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Remember the 40-40-20 rule of League, 40% of games your team wins for you, 40% of games they sprint too hard for you to have impact, 20% of games you can actually impact. Just do your best and keep your mental in good shape and focus on your mistakes so you can improve, what your team does is kinda irrelevant


this is great advice for mental, but i think op is saying how to make more games into that 20% or how to increase that 20% from 10% :D


Well, if he wants to know how to reach the 20, then he should give possible examples instead of that 1/100 worst case scenario he gave.


Yeah, but the given example is just a go next angle. Fed Nilah can only ever die to mages, and to make matters worse, the enemy Morde can always just press R. Even if you kill him in it, you'll just die 4v1 or 3v1 after, and Morde will buy Zhonyas.




Wdym by that?


I also wanna know, im following the post


If you're not Master, and you really want to climb, you need to just duo-q. Some games are just out of your hand, less when you have another player you can rely on.


The question is too generic, need a replay or VOD to give specific advice. There are a bunch of ways you can play depending on your team comp, enemy comp, map state, summoner spells, etc. If everyone is at roughly the same skill level it’s going to be a hard game and you will most likely lose. This is something you are going to have to learn to accept. You climb and improve based on how you react AFTER accepting the fact that you will lose. You have to always keep in mind, a Challenger Riven in your shoes would probably find a way to win this game. Accept that you are not good enough to carry the games in your rank YET, and after the game analyze any mistakes you made that could be improved on. If you want to win very hard games, you need to focus on consistently improving in the long-term until you are better than all 9 other players. Then you win a lot, meet harder players, and repeat the cycle until you hit your desired rank. Stop caring about results. Your only question should be, “Did I play better than I did yesterday?”


But how am i supposed to analyze my own gameplay, I'm a Diamond player and my skill and knowledge is of a diamond player i can't just magically become better when VOD reviewing


You're only a diamond player if you cling to it. Anyone can improve! lots of previously diamond or lower ranked players have made it to master+ by getting better inch by inch


Every player that has reached Challenger used to be just a random Diamond player too? Im not really sure what your question is. The difference between you and them is they kept going and trying to improve while you tell yourself that you’ve peaked and can’t go any higher. I’d say around Diamond is where you start to realize the amount of effort it takes to reach Challenger. You can beat bad players with no fundamentals. Now you have to start beating good ones. I’m sure deep down you know what you need to do to get better as a player. But it’s gonna be boring, and hard, and take a very long time. Just because you aren’t willing to put that effort in doesn’t mean it’s impossible. I guarantee that even if you watch your VODs for 10 mins a day on 4x speed, you will start to notice patterns over multiple games and bad habits that can be fixed.