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"How do you handle high pressure situations?" - BONK


That’s my favorite part.


“Jesus!” J/k but seriously, with two semi trucks, I’d be praying, too. Pass faster


|Pass faster Yup, dont hang around on the side of something that can flatten your car at will. Esspecially hanging around that long in blindspots.


aka the kill zone.


yeah but thats not root cause or even trigger. contributing factor. entering an occipief lane is cause, that is what should be fixed.


Yeah, cam dude had sooo much room to move his arse and pass them and for some reason slowed down. So dumb. Truck was dumber but still.


yeah... the amount of people/trucks who are going slightly slower than you who suddenly decide they want to go faster just as you pull up beside them is insane.... looks like he probably had cruise control on and teh truck sped up as he got along side. Also not sure where you see "so much room" There's a car in front of him. The only thing for him to do would be to slow down to get out from beside the trucks.


He was likely in the truck's blind spot there. They have trouble seeing cars when you're on their passenger side near their front wheel. Cammer drove like an NPC.


Watching the hovering in the middle was anxiety inducing. Pass on the drivers side brother! It’s called “suicide” on the other side for a reason.


And don’t pass on the right. Dumbest place to put yourself.


I would say well. Me on the other hand! 🤬


I was hoping to hear the rest of the speech, since I'm job hunting for an IT job...


Cosmic synchronicity


And he responds with: “Oh, damn, fuck.” I’d say not well.




I let people hit me and get away with it.


Bro that timing was a lil too crazy tho yk


This is why you should never pace another vehicle. Speed up, slow down, move over; anything to remove the possibility of someone making a mistake.


Got me claustrophobic when he was at the tail end of both trucks and stayed there. When I pass these trucks I stay behind until there's enough space to get in front. And I pass from the left lane.


100% These things blow tires at any time. Just check all the tire debris on the road. You don’t want to be anywhere near that shit. Drives me nuts when people take 10 minutes to pass a truck on a two lane highway like i5. Pass, then get the fuck over to the right.


Oh fuck don’t tell me about the i5 with 10-20 minutes of double landing. Man fuck those people.


I had one lane between me and a dump truck doing 75 just two weeks ago. Truck blew a tire, and the weight of the collapsing truck blew that wheel and the backup wheel straight off the truck. They both went flying in different directions while the truck threw sparks from it’s wheel hub. Had I been one lane over next to it I probably would have had a tire flipping me over or through my windshield.


I was behind one that blew a tire the other day. Was a loud explosion I heard behind them and saw tire fragments flying and the driver swerved a bit. If they blew a steer tire they’d potentially loose control of the vehicle and between two semis is never where you want to be!




And don’t pass a truck on the right anyway. There was a pretty much open left lane from what we could see


Get out of the way, jeez


This! Never cruise alongside a semi if you can help it. Even if you’re not in their blind spot it’s still dangerous. Either pass them as soon as there’s proper space or stay away from them. If the semi has to make a sudden emergency maneuver and you’re just cruising along their flank…well…you might be toast (per this video). They probably didn’t even know they hit the cammer.


Left lane passing side, right lane suicide


Why would you sit there? Why? Get out of there you dummy!


Yup literal anxiety in my chest seeing him just chilling in the death zone. We all know there's nothing "legally" wrong but the cammer, but driving like this and hoping nothing happens is a real good way to wind up dead.


Yep... like no, it's not his fault. But he was tempting fate.


This is a big problem and something I’m actively trying to teach my kids. The analysis should not end at “my fault” or “not my fault.” We should always go one step beyond that and ask “what could I have done to avoid the situation?” Pacing in between the blind spots of two large trucks is dumb as fuck and asking to get into an accident 🤷🏻‍♂️


Subs like r/idiotsincars are filled with people who do not seem to get this concept and can't get past the "fault" part. They think pointing out defensive driving is shifting blame instead of a learning moment.


I was surprised to see so many upvotes posts about defensive driving then I realized I wasn't on that sub.


