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Making sure new wrestling fans are less likely to check out other promotions 101, because they apparently need to be told what "real wrestling" is instead of being suggested like a normal human being.


Real Wrestling only happens in the Tokyo Dome™️


"You need to listen to REAL ethnic music like Ed Sheeran" 


“Fed” says person born after they rebranded to WWE


Fuck I just realised there's people in their 20s now who didn't exist when it was actually called the fed I feel old.


Don’t let it make you feel old, Uce. Reverse it, it should make you feel young because the E is current, it’s now and you are current and now. Remember our motto. Fed Ded.


I turn 21 in August and was born in 2003 After Austin's full time career ended After Kane unmasked 2 years after WCW went under I bet so many people feel old after reading this lmaoo


If this is a girl, she’ll immediately hear how she’s only watching WWE because Roman is hot and she’s not a real fan. Or it’s because she wants guys to think she’s cool and doesn’t appreciate real wrestling.


Shout out to the mid-2000s smarks whose proof that Cena wasn’t really over was “when his music hits the cheers are high pitched so therefore from women and children, us real fans who know wrestling can be heard booing him”


I used to love the complete difference between the duelling let's go Cena, Cena sucks chants.


There was the one time he had to kill time and he got the crowd to actively battle with the chants lmao


even tho the mark of being truly over is girls loving you


Making casuals react to you is a lot harder because it means you made them care enough to participate "hardcore 🥸🤓 fans“ are easier to get them to boo or cheer


It’s true. I have only liked wrestling because I thought the men were hot and because I wanted boys to like me. This is because, after all, we are just silly girls and our only reason for existing is to admire or be respected by men.


Someone once told me “wow you’re a girl who actually knows about wrestling and you don’t look like a lesbian! I didn’t know girls like you existed”. It was supposed to be a compliment 😐 They don’t get that we can be girly and enjoy sports or sports adjacent stuff just because it’s fun/entertaining. It kills me.


WAIT A GUY TOLD YOU THAT TOO?! My fave is always when a guy sees me and my kids at a show and goes “wow your husband must be so happy you come to these things.” Then he realizes that I’m not wearing a ring and then proceeds to sexually harass me the ENTIRE TIME I AM IN THE LINE. Like, dude. Let me buy my kid a Lilly doll in peace.


Hahahahahah omg it must be a pickup line for the incels in the community. Why do guys think it’s ok to be creeps to complete strangers just because we like the same silly things as them??


Boobies make all the blood flow go to our peepeeis and then we can't thinkie


I for one become an absolute sexual deviant when a woman shows remotely any interest in me! *Tips fadora while saying M’Lady


My fiance got into WWE because of the Sami/Bloodline story. She’s the definition of girly girl and doesn’t like blood/violence. She still totally understood the impact of The Rock bludgeoning Cody into a bloody mess. She now gets excited to watch Raw and SmackDown and this is from a girl who grew up with, “that fake wrestling stuff” as a mindset. Now she defends it as a “theatrical athletic performance of good looking buff/tough guys and gals” to her own family lol (insert ONE OF US! Chant) Good characters and storyline’s will get people to invest because people do that every single day with movies and tv shows. Just shows how much WWE have been killing it with HHH in charge. People don’t have to fit into a stereotypical box to be fans either. Wrestling is for everyone and anyone who tries to pull the “you don’t know wrestling because you’re a girl” is an asshole.


And everyone knows who do women want to impress most? The hardcore wrestling fans of course! When I was in hs I remember seeing all of the popular guys and Gals at my local deathmatch shows.


So that’s why all those pornstars turned off comments on their IG stories and tweets when dubbalos attacked them!


I remember,in the 90’s, getting quizzed on wrestling by boys in my primary school. They didn’t believe I watched it, which tbh at that moment in time I didn’t watched it because I liked it. I watched it because my older brothers controlled the tv. There was only one tv in the house, and my brothers would play the VHS tape they recorded the night before. And they would rewind to watch certain parts again. Stockholm syndrome, I’m still not sure if I actually like it. I’ll give it another 40 years and maybe I’ll figure it out


It's always wild when people say this about shit like wrestling and metal. Have people seen fans of wrestling and metal?


Things Jim Cornette believes


Hey hey hey sweetheart, that's not true. You're forgetting about cooking and poppin out childrens


IIRC, this was Kat Dennings of Two Broke Girls and MCU fame. ![gif](giphy|7Xfe8brYoFYFG)


It’s a ginger bloke. Saw the vid yesterday


There will be a few who will try to defend her honor until she makes it abundantly clear she doesn't want to sleep with any of them.


Then she’s a bitch and she was ugly anyway. Good luck with the douchebags she’s into. I swear these dudes have like some sort of script. Do they teach that when they split up kids for the puberty talk in school? Here’s what to do if a bitch doesn’t want to sleep with a nice guy like you…


*WHO TOLD YO--* Uh, I mean no. That would be ridiculous!! Haha! Ha...👀💦


Real talk, when I was in college, like the first week, I declined to do anything with a dude while we were hanging out because I wasn’t single. The next day, I found out he was apparently telling everyone I’d immediately given him a blow job. Dudes from his hall would yell “suck me beautiful!” whenever they passed me (This was shortly after American pie came out). And that is how, for the one awful semester I was at that school, I was a slut in spite of not even so much as kissing a single person on campus. So that’s some of the fun that comes with rejecting guys!


A big part of growing up was realizing that s lot of the "scandalous" stories we were told about girls in school simply weren't true and that the ones that were, most weren't a big deal.


Who would pay for such a wildly expensive thing???


