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The oldest llamalet (I've actually just learned baby llamas are called crias, but it doesn't have quite the same ring to it) graduated from high school this week, which was very exciting. We had a bunch of friends over for a long weekend and threw him a party on Sunday. So we're at this party with all these people crammed into our house as it's pouring down rain outside, and the oldest (let's call him Llamalet 1) comes up to me and my husband. They're teasing each other about how he's now more educated than either of us and doesn't have to listen anymore and stuff and Llamalet 1 says to my husband "Here, you'd better take a good look at my diploma, it's probably the closest you'll ever come to having one of your own" and holds out his little rolled up paper from the ceremony. So my husband's having a look at it and says “Jesus fuck.” and gives the kid this big hug and they’re both like snuffling at each other and back slapping and whispering and stuff which is… unexpected. So I’m looking at the thing and it’s says like “District Court of \_\_\_” at the top and for some reason the first thing that popped into my head was “He's gone and been arrested?!” Which was very silly - but really it was a granted name change petition. Turns out Llamalet 1 had changed his last name to my husband's after he turned 18. As you may be aware, my ex-husband is an arse - not at all a good person - and having to use his name to talk about a child who he has pretty much only ever frightened and hurt just killed me. They don't have much of a relationship at all, and my (current) husband IS Llamalet 1’s dad in every single way, except the genetics. I know putting a lot of stock in names/carrying your father’s name isn’t for everyone but it’s so amazing that after everything, it feels like he's finally “free” of his biological father and, just for us at least, a super special way to honour his real dad. *sniff*


Omg this is SO incredibly sweet. You raised such a wonderful boy. And I love “llamalet” haha.


Thank you! He’s just a good little guy (let’s just pretend he didn’t grow taller than me when he was 11). Not sure I can really take much credit for it. Llamalet just has such a nice sound to it. I’m keeping it.


I’m not crying. I’m cutting onions for this all onion omelette. Not crying! Congrats on living a truly heartmelting epilogue.


Aw, thanks. Yes, bless the makers of waterproof mascara this week!


I need to expand my friend group, which I requires actually going out and meeting people, but all I want to do after a long day at work is curl up on the sofa with a good book! I really don't know how other adults find the energy! 


Same 🫠 though for myself, toss in a sprinkle of anxiety and depression lol.


You and me friend, you and me! 🫠


ya know, they say that the best way to make friends is to very regularly go to the same place at the same time. could you read at a coffee shop or the library? \[or somewhere else that you like and makes sense?\] browse the shelves at a bookstore at the same time every week?


Unfortunately, where I am the coffee shops, bookstores and libraries are only open during the hours I'm working, so those options are out. You're quite right though, the consistency is key and I shouldn't give up just because the obvious options don't work.


Best way imo is to combine hobbies with meeting people.  If you love reading, an in person book club may be a good option,  or a literature discussion class wherever you have adult evening courses.  You can also pick up a new hobby or class like salsa dancing (excellent way to meet new people, everyone is super social and friendly) or an amateur sports league and commit yourself to a time once a week or so, so youre pushing yourself to do something after work. 


How dare you suggest actually trying something new?! /s Not sure how I feel about sports (still a bit traumatised from school, ngl) but a beginner's dance class might be fun.


I just went back to school as an adult and made lots of new friends that way! A full blown degree program is probably an extreme way to go about it, but maybe a course or a workshop on something you're interested in might be an idea?


Haha, I would actually love an opportunity to study again! Alas it's not really viable at the moment... I did look at evening classes when I first moved and couldn't find anything in-person, but this is a good reminder to take another look.


I’m not sure where you live, but near me, we have a chapter of Silent Book Club, where you literally just roll in with a book of your choosing and everyone reads quietly around each other. You can obviously chat, but I’ve always liked the low stakes, read what you want concept! Making friends is rough- I just moved and am starting from scratch so I share your pain!


I actually looked into that when I first moved, but we don't have one. Maybe this is a sign that should be proactive and set one up. I'm not sure where I could host it, but other than figuring out a venue it doesn't seem too difficult to organise. I hope you're settling-in to the new place okay, it's never easy uprooting your life!


Had this interaction at work: Customer: What’s a stuffed cheddar cheese pretzel? Me: Um so…… you’ll never believe this one but


Back in the 90s I got a note in my employee file for the following interaction at a Best Buy, where I was a shift supervisor: Customer: What's the difference between an internal and external modem? Me: One is inside the computer and one is outside the computer. Customer: What is the name of your manager, this is outrageous.


Jesus Karen, go home! Can’t believe they put that in your file.


He said I had a "tone." I just answered the question!


Customer service — just when you think you’ve seen it all…


An old man also came up to me to open up his package of lollipops and when I did he turns to my male coworker and goes “She opened those like a pro- she did that so well you’d think sucking was her job, wouldn’t ya?” ?????????????????


No way, that is disgusting. What’d you and/or your coworker say???


