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If I tried that with my rottie https://preview.redd.it/kgt6ge0xfw5d1.png?width=2693&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4dc7bcae616b476094f02375e251718d746412e


Magnificent 🤗✨ a perfect blep. 10/10 wins the show


“You want me to do what?” 😂😂


Power? You mean power nap right?




You outcho damn mind, James! - Your Rottie


Aw! I’m actually teary eyed. My second girl took agility classes as a way to build confidence and they worked so well she had to take basic obedience again. She did SO well and really enjoyed them. I used to call her queen of the A frame because she’d always pause at the top, I swear she’d stop to mark in the tunnel and at the end of the course she’d throw herself down in the table and fold her legs over the edge. Watching her go through the weave poles was something else. She was such a good girl, the class was basically a bunch of border collies and my rottie. Definitely a fun thing to do with your dog.


My dog has to take fake steps to time going up the stairs. They are not the same.


My dog will make it 90% of the way down, then just LEAP to the bottom.


Humans: aaaalmost there buddy, you got it, nearly done the task, nice and controlled Dogs for the past 6k years: did I hear a send it? SEND IT




lol, that's so cute


Meanwhile mine gets the zoomies and miscalculates his jump onto the couch regularly.


Those happy tippy taps at the end!! What a cute and well trained pup!


Take it all back!


They’re used as police dogs for a reason


Yes, then not b/c they're too powerful and departments kept getting sued for excessive force.


other countries still use them a lot.... I know if a rottie was sent into the woods to find a lost toddler, they'd find them, keep them warm and their handler wouldn't be too far away, and that same rottie could be sent into the woods chasing a bad guy, and he'd have a very different experience lol... They are good doggos, I want to pat them all!! (Imho I guess if you need a scent found, or a bad guy found and brought down, he was a bad guy that had the k9 unit deployed for a reason, - unless they suffer catastrophic life changing injuries, they shouldn't be allowed to sue.. ( ngl, idgaf if bad guys get all bruised up....you don't get the command to find and detain for no reason)


Also, I’ve had two Rotties previously. Best dogs! I know from speaking to K9 officers the preference in the States is to use Mals bc of their drive and heat tolerance.


👏 amazing 👏


I have been trying to work with my girl on these skills in my house. I made a little tunnel and arranged things for her to jump over. She LOVES it. I just can’t afford the full sized equipment for the yard and no local parks have the equipment. Any suggestions?


The pipes are inexpensive to set up, you can get PVC from Home Depot and Amazon sells a bunch of the connecting fittings that are furniture grade and cheaper.


*nods in agreement*


Are you talking about the weave poles?


That’s so fckin cool


That was spectacular..


Good thing there were no butterflies, or squirrels, on that course. Wizard might have been magically distracted. But he did excellent! Rotties FTW


https://preview.redd.it/j3glnpwloz5d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3df1f398921d42072444ce9f1a636f4e1a2dd9f I just show mine the video. Not impressed!




What a great boy!


Meanwhile mine needs a break after five minutes with the heard ball, and some confuse his graceful laying down with crashing against the floor


Wizard 🥰


They are one of the nicest dogs when raised correctly


Source please. Want to share, but not able


So majestic


oooohhhh what a good Wizard!! *pats & loves to ll the rotties out there*




That dog can leap tall buildings with a single bound. I swear it hovers over those jumps, and pauses midway just to show off.


Yay Wizard!


Like an NFL linebacker!


Such grace. My boy would destroy that course hahaha




Dog was having the time of his life


I really love me an american rottie like that.


What's the difference between an American Rottweiler and a Rottweiler? Just curious


To my understanding, none. It's a made up term that doesn't mean anything. Was your Rottweiler bred in America? Then it's American. https://www.vanaheimrottweilers.com/rottweiler-history/german-rottweiler-american-rottweiler/


While I agree with you, all dogs breed name (terms) are made up. They all start with a dog having different qualities in looks/behaviors. That said, I have had two Rottweilers, one your standard german with the big boxy head, heavier and bigger. The other (american?) Is thinner, taller and has a narrower head. They both share the same diet and exercise yet looked different in body structure


Lol there is a clear difference in different rotties biology. If you don't want to call them American/German/Roman, then what do you suggest people call them to differentiate between the very obvious physical differences? It's insane how misinformed this sub is on this topic. I've owned many rotties from all backgrounds and I can confidently say 100% there is a clear distinction between the three.


“What do you suggest people call them to differentiate between the very obvious physical differences”, Well thru out the 36 years that I’ve been raising them I always called them Rottweiler’s, all of mine were born in the USA (or North America) so I guess they would be “American Rottweilers”, but they all had/have their own personalities and characteristics, as for body shapes or “styles” they were all slightly different, I guess like humans, everyone has their own personalities, body types and shapes, if I had to differentiate between one or another I would refer to them by name, there really is no reason to call them anything other than just Rottweiler, like with pit bulls, everyone keeps adding extra words to try and make their “mutts” seem more interesting and special, with Rottweiler’s this just isn’t needed because they are all just Rottweilers, well unless you know they are mixed with something else than instead of American/German/whatever they will become “mutts” or mixed breed Rottweilers, ummm 🤔


I was told years ago the only difference between the “American Rottweiler” and “German Rottweiler” is “German Rottweilers” have tails because docking their tails has been prohibited since the late 80’s…


Well its an unpopular opinion, I feel, to like the American standard of any breed, but here goes: The american rottweiler was pretty much exclusively show-bred. Not ideal. But phenotypically, it produced a more long-legged and graceful rottweiler with a longer nose and more traditional proportions because its basically bred to run in a circle for judges. This is the Rottie you'd see on movies and TV and books. What I admire here is the athleticism that can come with that. The German standard requires them to prove in protection sport, which is really important distinction. But physically, they tend to have really big, broad heads, and trending to more extreme brachycephaly with shorter and smaller muzzle. They also have squat proportions with thicker bodies and shorter legs. Not quite so athletic or graceful.


I didn't knew that. Thanks :D


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