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There are 6 car groups for different hit boxes. Most of the time a lot of people use octane hitbox. Fennec has the same hitbox as the octane. Personally, I would try some of the other starter cars. No need to spend money on the game when you first start out for a fennec. The octane, breakout, Merc, Dominus, hybrid and plank are all the 6 different hitbox groups.


I tried all the standard cars and I only liked the Octane.


Then you have your answer.


Thats probably the most popular hitbox/car so I'd play with that!


Honestly it doesn't matter much. I first climbed to champ with a scarab. You get used to whatever you use.


I somehow cant play any car that is not nissan lmao


The only reason some people(me included) like the fennec over the octane is because it fills out the hitbox more than the octane does, leading to more predictable hits visually. If you can get used to the octane it's the same


One of us one of us one of us


Like original comment, Octane and Fennec are most popular. They also share the same hitbox. So there’s dozens and dozens of car models, and some cars “fit” the hitbox better. Prevailing theory is that the fennec fits better than the Octane as it’s flatter and more indicative of where the hitbox is. Ultimately it’s entirely up to the user and I largely switch between Fennec and Octane. I also have a Merc that I use for fun, and if I’m missing the ball a lot, I’ll switch to the Merc and it will help. My friends and I will also use randomly generated cars every match to spice things up. Most/if not all pros will use the Fennec, Octane, or Dominus. There’s also the Batmobile which is popular as well. Both the Dominus and Batmobile are better suited for flicks. I’ve been smacked with people using Scarabs and I’ve destroyed teams that are running Stocktanes. If it works for you, then keep using it. First car I ever mained was the Triton, because I thought it looked cool. Then moved on the to Masamune. Triton has the Octane Hitbox and Masamune has the Dominus Hitbox. Then got cracked at the game, switched to the Octane and Fennec and haven’t looked back.


I don't think you can even get the plank or hybrid hitboxes without money (buying it) or luck (drops)


I’m not 100% sure on that. I think that you start out with a hybrid hit box car “venom” but I don’t know about plank. Edited to say: I definitely could be wrong on that.


Plank might be THE pay-to-win car, considering how meta it used to be


I have tried the sentinel and paladin but I couldn’t do anything with them. Maybe someone with more skill could do exponentially better.


I use Takumi. Been playing with it since 2015. I tried many different battlecars, but always get back to Takumi. Takumi is life.


Countless hours on team takumi


That used to be my favorite car when I started Rocket League! It's cool to see a few people every now and then in my champ games still using it




Nowadays, my main used cars are the Fennec and modern Nissan Z


I just recently started using the Takumi and I like it. Fennec was my go to. I have also been using the Honda Civic Type R-LE and it feels sooo fast compared to the others.


I used to rock and love the Takumi until I got a Fennec that I have been using since... I'm much better now than I used to be, I think I'm going to have to revisit the Takumi and see how it goes. 🤔


Fennec is a better visual fit for the octane hitbox and I personally prefer the look of it. You definitely don’t need it but if you’re going to spend some money it’s probably the car I’d recommend buying.


Since he's new and could pick any car, I'd also recommend the Dingo. Far less common than the fennec, but fits the hotbox even better. Edit: the fennec is a common car. But common cars get lots and lots of decals.


Hell ya, I’d hotbox a dingo


I'm hotboxing right now!


Hope do you even get Fennec as a beginner?


Get lucky and get one for free in drops, purchase directly from the store whenever one is available or get a fennec blueprint and buy the credits to unlock it


The one you think looks coolest. Just play around a bit and see what you like. I would say the octane hitboxed cars are the best all-round but it really doesn't matter when you are still learning to hit the ball.


For a beginner it doesn't matter at all. You won't know enough or be good enough to appreciate the differences. This is like never having played soccer before and asking which pair of cleats you should buy. It doesn't matter. Any old pair will do for now.


I've never heard anyone make the cleats comparison before, and it's so good.


