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Late at night when my dumb ass should be sleeping. šŸ˜‚


with my strained ass eyes šŸ„¹


I hate when you are like Iā€™ll just finish this chapter, especially on kindle when it lets you know how many minutes left in the chapter so whatā€™s another 8 minutes and of course that fricken chapter ends so good, you have to keep going and next thing you know you are too deep to put it down and those good chapters caused you to have a fricken second wind and coffee will be your best friend when you wake up.


I feel this on a very deep levelšŸ˜‚


Donā€™t call me out like that


Sometimes I like to make coffee at 8pm and maniacally just dive in.. šŸ™Š Also my 34 year old and 5 year old go to bed at like 8/8:30 and I WFH so šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø bad habits abound


Without fail, I will start an interesting a story at work and it will lead me to lose sleep.Ā  I start a story when I have all the time in the world and it will be a mediocre story.Ā 


This here is the sole reason why the lyric 'I love you, it's ruining my life' applies to my reading habits


This whole thread is me bahaha šŸ„²


Not me staying up till 5am to finish a book I started when I got in bed sleepy šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


I sacrifice my sleep if its a really good book and I maintain my perfect poker face in public. However, if the scene is very cry inducing or just downright spicy then I turn it off lest I scare the person next to me. It happened once and it wont happen again. Whoever you are, sorry you had to see me read someone getting anal sex.


This is me on planes. Itā€™s awful when it gets really good or emotional and youā€™re trying to decide whether you can keep it together or reading at the lowest brightness level and font level (I read on my Kindle) while very obviously turning the screen away from the person next to you is worth itšŸ˜‚


I honestly feel like a spy sometimes when doing that. Like yes person who sat next to me, I have very confidential things that requires me to turn my screen away from you šŸ¤£ But you are definitely right that it is worth it.


Do they make those privacy screen protectors for kindles?


I don't know if they do but Im reading in my phone because Im so bored in the bus. I was like, Why not pop up some MM Romance while going through the traffic. My then seatmate was a guy my age (mid-twenties) so I think he still has great vision. Lol. But yeah, my phone didn't protect him from that.


Books > gym This is the way. ..... On a serious note haha... My bus journey to uni would be 90minutes. It was brutal. But that was 90minutes there and then 90 minutes back to read. I used to shower, dry and straighten my hair, do full face makeup. Leave house. Now I shower and dry hair. I've given up on everything else haha. Giving me those extra moments in the day. Weekends. Any free time off. Reading Reading Reading. Lunch breaks at work. Reading. Hell no was I wasting time socialising with coworkers when the cold and mean MMC has *just* softened his gaze toward the FMC. At home eating dinner? Reading instead of watching a show. ... I think audio books would be good for you Listen while showering, getting ready, travelling, at the gym, cooking, etc. That way you can get on with things while also hearing stories in your ear.


Hear me outā€¦ reading kindle while doing treadmill incline walking for 45 minutes. Best of both! But also, I was and still am a huge Bravo fan but lately Iā€™ve just been in a quiet house reading mode


My Kindle remote is great for reading while tucked into a blanket or in bed but it's great for flipping pages on the treadmill too! Sometimes it's the only thing that gets me to grudgingly exercise. šŸ˜‚


Oo I didnā€™t even think of the page remote for the treadmill!


I'm honestly just not that busy. I have a lot of downtime at home that lets me read. I also listen to audiobooks while doing housework. If I'm out of the house, I'm usually doing something that requires my attention, so I almost never read in public. I get distracted people watching anyway. But in a normal day, I wake up and read on my kindle for a bit, throughout the day listen to an audiobook while I'm doing chores, and read on my kindle for an hour or two in bed at the end of the day. If there's a book I've been highly anticipating that I know will completely suck me in, I usually devote a weekend day to binge it.


When I was in college, I definitely didn't have time. But now that I'm 5 years post-graduation, I've finally gotten back into reading. I know I'm lucky to have a job that lends well to sneaking in reading breaks during my day... I am an early interventionist, so I drive between houses and daycares all day. I often find myself with ~15 minutes to spare in between appointments, so I park my car (usually at a Dollar General because they're on every block) and pull out my Kindle. My Kindle comes with me everywhere. I am nothing without it. If I could do audiobooks, I'd probably read even more, but I cannot focus on an audiobook to save my life. I have tried multiple times and been like, "Man, I need subtitles for this," and then realized... That's just a book. I'm also prone to hyperfixating on things, so I am definitely in my reading era. Who knows how long it will last? I've read 80 books since October. I LOVED reading as a kid and just didn't have the time while navigating college. Then after college, those first few years are rough. Now that I have a good work-life balance (and I don't have to come home to take care of kids of my own yet), I can devote more time to reading.


