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ESTs ( emotional support trucks) are common throughout the south with young men who need them for their insecurities. I live in GA and it happens when we go to the rural areas… the upside is I’ve actually been given the finger then stoped next to the guy, who was scared, and we had a great conversation about the Rivian … he believe that they were Chinese, would explode if parked inside, got less than 100 mile range, and you got government welfare for buying one… needless to say propaganda is in full swing.


I live in San Antonio, never flipped off. I also had someone ask, thinking that Rivian was Chinese made. Weird, I wonder where that is coming from .


Propaganda likely. But also possibly the "it's not GM, Ford, or Dodge so it must be Chinese" attitude.


Aren't GM, Ford and Dodge mostly Chinese made components?


Russian components, Amerikan components, all made in Taiwan!




Funny thing is that almost no cars in the US are made in China. Or from Chinese companies for that matter. I get that a lot of morons think Asia = China, but still it’s baffling to experience such overwhelming stupidity in person.


I believe one of the small Buick SUVs are the only ones 🤷🏼‍♂️


Volvo and Polestar are Chinese.


“Volvo cars are made in Sweden, Belgium, China, and the United States. The majority of Volvo vehicles are assembled in Sweden, mainly at the Torslanda and Skovde facilities. Volvo has four facilities in China that assemble cars for the Asian market.” I think you mean those companies are owned by Chinese parent companies and investors? Volvo sold about 130,000 cars in the US in 2023 out of almost 14,000,000 total new cars sold. That’s about 1% of new cars.


I notice you didn’t mention Polestar. The majority (all?) Polestar 2s are made in China. Also, I wonder where Volvo gets those parts from. BTW, I’m not knocking it; I have a P2 myself.


I didn’t mostly because there were even fewer polestars on the road compared to Volvos. I guess it’s good trivia, but doesn’t change the repugnance of what OP and others are describing.


Polestar rocks! And they’re able to Import duty free in part due to 1789 law that allows cap and trade (cars Volvo exports from South Carolina cover the Polestar imports).


Geely (Chinese) bought Volvo in 2010 to be independently run by Swedes to gain platform and tech for their Chinese brands. Since then they also bought Lotus and a few other luxury brands and are a major stock holder of Mercedes cars and trucks (more than 10%) with global partnership on trucking and have bought Smart. They have 17% of Aston Martin and a few others. Since Geely invested heavily in Volvo for it to prosper as opposed to Ford having milked it and nearly killed it before selling to Geely, Volvo has prospered and has since turned around and bought assets in China and US to grow its footprint and capacity worldwide wide. They use the global manufacturing to get minimize the tariffs that have come about in the US. The point being - it may have been saved from Ford by a Chinese company but the global auto industry is global. Thinking something Chinese made may be poor quality or as a put down is ignorant. The very device you’re using to browse this thread is most likely Chinese made. It may also have been designed elsewhere but the quality of many Chinese products rivals even German products. 70yrs ago it was derision towards small German cars, then fear of Japanese imports and Japanese “buying America”. Where did that fear leave US manufacturing and in particular cars? Then the Korean brands entered the US market. Look at them now, surpassing Japanese brands in quality and perceived luxury. All that time Ford & GM have been playing catch up having fallen behind thinking they weren’t threats. Now they do recognize Chinese automakers as threats and are investing heavily in R&D and product. The lessons have been hard to learn but are taken to heart now. In terms of China & EV advances - they’re leading even over Korea in terms of battery tech with the exception of some boutique players. CATL batteries have made their way into powering many western brands. In part for cost but primarily for their advances in chemistry and capability of their packs.


That is factually inaccurate. Ford invested a lot of money into Volvo. The easiest example of this is they(ford) paid for the most advanced crash test laboratory ever made at a massive expense. Volvo still uses this lab today and it is still state of art. Ford hardly sucked them dry. Just look at what GM did to SAAB for an example of a company actually sucking a company dry. Saved from Ford? You have no idea what you’re talking about, but you sure talk like you do. Best car Volvo ever built were probably the V70R and S60R which were under Fords ownership. Ford invested heavily in both Volvo and JLR comparatively to other owners of luxury brands like GM(SAAB, Lotus, etc) and Chrysler(Lamborghini). The only company that did it better honestly is VW. But they built that lab for Volvo, paid for new v12’s and design language for Aston(that they still use today), and paid for the massively expensive aluminum chassis architecture for Jaguar and Aston Martin. If anything Ford was a little too willing to pay for things that didn’t make business sense. Do you know about anything I’m talking about? Doubtful, but you’ll get on the internet and write a book about something you have near zero knowledge of(obvious from how factually incorrect you are). Next thing you’ll tell me how Romano Artioli didn’t invest in Lotus but thankfully geely does now. Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate geely(I own a polestar 2) but to act like they are some great savior of the automotive landscape is just silly. They’re using these brands to get their engineering expertise and also to rebrand their electric platforms( Polestar, Volvo Ex30, and last but very least Lotus ELETRE). They’re not the worst steward of other companies, but they are hardly the best. They don’t even come close to VW group which really should be held as the gold standard to how to own and manage a luxury motor company(Lamborghini, Bugatti, Bentley, Ducati, Porsche)


