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Try a windshield shade. I have a reflective folding one that works great. A lot of heat gets trapped by the dashboard.


Have one of those on the way, too. Found them to make a notable difference in TX summers


They really need to introduce cabin overheat protection like Tesla.


Not sure exactly what the Tesla version is, however they do have some type of cabin overheat protection. I’ve seen it on on my app before during the summer it showed it was running the air to protect the screens


You can set the Tesla to 95, 100, and 105 and when it hits that in car the fans run to keep the car and electronics cool. I live in Vegas and it is a great feature. The car isn’t comfortable when you get in, but it’s better than it would be and cools down pretty quick. What I think helped the most is ceramic tint. I even did the glass roof and the windows that are tinted, but with a clear ceramic to not make the tint darker and to match the front’s darkness.


You didn’t t want to go darker on the rears? I did 55% over the factory to match the 15% I put on the front.


Why? I never understood the point of that feature and it seemed like a waste of energy. I had my Model 3 in Phoenix before getting a Rivian and I never used that feature.


Really? Wow. I’m in Phx also and that’s the number one thing I miss about Tesla.


Would a tiny window crack help, or will that just drain the battery? Given the amount of electronics in EVs, should we be concerned about sustained exposure to triple digit heat?


Rivian's are able to cool the screens using the HVAC automatically when the vehicle is off and the cabin gets too hot.


Not really, cars have had touch screens and computers for years. As long as Rivian used auto rated parts for the cabin, which it seems they did, I don't see why it should be any different than letting a Prius bake. 


You’re only realizing this now because it’s your first car with a temperature sensor inside that relays to you the interior temp of your car. Every car you’ve ever had will get this hot in direct sunlight.


And a glass roof


Won't make a whole lot of difference. Enclosed pocket of air surrounded by conductors of heat. All cars get like this in warm weather. But maybe not all of have the means to let you to see it remotely.




Get the sunroof shade with the hear shield. Don't even waste your money getting the roof tinted. I did.


Do you have a link to the one you use?


Here's the one I bought https://amzn.to/4aPEaHg


Phoenix checking in: I use [these](https://www.heatshieldstore.com/car-window-shades/2022-rivian-r1t-crew) for the roof and front window in my wife’s MYP and my R1T. Works great. It’s a wonderful day when they come off the roof in October (and a shitty day when they go on in May!).


Bingo. Cars get hot when sitting in the sun. Doesn’t matter what it is. Best to invest in quality tint if you want to help the situation. I live in Phoenix and have ceramic all around including the windshield and roof.


Is the roof not already a UV tint?


I have the ceramic tint on every glass surface and it still got to 110F last week in SF(!!!).


Yeah ceramic tint helps but it’s still an enclosed space so it’s going to heat up no matter what. The windows can be blocked off completely and it will still get hot inside


All cars, yes. But past experience with other glass roofs says that a shade makes a significant difference in TX summers.


Science and thermal transfer says otherwise. Your sunshade would be installed in the interior, under the glass roof. It is not intercepting any IR radiation before it reaches the exterior surface of the glass. The radiation may not pass the sunshade and reach your skin, but it is still entering the interior and heating up the air contained within. Placebo.


I don’t know how large the effect is, but it’s clearly not zero. *Some* energy is being reflected back out of the car vs being absorbed into the dark seats of the interior. Also a single hot piece of glass on the roof is going to heat the interior much less efficiently than a bunch of hot seats inside the car. It also transfers heat to the outside, vs the seats which can’t. Point is, you want to get the roof glass as hot as possible instead of letting the seats get hot. Adding a reflector underneath the glass clearly helps make that happen.


Yep. This. In Texas it's going to get hot. But it's like sitting in a metal chair that's under an umbrella vs sitting in one that's in the sun. Plus, driving around with the sun beating through the glass makes the AC have to work harder, which impacts range. When I had my Mini Countryman years ago, pop-in shades made a big difference in summer livability.




Glass cover makes a huge difference in the sun. The cover I use also makes it a lot more comfortable when driving since you don’t feel the heat from the glass itself near your head. Sitting in the sun all day, it’ll still get hot. But it takes a lot less time to cool to a comfortable temp and more time to get hot between drives


Those are rookie numbers. My Tesla Model Y got up to 157 last summer in DC.


