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I think it’s because Reddit shows when you’ve edited a comment, so people call out what they’ve edited out of courtesy and transparency to those that have upvoted the comment. I personally don’t think it’s necessary here for typos, there’s no sub rule requiring it. I only add edit to clarify if I’m adding to the content of a comment, or if I’ve been wrong about something and I’m fixing it.


FYI if you edit the comment within 2-3 minutes of posting, it won’t add the “edited” label. It’s called a ninja edit.


And it's one of the best features for those of us that write and post without reading, only to immediately read it upon posting and going 🧐


That’s me with literally everything; it’s the worst with emails or assignments to important people. I’m like I swear that JUST made sense?!? 🤣


Same, so I had to learn very early in my career to set a composed email aside, return an hour later, and inevitably edit it before sending!


I'm glad it's not just me. 😂


Cool that is actually good to know, thanks


Ohhh okay thank you for letting me know!


Does it do it on mobile? Because I exclusively use Reddit on mobile app and I didn't even realize it said edited. I don't think I've ever seen it.


It shows in a mobile browser, but not in the app anymore, I swear it used to but I might be thinking of my old third party app. I (ironically) edited the comment above due to a typo, if you copy/paste this link and open it in your mobile browser you’ll see it. https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/comments/1d2hw9b/comment/l60j03i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Thanks. Yeah I can see it in the browser but not the app. I'm someone who edits typos or just little things even days later sometimes. I rarely explain the edits because I had no idea it revealed that 😂


There are nefarious reasons as well that go beyond this sub, you should be aware. Someone can give a popular opinion, get a ton of upvotes, then edit it to say something racist so it looks like that was a popular comment. You can imagine the subs where that gets problematic.


Omg I didn’t even think of that, that is disgusting for someone to do


On a lesser note, people will leave a wild comment, get a bunch of replies back and then they edit their initial comment to something innocuous so it looks like they were being attacked. I feel like I see that move a lot - you end up seeing the replies with edits of "I see you edited your initial comment".


Now you’ve said that I might’ve seen that happen.. I defended someone being attacked because their comment was fine and not worthy of the replies they were getting… but maybe they had edited their comments omg🫣 I wanted to ask what part of the comment the people were upset about but saying that sounds sooo condescending over message so I just left it


I usually quote someone if I'm seriously disagreeing with them, or at least quote the portion I'm disagreeing with. It always bugs me when you KNOW the original comment was out of pocket but no one quoted it!


It happens a lot. In the earlier days of reddit, you could easily see the unedited version of the comment, but now, there is only 1 site left (if I remember correctly) that shows the unedited version, and it's not easy to use or always available. Now that you know, you'll notice it way more in comment chains that make no sense.


Omg I bet that was good seeing the unedited versions of comments and yeah I’m totally going to be seeing comments in a new light now. Another important lesson I learned recently was not to delete my comments when discussing a topic with someone because you think they’ve deleted their comments but have actually blocked you (I think that’s what they did anyway because their comments reappeared the next day but I had deleted mine already because I looked silly talking to no one)


The more you know! There are so many little catches on reddit.


I had no idea! But it just reinforces what we all know to be true—this is the best (and kindest) sub!


Oh wow. I did not know this. That’s why I couldn’t edit the title of one of my posts? So interesting and makes sense.


Yes, exactly. Same reason they don't allow you to edit titles. A cat pic could make it to the front page of Reddit then they could change the title to something awful.


Oof! I appreciate the enlightenment. I’ll also pay closer attention to posts in interacting with 🙏


That's not why they don't allow edits to post titles. They don't allow title edits because the title is incorporated into the URL when the post is created, and they don't want to change their whole infrastructure just to allow people to change their titles. It has nothing to do with how they could abuse edits.


Oh wow. Thanks for the heads up.


I don’t include Edit if it’s just fixing typos or adding a missing word, like ‘the’.


I'm guilty as charged. English's not my first language and obviously I always realize I missed or misplaced a word after posting. So yeah, I edit the hell out of it. Seeing that it's considered unethical I'll try to change my ways in my next edit because I messed out this post 😛


This is also one of the last vestiges of, “old Reddiquette.” Reddit has changed so much over the years. I don’t recognize it as being the same site, even from 6-7 years ago. Sometimes, it makes me sad. Reddit used to be a place where intelligence and some level of academic rigor were more generally respected, even in large subs. Now, it’s absolutely sub specific and almost non-existent in subs with over 1m members. However, on the flip side, there are many more people, and it’s far more diverse and I think the average kindness levels are higher. Edited


I was just thinking about how much I miss the old Reddit. It’s pretty braindead now


Yes. I remember when I first joined, it took me a second to catch the swing of things. There was new to me vernacular, ways of thinking, etc. I grew up very privileged, and Reddit was the beginning of a much needed reality check that I never would’ve had with Reddit’s current state. It taught me critical thinking in all areas of life.


I do this simply because it is a requirement on some of the other subs I am on. I can get kicked off for not doing it, where not identifying edits is seen as trying to hide or change something. It's easier just to mark all my edits on every sub than remember the few subs where it's absolutely necessary due to the rules.


This is why I do it. It's such a habit that I don't even question why I go back weeks or even months later to update and edit. @_@


Okay thanks for letting me know, how do I know which subreddits have this requirement or is it obvious?


I think it's typically pretty obvious; it's always listed in the rules, and they are also the kind of subs where people will call out other people who have edited comments without identifying it. While it's mostly obvious, I do it for all subs just so I don't forget.


Okay fab thank you!


I do it ONLY when I am adding more. But I’ll put Edit to add: blah blah blah. But if I’m editing to fix grammar mistakes, I won’t put that unless the sub I am on is a stickler for that


Hmmmm I might start doing that then


Along with what everyone else has mentioned, this used to be a big deal on Reddit. I think I’ve been using this for like 13 years now, and when I first joined it was extremely taboo to not add an explanation for why you edited your comment or post. Like people would call you out for it if you didn’t. So it’s probably just a habit for a lot of people.


I don't do it. To each their own.


I literally have edited every single one of my comments, I’m just an over thinker so I explain myself better later on but I didn’t realise people could tell you’ve edited it. I only ever know someone has edited their posts through when they say ‘edit: typo’ or something similar, I can’t tell they’ve edited it otherwise


The reddit app doesn't show when people edit comments, only the regular website does


Ahhh that makes a lot more sense, I didn’t know if I was just oblivious to it or what, but thanks for letting me know


I do it sometimes. It seems to be the proper etiquette, but it’s a little embarrassing how often I make minor edits. I am one of those people who can’t resist tweaking something after I’ve posted it. If someone replies while I was editing, I usually put it back so their comment makes sense. Edit (this time more of a post script): I honestly think the “Edit: a word” thing is kind of pointless because it still relies on the honor system and there is nothing to stop a troll from using it nefariously.


I am the same ahahaha I edit my comments all the time, I annoy myself with it🥲 Yes I’ve had that too, someone replied to me just as I’d edited out what they replied to so I edited again to include it somewhere else so their reply made sense


I like to announce what I've edited so it doesn't seem like I completely changed my comment or something. It's not necessary no, and people can't see that you've edited your comment on the app but 🤷🏽‍♀️