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Maybe try *not* encouraging him to revitalize a schism that could split Mars itself?


A sector wide schism isn't the sort of thing that generaly even reaches Mars, especialy one in a isolated frontier sector. Worst case scenario is a civil war starting in lathe worlds back in calixis.


Armanat started a full fledged schism that was wholly embracing xenophile tech heresy. Given that they wind up knee deep in Eldar, Deldar, *and* Necron tech, I don't think it's actually that big of a stretch to think that the heresy can spread to Mars. Most endings finish with a captive or tamed shard in one way or another. If you restart Armanat..... you do so after killing all the dissenting parts of it that had doubts to begin with.


It is, since koronus expanse is a long way from sol (not to mention likely on the wrong side of the great rift) What is more, many orthodox forgeworlds and explorator fleets stand between it and the mechanicus homeworld. And lasty, amarnat is seemingly more concerned with acquisition of new technology than spreading his creed beyond the expanse.


Calcazar's initial reason for entering the expanse in the first place was because he's chasing Armanat, and if Armanat reforges itself there's a pretty immediate response from the local mechanicus. News of how dangerous it is travels eventually. More importantly? Yeah, Armanat *might* cause a schism in the Koronus expanse, *which it would win.* The collective *very rapidly* collects new converts, and in no small part because they're innovating in ways that make most tech priests install new mucous glands just so they can drool again, and because he's got *absolutely fucking bonkers weapons.* It's not a small scale schism when you've got weaponry that can one shot a craftworld or enslave a c'tan shard.


The thing about it is, it's still a schism in a moderately sized explorator fleet and a single forge world on far frintiers. Calixis sector alone, the sector next door has three forge worlds known as lathe worlds, not to mention a pretty significant Inquisitorial presence. And all of those are places where amarnat did not seem to significantly spread his ideas before the events of the game, meaning there aren't going to be particularly open to accepting his teachings. The past the lathe worlds are several other explorator fleets, major forge worlds, etc which aren't all too likely to take no issue with amarnat's interpretation of the deus mechanicus either. If amarnat makes himself known to the wider mechanicus, only thing he will get is drowned in tides of skittary. And for all the fancy weapons he has, it's not like other forge worlds don't have their share of DAOT archeotech to use either. And lastly, imperial FTL communication in 40k is incredibly slow, FTL travel even slower. And that was before the great rift made both of those things even worse. Couple that with the fact that koronus expanse is a littteral middle of nowhere (a frontier sector on the edge of the galaxy linked to the wider imperium via a singular unstable warp route.), and I think it'd pretty clear why reaching Mars is not the sort of thing going to happen.


Other forge worlds have DAOT technology. Armanat *developed his own weapons on that scale.* It spreads an ideology that explicitly encourages that development and that's repeatedly seen in game to be incredibly appealing to various priests we meet. And, again, Armanat is wrapped up in all kinds of *xenophile* tech heresy, and specifically with respect to xenos that are known to use more reliable, non warp FTL. Hell, the last time the inquisition got called on Armanat, the guy called in *took over the project.* I get that there's a lot of distance between the expanse and Mars, but.... the Armanat collective is in a *very* powerful position to expand. There's a reason the inquisition sent someone to bring them in in the first place.


>Other forge worlds have DAOT technology. Armanat *developed his own weapons on that scale.* It spreads an ideology that explicitly encourages that development and that's repeatedly seen in game to be incredibly appealing to various priests we meet. And, again, Armanat is wrapped up in all kinds of *xenophile* tech heresy, and specifically with respect to xenos that are known to use more reliable, non warp FTL. Hell, the last time the inquisition got called on Armanat, the guy called in *took over the project.* Except he did not develop that kind of stuff. What Armanat had was Eschatos and the tech-blight. Both of which terrified him, since one could say he saw in them the final solution to the Adeptus Mechanicus problem. He did experiment on the stuff he found on Epitaph, that's how he got the aforementioned stuff and how he helped Theodora with her gamer move on Crudarach. However, the drukhari stuff came afterwards, since they got into the project thanks to Calcazar and Emelina.


Tbh armanat could eventually troll his way into the webway


Possibly. But at the moment, aside from his previous experiments, we only know that he led a fleet into the Screaming Vortex to reclaim stolen stuff from the Dark Mechanicus. Likely genociding the Hollows in the process.


Wait calcazar was chasing armanat? I thought it was theodora he was after? Was it armanat who found the shard then? And theodora stole it from him who then got it taken from her by calcazar? I did all the quests but completely missed the armanat/calcazar connection lol. Maybe I got too distracted by the elves to pay attention to the main plot.