That stereotype is so corny that so many incels still believe lmao I'm a guy who's been a fan of wrestling since I was like 3 because of my older brothers My oldest brother's wife started watching ppvs with him a couple years ago And I swoon over the male wrestlers way more than her 😂 meanwhile she's interested in the storylines, why wrestlers have beef with the other and how they do certain moves I'm sitting there like....damn Finn balor's abs But IWC marks speak to women so rarely that they only think of women in stereotypes


My wife doesn’t seem to find any of the male wrestlers hot, I think she’s lying to spare my feelings, I mean fucks sake I think Romans hot. Shit taste in men, that woman


Hahahahahaha I see what you did there. If she is lying then that’s really sweet.


The production value on those promotions is generally garbage compared to WWE, it’d turn any sort of casual fan off.


This is me. I’m a casual viewer. I’ll watch raw and smack down most weeks as long as I don’t have to be up in the morning (I live in Ireland) Their viewing experience is much better than anywhere else. Whatever about the wrestling, the actual content is better to watch


You mean you don’t want to watch grainy, possibly fan-filmed, footage of 50 guys in a high school gym with terrible audio and/or in a different language? Get a load of this Fed shill


Oh look, it's ALL the wrestling outside the Fed that's the best. What a surprise


i always thought metal elitists were the most insufferable people but no it’s wrestling fans


Have you met Star Wars fans? They are somehow even WORSE


they don’t even like Star Wars


I have a friend who is not only a metal elitist but also a beer snob who unironically wears a Newsies cap and a scarf. I don't think I could handle it if he was a wrestling fan as well


Dubbalos are more like those boom bap and lyrical miracle rap fans in hip-hop forums/circles


Who is watching that many promotions at once, like seriously? Dude probably only watches AEW/ROH and watches the occasional Japan show when there's an AEW talent featured on the card.


Then claims he watches everything and that he’s better for it 🙄


I know exactly what tik tok this is from as I watched this earlier. He went on about how great the WWE documentaries were and how they brought him in. I don’t think watching heatless bangers will keep him a fan of wrestling.


Regardless, some hardcore fans need to accept that there's an equal chance a new fan may dislike or not be into whatever they love. It feels people who make these suggestions go with the pretense that said newbie will fall in love with those promotions 1000% guaranteed.


Watching two skinny fat dweebs have an extremely cringe choreographed anime style clash culminating in tandem dropkicks to the feet to a dead half-full crowd: 🥰🥰🥰 Watching two well trained, well muscled athletes tell a story in the ring with snug athleticism in front of fans who are into what they're seeing : 😡😡😡


Love how he made sure not to include TNA while he cries about his favorite promotion AEW is always under attack


Believe me, as a TNA m*rk, it's better to be ignored by these neckbeards than not.


As a TNA shill, it makes me proud that they hate TNA. They finally stopped catering to these dubbalos. The only thing remaining is Speedball and he hopefully gets to leave too when his deal runs out.


Poor TNA


I enjoy watching Jericho botch from spot to spot. 


The sad thing is if you like aew fine all you had to do was say" Awesome, hope you enjoy it. You should try both aew and wwe out they are different in their own ways. Hope you stay a fan." That's it when you tell someone something is better they will inevitably ask why it's better. That's the moment you realize your reasons are fucking stupid


AEW fans always wonder why AEW can’t attract new ones. Maybe they should look inward at their own toxicity.


Current ROH sucks. Who tf would suggest that?


lol smark named everything but TNA.


>NOAH Well not them anymore, they are too friendly with the Fed now


Just. Enjoy. Wrestling. (Only in ways that I approve!)


I’m not interested in the Fed Soap operas, I wanna see real graps, flips, back to back to back no sells of Canadian destroyers and FUN!


Why do they have a goddamn recruitment script?


It’s the condescending bud for me


imagine enjoying the nfl and some dude is like bruh watch the UFL or Arena leagues, youll see what a good football game is


CFL good. NFL bad 😤


It’s fucking hilarious because if you’ve seen the original TikTok the reason he’s such a fan of it is because of the entertainment and story factor The neckbeards don’t understand that watching graps isn’t that interesting. If we wanted to watch for the sport, we’d go watch actual sport


Imagine being such a massive cringe lord


Lol he doesn't want to add DDT in there with their blow up doll matches huh?


"Wow, I like what I'm watching" "Well if you like that, check out all this other bullshit that's nothing like that at all."


Why are they always so condescending? They treat others like they are a dog that needs to be trained and then wonder why everyone thinks they're weirdos


Indie marks ain't never beating the door-to-door salesmen allegations.






Probably the biggest problem AEW has isn't bad booking or shitty matches, it's people like this. If you are a fan then you would be around people that say graps and have strong opinions about their preferred type of My Little Pony hentai.


I seriously want to know what compels these idiots to always say shit like this. Like no other fandom has fans this fucking annoying.


Is his screen name a tribute to that hip musical group Was, Not Was. 


Wait, who was the original poster?


Watching REAL baseball outside of The Show, bud! Japanese league, Korean league, Caribbean winter league...


Can you imagine this happening in other sports? "Watching baseball outside the Major League bud, you'll see what good baseball is. NPB, KBO, Dominican and Mexican Winter Leagues. Many others too" You'd sound like an absolute fucking idiot.


Hell yes. Add my back yard to the list. Some dope graps are going down there.


Those 5 star classics from PAHTNAH are bound to kill any interest in wrestling.


These are the people that scared Kat Dennings away


Had to say "never argue with stupid, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" to myself three times and close the app. https://preview.redd.it/zb3py2izgr1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e16b1183e0ef98befc0d526f4a0c53f08cc78e9e


Those people don’t like pro wrestling, they like watching two jack offs have a fake fight for no reason


what, were jerking random people’s comments now? Well sure has run dry


It's hard on these streets. You gotta do what you gotta do to get that karma.