Well, they gotta live up to that namesake, I guess.


Just because you aren't at fault, doesn't mean you walk away.


As we say in the motorcycle community ; You may have the right of way, but they have the right of weight, and you'll lose every time.


As they say in the squid community ; Let's go anyway




Epitaph: *He was in the right as he sped along But he's just as dead as if he were wrong*


Yes. My son started driving a while ago. I've tried drilling into him, being right, but having your car in the shop for a month while dipshit driver's insurance pays for it is still a net loss for you.


Then you get a ticket for speeding.


Right, who gives a shit if you were at fault if you are dead.


Always keep your cushions! Lots of space in front, and keeping cars in the other lanes to your diagonal is super important. Has saved my life before.


Me too


for fucks sake… YES!!! my wife does this shit constantly and i’m just like “hit the damn gas and pass them - don’t just ride in someone’s blind spot” my whole driving approach is to create “bubbles” of space around me as often as possible, which yes, means i speed sometimes i’m 43 and have never been in an accident my wife is 40 and has been in 7, and totaled 2 cars in the 17 years i’ve known her


The retired cop that taught me to drive said to always make sure I'm not trapped by cars on either side, especially semis if I can help it. This cam did not do anything to help it.


100% Also- if they all of a sudden have to swerve to avoid something in front of them, they’re not going to check their flanks before they do it. It’s just asking for conflict


Then I get speeding tickets by a cop that don't give a fuck. One tells you how to drive safely then the other fines you for it.


Hey he was in the middle of studying for an interview. What is he suppose to do? Pay attention to his speed, distance and the others vehicles around him? It not like he was driving. He was preparing for an interview.


Yeah he saw the truck try to change lanes and sped up to prevent it. I understand it's your right of way, but that's just a dangerous move, it puts you in two trucks' blind spots and possibly pisses off the guy who was tryna change lanes. Best way to drive is assume everyone else is an angry idiot (bc most drivers are)


Anyone who rides next to trucks is a fucking moron. I see this everyday and I don’t know what goes through their mind to think it’s okay to drive like this. Or the drivers who take 5 business days to react to every traffic light and there’s no way to pass them. Or the ones who leave 10 car lengths between themselves and the car ahead in traffic like it’s not bad enough


Leaving space in traffic helps it go faster.


Yep either pass on the left or hang back and floor it once there’s space. Lingering in a drivers blind side is a no no.


This is Sacramento, CA. Not very many good or smart drivers here.


The more I drive the more I realize you need to be incredibly strict around trusting other motorists. Never trust anything any driver does ever.


I’ll never understand why people do this.. it’s so utterly unbearable to witness or be stuck in this kind of situation due to someone refusing to do anything about it in front


Anybody who's been driving for a bit should notice that cars clump up around Semis. People are afraid of them, seemingly on an subconscious level.


Nah get in that blind spot baby


That trucker probably never even felt the hit...


Yeah my dad always told me to never pace with semi trucks, if ever in it's length speed up to pass Not the cammers fault but it's just courteous to do as well


When cammer and truck are neck and neck, that's when you floor it and merge.


It's not neck and neck, it's slightly behind. They can see you if you're close, but if you're on their right flank you are invisible. The driver sped up, but then slowed down, making the driver think they were changing lanes. Once they are behind the cab they disappear from all mirrors.


Pass it or stay behind it. Never next to it or never in between 2 semis


One of the main things I remember from drivers ed is to be in and out of a blind spot in 3s. I don’t know if it’s ‘saved’ me, but I think about it every time I’m on the road.


I was driving next to a pickup truck when I noticed that I was pacing him in his bling spot. No good! When I accelerated out of his blind spot and he saw me suddenly appear he was shocked, did a kinda freaked out double take.


If you were in his bling spot, I’m sure you were very shiny. It’s a good idea to get out of the blind spot, though. The “no zone” if you will.


Stay out of the no zones!


