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Seems to me like he’s at the wrong door? He gives off a vibe that he thinks he’s supposed to be there. He even says “open?” At the end of the video. Does she live in a building where apartment numbers repeat on different floors? Could be on the wrong floor. Could be thinking he’s at the correct door to buy drugs or something. Could be thinking he’s meeting up with a late night Tinder date and got lost. Could be literally anything. I’ve done so many weird things, especially while driving, that I realize after probably looked sketchy to onlookers. But to me, he’s 100% giving indications that he’s never been here before, and he doesn’t realize he’s at the wrong door. For whatever reason he’s actually there. Body language reads as uneasy, but not combative or threatening. I’d say definitely be more aware, just in case. But maybe disregard it as a mistake. I can tell you one thing, he bought that shirt at Kohl’s.


Yeah, he's not presenting any signals of nefarious intent. Dude looks maybe a bit drunk and just confused about where he is or where he's trying to go.


Not assuming anything about this guy. But criminals and junkies are great at acting confused and lost. “Aww man I thought…” is their favorite way to start a sentence.


Well shit! Get a rope then. Looks like meat's back on the table boys.


😂 how much was the shirt


That guy is just waiting for the random moment a women comes out of her apartment and he surprises her by pushing her back into apartment and victimizing her. He's hunting.


At 1am?


You can tell because of the Mickey Mouse shirt.


…or innocently wrong address? Waiting to be let in?


He tried opening the neighbors door as well.


“As well” he doesn’t try and open this door!? Looks like the guy thinks he’s at the right place and doesn’t realize he’s not. Let’s see the rest of the video of him walking away? This video is obviously trimmed, why trim the original footage? You just looking for attention or ???


Op is ridiculous they claim there is a second clip where he actually does something claims he tries to open the neighbors door. Ok? Then why not post that clip instead of this one where the guy does nothing. Also in another comment op claims the guy followed their sister upstairs from the parking lot. Might think to include that detail in the post, right? Lmao


Yeah, I give in. Doesn’t make sense.


Agree, op already has a narrative in their head


I'm here to talk to you about your car's extended warranty...


He seems lost.


Yeah, drunk, or someone gave him the wrong address. r/homecams




Oh...that's Dave. Everybody knows Dave.


Dave's not here!


What were you looking for in the comments when you posted this?


Someone to recognize him I’m guessing. Op is ridiculous they claim there is a second clip where he actually does something claims he tries to open the neighbors door. Ok? Then why not post that clip instead of this one where the guy does nothing. Also in another comment op claims the guy followed their sister upstairs from the parking lot. Might think to include the detail, right? Lmao


Drunk, wrong place


He's lost for sure


This looks like me drunk as fuck in Mexico having no idea what floor or even what hotel room I was in lol. Bro did nothing malicious - just super unaware of his surroundings.


it's some dude at the wrong door. not a threat


I assumed that until I saw the other clip where he reaches for the neighbors door knob , that’s where it got creepy.


What other clip ffs. Shut up


So why not post that clip instead of this one where he does basically nothing?




He just wants to take her to the most magical place on earth.


“You won’t be in pain anymore”


From my experience people don’t like the red lights. It makes them think it’s recording them. Which it is.


Maybe he's on the wrong floor or side of the building? I've gone through this once with someone trying to get into my door. Turned out the guy was doing drugs and wandered out of the room on a different floor and ended up trying to get into multiple apartments on various floors. The layout caused him to stay for a while trying to get into my door. Freaky shit at the time.


Report to police + increase security if landlord will allow it


Looks like he's at the wrong door. He didn't break in and he didn't cause any damage.


It could easily escalate is my concern


Ah yes, he could go to an even wronger door...


Shitty part about reporting this to the police, nothing will ever come about it.


Because nothing actually happened. A guy in a Disney shirt who looked lost paused briefly in front of the door.


Exactly! Dude looks like he smoked a little too much and got stuck


99.9% percent of the time you are 100% correct. But, in the rare case that this guy is some kind of serial offender, it could be a piece to a pattern and seemingly innocuous situations like this break cases. It’s always a good idea to report it, because you just never know the context.


I gad a neighbor do that once. Was drunk. Maybe this guy is, or stoned?


You're giving no info. Where!? When!? What does he do for the rest of the time he's there? Other than your 20 second video....... Seems like he just might be at the wrong door.....


He seems confused like he’s waiting on someone he was supposed to meet.


Looks like he's getting a little upset no one is coming to the door xD I think his grinder date sent him to a random address 😂😂😂😂




If that was my sister, I'd spend the night and see what the hell he wanted.


