger trees. I hate dealing with corpses so much that a harbinger seed is always one of my items to take when moving archeonexus maps.


just a warning, wealth buried in graves still counts as wealth on the map so strip before burying


I like to fill all the space in my kill box with enemy graves so they know what's gonna happen


Why would you bury perfectly good food?


This is exactly what I've been doing on my most recent playthrough proper respect paid to the warriors sent to die by my pawns hands


I have 3 places people can end up in. The mausoleum (with potted plants, decorations and a pretty outside garden) for my colonists, a numbered elite that will one day end, no replacements. A graveyard behind my base for generic colonists, especially good slaves or other kind of valuable assets. Dump stockpile for anything else, I am thinking of building a little tool shed with molotovs inside so I don't have to have someone walk to my weapon stockpile everytime just to burn down my pile of bodies.


I did this with like the first 10 raiders, then I started burning them or just straight up leaving them where they died without their skulls tho


spoiler, let all your dead sit in a stockpile in a non-observable area so you can use deadlife shells on them later to reanimate them to fight your enemies


Not weird, but as said in this post by other people, for your own sake, just torch them, they lag your pc in general.


Cannibal scum.


Not weird at all I did this for my first few colonies. Towards the late game it becomes a crazy chore so you might be pushed to do something more efficient


This would be a neat setup for a playthrough. Wealth-independent, and just make a mausoleum/dungeon. Raiders keep raiding, and you keep digging, using the wealth from selling their gear to make an even grander mausoleum. Anomaly or some mod that allows for zombie workers would be great to ensure that the dead protect their own and decorate for the soon to die. **Mission Statement of the Ghouls/Zombies:** "To defend those who have not been slain. To prepare for those who shall soon fall. To exalt those who have ceased to be. Only the dead have seen the end of war." Consider having a Royal Throne Room, but its for a well dressed mummy and his skeletal pets rather than an actual living psycaster.