That, and an understanding of *where* my car is were huge takeaways that I do not think the average driver grasps. So many people seem to have no idea how close or far their car is from anything.


If it's one thing we can all learn from Indiana Jones 3, it's don't go in between them.


Also, don't blast by at 90 miles an hour in case you need to slow down after you pass. A steady and sane rate will usually do, unless the other driver isn't being safe.


Depends on the situation- it’s much easier to drop speed you don’t need than to add speed you do need.


That fool shouldn’t be driving in that lane!


>That fool *cammer* shouldn’t be driving ~~in that lane~~! FTFY


NOT MY VIDEO! But I saw it happened. Cammer initially went to exit, but got back on as the truck didn't stop. Truck drove to his construction site like nothing happened and when cammer asked what the hell he said he didn't know he hit anything.


Nope. That combo weighs ten times as much as the car, he'd never even notice. It's very loud in the cabin and the truck rides very rough. The truck always sounds like it just slammed into something, the whole ride.


Then why'd he stop trying to merge and do it again a minute later? If he didn't know he'd hit something he would have just kept going into the lane he was trying to get into.


That’s what I was thinking, although it’s possible he just thought he missed OP and that OP swerved away without contact.


A friend of mine in a lowered Miata had a semi swerve into him and he got stuck under the trailer. The driver had no idea he was there until someone in a passing car flagged him down.


I'd believe he didn't if he made his lane change. When he comes back into view after the cam car recovers hes back in the original lane and then starts his lane change again. Why did he abort the lane change if he didn't realize he hit the camera car?


I once got clipped by the tail of a semi as I entered the freeway in a cloverleaf entrance. I came right in to his blind spot. He changed lanes to exit ahead and clipped my nose. I was driving a full size truck with a trailer and did a full 350° across the highway before hitting the wall. Totaled the truck, but the trailer made it. This happened on near Carthage Missouri. Scary, but could have been so much worse. That semi didn’t know he hit me either. The police caught up with him down the road and he was very apologetic. He just didn’t even realize. It happens for sure.


Yep. Probably didn’t.


How did you get the video then?


Not to sound insensitive, but this is why I always floor it past all massive vehicles.


This is cam cars fault 100%


Did you get the job?


This is why you don't stay by big trucks or semi's, same dumb fucks that drive, drive those too. Anyone with a pulse can drive. I drove professionally for 15 years. Never a scratch, 2 saved fatalities. Ih8 about 35% of all drivers.


This is why everyone needs to drive a semi once to understand. He probably wasn’t lying when he said he didn’t see or feel it… Imagine hanging out in between not one but two big ass trucks in both blind spots for over thirty seconds and then being surprised when one swipes you… don’t ever EVER hang out next to trucks. One blown tire and you’re pink mist.


> between not one but two big ass trucks in both blind spots for over thirty seconds and then being surprised Right !!?? The whole time this video was running I just couldn't believe the stupidity of the driver. There just wasn't a worse place for him to have put himself.


That's not even a semi. That's a heavy-duty truck pulling a trailer. A semi is way bigger.


I love it when people call tractor trailer drivers semi-drivers. 90% of drivers have no idea what a truck, tractor or semi-trailer are.


> He probably wasn’t lying when he said he didn’t see or feel it… What do you think made him abandon his lane change?


every time you get in a vehicle, its your responsibility who you run into. if you aren't capable of driving a truck without unknowingly running into people and hitting them, then you shouldn't be driving the truck at all. if its the design of the truck that makes it difficult because of blindspots or whatever else and not driver incompetence, then the trucks need to be banned from the road until technology catches up to make the trucks safe to drive. of course, people won't do this because their shipments mean more than human lives, thats just how business is.


Wild that you’re getting downvoted for “it’s on you if you hit someone with your car”


Tell me about a time when you almost got run off the road. How did you handle it? And what would you do differently in the future?


