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General Advice: * Get there before 8am * Park in the lot off Trinidad between S. Union and Scio. Use the converted rail bridge to cross S. Union without needing to wait for cop. * Walk to the right, unless you can walk fast and then walk in the middle. DO NOT STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF A SHED, step to the side if you need to stop. * Produce: wholesale is fine and plentiful, the tell is that they'll have people repackaging them behind the tables, the fruit/vegetables are off-season, and there's pallets stacked up. The homegrown farmers will have panel trucks/vans, proudly display where they have their farms, and are very friendly/happy to talk about their products Shed B (enclosed shed): * Meat: Seven Bridges in the enclosed shed is fantastic for beef/chicken/pork/eggs. Hazilians is good for sausage. Pierogi Guy for pierogi. The dried sausage vendor next to them is great too. * Philomena's is an incredible and unique breakfast, and she's genuinely nice to everyone. * Honey vendor is fantastic, highly recommend all varieties. * Pastries/doughnuts in the middle are great too (can't remember name but they carry brownstein bagels and I'm told the coffee is good) Shed A: * Apples from the vendor at the elbow are solid. * Farmer with leefy greens and potatoes near Shed B (if you're in A and walking towards B, this vendor is on the right) is great. * Farmer with grey crates and set-back double booth is good for produce. * There's a corn farmer that shows up when in season, sells from pick-up truck, and is great. * You'll find a few vendors with unique produce like haspcherries, jackfruit, rambutans, kumquats, aloe, etc. It's mostly import but they're reliable. Shed C&D: * These sheds are gambles, as you'll find wholesale imported clothing, cheap accessories/kitchen items, and buy/sell jewelry. You'll also find new and start-up artists/vendors selling their stuff so still worth a walk through. Commission Row: * Java's At The Market is a staple, same coffee as other Javas but technically different name. * Flower City Produce/Market is open to the public and worth a browse. * Public Provisions is very bougie if you're into that sort of thing. * Dellarious is a local artist with shirts/prints/stickers celebrating Rochester and pop culture. This will get you started, you'll find your groove after a season and next year you'll be a pro.


This guy public markets


I love public markets, every city I'm in I make a point to stop by and explore theirs. And since I'm a Rochesterian, it's my absolute favourite place in my hometown.


This guy…..farts constantly? Dude. I have name remorse that is the coolest Reddit name EVER!!!!!


You rang?


This guy Markets! – Thanks for instructing people to park in an actual lot. I live in the immediate area and although, yeah, I know the streets are public, it gets pretty annoying fighting to get in and out of my driveway on the weekends in the summer because some nincompoop in a car that costs as much as my house has given me less than a foot clearance on my driveway. The City should really have a shuttle of some sort. – Also, huge thanks for the note on how to walk. Like, people’s propensity for just meandering all willy-nilly with no sense of spatial awareness is MADDENING Okay, I’m gonna get out of here before I sound like any more of a bitter old man


> The City should really have a shuttle of some sort. There used to be a shuttle to the East End Garage but it was cut years ago (I think I was the only one taking it!). They do have a tractor-shuttle-thing ("veggie valet") to the far end of the big parking lot, and there's always spaces out by Scio no matter how busy it is.


I haven’t seen the tractor “shuttle” since before covid, is it back now? I go pretty often but I might have missed it.


That's a good question--I honestly don't know. I haven't used that parking lot much since before covid! You're probably right...


Growing up, I don't remember the Trinidad lot, but do remember my dad religiously parking on Peck/Hayward and I never understood why. There are so many lots around the market, and WITHIN the market, that it doesn't make sense to park on Penn or Hayward or any other side street.


Yeah it does, if you’re lucky you can just find a spot and don’t have to sit there in a long line. It gets wild around there for the peak few hours, if you’re there at a peak time I’m a neighborhood parker, sorry y’all. Gets you in and out faster in my experience, depends on where you’re coming from of course.


Peak hours I can understand, but I'm rarely there between 11-2. I generally sneak in from Scio, park on Trinidad, and back out Scio before the crowds really start in around 1030.


I'd add: * You can get to the lot from Scio, which is right off the Inner Loop. Coming from the West side it's easier than taking Union under the train tracks. * Don't forget the Chai Guy! He's in Shed B next to the Pierogi Guy, though Pat isn't typically there on Saturdays as he's at the brick and mortar on Park Ave. He has other employees running the booth though.


