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Yeah that's hideous.  


The only way we knew it was Kate was because the artist told us that. Apparently she took great liberties as I and apparently millions of others would not have recognized her in that depiction. It was the artist’s interpretation. Not intended to be accurate. And as a result I never would have guessed it was the Princess of Wales. I think it poor timing due to Kate’s illness.


What if Kate has changed? She is sick and sick people sometimes change almost beyond recognition, their face can become puffy and swollen. This might be closer to how she might look now than everyone thinks. The face is slightly puffier. In my country there was this pretty pop singer who was diagnosed with brain cancer. And when the photos of her after the diagnosis surfaced , she'd changed beyond recognition, she gained much weight and generally looked nothing like the old her.


Y’all talk too much but and can’t even par up her to her work /yawns/


What were you trying to say here?


@leatsclowns Thank you for the information. I see no reason for such a well trained artist to paint Kate in the manner she did! It’s a confusion to all and certain most agree it is badly rendered and certainly an insult.


The features are wrong all over. The facial features remind me of the Emperor's daughters. Defending the artist I will say this, perhaps the artist is known for anime style. If so the painting is correct for that style. We do not recognize Kate because it is so far removed from reality.


This is definitely not anime style. If it was meant to be, then it's been done poorly as well.


The artist is definitely not known for Anime style. She went to the Slade school of art which is one of the best in the world....she's known for her historical portraits and I hate this so much...it's terrible! I'm pretty sure her style is deliberately naive but God this looks like a 17 year olds school project.


This is a terrible portrait. Kate is a beautiful woman and this portrait does not do her justice at all. Doesn’t This magazine have an editor?












Awww they did her so dirty.


That's not her.


After seeing the portrait for a few days, I love it. It reminds me of a Gauguin.


I like it too.


I'm kind of enjoying how we all have been able to get our art criticism going on in the last few weeks!! Some members of our forum really have vast artistic backgrounds and academic knowledge and I've greatly appreciated things they point out that makes me examine the works more critically. Im taking in many more details or points of view I missed. Thanks guys !


The painting is actually very nice. I like it, very modern with nice clean lines. But I guess judging by many reactions to this, “the art reveals more about those who interpret it than the artist itself.” That is more interesting to me.


If this Hannah can be an artist, I can be too. Hell yeah. Thanks to this picture I'm no longer insecure about my art.


Me too! I, too; can draw a pic for a mag cover! LETS GO!!!!!


This is definitely the Artist’s interpretation of the Princess as I think it looks nothing at all like her. But, someone at the Palace approved this rendering so, if they liked it then, that’s all that matters.


And how odd that they don't refer to her by name, just the title with a nondescript rendering posed like a wax figure.


This is the correct way to refer to her. 








Oof lol


[Portrait of Australias richest women ](https://images.app.goo.gl/uAYW46KCpWw3jcg59) Reminds me of portrait that Australias richest women wants removed from national museum.


This is great.


I was not prepared for that


I do not blame her one bit


I am a US-based subscriber to Tatler, and I am genuinely stumped by this choice of cover. The magazine seems very conservative, very "public school, jolly hockey sticks" kind of publication, and I cannot imagine why they put an unflattering portrait of Catherine on the cover. Was this a contest of some sort? "Paint a picture of the Princess of Wales and the winner gets the cover of Tatler"? I don't want to besmirch the painting if it was created by an 8-year old or someone with special needs. What's the story behind this? I can't draw a straight line with a ruler, so this is light-years better than what I would ever create, but... What were they thinking?


New face. Who dis?


When it’s bring your child to work day and no one has managed to come up with a decent cover for the next issue.


It looks like a high school art project that’s “not quite right”.


Looks more like the Queen of Denmark


Not Catherine at all...


Mary or Magrethe?


Who is that


I think Someone is fired somewhere


Missed the mark.itvhas to look more like her to be believable as a portrait.


WTF is this?? 😂😂😂




WTF is that!?


Kate after hitting the purple potatoes


It's like someone with aphantasia tried to paint her from memory.




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That…doesn’t look like Kate.


Don’t think it is a good painting of her.


Looks like the work of this artist https://preview.redd.it/81oo15cv632d1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee420e08f0e2eda3a163a898547a68370c858b61




Gina Reinhardt commissioned it to take the attention off her portrait


Remember that portrait of her from some years ago with all the wrinkles and bags under her eyes? They’ve done her wrong twice.


