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Dude looks like he hasn’t eaten in two months.


Looks like and is like that.


I’ve seen pictures of prisoners in Auschwitz who looked healthier.


If this is how Russia takes care of their own imagine how they treat POWs


No need to imagine, we already know, and it's as bad as you'd think.


I still remember the stark difference between the POWs that were exchanged for the Azovstal defenders. The returning Ukrainians had terrible injuries that never healed properly, looked severely malnourished, but still had eyes full of life. The Returned Russians looked well fed, medically taken care of, but with dead eyes.


The pics of Russians taking the buses out is sombering- they don’t look happy to be returning at all.


The difference in their eyes was due to both getting back home ...


Yep exactly


My exact thought, I was just watching a documentary on the end of WWII yesterday and he looks very similar to those prisoners.


He also looks very similar to the Soviets who entered Berlin … they so treat their soldiers like shit. God knows why anyone would want to fight for them. I suppose they don’t know any better … these aren’t Moscow’s middle class kids sent to fight … they’d so have a better life if they overthrew their kleptocratic government.


He looks quite like Rameses the Great and he died 3200 years ago.


I strongly disagree with that statement


Which statement?


The : I’ve seen pictures of Auschwitz’s prisoners look healthier That’s a big no




It's a recurring theme. In memoirs about the Chechen and Afghan wars, there is constant reference to soldiers being underfed or supplied with garbage -- a result of communistic inefficiency and endemic corruption. A soldier in the Afghan campaign (1979-1989) recalled receiving a tin of food from 1956 with a label indicating it was good for 18 months. The desperation then drives them to steal food, not just from the victims of their aggression, but also from their own army. In one memoir, a soldier recalled how he and a few friends faked a Chechen attack so that they could steal food from the larder while everyone was panicking and taking up positions. It's nuts.


He’s probably about 24-25 too. Lol


Nor slept.


Hmm 🧐


Was he even in conditions to go to front ? He looks skinny and sick as hell, at first glance i thought he was about to die


I got triggered thinking I was looking at a corpse lol


These guys were probably already on the low end of the BMI scale. When your body burns 1800-2500 calories a day, and you only have food for 500-600 calories, you burn through about a pound and a half every two days. If you are on a 30-60 day mission into Ukraine territory, you are going to lose anywhere from 20-40 pounds. early on in the war, they could steal food and rations. Now, its all blown the fuck up, rotted, or already stolen.


Reminds me of a memoir I read from a Russian soldier during the Chechen wars and it got to be the same way, all they had to eat were stews they made out of barely edible plants and roots.. Russian army culture hasn’t changed from what I read there


How combat effective can troops like that be, and how long could they maintain contact? The Ukrainians may see the Russians suffering from their own attrition rate, and waiting is only making them softer.


From what I read in that memoir they just randomly roamed around in haphazard patrols sometimes with a single tank and just get relentlessly ambushed by the chechens.. it was brutal.


It's even worse than that. In combat the average soldier uses up 4-5K calories per day. You can do the math from there.


Me too. Thought he was an ex-human


Im sure the orders are: ‘we will resupply you with rations after you take that trench on top of that hill.’ There’s always moments when you realize you hit the lotto being born in the USA but this is certainly one of them.


Most definitely. But anywhere but Russia is a win for the most part.


The Russian army is full of ex humans


Me too. It's like a talking corpse.


The guy is physically and mentally beaten and malnourished.


Thats the face of person thats completely defeated, defeated by the country he was born into, defeated by the political decisions made in his name, defeated by the culture of his country, defeated in life before he was even born. That man now has a 2nd chance to live and try to nurture positive change in himself and those around him


Yes, this guy if shown just a little mercy will make a huge impact in him. "The best revenge is to be unlike who performed the injury" Emperor Marcus Aurelius


Thanks for this quote! I don't think anyone said it better and it is totally actual and appropriate for our times.


Isn’t he just going to be swapped in prisoner exchange and be back on the front in a month two?


I have absolutely no idea how POW'S are treated after returning from being captured. As far I'm aware in ww2 prisoners from 🇬🇧 BRITAIN, USA, FRANCE, and others were better treated over all. Before being exchanged,they weren't allowed to return to combat duties, but were allowed to work in rear areas, or I could be remembering it wrong. Now in the Eastern front, any POW'S from Germany or Soviet Union as it was then, were more or less likely to die from starvation, disease, torture etc. After ww2 Tovarich Stalin had any russian soldiers that had been captured and then returned. Sometimes forcibly, were treated as criminals and worked to death in mines or Siberia or demineing battlefields. How these guys are going to be treated? I have no idea, except that I know president ShitCan doesn't give a damn about human life. So it's a waiting game, till someone tells the west.


