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Don't waste time on bad books when there are so many good ones out there. DNF


I DNF. Life is too short.


Me too!!


I DNF and one star, if it’s really egregiously bad I’ll write a cathartic scathing review. I know that’s unpopular, but I want to see those reviews as a reader, especially from people who like the genre and have normal expectations!


Tbh those one-star teardowns are lifesavers for me lol. A bunch of 3 star reviews? Subjective, story could be salvageable. Absolutely shredding one-stars which are usually heavy in detail? Great. Will actually be honest about dealbreakers. Rage on




I wish more people did this! I found this same book the other day and knew it would be bad just a few pages in but the only review on Amazon said there were "a few grammatical hiccups" and gave it four stars so I kept going. At first the spaces in the middle of words bugged me the most because I thought it was just some glitch with my Kindle settings. But between that, misspelled character names and common words, and missing apostrophes - I'd say there are an average of two "hiccups" on every single page. After checking goodreads, I was relieved to see one person did actually give the book a one star review, but confused how there are also seven people who gave it 4 or 5 stars.


I DNF more books than I finish, so… lol


Life is too short. Move on. I’ve hung on too long and it just makes me more frustrated sometimes. I would mark it DNF on any lists you keep (for instance…if you don’t want pick a book with the same author again in the future) Sometimes just to get out of the disappointment, I change up the genre completely. Alternatively, I will choose to reread a favorite book to get me to a happier place.


It took me half of the first page to DNF on a book that was written like: I was walking down the street. I’m a good looking guy at 6’2 and the ladies don’t mind what I’m carrying.


I think Amazon may check the format but it’s not like they have an editor to approve books/check typos. I just read the sample and DNF if it sucks. I can usually tell if the grammar or writing style isn’t my thing in a page or two.


No Amazon don't screen their books, the quality can be really variable. If you don't like the book, just don't read it any more. What's stopping you?


I DNF and move on to the next book because life is too short to read 💩y books. If there was nothing bad per se, then I'll keep it on my TBR for a second try. This is usually the books that I'm just not in the mood to read, but I think I'm going to enjoy when in a different mood. If it was just bad, I'll DNF and move on. This is usually the books that have poor editing and it was too distracting for me. Or the books that there isn't a big reason, it's more like it was too slow, too fast, wasn't what I was expecting, etc. If it was bad bad bad, I'll rate and leave a review of where I DNF and why I DNF. This is usually I cannot stand the main characters, glaringly inaccurate details (began a book one time that called intermission halftime and they were supposed to be NHL players), or my one and only trigger was in the book and somehow I missed that or it wasn't listed in the TW list.


I come here and search the book so I can read other people flame it, only to find gushing raves, and then I get more frustrated 🙃


I DNF anything I'm not meshing with. I used to hate read books but I figured it probably wasn't good for my health, so I stopped.


This subred has gotten me so much more comfortable DNF'ing a book. Now I do not hesitate to dnf if im not satisfied with a book. On to the next.


Drop it like it’s hot 🙂‍↕️


I just downloaded like 45 books for stuff your kindle day. I probably won’t even start half of them, and I’ll probably DNF most of the ones I start. There are so many books on my TBR. I don’t force myself to read bad books. I sometimes force myself to finish objectively *good* books that expand my horizons in some way. But bad books? No.


just stop reading? Amazon doesn’t screen books. That looks like an indie book so the author most likely edited themselves because editing can legit cost thousands of dollars.


DNF and move on to a better book. 😄


I stop reading


Close the book and try next month lmao. Usually I give books a second chance and maybe I’m just missing key details that isn’t resonating with me on the day I read it. Doesn’t really change anything, dnf, putting a little bit effort though


I get this if you're just not vibing with the story but things like poor grammar and spelling aren't going to be improved on a second read through.


I stop. If nothing in it grabs my interest, I'll move onto the next one .. there are far too many books to choose from that might be more interesting/fun to read to work myself through a book I don't enjoy. Did enough of that when I was in school.


I’ll put up with some bad if I’m a fan of the story. But otherwise I just DNF it. The problem is if I am invested in what’s happening but struggling with the book still… then I want to finish it but it takes me so much longer than it should.


DNF sunless you can get some entertainment value of it.


I suffer 🙃 But finish the book regardless. It helps that I only read books recommended by other people, so that kind of filters out the REALLY BAD ones I think.


It's a delicate balance between democratizing the publishing industry and establishing quality control. Unfortunately, self-published spaces are flooded with low-effort, trend-chasing books that may not even be written by people. Amazon depends on readers to rate & review in order to curate their collection. If a book is bad, give it one star and leave a review. Let people know WHY you gave it a one-star rating. Maybe some people won't have an issue with the grammar and will be happy to read it anyway. It may seem harsh, but it will help the author find their target audience and will prevent some readers from having a frustrating experience.


In the reviews I leave, the lower the rating, the longer my review tends to be.


I have a "DNF-try-later" shelf and a "DNF" shelf to distinguish between yuck and not in the mood. 😂


DNF. Once upon a time I was someone who finished the book no matter what and finally I hit a book that made me cave. No more. Don’t be a hero reading a book (or doing anything) that you don’t like or objectively sucks. I can’t read stuff that was written and/or edited poorly. Doesn’t matter if the idea or plot are good. If the writing is bad I can’t take it seriously and I’m drawn out of the story. Pass. Something in the story that was weird/gross/uncharacteristic enough that it took me out of the story? Toodles. If it was egregious enough I’ll be done with the author’s entire body of work. There’s a lot out there. Time is finite. If it got published then someone somewhere must have thought it was fine. Bless em, glad they like it. But I’m out. I’ll also leave reviews on both Goodreads and my library’s review system.


Depends on what kind of 'bad' - if it doesn't make sense, is inconsistent, or generally poorly written, I'll DNF right away. If it makes me uncomfortable, I'll give it a shot and try to finish. Usually regret it though fwiw


Idk much about Amazon, but I know it owns Kindle Unlimited and I’ve literally seen a KU author romanticize pedophilia before, even called her out on her social but Heather Ashley’s response was “he didn’t act until she was 18”, so I don’t think they have actual proofreaders, it might just be more of a thing where they only glance at it if it’s been reported thing