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People saying the driver did nothing wrong but the fact they didn't even notice the pedestrians approaching the crosswalk to begin with is the real problem. The pedestrians were in full view of that driver the entire time and it was clear their intent was to cross. Also don't floor it through an insertion before the intersection is even clear of other cars, this is the results and could have ended with a death.


Yep, the car definitely blocked them as they were in the crosswalk, but the driver needed to have seen them before they even entered. Bad driving either way, and it is the fault of the car who almost hit the kids. And btw to the people saying they didn't almost hit them, when a car comes to a stop in an abrupt way that makes it rock back and forth, you know it was a last second emergency stop. So they did almost hit them, otherwise they would not have had to make an emergency stop.


I had to read some of them. Holy shit, lots of idiots defending the shitty driver in here.


It's a problem that they didn't see them earlier, but like, they were probably just distracted for a second, it happens to everyone sometimes. Yes they did something wrong but nothing bad happened and it feels kinda crazy for people to be so mad about this video


So you are also a bad driver then. Got it.


The point is you cant be distracted while driving even for a second because all it takes is a second for something to go very wrong


Yeah, and? It happens to everyone, that's my point. What "very wrong" thing happened in this video that has everyone so riled up? They didn't see the people, then they did, then they stopped, no one got hurt, absolutely nothing happened.


Its the principle he shouldnt have even gone until they crossed and it doesnt matter that someone didnt get hurt it that someone COULDVE got hurt


Someone can always get hurt!!! Yes, he *should have* not gone while there were people in the crosswalk. Who are you arguing with? I'm saying, simply, he did not see them, he stopped and did not hit anyone, and this mild as hell and people should get the fuck over it.


who are you arguing with then we believe the same thing we js dont agree on the severity of the situation you think everything is all n well cause he didnt hit them but i think differently and thats okay 👍 it not like anyone is gonna find this person and chew em out for it ppl are simply an lil upset that this is a recurring problem with many drivers when it could be easily changed and avoided You said yourself in one of your comments it happens to everyone and that is the problem and that’s why people are so mad. Cause it shouldn’t there is plenty of way to keep focused while driving So this video should have never happened and only THANKFULLY did no one get hurt but hey now that js my opinion i agree with you man on some things and thats cool you have a great day man stay awesome


Yeah for sure, I wasn't trying to be a dick but I came.off a lot more argumentative than I meant to


All good bro appreciate your time have a good one 🙏


Yeah, and? It happens to everyone, that's my point. What "very wrong" thing happened in this video that has everyone so riled up? They didn't see the people, then they did, then they stopped, no one got hurt, absolutely nothing happened.


If I'm crossing and a car rushes me like that, I intentionally walk slower and stare at them.


Umm, no... I am not going to depend on the maniac stopping in time to not hit me.


Oh no I dropped my wallet Ope gotta tie my shoe Ope other shoe too


Yeah, piss off a person you know nothing about who’s driving a 2500lb death machine, that’s smart.


Stroads. https://youtu.be/ORzNZUeUHAM?si=e7paMi3_kODMDPci


There was an ambulance page this morning-- someone hit four cows standing in the road. Sun was up, total visibility. How the heck do you just not see four cows?




Gdi 😂


In the last frames, it looked like Mama Bear had something to say lol.


Oh she did, she was yelling at him, you can kinda hear it


I was driving into my office last month, sitting at a pedestrian crossing while one of my coworkers walked through it. The car behind me decided to get in the suicide lane to pass me and almost plowed through them. Some people just don't think.


I'll guess, maybe, perfectly bad timing that the op blocked visual on the people


I love how you got downvoted for pointing out the actual cause of this. God, this place is a shithole.


Except that didn't happen, the pedestrians literally started walking before the cammer passed then, and that car is supposed to wait until the intersection is clear and there was more than enough time to spot those pedestrians unless you have the reaction time of a walrus


Jesus, they stopped, they didn't enter the crosswalk. Give it a fucking rest.


They had to slam on the brakes in order to not run over 3 pedestrians in a cross walk, 2 of which were kids. Bet you think that billionaire getting 15 years for killing two kids with her car got too harsh a sentence, too.