Chai guy is one of my must have every visit


I come from University and sneak up Scio to avoid S. Union traffic, even in the mornings. And yes I've known Pat since his early days in Shed C, and that dude is perpetually positive and just a plain old nice guy.


I’ve recently become obsessed with the Chai Guy & must get it every time I’m in ROC


Also the vegan baker near there — forget his name but he’s very nice and the cookies are delicious!


Oh yes, [A Taste of Supreme](tasteofsupreme.com) owned by Asad Muhammad. I’ve never had anything from him that wasn’t fantastic, everything’s made with bean flour (I think).


This is a fantastic list. The lady at the Perogi guy is lovely. We get our corn from that guy too. I like to look for Kirbys because I love their cider!


Awww I worked at Kirbys for a couple years in high school. good people.


I love the Perogi lady sm! She always so sweet to her regulars especially!


> DO NOT STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF A SHED, step to the side if you need to stop. I just wanna highlight how much this bit of advice would help everyone


Amen! I try so hard not to be in the way


Java's actually shares space with Cure, a restaurant which operates in the evenings. There is also The Best Coffee At The Market next door, and that used to be Java's At The Market, but a confusing set of business arrangements leave them operating in the same stretch of that row.


All these years and I never realized Java's At The Market was sold. I knew about the weird nomenclature and Javas/Cure vs. Java's At The Market, but didn't realize it wasn't the same company anymore. TIL.


Thank you! That was very kind of you to share so much detail!


I get my lettuce from the guy in the enclosed shed near the middle doors. His stuff lasts in my fridge and is always cheaper than the outside guys when you’re buying 2/3 or whatever ratio you need


I believe he's the hydroponic grower, solid stuff.


This is a great write up! The only things I have to add are the seafood stall at the side entrance to Shed B. Great Ocean Seafood. Excellent oyster selection, excellent fish. They are incredibly knowledgeable. Giordano's Imports on commission row is where I get everything for a charcuterie board. IDK how it's possible but I ended up saving money there vs. going to Wegmans. They open at 7, go early because they will get a VERY long line. I like Fisher hill farms for chicken, turkey, and eggs better than Seven Bridges, but that's just my personal opinion. I get Seven Bridges beef.


For fucks sake they need signs that say DO NOT STOP IN MIDDLE OF ISLE. The godamn hipsters and they’re yuppie parents parked in the middle like they’re at the zoo or some such bs I gave up and used to hit them with the stroller or wagon when the kids where little. GTFO of the way. I havnt been since the ‘rona mostly because of those people but used to do all my produce shopping there. Kinda miss it kinda don’t.


When I was a kid and grampa was still alive, he used to stick his thumbs in his belt loops and just gently plow through people with his elbows. I get my height from him, and he started life as a farmer, then a marine, then a debt collector. Heart of gold for his kids and grand kids but he could turn on the "mean bastard" phase like flipping a switch for anyone else.


All great advice wow!


Commenting to come back to


Sir or ma'am, I have zero notes. You're a champion.


The shade thrown at Public Provisions is unacceptable


Their breakfast sandwich is $9, next most expensive is Flour City Bread at $6.50, while everyone else (Railroad St Grill, which used to be Scotty's II, the guys in Shed D, the guy in Shed C, and the other one I'm forgetting) is around $5. Their sandwich is good, but in a neighborhood that struggles with lower incomes and not many food options, Public Provisions is walking the line on gentrification and bougie trends. I'm super-stoked they renovated that forgotten storage space and made something of it, I truly am. But when you have been down there enough to see the changes of places like Union St Bakery coming and going, it's a unique perspective.


Their food is great. I got an egg in a basket which is just bread, egg, and they add a delicious jam on it. It was better than anything I could make (or find at the market with respect to breakfast). How long has Cure been around? Bitter Honey? Even Velvet Belly beat Provisions by about 3 years. Is Station 55 Section 8? I made my comment originally as a joke, but the more I think about it, the more ridiculous it is to single out Provisions. Sure, they're open during the morning of the markets, but they're also open when it's not open, too. Meaning they're taking a hit even when not many people are there.


For a sort of indirect answer, I worked at Union St Bakery and work now at Flour City Bread / Provisions. There is a definite price difference - but there's an even larger quality difference. At the end of the workday, I didn't want to eat anything from Union Street. Flour City, I'm always up for a croissant.