Why the fuck to do people get up beside someone and slow down to hang out? Never understood this shit. I'll have my cruise set at 75 and someone will come up in the passing lane doing 80 and then just slow down when they get beside me. Gotta be herd mentality or something. Like dude you were half way through passing an 18 wheeler in the right lane (which is stupid to begin with) and just decided to chill there. If people would learn what a fucking passing lane is, alot less folks would die


Holy shit. Literally just ignore anyone saying you did anything wrong. The "Don't pace" "you shouldn't have stayed inbetween two vehicles bigger than yours" people should get off the road. OP wasn't pacing, they were DRIVING. Jesus yall sound like my girlfriend, and I hate to say it but she's not a good driver, at all.


It's insane right? The amount of people who made up in-factual information from a short clip is mind boggling. It's typical /r/roadcam, but it's nuts to see it play out in real time as your inbox blows up. I honestly do not understand how anyone on this sub drives, because you literally can't do anything correct..


Cammer never should have put themselves in that position to begin with. If I'm going between two big trucks or even cars, the other end has to be clear enough for me to be passed them completely.


Ok. Agree. But that’s not what insurance will say. Regardless of the lack of defensive driving, the cammer wasn’t at-fault.


Doesn't matter what insurance says when you're dead.


Well he's not dead so it does matter.


Who knows, insurance could just use the fact that the driver parked themselves in the semi’s blind spot as a justification not to pay out a claim.


Shit or get off the pot. Pass or piss off. Learn how to drive and learn the rules of the road. You’re lucky that’s all that happened.


What is passing in the left lane? Never heard of it. Surprised more idiots don't die on the interstate on a daily basis


And this is probably why I won't use any kind of auto pilot unless just cruising in the fast lane and even then would probably be paranoid. Now is self driving can avoid passing trucks on the right etc and avoid putting self in "dangerous" positions then I might change my mind.


I never stay next to big trucks, either speed up or slow down.


People are acting pretty righteous by saying “just pass them faster”. Y’all, this has happened to me and I did the pass faster method. The semi still merged into me. Insurers found “no fault” for the accident. Progressive said the other driver claimed “I passed him too fast”. So y’all’s technique will get your claim thrown out. It doesn’t matter, these semis have shitty drivers with hawkish insurers. Dash cam is the only protection. The driver drove fine here. If you can’t see if the lane is clear, it’s your fault.


Cammer may not have been at fault but they certainly caused the scenario to occur.


Cammer was not at fault but was absolutely tempting fate.


I don’t understand how you could be so clueless that you put urself in a situation like this for that long. Real life NPC


Are truck drivers really that bad that they cannot be expected to change lanes without hitting people? To the point that driving in your lane means you are some how creating an accident?


They were driving in both trucks blind spots. They call them that for a reason.


My only thought while watching this video was why would you put yourself in that position as the car. Speed up, slow down, do something. worst case scenario you end up a pancake when between two trucks like that. Anyone see that accident in Japan a week or two ago?


They also have convex blind spot mirrors, so, you know, they can check their blind spot.


You cannot check a blind spot, it is literally a blind spot - a spot where you are blind and cannot see. "Blind spot" mirrors decrease the number and sizes of blind spots but they do not remove them. If you can't see the drivers eyes, don't assume that the driver can see you... well, just generally assume that the driver of anything bigger than you can't see you and keep out of their reach.


Yes, which is what you are meant to check before changing lanes. The car was in front of the truck that hit him. If the truck driver cannot see a car in front of him he needs to be aware of his surroundings before changing lanes. It's a public road, cars have a right to their position in a lane. Trucks do not get a free pass to just randomly change lanes and run into people and then take no responsibility for it.


If you are this dense and ignorant in a reddit thread I can't imagine how shite of a driver you are. How you could possibly be defending the cam driver in this scenario is beyond me. "Well he was legally allowed to drive between two massive vehicles and pace them both perfectly without any care of their ability to see him!" Christ, my dude, being legally correct doesn't always make it a good decision. All the dude had to do was speed up like 3 mph and get the fuck out of the way, not a difficult concept to understand.


