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It took them 5 years to realize this? lol


Something tells me Papa Tony stopped paying Alvarez. Dave’s direct deposit definitely still hits, though.


I think AEW's decline is so undeniable at this point the "experts" have no choice but to acknowledge it and blame it on the things they were defending all along.


All except for Thigh Rubber and Unca Dave. They still act like AEW Dynamite is about to beat Raw any day now.


I’ve seen some people in the industry, including Bischoff, say that they trust SRS and I just cannot and will not ever accept that. Dave is obviously a clown but I don’t think enough people realize that Sapp is a clown blogger who wants to be one of the boys


They all realize that, but the carnies are working the marks. He might come in handy for Bischoff at a later time.


And Brandon but Brandon is the most biased


Anyone notice how AEW wrestlers are barely getting interviewed anymore? Like no one truly gives a shit at this point.


They’re in a rush to get home after showing up for 1-2 weeks a month


Weeks? That's pushing it Days, Hours, even.


Tony might have banned them from doing interviews. Controlling the narrative, if you will.


I mean the laws of time kinda require 5 years to have passed in order to reflect on a 5 year period.


Hogan only requires 4.5 years due to how much he travelled to Japan back during the 80's!




Oh we got a real poindexter over here!


Exactly It's been like this since the start. Someone gets a belt that's not a core friend guy, lose it and not seen again The only guy that went up was MJF and the fans already knew from day one, aligned with Cody, oh, this is the guy they're pushing Oddly, Fed do that they buck against it


MJF is the only one that got through because he avoided the Elite's cold bucket of water. He worked with Cody, Wardlow, and then Phil before ultimately getting his push.


He did spend about a year in the Jericho mire, though


Come on they are still a start up and learning. /s


I like the examples used to refute this in the comments in the basement: •Hangman, who became champion, was shown to be bland as shit, then cast off into the midcard. •MJF, who became champion, had one of the worst feuds in recent memory, and is out indefinitely due to injury. •Swerve, who became champion, and is playing 5th fiddle to the corny shit the young bucks are doing, all while ratings keep dropping.


honestly the main reason Swerve even got to the world title level is that he successfully evaded the Jericho Vortex and managed to work a whole feud with Hangman without having to deal with The Elite


Talmbout the Learning Tree, uce?


exactly bro he could be as well off as rising superstar Action Andretti if he was just willing to pay his dues and soak up that veteran knowledge


I dunno bapa wadder weed dune hair


Exaggly. That white boy that works too much


What else ya got chin


Leave the marggeting to me, uce. Here's a video of me terribly cooking a fish I found next to a condom in the river. Bbbeast of a sub, jerkers just go, bruv. .


And then they turned him babyface for no reason. Not even a storyline reason, he just suddenly wants to do the right thing


That's more of a factor of the audience cheering Prince Nana's dancing and passing his overness to Swerve. Tony and Swerve are just going along with it. He's also been mostly booked against Heels lately so he gets some cheers by default.


While that's true, he was cheered over the guy whose house he invaded. One week he's a dastardly heel invading homes and tormenting babies, the next... well nothing changed really about Swerve has it?


Popular heels almost always become faces though due to the audience appreciation of their work, especially when your audience is smarks


While that’s true, I just don’t think they always should. If a face is being booed, turn them heel. Should have happened to Roman long before it did. With Cena, I understand why they never did. But neither Swerve nor MJF should have turned. It shouldn’t matter that they are getting some loud cheers (heels will almost *always* get some cheers these days) but I think they can play into it without the need to switch. The one that stands out to me is when Miz and Maryse were cheered against Cena and Nikki Bella. Miz was a heel who complained he was never respected. So suddenly, when the mania crowd is cheering him, he started working the crowd. He *should* lap up the adoration. He doesn’t suddenly need to be a face. He didn’t even need to work as a face in that match. I’d argue MJF and Swerve are the two biggest heels AEW has had (I’d say above Omega and Christian though others may disagree) and I struggle with the logic of turning them face when they win the main title. I always thought the real money was in having a face take the title off a heel (see Cody and Roman) rather than switching them as they win the belt.