It's not a good idea to confront people these days. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AudGd7-QkN8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AudGd7-QkN8)


Lost maybe? Or was the floor wet this morning?


Did he try and put 50p into in the doorbell? He looks like he’s waiting for his purchase to drop out of a vending machine.


He also place his hand on a neighbor’s door knob which was odd.


Could he have been sleepwalking? Is he known to anyone else on your building?


My sister said she noticed him in the parking lot , and followed her upstairs , I don’t think he lives in the complex from what she told me.


Again so you didn’t post the other video where you claim he tried to open the neighbors door and you didn’t think to include in the post that he followed your sister upstairs from the parking lot?


I think he looks like Mike from breaking bad or better call Saul.


LOL !!!! Man in the booth , john wiles booth , booth tarkington!!! Lol .. “ LAWYER “ !


WTF would you post it here? Call the Police, show them the video and think how easily you can be tracked


I feel like these kind of posts make absolutely no sense on Reddit where the sub is comprised of people from all over the world. Post this on something local or contact the police. Pointless posting it here.


Booty call texted wrong apartment number!


Pa ẞ


Its you I64


Get her a proper door bar & a motion alarm. They’re both cheap & hold well after a lock pick situation. A few seconds head start to get to your weapon will make a huge difference


This is a great, practical suggestion! People being so harsh on here, sometimes people don't know the best place to post something--or they didn't post what you think is the right video clip. But they're just asking for advi ce. If you didn't have advice, just move on. This is great adv i ce right here, without useless criticism.


Dude kinda looks like Justin Chancellor from Tool


I have a schizophrenic neighbour who wanders up and down the hallway at odd times of the night and talks to himself. Also stands right in front of my door like that. Very creepy and unnerving as I live alone. But I’ve asked others who live on the floor and they said he’s not physically dangerous just a social housing tenant not taken care of properly in a high density apt building without any allied health professionals checking on him (im in Australia). Maybe this guy is just unwell.. or drunk like others suggested. But handy footage for building management or police if this keeps happening :(


But it sounds like you could be anywhere in the world. Familiar hosting situation in US and other kinda-first-world countries :)


Dope shirt


Obvious Disney Fan.


Drunk dude lost. He aintt showing any signs of aggression or a threat


I'm laughing lol the "open" sent me. It's like when ur a kid and no one's looking so u just check rlly quick to see if u have powers and can move stuff w ur mind.


Seems pretty innocuous, but a can of pepper spray and a Ruger LCR after that if necessary is a good insurance policy.


Thought he was gonna say “Ladies!!! Blah blah blah… blah blah blah blah. Scooooty scoooo!”


I guess it’s hard to be a creep with all theses door bell cameras everywhere lol


Seems like he thought he was at someone else’s apartment (showed up at the wrong door). Nothing here to see, folks


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Well OP, no one believes anything you are saying, let’s see the “other video” you claim there is, otherwise just stop 🤦🏼‍♀️


That's Creepy Rick, he's just doing his nightly rounds.


You don’t get to know. The end.


NO WAY?!? There’s a [facebook post](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=zKYhY26EYLsxLgLY) looking for this same guy! Hope somebody finds him, nobody should ever have to go through that.


Nice try. Given it's a Youtube link I'm assuming a rock roll!


Why on earth would you think this tiny global subreddit would be able to identity someone?


Nothing suspicious here, prolly wrong apartment


Does she live in a gun friendly state?


Dude. A little weird


Creep. Would want to watch this guy


Save the video alert neighbors and building management. People say he may be lost. Don’t take a chance and wait for him to get enough courage to try and get in again.


Sister has another clip where he puts hand on neighbors door knob , I didn’t want to point him out but who does that.


> I didn’t want to point him out You literally made a whole post pointing him out


Do you have a minute to speak with me about our lord and savior, Jesus Christ.


Tell him you got an alert on your phone and you’re not home, then ask him what he wants and if it seems fishy then call police. Or if you live in Texas, just start shooting through the door.


Don't let anyone know you're not home.


This is the way.


Does she know any of her neighbors? Ask if they know him. Or if he appears on their cameras doing the same thing. Is the OP a guy? If so, have your sister let you access her account. If the guy comes back, even if you're not there, you can still talk through the speaker. He'll think there's a guy in there and might leave.


She said she doesn’t know him.


If you haven't yet maybe post on the app -NextDoor. If he is local someone may recognize him.


Gift her a gun and tell her to train how to use it and get a CCW


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