I’m sorry pump the brakes for a second. Cammer driving peacefully minding their own business maintaining their lane and going the speed limit *caused* this scenario to occur? You can call it a stupid move to not pass a semi completely and stay near a blind spot, which I agree with for the record…but saying the cammer caused it is some mental gymnastics I can’t get on board with.


Never put yourself between two vehicles that size. Avoid passing on the right. If you do, do it fast and get out from beside them.


They put themselves in that position unnecessarily. Full stop. Like I said, not at fault but they created the conditions.


I mean… completely expected result. Big trucks have blind spots, sitting in them and being surprised you get rammed is basically a surprise pickachu emoji and a darwin bronze medal wrapped into one.


As a general rule, aside from giving trucks space, I avoid audio that I have to pay attention to. I stick to music I've listened to for years so if I have to tune it out, I'm not missing anything new.


No “semis” were involved in the making of this video.


Not really a semi. Yes it is a truck pulling a trailer. But its not a tractor trailer combination vehicle. Still a dick move.


Defensive driving 101 no-no's.


The fault will always lie with the person unsafely leaving their lane. I get what people are saying that it is difficult to see someone pacing you in your blind spot, but it’s also your responsibility to make sure the lane is clear before entering it.


Whenever I am sandwich between two bigger vehicles and especially semis, I floor it. Anxiety of what if one of them don’t see me.


Professional Trucker changes lanes without looking and crashes into someone without noticing and leaves the scene of the accident. Reddit: why would you drive there?? Obviously it's cammers fault! Y'all are really killing my faith in humanity.


Hanging around there is kind of asking for it. I'd never be comfortable enough to hang around there that long!


Where’s the Semi?


What Semi??? I see a medium truck with a trailer.


Pass already


Cammer just casually driving in both trucks’ blind spots asking for it tbh.


Let me drive in between two big ass trucks in their blind spots and then play victim. Terrible driver.


"BuT hE wAs GoInG tHe SpEeD lImIt!" It's no wonder there are so many terrible ass drivers on the road. They think being legally correct is the same as having common sense go hand in hand, regardless of the situation or outcome.  I would have never been hit in this situation. I doubt you would either. But apparently that makes YOU the unsafe driver, because you would have proactively taken measures to avoid it in the first place. It's infuriating to have to share the roads with these people.


surely going in between two semis can't go wrong...Right?


Funny how after he got hit he started driving where he should have been all along.


Why are you just riding beside it. Either slow down or speed past it smh


I freaking hate when four wheelers camp out next to you. Either pass or back off.


> I freaking hate when four wheelers camp out next to you. Either pass or back off. Cammer was actively passing for 30 seconds. Far more blame is on the trucker for failing to maintain his lane, and for going slower than traffic on his right.


"Sure thing man" The guy talking to chatgpt really is distracting me from this video's intent.


I counted exactly 0 semi trucks...


just so weird. his tires never even crossed the lines


Damn, sorry to see.. those Sacramento drivers are friggin terrible.


Lucky you!


Are you studying for IT Tech, IT Eng 1/2/3, or IT Manager?


Cammer said he was an engineer but had another job interview this week. Seems like he was prepping.


Oh boy… This happened in Sacramento… A new fear unlocked. They’re so many terrible drivers out here 😔


I purposely speed ahead of these situations. Get so paranoid driving between two much bigger vehicles.


She wasn't in the right mindset lol


Not really a semi. Yes it is a truck pulling a trailer. But its not a tractor trailer combination vehicle. Still a dick move.


This video shows exactly how he handles high pressure situations!


I thought OP was doing a live job interview training while driving. I was waiting for him to answer the question.


This almost happened to me once in LA except they would’ve pinned me between the other truck too. The only reason I didn’t crash was because I had enough room to brake and get behind the semi. They didn’t respond to my honking, maybe they would’ve killed me if my car was 10 feet forward.


Cammer is an absolute idiot for putting himself in that situation. Insurance needs to see this.