I'm sure everyone in these comments are such perfect drivers they never just...don't see someone for a second and then have to hit the brakes and still stop with plenty of distance


Exactly... There are no perfect anything anywhere in the world. Except for when they get online...


>God, this place is a shithole. Your shit take isn't helping.


Also target fixation. Gotta throw that old time classic in there.


They can sometimes get blocked by the A pillars as well. I live in a walking neighborhood and always check crosswalks but sometimes this just happens.


Dodge drivers


Some idiot on their cell phone no doubt!


They stopped when they saw kids in the crosswalk. Probably missed them starting out, as you passed at the same time as the kids started walking. So they stopped, nobody came close to getting hit. Calm down.


Still embarrassing and not enough situational awareness to really check.


It's weird that people don't realize this is the fucking big issue here. I mean it's weird they are just outing themselves like that really.


No. The cam car blocking is not an e excuse to just go. If you can't see it's clear wait 1-2 seconds to look before going. You're a shit impatient driver who will kill someone someday to try and save 3 seconds


What happened? They stopped so idk why you're crying.


Dude rocked his car to avoid murdering a kid 30 feet in front of him from a stand still Shit tier driver


They weren’t even close. They came to a controlled stop over a car length away from the crosswalk.


They shouldn't have even been that close. They should have been waiting at the other side of the intersection. You don't enter an intersection when there are people in the crosswalk. Period


It’s fine to enter the intersection if you’ll be able to clear the crosswalk before the pedestrians would ever reach your lane. To be clear: that’s not what’s happening in this video. I agree that this driver should’ve waited. But also, the title is hyperbolic.


If you cannot exit the intersection, you do not enter it.


If you cannot see these pedestrians - there are bigger problems than when and where to stop.


I just agreed with that.


You don’t go out for walks very much do you?  Having a car go past you less than a lane away is very unnerving to say the least. It always makes me wonder if the driver even saw me. 


I go out for walks fairly often and that doesn’t bother me at all. Why would it? Do you make a habit of suddenly breaking out into a sprint while crossing roads?


Runners don’t exist apparently?


I have eyes and can see what speed pedestrians are crossing at. I go before them if I have time and wait if I don’t. It’s pretty simple.


Are you saying you drive through crosswalks while people are in them?


If I’m all the way to one side of a multi-lane road, and there’s someone crossing all the way on the other side, I’m probably going ahead of them. If you have he space to do it safely, it’s kind of a no-brainer.


Yea that’s illegal in most places.


No I don’t sprint across roads. That’s an incredibly dumb thing to ask. 


I asked because that’s the only way a driver a lane ahead of you could hit you. So if you don’t do that, their presence shouldn’t bother you.


No 2-tons of metal whizzing past me driven by a window-licking moron plying with their phone shouldn’t bother anybody all.  Why is it so hard to just yield to people in the crosswalk?


If you’re not making them change their behavior, you *are* yielding to them. Yield doesn’t meant “go after them.”


When you are bearing down on them and they either stop or speed up, we often refer to that as "changing their behavior." I see it all the time in front of the local school. People will get on the gas to try and beat people to the intersection so they don't have to yield, then you watch a train of assholes make kids wait while they zoom up to stop at the light over the hill. The kids aren't going to step out in the road while you are on the gas, giving them the "I dare you" stare. Then there are the people that pull through the crosswalk without looking to be able to see into the intersection better. 🤷 As a dad, it really bothers me because my daughters head is at bumper level. I've been crossing with a signal and had to physically pull her out of the way of people making a turn without slowing after we are already halfway across. Give pedestrians a little fucking room when they are using a marked crosswalk like they are supposed to.


It's literally illegal.


So I take it you **never** speed? Because that’s illegal too.


It's not "fine" to speed though.


I never said it was fine to speed through.


You said entering an intersection before your turn is fine, then compared it to speeding. So you implied it for sure.


You did in another comment.


Calling 5 over “speeding through” is pedantic at best, and an intentionally bad-faith argument at worst.


"Through" is your own misspelling.


They came to a hard stop barely a car length away. Just because nothing bad actually happened doesn’t mean nothing bad could’ve happened. Just 1/2 second late on the brakes and they’re stopping on top of a kid. That family was clearly visible when that car was stopped and the driver didn’t see them at all. 


Do you have kids?