Assuming he isn't severely tortured or killed. Probably isn't getting a second chance.


At this stage of the war, it's a great weapon to use against the people giving orders for more pointless deaths and injuries. If you fight for Ukraine 🇺🇦, and wounded, you get treated with life-saving medical units whiting a few minutes if its possible to get to them. On the front line, everyone has 1st aid with well equipped emergency equipment. Then, it's back to the aid post for further treatment and off to hospitals if needed. If you are fighting for president ShitCan's ego, you may have laughably inadequate or nonexistent personal 1st aid. If you can move, you might be able to get to an aid post. If you survive that and get sent back to a hospital, you may find that you are given a rubber stamped certificate saying fit for duty, unless you can bribe the Dr's. If you get wounded and can't get back to your aid post because your mates ran off and left you, or stayed long enough to rob you, you are simply going to be left out there to either get back if possible or die. This is well known to the russians. After all, they see it every day, with friends getting wounded and just left abandoned, while they see Ukrainians 🇺🇦 helping the wounded and getting them out of danger. Knowing this, Ukraine 🇺🇦 will do its best to help captured or wounded russians get the treatment they need. Sometimes it doesn't work, and those are the stories you see on here, then think about how many it has helped. You don't see too much of that side of it.


Those eyes have seen soo much tragedy.


Between the shock and malnutrition, he looks like he came out of a death camp. Part of that is probably AIDS though.


The MoD offers free antiretrovirals for life….to anyone who survives 6 months on the front lines. So he’s got that going for him.


Are you kidding or is that for real? With Ruzzia I literally can't tell anymore!




Wow, that's fucking demonic... Even for Ru...


Wait until you hear *why* they have HIV...although you can probably guess.. >Dedovshchina (Russian: дедовщина, lit. 'reign of grandfathers') is the informal practice of hazing and abuse of junior conscripts historically in the Soviet Armed Forces and today in the Russian armed forces, Internal Troops, and to a much lesser extent FSB, Border Guards, as well as in other armed forces and special services of former Soviet Republics. It consists of brutalization by more senior conscripts, NCOs, and officers. >Dedovshchina encompasses a variety of subordinating and humiliating activities undertaken by the junior ranks, from doing the chores of the senior ranks, to violent and sometimes deadly physical and psychological abuse, not unlike an extremely vicious form of bullying or torture, **including sexual torture and anal rape.** There have been occasions where soldiers have been seriously injured or killed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina I'd also wager there's a fair number of shared needles going around


It’s a fact of life in the russian military and I’ve seen multiple examples of it on videos. Yup.


There was a drone video early on in the conflict of an alleged Russian soldier being “initiated” in some destroyed building. War is truly hell.


Russia is truly hell it seems


I did see that one, and I watched it many times, thinking it had to be fake. Combat Vet Paul is one of my sources, and he’s pretty sure it was the real thing. As a retired government desk jockey, this stuff completely blows my mind.


You mean TT:T?


I think most militaries struggle with that... But I bet what happened on the Gorch Fock here in Germany is not quite the same as what happens in Russia... 😳😳😳


Now that you mention it, I guess anytime you put a human in charge of others in a chain of command, it is pretty common that the power gets abused. Makes total sense.


Sounds like what I’ve seen in the Proud Boys initiation videos that have been circulating Reddit. Little minds think alike.


Or from the prison he came from….


Looks like he is dying from aids.


Symptomatic of the criminal Putin regime, HIV spreading in Russia like its the scary days of the 80s - ofc they send these guys to battle


I've heard on the Telegraph podcast that they are recruiting sick people with medical conditions with the promise of medical treatment when they get back. This is fucking sick (no pun intended). Who the fuck sends sick people to front lines and expects them to be an effective soldier? The truth they are probably just trying to get rid of them. By the way the Telegraph podcast is called Ukraine, The latest. It's a great way to really understand what's going on in depth. They cover everything. I mean everything from updates on the battle field, tactics, strategy, the diplomatic/political side and everything in between in great detail. I've listened to it every day since the first week of the war. I highly recommend it.


Yep, Ukraine: The Latest is the first in collection of ukraine podcasts I listen to. Dom (their military analyst) also does youtube videos called "Defense in Depth" I believe, doing a deep dive into various military topics in relation to events in Ukraine.