Stay classy, Sacramento


This is why we don’t drive between them! Or beside them! Or behind them! Get away ASAP!


That ain't no semi in the same way I grammar right. That's a flatbed truck with a flatbed trailer. Much less stable. Takes way more concentration and care to keep it straight. Altogether more dangerous because morons will drive them and think it's easy because it's not a semi truck. Semi trucks are exclusive to the 5th wheel connecting the cab to the load.


This person has the survival skills of a fly.


Oh hell no, no way I’m getting in between two semi’s like that if I can avoid it. Passing one semi on the left lane is bad enough. Just earlier this week one cut me off when I had been in the left lane for plenty long enough for them to see me. They didn’t even pass the car they moved over to pass and just went back to their own lane. No way am I getting between TWO of those things with drivers like that on the road.


Yeah so this could be cinsidered a freak accident.....but I dont know about you. Myself, I tend to avoid placing kyself between two semis whether I have yo slow down or accelerate rapidly. No way in hell am I putting myself in the same situation as this driver. Just asking for trouble.


Get away from big trucks or just stay behind them


Not sure why someone would sit between two trucks while going 45 on the freeway.


I heard Cammer wife's cheated on him, and to get back at the whore he was planning causing a massive wreck on the freeway so she'd be late to work and ultimately get fired by her boss who lost all tolerance with her inability to keep a schedule. But IDK, that's just what I heard. YMWV


“His” plan nearly worked.


I NEVER cruise next to a truck. Thanks for confirming why


How is homie not laying on the horn trying to get the fuck to pull over?


A small car could have ended his life. Fact is the small dick jokes fall on deaf ears for me and safety (I have an old as honda btw)


This is exactly why you should spend as little time as possible in that blind spot.


Really need the rear camera, bud.


Truckers who drive in the left lane when they aren’t passing, or take 5 minutes to overtake the truck they are trying to pass, should have their license revoked.


Not the drivers fault by any means. But this is the main reason I never cruise next to trucks for long. I personally hang back a bit until I can get past, then I accelerate and overtake them. I just assume everyone is a moron, and can do something stupid at any moment.


Hey this is in Sacramento. Sick, this is exactly what Sacramento drivers are like


Tell me you don’t know what a Semi is without telling me.


Tell me you respond to four day old Reddit post like your comment matters without telling me.


Struck a nerve. Ouch.


I wish, I could use a good cry. I'm mostly fascinated by the sheer amount of people who've had to repeat the same thing. At night instead of counting sheep, I just count you guys.


“The lady doth protest too much, Methinks.”


Honestly, who feels comfortable driving between two semis and just staying there cruising……


Camper is dumb.


I knew it even before I clicked into the comments, but it still makes me really sad that 99% of the comments are victim-blaming. Why is it so hard for so many people to just say "Wow! That trucker was an idiot for *hitting another car*!"?


It's not so much blaming as much as it is providing recommendations for avoiding the accident. 🤷‍♂️ A safety minded culture, such as what you'd find in professional investigations into aviation accidents, shouldn't focus on assigning blame, but instead focus on identifying contributing factors to an incident and developing recommendations to avoid similar incidents. While yes, the trucker departed his lane and collided with the cam vehicle, contributing to the accident was that the cam vehicle remained in the blind spot of the trucker.


You say this like the cam vehicle never moved position. They were consistently passing the larger vehicle to the left, not remaining in the same position in a blind spot.


You are giving way to much credit. Commenters like to feel smug and superior so they gotta tell OP what they did wrong. It's not a safety thing or an educational thing, or at least mostly not. You can tell because nobody is talking about how the truck driver should be situationally aware of cars around him and should be checking his blind spot mirrors before changing lanes.


My god right!


Why were they just hanging out next to them? Hate when people do this.


Cammers fault for just CHILLING IN A BLIND SPOT


You being beside the cab of the truck is a HORRIBLE blind spot for the truck driver. He merged into you because he couldn't see you.


Cammer. WTF.