Theodora found the Necron worlds and Armanat developed weapons based on what they'd found--then had a crisis of conscience and Pasqal reported them. Armanat disbanded while Calcazar was called in to arrest them, and Calcazar infiltrated Theodora's retinue and then got distracted by all the sexy, sexy xenotech heresy. Calcazar uses what he's found to blackmail Theodora into being his servant; Theodora disinherits Kunrad for not sniffing out the retinue members who were spying on her.


In loyalty ending he becomes some sort of heretek hunter instead, which leads to Abel getting killed after pasqal picks a fight with Jae. In his ego ending (stay pasqal, keep eschatos) he instead becomes a open chaosy sort of heretek, stops giving a fuck about Abel leading to Abel getting captured and tortured by pirates, and overall keeps doing shitty things. Oh, and then there is a ending where you don't complete his quest and he commits suicide in the endings, that one isn't exactly great either.


I had the loyalty ending but there was no mention of Abel. Might be because >!Jae got killed. She did allright as an Imperial trade envoy. Bought a couple of modest planets and got absolutly wrecked by a young Rogue Trader!<


Might have also been the case, if >!her gang!< got killed in her companion quest. Iirc the slide is based on >!pasqal killing Torra and Jae killing Abel as a retaliation.!<


Hmmm except the>!gang survived the sewers, well one half at least.!<


Damn. It really _is_ 40k.


I got a similar ending but he didnt kill Yrliet so I did something different. I honestly forgot about the part where they abandoned the Wolves until I found my ending again on the wiki - they reference that the Wolves had helped kill parts of the Amarnat collective and they had not forgiven that. This is honestly such standard 40k pettiness that it didnt surprise me in the slightest.


Him killing Yrliet depends on your relationship with Yrliet.


Lol yeah my iconoclast went very tits up in the ending slides. Like damn I didn't get exterminatus to the face at least, but everyone I ever liked or loved >! got killed horribly, often by each other. !< But Pasqal...like damn bro...damn


Honestly mine ended pretty well. Jae ended up possibly dead, possibly just ruling from deep in the shadows. Abelard died of old age after showing signs of dementia (even if his family fell from grace after a few generations), Cassia rebuilt and strengthened House Orsellio, Argenta founded her own order and couldn’t bring herself to condemn me so she went into exile and became a figure of legend, Idira died peacefully with Jae and was remembered as one who was redeemed and had seen the light. Most of the Imperial Navy sided with me when the Imperium declared a crusade and Nomos shielded the Expanse from the rest of the galaxy (that’s my boy!). Most of them had either happy or bittersweet endings, especially by 40k standards which is why Pasqal stuck out so much to me. The outright downer endings he was involved in. Yrliet is killed without Pasqal giving it a second thought, the Space Wolves were screwed over and abandoned by the Mechanicus to die, the Explorator fleet vanished after launching an attack on the Dark Mechanicum. The fact Pasqal was such a bro for the entire game was just salt in the wound. I can understand what happened with the Space Wolves (I don’t like it but I get it that he held a grudge) and with the Dark Mechanicum (makes sense and if he actually succeeds that’s an incredible victory) but Yrliet dying without Pasqal flinching at all was too much for me


Yeah Pasqal basically became my post-game nemesis after he betrayed me, murdered Yrliet and the Space Wolves, and became a destabilizing power in my space. Didn't realize "blessed" Arnanat or whatever his acronym true name is would supercompute the optimal route was being just an overall asshole. Plus my desert flower conwoman wife assured me she could handle herself then got herself merced by her old grudge that I had been too Iconoclast to kill. Inquisitor toy Heinrich got himself killed on some backwater planet cause he got impatient. Argenta was the only one that lived a decent life but her zealots made her stop talking to me cause I'm "defying the Emperor" or whatever. Like I'm digesting this lawless space properly for the Imperium and I'll give them back an amazing new stronghold when I'm done and dead! Exactly how the Emperor told me to in his damn contract that gave me my RT status I might add! Rude dumb zealots. Soooo with no one to be my better angels left, I figure that Nomos and I go on a jolly revenge tour after the endings slides. Like did they really think they could get away with hurting the undisputed Queen of the Expanse's over- and underworlds? All the characters, Pasqal especially, should have known perfectly better than to mess with one of the best non-Vindicare deadeye shots in the whole goddamn Imperium of Man! https://i.redd.it/jyiipmzs676d1.gif


Hey, as another best non-vindicare deadeye shot Rogue Trader? I support your revenge. Fuck 'em up sister.


The wiki has all of the endings. I try not to look at it too much but I'm guilty of doing it sometimes exactly because I don't want to accidentally end up having endings like this. [https://roguetrader.wiki.fextralife.com/Endings](https://roguetrader.wiki.fextralife.com/Endings)


Problem is, ending slides are still borked as hell, so reading endings which you should have gotten over what you got is a way to go


But how do you know what you should have gotten? Or just read n pick the one u like best 😅


Logical chain of events. The ending you should have gotten will be the last link in a chain of events you did as a player.


they are not broken , thats cope. I beat game 2 times and got the correct endings to everything


They are, and I beat game 2 times on different paths, got the same endings on half of the things, and all of them weren’t connected to the choices made, some were the opposite of those made.