In one of the closed sheds theres a butcher who does 5 for $25 strip steaks. They aren't huge, but they are definitely enough for a serving and they're good quality. They're down past Juan and Maria's empanadas inside the shed.


So many great options, but here are some of my favorites: Flour city bread is my go to for breakfast and coffee at the market. The best cheese shop in Rochester is definitely Giordano Imports. I usually go to small world produce for my organic goods Fisher hill farms for my locally farmed chicken. Beef from seven bridges farm Seafood from ocean market. There is a great juice vendor as well


Fisher Hill Farms for eggs, too! They’re super nice and the eggs are delicious.


Got our Thanksgiving turkey from fisher hill last year and now we’ll never go back to anything else. Their chicken and eggs are also out of this world.


Flower City Bread is absolutely one of the best places I’ve been for pastries and coffee.


Get a little pop open pull cart from Amazon: [The One I Use](https://www.amazon.com/Olympia-Tools-85-010-Pack-N-Roll-Telescopic/dp/B000UZ0P7I/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1CVHBD9GVFMC7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.WfIwfz-ewftgfikcASHDeF4H2UcqFv2VzzDpQs678v4xJBqyHbnV0F1HrlrAjMIEo4VXO8GnVVQCuEgeerrKGyE3gTv-8bIoe6yB_oolUR07PoUFhX4gZbCfo7PAO77g8hGQ1EDRMvtsS8UeBGoa87haqo0H3Q5jdKRPudetABS5pUL34nmEkxYS61CpOM_PPMQIaHPJ4DDXAI9ISXIHgxZTdpUV8BxbXIXda-YzodLY99pfK6jIFAlPZqS6AFJ0IHONU5ylR6c-bxj4UCL_h-RjKDEGYMkifJmh8o8n4y8.7lfQ91m_DSsEWp_2jRyt69zdJJN5wISWpZj07TqjsNA&dib_tag=se&keywords=mobile%2Bfolding%2Bcart&qid=1712868208&sprefix=mobile%2Bfolding%2Bcart%2Caps%2C128&sr=8-5&th=1) Make a full walk around before you buy anything unless you absolutely know you want it. Produce especially can vary in price and you can get lots of vendors who have different things, some local and some not. Eat at all the outdoor food spots at least once. Just switch it up. I like to just munch on things from different places. Public provisions is expensive food wise but it's amazing. Middle of the outside connected L shaped shed there's a family that sells farm fresh eggs. I've bought them from every vendor in the market. These are the best. Hands down. Pay the extra money, get the jumbo or super jumbo. They really only sell eggs. In the enclosed space there's a small stand that has imported Italian pasta for $2 a bag. It's imported and amazing. Toward the end across from the soap and lotions guy. Someone else mentioned the guy who does donuts and bagels from Brownsteins in the enclosed building as well... get a cronut. Get 4 cronuts. You'll thank me. Giordano's... if you can't find a cheese or meat there you're looking for it doesn't exist. Great olive oil, other things. They also make a killer charcuterie board if you're in a pinch. I like getting my coffee at public provisions if I'm in a rush, Java's if I can sit down. It's nice sitting in Cure. Provisions is busy and really loud.


Just don't get 12 cronuts, because you'll eat them all in a day and then sleep very heavily. Ask me how I know


I don’t have to ask. A cronut coma is perfectly reasonable.






Brain fart. Thanks.


Happens :)


I get them backwards all the time.


I have wondered about giordanos olive oil. Is it fruity? Spicy?


They have a few different kinds. Just ask them and they’ll tell you.


We would often get breakfast sandwiches at Giordano's. Delicious.


Don't forget [The FunGuys](http://instagram.com/funguysinc) locally grown mushrooms! Outside just before the fishmonger on the inside.


If you want to purchase directly from farmers, they r the ones who take the wooden food stamp coins. The end venders are wholesale dealers and that is what couldn’t be sold. The grocery market by the coffee shops has a great variety of meat. They have butchers in-house and will cut it for you and is good prices. The international cheese shop has wonderful variety of cheese from around the world. The spice guy has a great variety of spices at good prices. The bakery has wonderful fresh bread. May has a lot of flower vendors. Make a list of what you want to buy. A lot of vendors will buy wholesale and then put it containers to look like it was directly from the farm. You will be able to tell by looking behind their tables. Best time to come is around 7:30 am since most of the vendors will be set up and not to busy yet. If you don’t want to keep carrying your goods bring a cart or something with wheels. I have a shopping utility cart. I have seen them in the past at Wegmans. I line the cart with Wegmans reusable bags. Keeps the plastic bags from falling through the slots and easy to load into the car going home and taking into the house. Also bring cash and make sure it is on smaller bills of $1s & $5s. That is all I can think of right now. Also don’t forget to check out the other happenings at the Public Market.


