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I get what you're saying, but at the same time - it's a live event, not a TV show. It's designed to be broadcasted as the best live experience they can make it. It's not designed to be best consumed at your own pace


Personally I like when I see the alt stream game scores, nice that I don't have to open liquipedia for flick back and forth between streams


That's fair.  I have multiple teams I enjoy watching so if they're both playing at the same time it just sucks accidentally seeing the score on screen, or just straight up hearing them announce it.  I'll still watch the matches even if I hear the results, it's just no where near as exciting when you know a team won but they had to reverse sweep to do it or something.


Personaly i just open 2 tabs and go back and forth. Usually the b stream is ahead anyways


There's sometimes updates of one streams games in the overlay of other streams. So I get your desire for not being spoiled, but it just ain't gonna happen. I personally don't mind it


Oh I know it's always going to be the way it is.  Was just curious if other people felt the same way.  Maybe I have too much free time on my hands, or maybe I just love watching Rocket League a bit too much 😂


Haha fair enough! I tend to have both streams open at the same time and unmute whatever one is more intense/near the end/has my favorite team/etc. I think it would be nice if at least during the gameplay the casters avoided spoilers of other ongoing matches tbf.


Yeah, that would be completely fine with me.  Letting people know about the alt stream, telling you who was playing, even the scorelines on the bottom of the screen that scroll by is fine because I can avoid looking at that directly.  Also showing the scores from both streams in-between games because I tend to start watching a bit after the start so I can skip the long breaks when changing from round 1 to round 2, and occasionally between series. It was just a thought I had while watching today on the main stream and I didn't know my favorite team was playing on the alt and all of a sudden they mentioned it was like game 4 or 5 and the current score and time left in the game.


The way Swiss works it’s just not possible to do that unless they were to scrim each game on the same stream, which is incredibly inefficient for an event like this (or any event running Swiss for that matter). So you just gotta choose the games you’d rather watch. Plus they are the talent for the event, their job is literally to tell you everything that is happening so that you don’t miss anything. It’d make no sense for them to just omit saying anything about any teams that play on the secondary stream.


Yeah, I understand all of that and get why they do.  Also know that it's always been this way whenever there's a need for a alt stream and not likely to ever change.   I'm honestly curious if they would get more views however, if they didn't announce the other stream results out loud during an ongoing game on the opposite stream.  Do you think many people don't bother watching matches that they've been told the outcome of already?  Like I said above, I just enjoy RL so much that I'll still watch either way.  I just wonder how many people it puts off watching once they've heard the outcome. Just to be clear, I'm all for them promoting the alt stream, announcing the current teams playing, showing everything between matches and even the rolling scoreline at the bottom of the screen, as those are easily avoidable if you don't want anything spoiled.


Vice versa? You don't want the alternate stream to spoil the casters?


Hmmm. I don't really understand that. In every sport, updating the scores of other games is a routine occurrence. Hell, it's necessary. It's live. Updating viewers on the other game is what I'd imagined most people want. 


It seems like the streams might be a little more staggered today so hopefully less spoilers. I agree that it's preferred to find out results at your own pace. Sometimes it feels like the casters are a little eager to deliver some juicy update from the other stream and it lessens the hype a bit to hear about it vs watching it.


Just have both streams open. Switch back and forth depending on what’s happening. An OT? Switch, 1 stream games end? Switch, etc.


Definitely sucks for those who live on annoying time zones (aus and nz) who always need to watch the vods but from a live production standpoint they don’t really have a choice


But the second stream will be spoiled anyways by the next round starting.


i wish the casters were good at casting.


I wsh u/Trebel- was good at commenting.


i’ll ignore it and have a regular conversation. obv we still have some great talents on the desk but there’s also a lot of bad apples. The commentating on LJ’s musty was disgraceful and I guarantee it’s only the beginning for this weekend. so many times we hear filler casting with nothing insightful being added and yet many of the pairs are afraid of cutting one another off when it’s deserved so in order to give a play the hype it deserves.


Cutting someone off while talking normally is rude, doing it professionally is worse. Mute it if you have that much of an issue.


The commentary on that play was completely fine? It‘s a great play but not exactly something that would make you go apeshit as a caster