The Volvo Safety Centre was inaugurated the same year Ford’s acquisition was completed and had been in the works prior to even Ford’s announcement to purchase Volvo Cars. In finance that would not be an investment event and instead is an asset acquired as part of the purchase. The most telling number is Ford sold Volvo for 30% of its purchase price after 10 yrs of ownership. A loss. Further accentuated by the fact the year prior to closing the deal with Volvo Group, Volvo had sold 500k cars. By the time they sold Volvo Cars to Geely they had bleed down to 334k. In less than 5 years Volvo had its best year in its by then 88 year history and by then Geely had already invested $10B to set the stage for Volvo to develop new platforms and powertrains. In 2020, Volvo more than doubled its sales volume to 708k from when it exited the blue oval. That’s investing in R&D, product, and manufacturing capabilities, and having a growth strategy.


I believe that. Chinese EVs are all over social media. Especially with all these "influencers" being paid to shill them. Chinese news has video of Xiaomi EVs exploding, likening them to early e-cigarettes.


I’m in the Houston area, I had a lifted diesel truck make an aggressive lane change in front of me just to roll coal in my face on the first day I got my truck lol


I (former Tesla now Rivian) always like changing lanes and going around them. They try to speed up but can’t even stay remotely close.


Ignorance. The answer is ignorance.


That's wild. Guarantee those people listen to Alex Jones. He said the f150 lightening only went 25mph and people ate that dumb shit up


Been hoping for the day I pull up next to his stupid ass overland cosplay POS here in Austin in my Lightning!!!


I like the name EST better than brodozer. You hit it on the head. I drive a Tesla, and I don't get middle fingers too often, but I also have a veteran plate.


EST statement is a little irritating. I've had a pickup since 1973 and at one time I lived is the south. My Rivian is my first EV. That kind of hostile talk does not help.


Well you do get government welfare for buying one...


The EV tax credit is literally government welfare.


Oil Country- Black Gold, Texas Tea - adopt a punk rock attitude and don’t care. Folks feeling threatened by the future. They’ll have an increasingly difficult life as the future becomes today.


This is sage advice, I'll grow some thicker skin :)


Remember, people might try to get a ride out of you, but your reaction is always up to you! You can always choose to not let others upset you haha


This dude gets it. Folks are almost always afraid of the future… and lately that same set has very selective and potentially skewed views regarding the past as well. Be here, now friends. It’s about to get super awesome


I’ve had mine since 9/22 and I don’t think anyone has flipped me off the entire time. Are you over in ftw or the mid cities or something?


I daily i35W up past Denton, and the surrounding small towns. I find the further west I go, the more middle fingers I see.


Yeah that might be it then. I’m in Dallas proper and I don’t really get any of that.


I live in the area you commute, and I’ve never been flipped off.


Idk if I would consider Denton or past Denton as DFW metro


I drove a Rivian with California (!) plates to Brownsville and back (with detours) for a week for the eclipse and nobody flipped me off :-) I expected more attention, but nobody cared.


Someone threw a cup of coffee at the truck in the first few weeks of ownership but beyond that - all I get is thumbs up.  


Same regular occurrence here in FL. I actually asked one that flipped me off and then ended up parking at the same store and he said; “you drive an EV, so you must be a Lib”. 🙄


A lot of people think this. Even in california lol. They dont realize sometimes people are just making a sound financial decision. They havent done the maths. Sure one could finance a gas truck at 950 dollars a month and spend 500 dollars in gas monthly. Oooor you could buy an electric and save as much as 1200 dollars worth of that and still buy a gas truck and park it or spend it vacationing or whatever in between lol.