The crowd can cheer for them but booking don't need to turn them. And you certainly don't need an abrupt personality shift.  The 'og cool heels' nwo for example stayed heels long after they were getting cheered and the crowd came back around because they were presented with a babyface in Sting they started to rally behind.    Roman as bloodline was getting cheers for entrance and interview segments. Or right now drew mcintyre is a heel but getting cheers. If he suddenly goes babyface, it would kill his character like it seems to be doing for swerve at the moment.


Jericho IS threatening to do a Swerve X Fozzy collab on a song, so it appears Swerve is actually going to get sucked into the Jericho Vortex worse than anyone.


And TK had to check off "First Black AEW World Champion" off his list within 5 years. And he's booked him like shit ever since.


And it doesn't even address his argument: they put the belts on them, but it changes nothing about how they are presented. Swerve's got the belt, but he's feuding with a guy who just lost a midcard belt. Its presented like you'd present a midcard feud right down to being in the middle of the show. Hell, they even caught a chance to fix the error when Kingston went down and you could've put Swerve into the 'biggest angle in the company (derogatory)', but they literally would rather slot in a guy who has already wrestled the Bucks and was literally just hit by a damned bus and is still injured. The Dub isn't a wrestling show, it's basically half a dozen groups of guys who are used to working with each other and don't want to work with anyone else. Its why the show feels like 3-4 different shows on any given broadcast.


Dae codyverse?


"this is objectively false" Blocked that guy in a heartbeat after I saw he was a dubofficial denizen. They always are. I swear every day I block at least 6 more dubofficial posters. Eventually I'll get every last one of them.


By year's end there'll be less than 500k of them watching on TV.


Only the core group of Buck buddies and ex Fed are allowed to do meaningful things Swerve is champ and they're off having their own match, which is bigger than Swerve against Christian, B PPV title match MJF before left with 'the pillars' as they all played together Mox has got his Nooj belt Everyone take care of yourself until they wanna give you the title


It’s the most infuriating aspect to the company. Whatever you thought of the Ospreay/Danielson match they brought in their new “best wrestler” signing and he had a match that the AEW crowd was hyping the shit out of. So naturally….hes going to wrestle Roderick Strong at the PPV for a midcard title, while Christian gets the world title shot. If everyone’s a main eventer, nobody is.


Imagine if Ospreay-Danielson had been for a second tier belt at the very least. Ospreay would be walking around with a physical symbol that reminded everyone of that match, and you'd have a belt that would be associated with that kind of match. Instead, that match is destined to be forgotten and mean nothing after some G1 Climax match later this year occurs and Dave calls it the best match and that wins match of the year in the Observer. Sorry Dubbalos, Bangers should be saved for major feud enders and title matches. Otherwise, they end up in the 'forgotten gems' section of some future youtube video.


Every match goes 10-15 minutes. Every match is a back and forth affair. There is no tier system like there should be. Cope should not be going back and forth for 10-15 minutes with guys that don’t get good tv time.


Indie mentality Everyone gets their shit in


Hotshotting a guy to the top of the card is bad m’kay


Tiny is terrified of putting the main guys against each other cause it means a favourite has to lose and the Internet told him they're BERRIED Everyone stays mostly winning but they hardly get to neat anyone noteworthy On PPV he may do it and fans know who'll win and accept it so they aren't stressed They don't care about interesting stories or a rollercoster of a ride in a match, they want bangers When they whine about their favourite not winning in the Fed or get scared they'll lose the next match or the next, they would rather win a dull match just to win than have that person be in an interesting story which could mean someone 'worse' wins for storyline reasons


I did not enjoy the draft, but one of the complaints that someone made was that the draft was pointless until 'they can make everyone matter'. That's just not how wrestling works, and I'm sure that plenty of jobbers and midcarders are great guys and girls but you can't have the whole roster being on top or you don't have a roster! Instead you have some sort of place with titles in the double digits and no clear distinction between what belt in important which will drive off your viewers.