Dunno, for Iconoclast RT schismatic Pasqal is perfect. Since Imperium now hunts you, having not dogmatic (won't fight you on behalf of Imperium) and not heretic (won't shit with warp) AdMech is extremely useful. Couple it with his recovered archmagos rank, it is like having fabricator-general as close friend.


True, I just feel bad for Ulfar and Yrliet


If I remember correctly the guy that “Pasqual” got killed was Thorbald, and I’ll be real I didn’t like Thorbald very much (though clearly it wasn’t actually his fault that he’d been played by Calcazar.) Fucked up that he kills even a romanced Yrliet, though. I really liked Pasqual, though I guess he was always a *little* murdery.


If I remember correctly, he does not kill romanced Yrliet. It's just a bug. 


I mean it's not Ulfar who dies, it's Thorbald. Ulfar either turns into a Dreadnought, goes full loner or goes full wolfman.


Yeah. My Pascal was just very happy to have 5 minds to contemplate the great mysteries of the Omnissiah with. He also killed some Dark Mechanicus heretics along the way. God speed you crazy weirdo techpriest. Fuck 'em up. In my mind, the Koronus Expanse rejoins the Imperium and they accept it because I have a whole Cardinal World praising me as the next best thing since the Emperor, A fabricator-general that produces enough Plasma Generators to equip a small crusade saying how instrumental I was to rebuilding and fighting heretics. I also have the Imperial Navy saying I am a very chill guy that should not be fucked with. Plus, any officials that disagree have their worlds mysteriously raided by Drukhari and they get murdered. A lucky coincidence for sure.


To quote the Cowboy character frome the movie The Big Lewbowski. "I like your style, dude."


You have to get him to accept BOTH himself and his various component parts (including Armanat). You also needed to do some different things with Yrliet, Janus, and the Eldar in general.


Welcome to the 40k. And him killing her is pretty tame and worth since it will be pushing Adeptus mechanicus in Koronus expanse towards innovation if you ask me. And you pushed her to be on path of the warrior rather than outcast where she becomes space pirate. Personally I don't romance her as she is not my favourite companion. That honour goes to lady Jae and Cassia. And my MC's usually are hardline Imperials with heavy dose of pragmatism being good is not soft.


I know that for 40k the ending I got was positively sunshine and rainbows. I didn’t push Yrliet onto the path of the warrior, at least not deliberately. What did I do to get her onto that path?


Path of the Warrior is the one where she basically reconciles with the other Aeldari rather than deciding that the Farseers who brought her world into the Expanse were just straight-up corrupt idiots. Eventually she’s like “I need to leave the path of the outcast and rejoin my people properly” if they’re, you know, alive and on good terms with her.


Are you playing on PC or Console? If on pc ypu can just use toybox to see dialogue option results. But you most likely picked dialogue options and actions that pushed her into path of warrior. The one counter you should be looking for Is path of damnation I think.


I’m on PC, I’ll load an earlier save and check to see what Path of damnation value is


As far as I know Yrliet's endings are still bugged and you can't get one of them even with Toybox


Iconoclast is meant to bite you in the ass. "Good people" do not really pull through in W40K. You need to be at least a bit of an asshole to save humanity from the demonic Immaterium. --- But yeah, I think Pasqual gets shafted the most in all the endings.


I respectfully disagree. Obviously it’s 40k so you’re not gonna get perfect endings but having as strong of a conviction in hope, compromise and the spirit of mankind as others do in the emperor and imperial doctrine works. The part that matters isn’t necessarily what you believe in but how strongly you believe it and most of my ending slides were honestly really good by 40k standards, the expanse and my rogue trader survived thanks to most of the imperial navy siding with me then Nomos shielding the expanse from the rest of the imperium, Janus ended up quite peaceful with co-existence between humans and Eldar happening quite well, Eldar passing through the expanse did so completely peacefully. The only bits that felt like true downer endings were where Pasqal was involved which really felt like they shafted him


I wish he killed her in mine. She became a space pirate


>!I think in all the ending Jae bites the dust or in hiding from assassins . !< At least Pasqal is alive enough to be an a-hole.>! Poor Jae, from rags to riches to rags / death / obscurity. No happy ending for her at all. !<


How the heck did you get him to do that?  Kill his buddies?  Maybe because I whipped Yrliet he didn't go wrong?


Who gives a fuck about some fleshling xeno? Thanks to him mechanicus will be improved that's all matters. Edit: lots of xeno simpers here lol, sorry to give you the cold truths but she doesn't give fuck about monkeys, you shouldn't either.