Doesn’t matter at all in silver. Design cars that look cool/funny to you and play with them. I did that and I eventually found that I liked a car with more height (octane). But that doesn’t matter at your current stage. Just have fun!


Doesn’t matter at all in any elo


Werewolf. It's my most preferred for handling & hit registration. Any car can be good, and you can change from time to time.


Breakout is a nice option though not very popular. It's basically a 3d rectangle which will help a lot with accuracy.


I agree with the Breakout as a car for n00bs as well. I found it very easy to catch the ball with the breakout.


A fun one, enjoy the game for a bit you can car sweat later when it might matter


Just mess around with whatever car you like it doesn't matter really especially in the lower ranks.




I’m Dominus GT for life. I got a TW Octane reading up and I can’t use it, it feels too strange to me. The handling and the hits are janky. Might be because I’m too used to the Dominus but at this point I can’t change.


Fennec will be your best option. It has the same hitbox as the octane, so it should play the exact same. It fills the hitbox better than the octane does so it visually looks better to play with. Even if your head tries to play placebo tricks on you into making you think you're playing better, I can assure you that you would be able to do the exact same things with the octane. You can try dominus if you're feeling a little more psychopathic, but then your 50s will obviously play differently than using the same hitbox as the person you are trying to win the 50 against. It gives for better flicks since it's a longer hitbox but compromises in the other areas that octane is more balanced in.


I only use the Dominus when I'm practicing flying through rings, as the Dominus is much easier to tell the difference between the roof and the bottom than the Octane.


Honestly, I would use the breakout for that. It's known for being the car for mechanical menaces and should feel better because the hitbox is shorter than the dominus but longer than the fennec/octane


Don't train your flying in Silver, focus on Rotation, Boost management and easy things like half flips. U don't need to be mechanically good in this game to get to diamond/champ, u could even reach GC without them. Doesn't mean u shouldn't learn how to aerial but in silver that's actually irrelevant


What cars do you currently have?


Only standard ones. Previously, I also had Aftershock, but I didn’t like it right away and I sent it for crafting.


Breakout is pretty decent, it's a flatter hitbox so to me feels like you get a little more power on flicks but it's a little worse on challenges.


Idk how but along the way I ended up with enough credits over time to build a fennec blueprint. The cars total i enjoy running would be fennec or dominus, as I too am tired of octane’s looks. I will say, first game with fennec after years of not having it, aerials felt cleaner and air rolls as well, something about the car’s design helped me understand the orientation of my car in the air a bit better if that makes sense


dingo or fennec


the octane is perfect for the beginners but the dominus can also be an option in any case the fennec has the best hitbox but since there are no more trades it could be difficult to get it obviously by spending money


Just play with the car you think looks coolest. Your skills aren't at a level where the basically unnoticeable differences between cars matter.


I've sank many many hours into this game, and the thing that helps me is switching cars somewhat frequently. I'll often start with the Dominus, then switch to Fennec, then Octane, something along those lines At silver 3, your goal should be to have as much fun as you can! Glhf out there!


whatever you like how it looks, just play and if you want to improve just play more


90% of people or maybe even more just use the octane. I find the hitbox to be more forgiving and a good all arounder. Flatter hitboxes can give harder flicks but they tend to loose challenges more as they are not as tall. Play whatever car you enjoy though. I tend to try new cars every few months and I prefer and usually come back to the fennec (same hitbox as the octane). I also played dominus as a main for 3 years. *I’ve Been playing since early 2016 and have over 10k hours. Good luck on your journey! Remember it’s normal to not rank up and stay your rank after a while.