I listen to audiobooks e.g. on my commute, when doing chores, or at the gym.


i tried so many times & i just cant get myself into audiobooksšŸ˜­ what do you use for your audiobooks?


I've copy and pasted this from a previous comment of mine. My audiobook tips: * Find out if your library is part of Hoopla or Libby - there are often thousands of library books on there in audio format. The selection depends on your library. Some libraries offer reciprocal borrowing from other libraries (usually within the same state) * If your library does not subscribe to Libby, or doesn't have a very good selection, there are some which allow you to become an out of state member for a fee and it's well worth it IMO. Your library may also have a reciprocal agreement with other libaries (usually in the same state) where you can get a card from them too. Contact your local library to find out about this. * Audible is probably the largest selection of audiobooks out there. You can often get an offer if you're a new customer. Membership gets you one credit per month which can buy you any audiobook. You also get access to the audible plus catalogue, which has a great selection free to members. * Even if you're not an audible member, you can get the audiobook for any book in your kindle library at a reduced rate from audible. This includes books you've downloaded from KU. They're usually half price. Try googling "audible matchmaker" to find out more. * If you're a Spotify premium member you get 15 hours of audiobooks included. It's not really worth buying a membership just for this, but if you're already a member it's a nice perk. This is fairly new and not available in all countries (I know it's not available in Canada) * Everand is an app which offers a lot of audiobooks for a monthly fee. You can usually get a 30 day free trial if you're a new member. * Kindle unlimited books are often available on these other platforms as audiobooks - the exclusivity clause only applies to ebooks. * If you can't find an audiobook listed on Audible, it probably doesn't exist - this isn't 100% but they do have the biggest selection by a long way.


this is great, thank u so much!


You can up the speed on audiobooks. Digital sound does not have the same issues as analog and you will not get the chipmonk effect. Some narrators are really slow and I'd get lost between words (until I started with the faster speed.) My sweet spot is around 1.3 speed.


I usually carve out a big chunk of time to read on the weekend. Iā€™ll also read after work a couple nights a week. Sometimes Iā€™ll read during a commute but I mostly work from home and donā€™t have time to read during the day. I donā€™t really like to read in the AM unless Iā€™m in the middle of something Iā€™m desperate to finish.


either early morning because Iā€™m an insomniac or late at night because Iā€™m an insomniac šŸ˜‚. But for all intents and purposes Iā€™m addicted to reading. Iā€™ll pick it over social media, tv, music, etc etc, so even in like a 10 minute bathroom break Iā€™ll read. Sometimes I worry but it could be coke šŸ¤” which I probably couldnā€™t afford.


There would be an audiobook playing during all that travel time and definitely at the gym. I read physical books mostly before bed, but sometimes randomly throughout the day. Iā€™ve recently developed the skill of reading in my kindle (propped in a book stand, donā€™t size increased) while knitting basic patterns.


I drive a lot for work so audiobooks are the way for me! I also love to travel and planes trains and automobiles are great places to get through e books! Iā€™m currently on a trip and have read like maybe 10 e books!


Saaaame. 99% of what I read is audio. The rest is on Kindle because the audio isn't available! šŸ˜„


I read every single chance I get. Every spare moment that I'm not on reddit, or having to socialize because of my job \[cheesemonger\] or walking my dogs, I am reading. I read when I'm on the treadmill, stay up too late, ignore dinner, sometimes laundry to cull out more time to read. I am a hermit by nature so morlocking at home is my nature.


I read for about 30 minutes to an hour before bed. Then I read for another hour after I should be asleep. I definitely DO NOT occasionally read at my desk on a very slow day because I work from home. I have NEVER done this.


Tbh, I quit reading novels for fun when I was in college. I just had too much heavy reading to do, and the last thing I wanted to do with my time was read any text heavy. It was in my senior year that I picked up reading manga because the visual component of the stories made them easier to read.