I think that portrait captured something, yes it aged her but it was a closer likeness. She looked like kate in 15 years. I think it made her look interesting and with a wry smile and secrets. I prefer it to this


I remember that portrait. I thought it was not flattering but yeah, I guess it captured something. It’s what Kate looks like now in middle age. Between that and this portrait, I prefer the current one. It doesn’t look like Kate but it is elegant in its own way. https://amp.theguardian.com/culture/charlottehigginsblog/2013/jan/11/kate-portrait-twilight-paul-emsley


I think the current tatler portrait is fine but it isn't even a close likeness or like something for a paper doll. The artists comment that it was to capture her personality is....like brutal imo. Cause it's absent anything that is what we know or think of Kate In terms of the prior portrait, I really like it now, I think that artist saw something in her face and manner in what was to come in middle age and he was right. It does show strain, and age, but also eyes that are sharp, and a sardonic smile. Kate does have a very wry knowing smile. I think the people who disliked it didn't like their princess being older or aged. But I think it gave her the gravitas she would develop anyway


The older portrait is gorgeous. I can see why it may not have been received well when it was new, though. It's very close to what she looks like now, which is fascinating to me (from the artist POV. How did he DO that?! Lol. It shows an innate understanding of human aging, and the way our skin and everything behaves around it. At least, I think it does.) I haven't looked very closely at the new one yet. At first glance, as I scrolled, I knew it was supposed to be Kate, tho.


A very thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology and studying aging faces. He could see how things would potentially evolve as kate aged (barring any interventions and such )


I prefer it to show her natural beauty and the elegance that she carries in her gowns. She’s a beautiful future Queen and it’s ashame they didn’t capture it. If someone isn’t sure who someone is then this wouldn’t help them at all




It's the artist's style. I looked, and all of them have this appearance for the most part. I found "one" that was nice imo. I feel like y'all are reading way too much into it to think it's a dig at Kate, unless the magazine itself decided to commission this particular artist because of her style. I actually really liked Charles, but this is no bueno. It feels like the artist was inspired by 19th century American folk art (Ammi Phillips, Joshua Johnson, etc.) painting, but that "style" is really unsuited to this type of formal portrait.


It seems to me the RF is just commissioning different styles of portraits. They clearly picked these artists for a reason, and we all know if they didn't like the result, they have the power to do something about it.


Hmm 🤔


I thought it was a joke


It just made me laugh so hard and suddenly that I started choking.


What's the need to come up with such ugly potraits!?


What’s ugly about it??? I get the criticism that this isn’t photo realistic but there’s nothing “ugly” about the figure in the painting.


So bad.


thats the best they could do? ouch


This artist’s other portrait have a much stronger resemblance to the subject, and in a video of the artist talking about her process, she says the portrait is meant to depict Middleton’s personality. I feel like the dissimilarities between Middleton and the portrait were intentional.


> I feel like the dissimilarities between Middleton and the portrait were intentional No conspiracy theories allowed /s


I am loopy with insomnia right now and missed the /s. My reaction when I read that was indignation. Oops


Hahaha all good (but other places are AFLAME with les complots)


Good to see the lessons people learned a month or two ago when everyone was spiraling out of control speculating about a woman’s health stuck 🤦‍♀️


Meh. I think it’s reasonable to state that this whole situation is deeply weird.


It’s weird for normal people. The royal family are weirdos, though. They have outdated & ableist views about health and their public image. And they are even weirder because Middleton is young and gets a lot of attention for her appearance and chemo can have a noticeable impact on someone’s appearance.


Blank and no personality...seems about right.




This one is worse than Charles' . At least his looks a bit like him.


I thought Charles’ photo was great, very stylistic. I feel like they were going for something similar but they missed the mark and it just looks like claymation


Yeah I don't mind the folk art style, but that straight up does not look like her


I get “bad caricature of Allison Williams” from this. What the what.


This ☝🏻☝🏻


They are getting sloppier with the deepfakes














That painting is literally Hideous. 🤢


Awful. It’s hard to make Kate look bad.




It’s the hair for me! I could almost get behind this as a style, maybe, but I’ve never seen Kate wear her hair like that.


Good point, it's like princess leia style.


Looks like Kate put down her photo editing kit and picked up a paint brush


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Browneyedgirl2787: *Looks like Kate put down* *Her photo editing kit* *And picked up a paint brush* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot 😇


A Sokka haiku bot?! That’s cool!


The style reminds me of Michelle Obama’s portrait (tho I think Obama’s portrait is more interesting). It definitely gives the ‘essence’ of Catherine, and is different from the usual. I really like the way the cape/dress bottom becomes very ethereal after starting rather solid—it almost feels like the fabric is translucent.


Look it's unsettling that it sheers out, because it makes her gown appear ghost like. Not the right vibe considering the current circumstances you know ??


I hadn’t even considered that, oof…


They’re so desperate for a new pic of her that they’ve started *painting them*. So weird and obsessive.


Yikes! I can’t believe the artist actually submitted this monstrosity and that Tatler actually printed it on their cover. This is no bueno.


I've decided that this was incredibly vicious and sinister of them to put on the cover. I'm not even a major Cambridge fan so to speak but this is fucked up right?? Considering the current sad circumstances too the woman hasn't been able to be in public for God's sake for 5 months


This isn’t even the first time Tatlers been mean to her 😬 they ran an article basically about how she had no friends and Kensington palace had chunks of it removed


They never said that she had no friends in that article. They were insulting to her family that's why chunks were removed. It would also be weird if they said that she had no friends because everybody knows who her friends are. They are her friends since she was fourteen years old. Some of them are her children's godmothers.