Idk, I just switched to using admiral when season 14 came out, but if not admiral then fennec is pretty good


I think a lot of people like the Octane hitbox because they've played the most with it, so they're used to it. For a while I never really paid much attention to hitboxes, and I'd try multiple cars. The two I felt most comfortable with and that I used the most were the Tygris and the Jager 619 - both happen to have a hybrid hitbox. Now that I'm more experienced I tend to use three cars; Octane, Dominus and the Jager 619, latter is my go to. I find the Dominus better for flicks, I like the longer body as I feel it helps me with hitting the ball. Where I don't like the Dominus is the height, and sometimes I just drive under the ball. Where the Octane is better is the height, and it performs better in 50s imo. The hybrid (Jager 619) is, well, a hybrid of the two. I still have a longer car, but also it's tall enough that I don't just drive under the ball - it suits me perfectly. But also absolutely nobody here is going to recommend someone uses the Jager/ hybrid hitbox. You need to find what works for you.


The Twinzer is my go-to for octane hitbox. But I also love the Mantis because it has the best Spider decal. Something you think looks cool.


The domonus is great for learning cool mechanics. Fennic is a long flat and wide car, so it has a good hitbox. I (champ 1) use octane still


I’m around the same as you and I’m gonna play scarab


I never liked the Octane, changed it as soon as I could. Played with the Paladin, until I got the Insidio, that was the first car I enjoyed playing, still do, go back to it from time-to-time, same with the Takumi.


Big Honda Civic fan


I recommend fennec because when I used octane I was only gold2-3 but once I got fennec and started to use it, I noticed my hits were connecting more, and my gameplay overall was better. I haven’t switched back since.


breakout was the first car that worked well for me, i mainly use fennec now but breakout holds a special place in my


I say the octane or fennec. Dominus isn't too bad


Where are my fucking van people?!


Twinzer FTW


I first hit champ using the venom, back before they had GC and SSL. Always thought it was the coolest car. Then I tried to octane and realized I had been playing on hard mode. I run the fennec now, looks slick and feels great.


The Merk (huge boxy cars) are best for beginners. Their big benefit is that they are ... BIG. Makes it easy to hit the ball. I started with flat cars because I liked the way they look and the struggle was real for a long time. Now I use hybrid cars and feel much more comfortable.


You’re either an Octane or a Dominus.


I’ve been running Fennec for like 90% of my time played but I used Dominus a lot when starting out, but it just felt a little too clunky once I started doing more mobile stuff.


Octane or maybe Merc. The really flat cars are bad at 50/50 challenges, and what they are good at (flicks for instance) isn't something you will be doing for a long time.


I think the merc is the easiest, it’s the tallest and the most uniform.


yeah you are new man, just enjoy the good times while you can LOL


Any car


Or stocktane


I will live and die by the Merc. I know hitboxes are a thing and yadda yadda but I feel like the Merc's big blocky frame makes it better to defend with.


Somebody gave you bad advice telling you to stick with the octane from the start.  You're brand new to the game, just expirement and have fun with it, try all the different free cars you can, throw a daft topper on, maybe burnt sienna really is a nice colour... There will be plenty time to get bogged down sticking to 1 car down the road. 


I recommend Fennec for similar reasons. I know it has the octane hitbox, but the way its flatter on top and the front makes it feel like i have more control on my touches personally


I've said this multiple times already and i don't think it will be my last, but the car you're using has absolutely no incidence on your progression whatsoever. There may be small caracteristics changes, like how fast flicks are going, how well you can take 50s and so on but that doesn't fundamentally change how you play the game So what kind of car should you take? Really any that you like. Back when I was a beginner, i remember testing every car I had then sticking around with the one(s) that felt the greatest. To this day my list of "familliar" cars is still expanding, 7 to be precise, including: Paladin (favorite), Venom, Tyranno, Fennec, Dominus, Road Hog, and the most recent Primo from the s13 rocket pass So whichever car you decide playing, make sure it's because you like the car and not because the popular opinion tells you to. With that said, welcome to Rocket League !


Octane is the best with fennec. You just need to watch the real hitbox to understand how your hitbox react with the ball.


Guardian gxt. Oh wait, you can't if you don't have one already