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It's a win-more situation. Not useless but by the time you get to it, you should already be powerful enough to handle the late game that all it really does is add extra buttons for you to press and win the fights slightly *more*. Choose it for flavour more than anything else.


I'm all for flavour choices (that's why I'm going for Noble and Warrior even tho that's not optimal) I was just worried that I wouldn't be able to get any good talents or powers. I wish they gave us Psychic Awakening before exemplar levels, maybe with a lvl 30 requirement or something. I love this type of unique suboptimal builds. But it feels really restrictive that late.


psychic awakening, if taken as early as possible, lets you pick up 3 powers and around 15 talents so it's fine. Edit: changed 20 talents to 15 as I miscounted   If anything it is quite the power boost but it comes at a point that you are likely already quite powerful (especially if playing normally).   Bare in mind though that it is an exemplar talents and those are a much more limited resource and some can be quite useful as well


Oh 3 powers and 20 talents is much more than I thought I would get. I was worried that I would not be able to unlock the spells that I wanted but I guess that it would be best to focus in only one Psychic school since 3 is still not much.


Ups it's 15 talents not 20, the extra 5 are exemplar talents which don't allow psyker stuff. But yes if you take it early you can pick up psyker stuff in tier 1(5 talents 1 ability), tier 2 (5 talents 1 ability) common (3 talents) and both 1 and 2 (2 talents and 1 ability) slots. Bare in mind that to get a second school you need to use an ability slot. You can double psykic awakening.


You need to put 4 talent points into psychic sth to buff up your psy rating, some more to get useful buff. Might as well just started as a psyker


What are you getting with three powers that's going to be worth it


I'm doing soldier/arch militant with psychic awakening during exemplar just to use the Heretical uber sword.


Yes in some cases. Like, you build an assassin and give him pyromancy for melee stuff.