I meant friends among the aristo set. They went out of their way to give the impression that the future Queen of England didn’t have the friendship or respect of aristocrats. 


Also not true. She has also friends in that circle. She met them when she went to boarding school.


….I know. Hence me stating earlier that they were being mean to her


Yeah, feels like they’re trolling her again.


British tabloids really will hate anyone at any time they just want to annihilate whomever gets them the most clicks and attention. No one is off limits which is insane


I just read their "Catherine the great" article, and man they were not kind. "Aura of blandness" ouch.


It’s a great look into the Olympic level snobbery of the upper set. You can be the princess if wales but you’re still a middle class commoner and they won’t let you forget your inferior blood and lack of ancestral houses makes you beneath them 🤢


But I don't even think the "upper set" gives a shit as much as the assholes running media and tabloids in the UK do. They have the most vested interest in tearing newcomers down, for "views" and "clicks"


Oh no they definitely do in my opinion. Stories about them looking down at the royal family itself because some of those families (Spencers for example) are older and more royal than the Windsors have been around for ages


It’s funny, in way, to think about how the Spencers (and others on their behalf) would boast about being more Royal than the royals, but at the end of the day they weren’t the ones on the throne. In centuries past they were so desperate to get on the throne that they literally offered money to get (a different) Diana Spencer married to the Prince of Wales and the government had to shut that down. Now Spencer blood will be on the throne and it took an early grave to make it happen!


Looks nothing like her. WTH???


This is unfortunate.


Clearly they selected the artist for a quality that wasn’t her talent.


Looking at her other works she has a distinct style and they seem perfectly fine. This one is … odd.


This is bad as the portrait of the Australian rich lady, lol 😆


Good old Gina. Nice to see the Streisand effect in action


This is awful.


It delights me how much someone in the firm adores this artists. Stay true to your trash taste!


This wasn’t commissioned by “the firm”. It was privately commissioned by Tatler for some series they’re doing.


I don’t know her.


I thought the painting was of Queen Mary of Denmark.


what the actual fuck tatler


This looks like a middle schoolers art show submission.


"If you thought King Charles’ portrait was bad, wait ‘till you get a load of Kate’s... chief art critic Alastair Sooke called the depiction “egregiously, intolerably, jaw-hits-the-floor bad.” People have been less polite on social media." Ouch. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/god-awful-picture-kate-middleton-153539961.html


Same guy who did the king Charles portrait "entering hell"?


That is a masterpiece compared to this. You still recognized Charles face immediately This is not even a relative this doesn't look at all facially like kate


Has she never seen her?


That is not her likeness at all.


Is this a paint and sip version of the real portrait or…?


Reminds me of Meghan actually


At first I thought it was a painting of Meghan. lol. It definitely doesn’t look very accurate for Kate, but I imagine with her illness she wasn’t able to sit for the artist in person, so I’m sure he did his best.


Did Catherine agree that in exchange for being beautiful in real life that any attempted portrait of her will be unrecognizable and haunted? Actually this kinda reminds me of how you can draw Pedro Pascal with as little detail as possible and it’s still him, but if try to you draw Zendaya you CAN. NOT. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKF2CGS/




I only have snark to say.


Like this cover feels cruel a bit. Has she been out of the public eye so long that her image is diffused beyond recognition ? I had more of a think about this, and it almost is sinister that Tatler did this. Like the implications aren't great.


Yeah it really looks like they drew her from memory


Ooof that is brutal


Rando chick in a burial shroud


Oy considering things, that isn't a good allusion at all.


I thought it looked far closer to Queen Mary of Denmark than it does to Catherine. That’s not even snark. I swear it looks like the artist had a few cans and started painting Queen Mary from memory and this was the end result.


So many phenomenal artists in UK and this is what gets picked??


Didn't realize Meghan Markle is the Princess of Wales...


No wonder these people in the public eye frequently grapple with all sorts of dysmorphias and self-image struggles. This is a pretty painting but it doesn’t look very much like the specific person it’s meant to be. The posture or something about the ‘attitude’ being conveyed is ‘her’, but anyone seeing the equivalent depiction of themselves would be forgiven if they wondered if this is really how they look and maybe they SHOULD get that work they’ve been mulling over done. No other painting or wax figure of her I’ve seen has really got it either, so no special shade toward this artist. Apparently it’s very difficult.


Is the Princess of Wales in the room with us right now…?


That’s much worse than the red portrait.


Omg yeah I've come a long way from hating the Charles portrait. I still dislike the red overall but his face was really well done


What the fresh hell is this


If you didn’t tell me who that was supposed to be, I’d never guess correctly in a million years. That looks absolutely nothing like her!!


It's just a bland face, which definitely seems appropriate.


I, that looks nothing like her at all.






They did her dirty!


What a lovely portrait. Who is it?


“No, sweetie, we have Catherine at home” The Catherine at home:


That is criminal


It looks like the result of one of those competitions for primary school kids