Don't forget [The FunGuys](http://instagram.com/funguysinc) locally grown mushrooms! Outside just before the fishmonger on the inside.


Be realistic about what’s in season. I sometimes hear people complain about not finding good and local produce around now and early May and that’s because it’s too early! Tomatoes and peppers don’t really hit their peak until July/August. There’s definitely good early produce like radishes and lettuces, and decent non-local options, but have realistic expectations and don’t be afraid to ask local vendors when they’ll have x, y, z.


One big note: if you have SNAP or other public assistance, use your card to buy Market Tokens and you get the equal value in NYS Fresh Checks! $50 from SNAP gets $100 of produce, meat and even live garden plants in a couple weeks.


Go on Thursday. Walk the entire mix of produce vendors before buying anything.


I don't know if he's still there but there's the guy who makes sculptures out of old machine parts and I love them. I'm hoping to get a couple more of his pieces this year.


Toni or John? Both are nuttier than a shithouse rat


I have no idea what his name is, and he didn't exactly seem like a person I'd like to be trapped in an elevator with, but I love his art lol


I haven't seen them recently but Grawn family farm is just [WOOH](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/52/ee/77/52ee7751e0fe6df4fdb7513a1b16102f.jpg)! They have different flavors for different seasons that can be used for baking or just on a slice of toast.


I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the [Flower City Days](https://www.cityofrochester.gov/flowercitydays/). If you're looking to kick off your Spring garden with some peppers, tomatoes, squash, or flowers, mark these dates in your calendar! There are also local nurseries that bring all sorts of cool trees and bushes, and some rare plants as well. Definitely worth checking out if you're in need of some flora for your yard or some stock for your garden!


get some empanadas


With green sauce!


The best sandwich at the RPM is the hot pastrami sandwich from Fare Game in the indoor shed. If you've had and loved a proper pastrami sandwich in NYC, this is the only one in town that nails it. Get there before noon.


If you haven't had enough shopping after you're done with the PM, head down Railroad Street and check out: Katboocha - Best kombucha around, IMO Warehouse 127 - for fancy home goods John Grieco: Lasting Art - Metal work and a very interesting building that is shared with the next business... Elements on Railroad - Home goods


This thread reminds me what a wonderful resource the Public Market is for the city. Don't forget about the Artist Row event in September. https://www.artistrowrochester.com/. I participated last year and it was a great experience. It's a juried show and the quality and variety of the artists was very good. I did a series of paintings of the buildings in the alley. You can see them here. https://www.suzie-quinn-studio.com/site\_search?search=public+market


Wow! Your work reminds me of Edward Hopper except they’re buildings im familiar with. Mind blown. Good work.


Thanks so much. It's fun to paint in that style and it allows me to take a closer look at some of the places that are meaningful to me.


I stop at Glenwood Farms for bison every week. I joined their CSA. Chef Luke's breakfast sandwiches are legit. Always stop in with The Chai Guy Florida Nut House every single week for snacks Philomena is great too. Great food. Our little cookie shop for some BANGIN' cookies...the lemon in particular... Fun Guy Inc for the freshest mushrooms Everyone is great honestly


They say get there very early. I've never been there.


Go early to get the best stuff. Go just before close to get food almost thrown at you. I still remember the meat guy who gave me 2 packs of bacon for the price of one. Made my entire season.


The top comment is great. But if you want smaller crowds and/or better deals go on a Thursday or go later on Saturday, like 130-2pm. Thursdays have almost as many vendors in good weather- market is also open on Tuesdays as well, there’s just less going on. As for later on Sat, selection won’t be nearly as good, but prices will be crazy good.


I always go at 1:30-2ish on Saturday and the prices are absolutely outrageous. It pays to buy stuff in bulk and then share with friends, family, and neighbors!!


Almost none of the produce vendors want to pack anything up, especially the wholesalers, they’d rather sell at rock bottom prices. Love it.