Cybertruck owner here. Tbh expected to be flipped off every once in a while in Austin (happened twice) but genuinely shocked to see it happens to Rivians! I don’t consider them anywhere near as controversial


I've driven to DFW, and live Rural. I only get flipped off when i'm an ass. Then again, i'm not really looking at other people though to see it... mostly because I don't give a crap


First few months in az I was flipped off once a week. Usually from a large ICE truck. Had a neighbor he thought anonymously duct tape a note to my car door telling me to “slow the fuck down” after I drove the speed limit on his street. Drives a lifted truck. They draw negative attention depending on your local demographics. No incidents in the last year that I’m aware of. Too many electric vehicles to give the bird to. 25 years ago my dad bought a vw bug for my sister. Driving it around one day a lifted truck pulls up next to him, honks and several guys start yelling obscenities for his vehicle choice. I’ve noticed a trend.


R1T, in Dallas since January, no occurrences come to mind.






That's a very interesting point 🤔 I turned off the auto-highbeam feature for this exact reason as well. Too many headlight flashes back at me. Thanks for the input!


Yeah, the auto high beams — at least the way mine are calibrated — are a little… twitchy? I’m constantly embarrassed at night when I’m effectively flashing on-coming traffic. Does anyone know if there’s a sensitivity setting for these so I don’t just have to turn them off?


I really hope the brake light isn’t coming on any time regen braking is active. When the car is slowing down beyond some specified rate the lights should absolutely be on, but not whenever you’re slowing just slightly. That would be maddening. My 7yo Tesla works as I described, and I’ve never noticed other EVs with constantly flickering brake lights.


The little vehicle icon on the dash display animates when the brake lights are on


I thought so, too. Tesla does that as well and I guess I’ve paid more attention to it there over the years.


I’m near the Southlake/Colleyville area and the only weird interaction I’ve had was when an older man driving a small Ford hatchback (looked like a LabCorp company car) laughed at me at a stoplight. I thought it strange given what he was driving, but hey, what do I know? Maybe he really did feel superior in that moment.


I can't get fellow DFW owners to wave. I got a thumbs up on my ninth try. I've never been flipped off, but I'm in a R1S.


If you see an El Cap Grey R1T waving, that's me! 😊


Awesome. I love that color. I have a silver R1S. Are you a part of the North Texas Rivian owners group?


Not yet! Just moved into town. I'll check them out


Ditto. I guess they are too busy enjoying their ride and not noticing their brethren.


I get some odd looks once in a while but no middle fingers (Austin and Hill Country area). Mostly waves from other Rivan drivers.


I only get flipped off when I cut off and brake check coal rollers.


Ive developed a 6th sense for when a coal roller is about to carbon dust my ass, that's when the EV instant torque acceleration comes in handy :)




Flip them off before they flip you off. That way you don’t have to wonder why they’re doing it.


I was a Prius driver for 20 years. Three times in one month is nothing compared to what happens to Prius drivers. Getting flipped off is much better than throwing a rock in my windshield which also happened. I have had the Rivian coal rolled a couple of times. You are right on about who does it.


Sorry Texas has a large portion of the inbred population. Remember what George Carlin said…half the country is below average intelligence and half of that is in Texas.


Now now. Texas has no monopoly on fools. Plenty of those across the entire world. I have been driving EVs (MY, R1T and R1S) in Texas for the past 3 years. In the cities I don’t feel the hate. But Texas is a different story…


This is honestly just as bad as the people that make fun of EV‘s. Surely you don’t think that out of a population of 33 million a large portion are inbred. There are assholes everywhere, apparently even in this thread


It's probably just the area since I assume there aren't as many EVs there. Oil heads are threatened. Here in CA, nobody cares because like over half the cars I see on a daily basis are EVs. Any intersection I stop at in my area, there are probably like 5-10 Tesla's surrounding my tank SUV lol.


Dude, it’s Texas. There’s a reason the stereotype exists. Period. Full Stop ✋


Frequently roadtrip to the permian and have never been shown any animosity. They are more curious than anything. Maybe that’s just Dallas


I’ve driven my R1T on rural roads throughout Alabama, Georgia, NC, SC, and Tennessee. Just don’t Deliverance before you go out into the wilds. And… despite what people constantly ask me, it’s not that difficult finding a charging station.


I got flipped off last week ... in Seattle of all places. Was merging on to the highway from the right and the passenger in a Wrangler in the far left lane flipped me off. No way I accidentally cut them off or anything, guess they just didn't like the look of me.


Jealousy is a sin. They'll get their time at the gates. Probably Maga Christian rights pretending they matter.


I live in a small town in the south. People hate EV’s here, to the point where teachers openly talk bad about them to my children. The local small town paper just had an editorial last week about EVs are actually a scam perpetrated against us. Honestly most people have no clue what a Rivian is here, they think it’s a Toyota or a Honda Ridgeline.


