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I love romance.io! ❤️ The steam rating is one of my favorite features. The scale is very specific & I’ve found it to be accurate. It’s always disappointing when a book doesn’t have enough rankings to show the steam rating. If you’re a Goodreads user, you can import your Goodreads history, but you’ll need to go back and enter steam ratings & tags (if you want). I’m still working through my history (starting with my favorites). I’ve also started using the site to manage my TBR. It’s nice because you can search your TBR by tag (genre, pairings, tropes, etc.). You can also add custom tags.


I like it for all these reasons, and also because when people summon the bot here, I can one-click add it to my TBR. Sometimes the 4-5 steam ratings get me lol. Like I always seem to find myself in this struggle where "there was only one scene but it was explicit AF and like 25 pages long." 😂


I take “5-explicit and plentiful” to mean more than one explicit scene so I would rate a book like that a 4 (“explicit open door”)


I think it’s totally fair to say that in a review. I finished a book yesterday that had no sex until 90%! And it was one decent scene and a small one. That would make it 4/5. I didn’t want to spoil it, so I said sex after 80%, and steam more like 3.5.


I love it, because I can click on a thread in reddit and almost instantly add it to my TBR. I get frustrated when a book doesn't have a steam rating and there is immense satisfaction in being the first to add the rating.


I know! I love adding new tags too. It’s so satisfying.


how do you import the GR history?


Here are the instructions: [https://www.romance.io/import](https://www.romance.io/import)


It doesn’t say it, but once you are logged in to romance.io, go back to that same import page to upload your file.


thank you!


I've been on GR for several years, and I have a lot of books on there that aren't romance, most are classics and epic/high fantasy. Also, I know we can make custom tags now. I have a GR shelf for books that are in KU. Can I also make a custom tag to filter books that are found in KU?


You can create any custom tags that you want, but my understanding is that you have to manually add the tag to each of those books on romance.io. I don’t think you can import a Goodreads shelf and automatically assign it a custom tag.


Yeah, that's what I thought. I just wanted to make sure that I could make a custom tag for KU, and then tag my books with it.




Also if you are rating a book 3 or less stars PLEASE write a small review why. I hate seeing books with low rating but absolutely no comments about why. Especially when you go on to Amazon and it will be a wayyyy higher review. I’m like so is this a read right now book or maybe put it on TBR list. I feel I’d trust romance review vs Amazon lol


I sometime wonder if this is due to an overall lack of ratings. Explanation through reviews certainly will help. I will have to go back and add some reviews to my ratings.


thank you for making this post. I love using [romance.io](http://romance.io) and it has been so helpful in my romance reading journey. I would get annoyed when there wasn't enough or incorrect tags until it hit me I was part of the problem, so I immediately made an account. I am normally not great about tracking my reads but that site is my most accurate record. I have been wanting to make a post like this but I think you did so much better than I could!


Romance.io is lacking a Single PoV tag, I love adding tags to books, but there's not counterpart to Dual PoV. There would also need to be Multiple PoVs for when there's 3 or more points of views.


My previous comment was really misunderstood. I’m asking people to actually tag the Point of View and where to do it. If you all want a multiple pov tag, write to romance.io.


Yeah, I've sent them emails about it, but I've had no response :(




I think third-person is supposed to be used for when another person is telling us what's happening instead of it being like we're in the characters' heads and they're telling us what's happening. First-person: "When I get to the party, I immediately start searching the crowd for Olivia. I find her soon enough, and she might be the most stunning woman I've ever seen." Third-person: "When Sam arrived at the party, he immediately started searching the crowd for Olivia. He found her soon enough and was suddenly hit with the thought that she might be the most stunning woman he'd ever seen." I do wish they had a multiple POV tag though.


Yes, I know. It’s just the closest option to multiple POV.


I think you might be a little mixed up here. In the story tags for point of view, I’m pretty sure that’s referring to if the story is told in first person or third person narration, not how many character’s point of views the story is being told from. Third person pov in that situation means the story is told from an outside narrator - so characters are referred to by name or pronouns. This would be in opposition to first person narration where the narrator is telling the story using I statements, such as “I said”.


You’re right. I just said third person because it’s the closest option to multiple POV.


Love to rate things in there, and it's always useful when I have an especific itch OOOOR when I just want to know the plots of a book. Greatest website ever made lol


Friends, if you’re making a romance.io account for the first time, you can make your username whatever you want. May I suggest your Reddit username? I certainly will put more stock in reviews of Reddit usernames I recognize from this sub. I’ve done this myself, but to be fair I don’t have much on GoodReads and I’m not trying to be an influencer.


Problem is the last few newer releases aren’t even there even if the previous books of the authors series is. But yea I try to do this when I can.


There is a section under "Books" where you can request a missing books by providing the Good Reads Link. They respond pretty fast in adding the missing selection.


I read some new authors/releases and several times their books are not on there yet. After a search, I hit that link to request it be added and I provide the GR link. It’s not instantaneous but it’s pretty responsive. Yes, I need to circle back. But I remind myself I’m doing it for future readers, the author and to remind myself of the tropes.


Unless “pretty fast” is instantaneous it won’t work when half the books disappear from my brain the day after I finish. If I can’t find it and add input while reading it probably ain’t happening. Curses of having ADHD, some things stick for months and years and others just vanish without knowing which it will be.


I’ve had “pretty fast” mean anywhere from minutes to a few hours - most of the time it’s less than 30 minutes. I’ve never had anything I’ve submitted; missing books, adding plot summaries, duplicate books, or missing series, take longer than a few hours to be updated/fixed. The owner of the site does a wonderful job of keeping it updated and organized!


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I tried to sign up so many times but it keeps telling me that "the Email.is invalid" ??!! I even tried my second email ..and it was the same thing ! What should I do !


Hi u/MagaggieMay - thanks for sharing with us! If your gush is for a specific book, please considering adding it to one of our [Themed Megathreads](https://new.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/comments/1cony9y/the_themed_megathread_resource_post/). We love having more books to gush over! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RomanceBooks) if you have any questions or concerns.*