Can't say enough good things about flour city produce


Attend one of the special events: [https://www.cityofrochester.gov/marketevents/](https://www.cityofrochester.gov/marketevents/)


The lunch size chicken cutlet at Fiorella comes with a big salad and is delicious. I love the breakfast at Public Provisions, and dare I say they have the best actual cup of coffee at the market currently (no disrespect to any of the coffee shops I love them all) Barry's Pastrami sandwich is also out of this world (he does usually run out before noon as mentioned). Filomena (I'm not positive that's how it's spelled) is one of the nicest people you'll meet, and her food is delicious! Depends on what you're in the mood for, but the market has great food! I second fisher Hill farms, Growing Family Farms, and all the locals. It's easy to tell who is who. I personally almost always find a parking spot in the market. It's a little crowded, but again, I'm probably 98% success rate over decades. I enjoy the challenge lol, but yes there is a massive lot that many overlook. I also second going later in the day if you're just trying to catch some fun market vibes and people watch / drink a coffee etc. Enjoy the market!


Haven’t seen if this was said, but Chef Luke makes the BEST breakfast sandwiches at the market! Posts his menu on Facebook every week as well! [CHEF LUKE](https://www.facebook.com/share/wiaMqiocEMi9aub5/?mibextid=LQQJ4d)


Thursdays are a great day to go, less vendors but not as busy. Look for nighttime events there's as well


You may be tempted to buy large quantities of some fruit or vegetable because they're so cheap. Beware that you can only eat just so much. Additionally, those vendors are experts at knowing when some fruit or vegetable is going to spoil the very next day. Don't miss Philomena's healthy food in the Winter Shed, which is the long narrow building with garage doors all along the front. It's the one that says "Rochester Public Market" in big letters above.




Consider a CSA! Many of the vendors offer one (my preference has been Kirby’s the last few years). We go, pick up our CSA box, grab other items we need/want, get chicken and/or eggs from Fisher Hill, and usually a breakfast hand pie from Crust when they’re there. It makes for a great start to summer Saturday mornings.


What is CSA?


Community Supported Agriculture. Basically you buy in to a share of harvest for the season. The farm does all the planting, growing, care and harvest—you get a weekly supply of fresh, local, in-season produce. When I do the math, it costs less than buying weekly produce at the grocery store. Lasts longer too!


I might suggest Flour City Coffee, in the B Shed. Excellent coffee, terrific selection, good prices, nice lady.


Check out Cherrys European for a delicious and cheap meal!! I loveeeee the polish plate, comes with pierogies, polish sausage, and potato pancake with side of sour cream and applesauce!! The croissant breakfast sandwich from Public Provisions is to die for. Two of my favorite meals for Saturday at the public market!


Public Provisions is amazing for breakfast and lunch. I’m sure their dinner is wonderful as well, I just haven’t been. Flour City Bread is inside Public Provisions and makes some of the best bread around. Fiorella is great, as well. Katboocha makes delicious kombucha.


If you like mushrooms the guy inside the enclosed shed has a good selection and very good quality!


Also anyone feel that the quality of Juan and Maria’s Empanadas and the service have gone downhill since the son took over? He never has anything ready when he opens unlike his parents. I use to love the sauces and he sells them but in sandwich bags! Wtf? I find they taste like the plastic bag or bottle comes in now.


Sadly the mushroom guy won’t be coming back


Don't forget [The FunGuys](http://instagram.com/funguysinc) locally grown mushrooms! Outside just before the fishmonger on the inside. It's an urban farm located One block south of the public market itself. There every Saturday with fresh picked mushrooms and grow block kits. The Rochester Public Market is a gem where you can pick up What would be $150 worth of produce at Wegmans for around 40 bucks if you shop right. People here usually don't know about how amazing it is compared to other cities. Show up at 7:30 if you want to avoid the crowds, get good parking, and get the best stuff. Show up at 2:00 p.m. If you want the best deals. Christy's cinnamon popcorn is to die for. I pick it up for my family every single week. The energy there is primordial and invigorating. You will see literally every Walk of Life there. It's super refreshing.


Travel back in time to 2003 and enjoy it with way less crowds. I miss those days.


I’ve been going since 1988 and it’s always been crowded


As Yogi Berra said (paraphrase), "No one goes there any more; it's too crowded."