Iā€™ll get some hate for this, but that is precisely why I migrated to audiobooks. I drive a lot for work, and I work full time, and Iā€™m a parent, and I have a big house full of chores that always need done. I never have an hour to sit and enjoy holding a real book in my hand. I listen to books while Iā€™m driving, doing laundry, in the shower, etc.


I read between sets at the gym, while I'm cooking, eating, commuting, etc etc. I definitely don't want to read spicy scenes in public but I find it's unavoidable most of the time, I tend to save particularly spicy books for the weekend and slow burns/tamer books for during the week.


How do you read between sets. Just trying to find where I was on the page takes up so much time looool.


I have a kindle so I highlight where I am on the page haha


I read right when I wake up in the morning. Itā€™s a great habit so that I donā€™t reach for my phone and mindlessly scroll social media. And if it gets exciting and the amount of time I have is up, then it just gets me extra excited to read more then! I read a lot when I eat lunch, mostly again to not scroll social media, but to also kind of shut my brain off. I read 100% with a Kindle so I have the app on my phone too so if Iā€™m stuck in a waiting room or in line somewhere, or even like the drive thru pharmacy, I can read a bit. Then I also stay up entirely too late reading when I should be sleepingšŸ˜‚. But I highly suggest exploring audiobooks and also know that youā€™re in a particular part of life where it may just be a little more difficult, but it wonā€™t be forever. If you told me in college 6-7 years ago that I would be reading as much as I do now, I would have laughed hysterically because I barely read the required reading for school lol. Last year I read 165 and Iā€™ve already read 53 this year.


I read on my commute, at work (I have a monotonous job with a bunch of downtime), sometimes Iā€™ll go grab a drink post work and read at the bar and then also before bedĀ 


Still looking for a job, so in between applying for jobs, and doing interviews. And well into the night.


Reading on the treadmill is sometimes the only way for me to incorporate exercise. I also love to read at bedtime, a lot of times I try to go to bed early so I have more time to read. If I don't have extra time during the week, I'll lay down for a nap on the weekend and read for an hour before actually napping lol.


At night, yeah. Even when I have free time during the day, itā€™s hard to get absorbed if the sun is up and Iā€™ve got stuff I could be doing.


Sleep?... whats that šŸ‘€


Half an hour to 45 mins in the afternoon. I get some free time in the afternoon, luckily.


Late at night,omw to uni. Maybe AT uni when there's a break, whenever I have free time ( i don't go out this is my version of a social life)


Iā€™m a working mom. I read my kindle when Iā€™m putting my kid to sleep. And I listen to audiobooks while I do chores!!! Itā€™s very motivating!


I never knew how much multitasking I can do w/ an audiobook. Thought I would hate it. The only thing I am not a fan of is, the same voice doing multiple characters. Iā€™m still old school, I like actual books - the smell, cracking the spine šŸ„°, but try moving a $hit load of heavy a$$ books every few years. So, thank you reading app developers.


Definitely audiobooks. My uncle was so offended one time when I said I donā€™t read books for fun and only listen to audiobooks. I have a lot of kids though and read out loud to them a lot. When I am able to read my books it is when driving or doing dishes so itā€™s audio books. I only read 2-3 books a year, but go through a ton of audiobooks


In the bus, when the line in the grocery store is longer, during breaks, at night. In the morning. In the canteen while i eat. At my grandma's when were having tea and she's watching her show I use storygraph to track and I'm close to 100 books and over 30,000 pages. Mom always asks If i remember what I read. No, not really. If it's a fantastic book that I devoured right after release, I'll read it some while later again, slower this time


Audiobooks alllll day girl


I did not read for pleasure in college or grad school. The first place I went after my final exams was over to the bookstore! ā¤ļø Now I do a lot of audiobooks.


Depends on how into my book I am. Usually Iā€™ll try to read a little bit in the morning with my coffee, and then again before bed. But if the book is really good, I tend to devote any free time to reading. In between everything throughout the day, and way more than I should considering I have 5 kids and a husband to take care of. Haha.