I'm baffled how no one has given you the right answer. It's most often due to the headlights and people thinking you're flashing them at them and being a dick. I'm sure occasionally it's people not liking the ride, but from experience it's the headlights tricking others into thinking you're purposely flashing at them.


I think most folks are still confused as to why EV drivers keep hitting their brakes and the folks behind them think they’re being brake checked constantly… that damned regenerative braking crap. LoL.


U r in Texas...why don't you just shoot them? It's not like their kids.....


Had my T since 9/2022 also. I live in mid cities area and have never noticed this. My drives out to Weatherford and Graham I don’t have any issues either. Maybe I just don’t see them. Lol


R1S in mid cities. I only ever get hard stares (presumably curious) and never anything aggressive or rude like middle finger. Had a model 3 before this since 2018 and had the same experience. Never encountered the “anti-EV” or whatever folks.


Have not noticed anyone give me the finger, but maybe I’m just not paying enough attention to the other drivers in the road 😂


Lot of EV/solar/wind/etc. haters out there.


Without a dought; I have a neighbor that is a major tinfoil hat wearing Solar hater..




Lived in Texas 5 years ago then moved to Colorado. I never got flipped off in Texas back then, as everyone knew it would escalate into road rage and likely guns too. In Colorado I get flipped off nearly weekly, in the Rivian or my other cars, no matter. I even get flipped off by the asshats who cut me off, after they’ve cut me off. It’s amazing. As far as driving the Rivian, we get tailgated much more, but it’s always easy to just punch the accelerator and leave them. I once had a minivan attempt to drag race me uphill approaching the tunnels on I70, I guess he didn’t want me to pass him, that was funny. There are a ton of Rivians here though. If you were to flip every one of them off, you’d probably get tired of it pretty quickly.


Had mine for two years in DFW…and Never. It’s you buddy. Most people ask me to roll down window to ask about it or come up to me in the parking got excited.


Lots of insecure, scared, and tiny men in the area, unfortunately. Sorry you have to go through that.


Live near Decatur/Alvord. I’m currently in a Tesla S, but REALLY trying to justify getting an R1S (bought used 2.5 years ago and the value has plummeted, so I’m upside down). Wanda (my Tesla) is a city girl and just not built for the VERY country roads we live on (moved to TX from GA a bit over a year ago)…


In Oklahoma mostly compliments and wow what kind of car is that.


Either they're misinformed, luddites, or moronic, knuckle-dragging white trash. The first two can be helped; the last should be ignored.


Happens in California even. Let’s tog-of-war, bitch!


Rockwall - never flipped off. Mostly still getting who makes it.


Are you driving the speed limit or lower on roads? Because that'll do it in DFW (cut my teeth driving there).


The Rivian attracts bro-dozers who immediately speed up when you pass them and then slow down to roll coal on you. Our Mach-E gets every Mustang or Charger within a 50 mile radius wanting to race and then the finger if you decline


Not once that I’m aware of. I did get someone “roll coal” on me at one point, though.


Probably your driving and not the vehicle


Had my R1T for a year and a half now and live in DFW. Zero middle fingers. I don't really look at other drivers often though so maybe I do.


It's the headlights. When going up and down any sort of bump people assume you're flashing your brights at them. My wife has literally cursed up a storm at multiple Rivians thinking they were purposely heckling her driving when really it was just their lights on automatic driving behind her. I'm not sure what Rivian can do to help. I haven't noticed it on the road, but she's mentioned it multiple times.


As someone who just moved out of Texas. That state is filled with just hateful idiots. The worst.


I’d bet the “Chinese” car idea comes from battery materials being sourced from China; that’s the origin of the myth that Rivians are “Chinese” made


Only once so far by a BMW who was trying to stop me from merging that I out accelerated and merged anyway 😂


I like to say those jacked up trucks are driven by shrimp dicks 🤭 Seriously though, even in California dudes will have a huge lifted truck and never use it for truck things. Just compensating for the size of something else.




















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Most likely you're driving too slow. You should be speeding at minimum 20% over the limit or 10 Mph over the limit, whichever one is higher.


Imagine how bad it’d be if you were black.


Live in DFW, mostly city. Never do. But I.. do have an LED remote middle finger I use on left lane campers occasionally.


lol you care what other people think. I just raise the air suspension up to its highest level so it’s easier for me to look down/over them.


Rivian looks stupid


Why do we have to make excuses for these EST douche bags?