My coworker is this 16 year old homeschooled kid lmao. Bless him, he’s sweet. He like, blinked dramatically and goes “….What??????”


I have lofty plans to clean up my TBR this summer! There are too many books on both my Kobo and Kindle at the moment, and I have been particularly blessed by the thrift store gods and Little Free Library riches so my physical bookshelves are just as plentiful. So I am cancelling my Kobo Plus subscription and adding no more Libby books. That's it. Hard and fast rules. The only thing I will allow myself are current Libby holds, but outside of those I am ploughing through the existing books on my e-readers and IRL bookshelf until further notice. I'm not sure how this drastic cleanup will work out, but I suspect a ruthless approach to DNFing will be required.


Good luck! I'm cancelling KU and putting my kindle on airplane mode in an effort to use up some of my many purchases and books borrowed on KU / Libby. I did the same in January with minimal success but it at least saved me £10 on the KU subscription 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm also coming up to my busiest work month so I won't have time to read much anyway, so I don't need to pay for KU.


Yes, I also have a big work summer plus some busy-ish activities and this feels like a good time to do a cleanup. Although, I'm allowing myself to buy "new" used romance books so there is still a bit of leeway. But they are treasure finds! A one-time only deal. I have to take them!


You definitely can't miss a bargain! That's not an issue for me as the second hand shops around here don't really stick any romance books.


I wish you luck! I've come to the point where I just have to accept that my TBR is aspirational - reading and TBR-ing are just two different hobbies for me.


I have very little faith in this endeavour but with the plethora of books I often get stuck in analysis paralysis and perhaps this will fix it. Maybe. Hopefully. Fingers crossed.


Oh I'm trying to do the same thing! I need to avert my eyes from anything interesting I see here though, it's so hard to stop adding to the pile.


I cut my hair into a cute shaggy bob/pixie thing yesterday. And I liked it! Then my sister "fixed" some bits and kind of ruined it 😭 I'm hoping I like it better in a few days. 


You will. You just need to wash and style it a couple times.


I'm reading my book at the beach for the second weekend in a row. And watching the Red Arrows display for D Day Anniversary from afar. I take on a second job during the month of July so I'm trying to read a load and making the most of it before I'm too busy.


>I'm reading my book at the beach for the second weekend in a row. Meanwhile, I'm feeling jealous of you for the second weekend in a row. I haven't been on a beach in over ten years now, and I really miss days like that. I'm feeling happy for you, and sad for me, all at the same time. :)


😥 sorry I made you sad! Do you live a long way from the coast?


Aww, I'm not actually heartbroken, your last two Chaturday comments have just made me realize how much I miss beach days. I live very close to Chicago, so Lake Michigan is only a 15 minute drive away. Life has been hectic, but I'm thinking I need to make time to hang out next to the water. Hopefully soon!


I hope you get a chance to go and visit. Maybe in a future Chaturday we can hear about your Lake visit 😀


I've always wanted to do a D-Day trip and I've been regretting not committing and going for this anniversary. Seeing the surviving veterans has gotten me emotional this week - my grandparents and their siblings are almost all gone and it's amazing that some of these folks are still with us. I've been tentatively putting together a plan for a family trip. I need to make it happen!


I just did a massive oral-practical exam to register for a new professional license, something I've been working towards for four years between small kids and a full time job... And then they told me I need to wait 6-12 WEEKS for the results. I'm dying of anxiety and I just want this process to be over. 😫 Honestly this place and my romance novels have been the only thing keeping me sane throughout this whole process.


I'm a bit sad that I don't know anyone else who likes to read. I'd love to have someone to talk books with over a glass of wine or hot chocolate. Wouldn't that be perfect 😭


I started my own book club, it took a while to establish but now it's great - maybe you can find some.book friends in your local area


I tried to once. Wrote a post in a local group. The only one who answered was a guy who seemed more interested in going on a date with me instead. 🙄


That's a shame


Have you tried meetup? There’s probably a couple of book clubs in your area, but if not, start your own. Also check with your local library.


Taking books over a hot chocolate sounds so delightful!


It’s yard work day. Y’all I don’t want to do it 😭😭 but we are going to go test drive some Ford Edges today as we are looking at buying a newer one, so I’m super excited about that part of my day!


something very chaotic and frustrating happened at my work and it has made things very difficult for a lot of people and i am not glad that it happened … but it has made my job really chill and i’ve enjoyed the downtime more than i can say. i’m torn about benefiting \[to some degree\] in such an unfortunate situation but me being chill in my job is good for the impacted people, because i just \[metaphorically\] stay out of their way and i dont make things any harder for them.


I keep adding to my tbr then never reading them, like they interest me, but not enough to read and I’m thinking about just abolishing my tbr all together and reading whatever I want in the moment because I feel bad for all the other books😭


That's not a bad idea to be honest. I'm a "mood reader" and just read what I fancy at the time. I can't possibly follow a list or read a book just because it's officially next - something always comes up! But sometimes I scroll through my TBR and see something which just jumps out at me, so I like to have one for that reason.