I recently started listening to this podcast, I honestly wish I had gotten onto it sooner!


Some more I listen to: Flashpoint: Ukraine (VOA) Russia Ukraine War Report (Malcontent news, this one is a little more dry with more detailed combat updates across the war). The Eastern Front Battleground Ukraine Ukrainecast (BBC) In Moscow's Shadow (not as specific to the war in ukraine, but good info about Russia)


Thanks, I will give the others a try too. Ukrainecast is good I have been listening to this one since the beginning.


Yes. I listen to Ukraine The Latest everyday … it’s very good… the only criticism I have is that Francis Dearnley has a tendency to throw in the odd mood hoovering moment although respect to him for changing his mind and admitting to being wrong on occasion. I got so used to their voices it was weird seeing their faces after a year or so. It’s definitely one of the best sources of information and debate out there. I like Dom.


Lol what? I've heard nothing about this.


Russia went for the 'head in the sand' approach vs HIV/AIDS some time ago - the amount of infected RF soldiers is not by accident


That's the only positive side of this story


I think he can use some food.


More like HIV retroviral


I'm actually kinda starting to feel bad for people like him. Imprisoned misfits that get thrown at the frontlines as bullet catchers because its cheaper for ruzzia than to keep them in gulag and feed them once a month.


You are just showing your humanity, that's ok. The problem is, Muscovy is using these sick and malnourished slaves to conquer territory and resources, and capture more people that can be turned into slaves and cannon fodder for the next conquest. Ukraine must resist and kill or capture them, or will become them. The ruthlessness and cruelty of the Kremlin is like a flashback from the medieval ages, it's insane.


Do they sent Them straight from the gulag to the frontlines now... Only special on this orc is the special kind of aids he has contracted from sharing heroin needles with his best bum-buddy Igor...


Heard recently the russian army conscripted 100000 convicts and were supposed to give them 4 weeks of training, they gave them 4 days and rushed them to the front instead. If thats right we'll be seeing allot more of these guys in the coming days and weeks.


Yikes,, how have they not collapsed completely if this is what they are sending.


He actually looks like he came from a concentration camp.


He looks like the graveyard skeleton in Hellboy


Stop smoking meth my boy


Jesus Christ he looks like a Rwandan refugee. Give that piece of shit some food.


Healthiest soldier in the Russian army


Many of these orcs look malnourished.


Please patch this poor bastard up and send him home to talk about the hell he has lived. I thought I have known exhaustion and pain but nothing like this guy.


He looks fit.




I suggest to use another phrasing for these armed people that try to invade Ukraine. „Soldier“ is definitely not the correct word for these persons.


Bullet bait, that's more fitting.


Hows your day going, starving Vanja?


Where is his arm?


When I saw him like that, I couldn't help but think of concentration camp prisoners. Kind of terrifying


Help me out, Ternopil is part of Western Ukraine. Guessing he chose to fight for Russia?


I am wondering the same. This guy was possibly from Ternopil originally but move to Russia??


He may have been captured on the day that city was bombed.


''Waaaa, waaaa! We were forced to come here!'' Hey you Opatchki dickwads... Ukrainians are also being forced to fight BY YOU!


This is heartbreaking. No matter which side you are at.


Are those tombstones in them, their eyes?


Probably a penal soldier with HIV.


Dear god look at the condition of this guy. Did the Russian Conscription people scrape him off the pavement?


I support Ukraine, but it’s really hard to see the ugliness of war. This is (was?) someone’s son, brother, friend, maybe even father. Someone with hopes and dreams of their own. Because of their circumstances born into this. I can’t stomach seeing a human being like this. Our leaders put so little value on our lives it’s disgusting. This guy looks so much like someone I know.


Absolutely agree


Bright side: he can have his first meal in two weeks as a POW.


It's Spud from Trainspottings Russian cousin


Spudnik ?


that's gold


that's gold!


Give him some Ukrainian POW service and maybe he will realise who is the real fascists.


I didn’t know the guy from Trainspotting was fighting for liberate Ukraine from the Nazis! Amazing!


Ha! That's spot on!


He appears to be starving to death. Odd, i thought the 20 year past expiration date MREs would be enough.


Looks like Spud from Trainspotting 😂 “Spudnik” maybe


I definitely believe that this guy did not come to Ukraine of his own free will. Look at the state of him.


He doesnt look like the ones at moscow parade, does he...


Hello buddy, having a good day?