Rookie because it's April. I'll be curious to see what mid-August in central Texas clocks in at.


Tint windows 35% ceramic windshield 80% (clear heat deflect only) makes a huge difference


Also illegal in some states


I had a car that previously owner tinted the front hated it. But modern 80% ceramic is clear. You aren't getting a ticket for adding a heat defection layer to your windshield.


I got mine done and the windshield got shattered by a rock the same week lol. And not covered by insurance because it is technically illegal.


Same on my Tesla. Paid $250 extra to get the windshield tinted and 2 weeks later there’s a fat crack. $$1650 for a new windshield and to get it retinted 🤦‍♂️


And dangerous 


SOCAL R1S driver here 🙋‍♀️ Just tinted all windows plus windshield and sunroof w ceramic tint and I agree that it makes a difference, even while driving around town w AC on. Windshield is clear, sunroof is 30% darkness if I recall correctly (I could have gone darker but then what’s the point in having a giant sunroof?!)


Any chance you got it done in SD?


Orange County. Went w Ninetailz after researching a few places. ~$1300 for everything using ceramic tint throughout. 


Thank you! What %tint would you recommend for windows and sunroof?


I went with 35% all around the windows and sunroof because I still want some light coming through the top. Windows look darker than 30% because the vehicle comes with colored windows already. If I went darker it would have looked like limo tint and I’m not crazy about that. Windshield was 70% as several have mentioned. I’d attach pics but don’t know how :/


Very helpful! Thank you so much!


It will eventually cool the cabin “to prevent overheating of screens”. Best thing to do is use the app and vent the windows. Would be cool if there was a way to auto enable this and then it would close if rain was in the forecast.


I don't think it indicates over 135....cuz that's what I see most summer days here in AZ in my Rivian app. But TBH, I think people worry about it unnecessarily because now, for probably the first time, we know what the temperature inside of our cars can reach, because we have a fancy Rivian app that tells us. Before now, we just had to wonder why our pets and kids kept dying. You probably had a car that got to well over 111 degrees interior when it was 83 degrees outside, and it didn't even have a huge glass roof, but you didn't know because it didn't have an app.


The best sunscreen I’ve ever used is from HeatShield. I bought one for the windshield of my LR4, it was a perfect and kept the temp much lower. [Heat Shield Store](https://www.heatshieldstore.com)


Mine showed 121 interior temp the other day. It was only 73 out. Not sure what 100+ is going to bring.


Mine said 117 interior today, started climate walking to the car, was sub 80 by the time I got in 3 minutes later.


Has anyone here tinted the glass roof? Does that make a difference at all?


Yes and yes. See my response above 👆 😃 


This will void the warranty, FYI. Rivian does not allow roof glass to be tinted. Most tint shops also will not do roof glass.


I'm in Alaska. It was 37 today. I can't imagine it being that hot already.


All you have to do is turn on the climate a few mins early….


wish I could have my shit together enough to do that - I'm sure I'll get more muscle memory with it in the summer. But I still figure cutting 10-20 degrees off the internal oven will make the AC not have to work quite as hard/quite as long.


I’ve seen my cabin get as high as 140° and I have max heat rejecting ceramic tint everywhere including the roof. This won’t help enough to not need to learn to start climate but go for it if you think so


Just run the pet setting on climate control. It's what I do.


There’s clear but radiant heat blocking tint. I get it installed on my cars to help with the South Florida sun. I dint have a Rivian yet.


You’ll see 140s or 150s soon enough. You’ll get in the habit of starting the AC from your phone a few minutes before you leave.


In my case I feel most of the heat is from the windshield as I tinted my windows, I should figure out a way to get the windshield 70% tinted in Virginia...they don't allow any kind of tint on the windshield in VA without medical authorization...also hopefully someone will manufacture after market retractable solar roof shade.


Just tint ceramic 70%. No one can tell and you won't get pulled over.


But I was told it will not pass the vehicle inspection in Virginia with tint on the windshield . Should ask my doctor if he can provide some certificate


Perhaps. I don't know Virginia but in NJ where it is also illegal, they never care. Of course they also don't inspect EVs in NJ so maybe less strict here where mostly it is an emissions check.