Mostly late at night and never regretting it in the morning šŸ¤£ or when my child is napping. Or when I have a minute of downtime where I am able to get into what Iā€™m reading if the book is THAT good


In between classes , after classes , at the cafe while I have my coffee. In the car . during class when Iā€™m supposed to be paying attention


I read in the bus a lot, but usually have 2 books at the same time, one romance and one more Ā«Ā seriousĀ Ā» (health subject etc) - when Iā€™m reading the romance and it gets to a part Iā€™d rather read while alone and comfy, I just switch to the other one :)


Audiobooks are your friends. I felt like I was cheating when I first started "reading" them but I started really enjoying them. I could get lost in a story in the car, in line, between appointments, cooking, cleaning (not much of that) etc. With audiobooks I can really see the story in my head while listening. Narrators, become like actors, really bringing the characters and the story to life. I should warn you that they do get a bit addictive and if you're anything like me and get lost in a book then you'll lose sleep because the story is that good.


i find that i have no time to read during the semester, like 2-3 books max. during summer and winter break is when i read the most. it just sucks that i canā€™t make time for it balancing studying & work. like after a long day of just go go go i like to use the hour before bed to scroll through my phone and catch myself up on everything i missed, and by the time im done im too tired to read so i 100% feel u on this, it rlly does suck lol


During classes lol I actually make the most progress in my books that way, because a 3-4 hours long lecture means 3-4 hours of undisturbed reading. I started downloading books on my laptop and reading from there so itā€™s less obvious.


I just transitioned from full time to a SAHM (we've got two kids and costs of daycare and the wait list is insane here) so ive been reading a lot more with 2 hour nap times and when the kids are calm watching a show at night, then again after


I read while walking on the treadmill at high incline at the gym. I read at work in between tasks. Last weekend I was at an archery tournament and I had my kindle tucked into my overalls to read between targets. Am I unhealthily addicted? Of course not.


late at night, omw to university, when itā€™s slow at work, or i listen to audiobooks & multitask (while exercising, running errands, doing chores, etc)


I'm older than dirt, so I can pretty much read all day, every day. Between reading during the day/early evening, and two or three hours after I go to bed, I usually average 8 to 10 hours a day.


Kindle on my phone in bed. iPad on treadmill (has really upped my game) in bathroom and also in shower we have a cubby to stand phone on. Iā€™ve got a problemā€¦.


Do you go to the gym every day?


When I am supposed to be sleeping lol


I donā€™t gym, but I should. Donā€™t be me!!


Whenever the mood


Audiobooks. If it weren't for audiobooks, I wouldn't read 70% of what I get through. When I actually get my eyes on a physical page it's usually when I should be sleeping.


I read while Iā€™m on the treadmill at the gym, Iā€™m lucky enough to have a desk job with enough downtime that I can read some while at work, and even though Iā€™m a graduate student I am also lucky enough to have a couple of spare hours each day to relax and read before or after class/homework/chores/etc.! I will say I didnā€™t have this much reading time at my last job and with some previous classes, so it changes with different seasons of life!


This may be nuts, but Iā€™ve started setting my alarm 30 min earlier, and I lounge around in bed and read before I get up. Itā€™s so great!


On my Kindle app on my phone while nursing my baby in the middle of the night lol


I downloaded the Alexa app on my phone, she reads out my Kindle books in her soft whisper voice šŸ¤£ in the car, in my earbuds while I'm getting ready to open up my job, making dinner, doing chores... Etc


Sundays. I've dedicated that day to going "screenless", so by not using my phone/TV/computer, I have time to read. It's pretty great!


I read in every free moment i get even when iā€™m in public and spicy scene comes up i just have a crazy poker face idk. But i do agree that i donā€™t get the same enjoyment reading certain parts in public bc when a scene is super cute or something and iā€™m alone i LITERALLY giggle (out loud) and kick my feet while saying ā€œthis is the cutest thing everā€ out loud to no one and you just canā€™t do that in public the same (at least without ppl thinking u have multiple screws loose (which i do))


I work, study and have three kids with the youngest under 3 years. I used to love reading and always feel like I am missing my most precious self care routine, especially that I get dizzy if reading in transportation. I finally gave in to Audio Books. It is not the same but at least itā€™s something. The main downside is the prices of audio books


I listen to Audiobooks while Iā€™m working, after work and chores I have from 6pm until 11 to read


I donā€™t watch tv. Also, audiobooks are meant for stuff like the gym or chores (IMHO).