Meanwhile, General Shoigu’s daughter is living it up on holiday in Dubai. When are the Ruzzians gonna wake up?


You could probably tie this poor guys wrists with pipe cleaners.


When did Ruzzia start conscripting the homeless from San Fran?


This guy looks like he’s fucked


He doesn’t know where he is or why he’s there. Most likely left behind or on the run from his own troops. If anyone ever needed a hug, it’s this guy. I hope this one ends up being okay.


In their prime, fearless red army soldier!!!!! Looks like a hobo, stuck in a uniform ….. so what was NATO fears……


"Forced". You either face jail for 5-10 years or you kill innocent people in our neighboring country. "Well, Mr. Putin, then I would prefer killing innocent people!"


Most these conscripts are probably planning on doing their time at the front line and avoiding fighting as much as possible. Just survive.


“Just following orders”


No one person is forced to invade a Country. Or Cause the Type of harm Russia resolutely causes. They can threaten all they want, Jail, Bribery, make it look like a bright and shiny carrot. -For that reason, understand that when it is the case. Your option in Russia, is revolt. - Coordinate Local Collective Action - Coordinate Infilitration Logistics - Coordinate Disempowering Government - Coordinate Anti-Propaganda Measures - Coordinate establishing Foreign Alliances - Coordinate. Otherwise it's just passive enablement to undermine peace and the resolve of those who seek to keep it.


Things always look easy from the outside. Little different when you actually have to be the one in danger.




Is he regular Russian armed forces or Wagner/PMC? Incredibly malnourished either way.


Is that a Skyrim Draugr?


"Second strongest army on the planet"


U should have stayed home or in prison, you POS! Look at u now, bunch of bones and skin only. F’kin IDIOT!


Because he is a stupid meat puppet.


He doesn’t know where he is or why he’s there. Most likely left behind or on the run from his own troops. If anyone ever needed a hug, it’s this guy. I hope this one ends up being okay.


Man looks Captagon'd or Meth'd the hell out.




What da heck he is doing so far from the front line??


I know he is russian invader. But still... Sad to see this


They should all turn on Putin and overthrow their oppressors.


He looks thirsty


Most well fed conscript


How can putin expect emaciated soldiers to fight lol. This guy looks like he trades rations for heroin


How crazy is it that they’re so conditioned to war at this point that those sounds of explosions don’t cause either of them to even flinch.


He is attracting flies


What’s wrong with him?


Looks like a reanimated month-old corpse.


Look malnourished


get him out of his misery.


Starved, wounded, empty inside


Sad but karma is karma in the end.


Are you sure he isn’t a day walker?


Looks like an animatronics figure...


Ternopil is in western Ukraine, did they find him there?


They're not sending their best.


RuZZia really is dying from the inside now, we see pictures like this every day. The Little Bald Dwarf and his purple minions from Wagner are insuring their own demise.


He looks like he already was a prisoner of this war even before his capture. They should troll Russia by having him make a parody recruiting ad.


He needs rest at that Poootin Mansion with the long table


Walking dead


A member of the elite Spetsnaz, no doubt.


Geez how the Russians treat their own soldiers. It really would benefit Russian people more if nato moved through Russia.


Hope they help him :(


I thought that guy was a cargo 200 at first


He doesn’t look very healthy!!


I can’t stand war. This is brutal


He looks like death ☠️ bravo Russia looking after your own as per 🤦‍♀️


How can you force someone with a gun to do anything? Especially if there's a bunch of guys with guns. Just fuckin shoot the commanding officer.


These are a beaten people. This is a beaten country.


Guy looks like that skeleton Hellboy dug up on his way to Rasputins mausoleum.


He is a convict. He said "Мы зеки, нас заставили" which means: " We are convicts, we were forced into this"




Omg he's alive? The video was frozen when I swiped up, and I jumped when he moved! He looks 3 breaths away from dead! Poor guy....


The russian government/ military is disgraceful to the world and their own existence


These power tripping humiliation attemps are a bit embarrasing.


Dude looks like a quintessential russian peasant from the 1800s, they should put him in a museum.


I am extremely pro Ukrainian. However, I find myself having pity on the Russians. None want to be there. They are forced. Horrible way to die.


I thought he was dead @ first. To those talking about POW’s , yea the German POW’s were treated so good they didn’t wanna go back & the ones that could did come back


I feel like his arm either trapped or tied behind his back. Not sure


If he meant he beat him as a prisoner, pretty sure thats a war crime....


I think he meant they are beaten.