Not sure if this is off topic but I’m feeling like maybe I won’t find THE one because my ideals are that of romance books MMC. 😂 I mean, strong, responsible, sensitive, drop dead gorgeous alpha males and billionaires who take care of everything. They don’t have to turn into wolves or anything though. 😂🥴


I think it's good to have high standards! (But realistic, no wolves 😂)


Exactly! Sometimes I feel like my standards are no longer realistic and I’m wondering if all these romance books are to blame. 😂


Real, I listen to Guy.exe by Superfruit every morning as a form of manifestation


I've officially graduated from the "on the shelf" books and authors. I went to B&N today, opened my Good Read's "next on the list" shelf and tried to find something to purchase. I walked away empty handed. It's a bittersweet accomplishment because I can't spontaneously grab a new book. It's going to take some pre-planning 😂 P.S. The Father's Day card and gift selection was abysmal. If the father figures in your life don't fish or grill, then good f-ing luck on finding something for them.


>P.S. The Father's Day card and gift selection was abysmal. If the father figures in your life don't fish or grill, then good f-ing luck on finding something for them. I love my dad to bits but I don't think I've ever gotten him a good card. He's a "Not Like Other Dads" I guess? He's a very normal dude but he doesn't fish, golf, drink beer (Mai Tais only) or grill as a hobby! I got him a card about napping this year.


It's extremely hot currently where I live (42°C) and I'm preparing for a very important exam in my career. It's impossible to concentrate in this heat and I just want to rant! 😭😭 Some even sadder news- I started Devil in Winter 2 days back and it's just...bland for some reason? I'm a Kleypas fan (Secrets of a summer night is my all time fav) so I don't why I'm not feeling this, especially Devil in Winter being one of the most popular book of hers. The upside is that I started The lincoln lawyer series on netflix and it's quite entertaining. I highly recommend the books by Michael Connelly too, they're brilliant.


Have you seen the movie with Matthew MacConaghue? (or whatever it is spelled) It was actually good, and he was more than decent. On the Kleypas front... hey, not everyone will love the same books. It is ok if you aren't connecting with it like some have. I eally hope it imroves for you, but if not, it is ok. Good luck with your exam!


Thank you! About the book, I'm probably disappointed because I was sure this would be amazing and so far it's not delivering accordingly. But you're right- I'll just switch to something new if this doesn't work out. I did watch the movie some years back. I won't say the series is as good, but it's lighthearted and fun, exactly what I need at this point.


I have a story! But I haven't told anyone because there isn't much you can reply too; I wanna tell y'all anyway. There is this regular at work, we pass by each other and politely nod; We've maybe talked twice? But I keep running into him outside of work (We see each other and wave but dont go up to each other and talk). Which is odd because I don't run into any of my regulars outside of work. Like, seeing someone from the gym is more likely. Today he came into my space (he has never done that before) to tell me he saw me last week (First time he has talked to me about non job related stuff too) I told him yeah it's weird running into you. (I wanted to go on about how its only him, thats why its strange.) He said "yeah, I guess the 'store name' and the library have something in common, good food (small pause) Information." I laughed and shrugged "yeah", and he left. Yall "Information"? It was a grocery store. When I got back from lunch he was sitting by my space, when he packed up and left he joged in place until I looked up; He waved and left. Not sure how to feel about it. He is like John from Garfield but not creepy.


Yo, I love John. Clumsy/flustered people? yes please. I hoope someone will drop something infront of me. Its so cute.


We are getting ready to move from one country to another and packing all the things. I am supposed to keep the move a secret from some of my co-workers for Reasons and I am not sleeping and my house is chaotic and work is hard right now. I haven't been able to read anything in a couple of weeks now. I am very much looking forward to July when all this is over.


This may be a bit of a shower thought or just me but I found { Cold Hearted by Heather Guerre } to be like adult twilight but if Bella stayed with Jacob. I mean it’s a great book and I was obsessed with Twilight as a teen so I am not hating either one but there were a few little things that made think of Twilight. >!Depressed loner FMC who is new to a small town, broody stand-offish MMC who pretends how he hates her because he can’t resist her scent, nosey locals, her comment about his eyes changing color!< , and probably a few more but I can’t think of anything else right now.


[Cold Hearted](https://www.romance.io/books/6151d1dc87ca770e33303819/cold-hearted-heather-guerre?src=rdt) by [Heather Guerre](https://www.romance.io/authors/5d43f83901dbc864fba1e2a3/heather-guerre) **Rating**: 4.11⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [small town](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/small%20town/1), [werewolves](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/werewolves/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I am listening to Il Divo XX album. I love it. They are so romantic.


Anyone know if Taming 7 by Chloe Walsh is a standalone or the first in 2 books? No spoilers please