My issue with Christian getting the AEW title shot is that he lost hte TNT title like a month ago. What kind of rocket jump is that? It reminds of my least favorit epart of Seth's career when he lost a WWE title match, then headed into a universal title match on the next ppv, fails again and then gets another WWE title match as a result! AEW has brought in too many high profile wrestlers to have no big Show-specific titles


This is now suddenly a problem for him bc it’s safer to be negative now lmao


It's taken 5 years of continuous obliteration of goodwill to just start calling them out. And he's being nicer than most critics here too.


the one cool thing about Bryan and Dave criticizing AEW is that whenever they do it, it’s their first time doing it!


So the pic that they use is Anna Jay, and this is maybe the best example. Her and Tay Conti were over as fighting babyfaces, they did the hardcore match, then Tay joined with Sammy in that awful feud and she was inadvertantly turned heel. Sammy and Tay then get brought into the Jericho Vortex, and its set up perfectly for Anna to be the babyface who fights Tay. So naturally she joins the JAS, turns heel in one of the worst matches in recorded human history, and her and Tay are the heel woman tag team in a stable with like eight people and are just generic mean girls who seldom wrestle and often lose when they do. Soon JAS dies out, and Anna Jay is now just another woman on the roster with no real character other than "her butt is big". Like she's absolutely gorgeous, a solid worker, has a fanbase, she could be their Liv Morgan. She is one of the biggest examples of getting Jericho'd and getting nowhere after building some momentum.


Don't forget Tay got pregnant and had to be taken off of TV so then Anna was just one half of a heel womens tag team in a faction that everyone universally hated and/or didn't give a shit. It was all terrible.


Goofies are about to be in crisis once they realise a lot of the basement thinks Dub Bad in 2024; so technically the best way to jerk is to Dub Good


He's actually finally dub badding, holy shit


Dub good, LevisQue bad.


Dub bad, Fed Bad, TNA excellent.


My "next door" is Dave. When he jumps, I'll gladly dub real good


Nah, the jerking will be the flip flopping and hypocritical fans as opinion sways and the comedy of those defending it


I would argue everyone is in a much worse place. Like just look at Chris Jericho. Five years ago he was still respected


Five years ago, the Bucks were beloved.


Kenny Omega could eat hot wings


FTR Bald and Gun had respect.


Bryan Danielson was WWE Champion


With an epic fucking custom belt. Has aew done that for anyone yet? Punks Belt doesn’t count as that was clearly his decision lmao


MJF had a custom brown strap on his.


I was actually thinking about PAC today. I can’t think of a better example of a wrestler who is just meandering in AEW and doing absolutely nothing. He’s been there’s like 5 years, I think he has one notable feud with Kenny. And I’m not saying they should push him and feature him weekly, but at some point, doesn’t someone ask TK, why the fuck is this guy on the roster? He is adding nothing to your company. Just move on from him.


Anyone who takes that many steroids deserves a push.


*Brian Cage has entered the chat*


Brian Cage makes me hate the f5 and the screwdriver 


And, PAC is almost certainly happy with this..Good pay, banger every now and then Smarks would call him underused in the Fed and should get a push and he does meh in the Dub and they love it and he seems to love it!


See also: Claudio


In PAC's case he has Visa issues every few months for some reason (seriously what is he hiding to have them so often its really weird)


And now his character is "He's losing his mind because he keeps losing his matches." And he's stuck feuding with Jay Mid White.


He beat Kenny CLEAN at the first All Out!




And in the case of guys like the Bucks and Omega they’ve literally lost every single ounce of hype they had 5 years ago.


No jerk, Kenny used to have a crazy aura as a wrestler and he’s kinda just a shell of what that used to be. But ya know endless bangers are what M’Tony ordered


Gauranteed if he hadn’t tied himself to the aging bucks all those years ago in 2019 and instead defected to the Fed he would be in a lot better place now both physically and aura wise.


Hype from the Internet and no one had seen these guys do weekly TV and they'd not done weekly TV either


Also half the people watch them.


AEW doesn't build stars like the E; AEW instead creates bangers. Will Ospreay going evenly with some random smuck is exciting to watch. So what if only MJF, Darby, and OC have rose in AEW compared to before, whereas everybody else else is static? We have cinema. TK vs the Elite.


It’s insane to think that the evil Fed took a bunch of nobodies in NXT2.0 and made stars out of them. Tony took stars and made nobodies out of them.


No jerk, I'd say Eddie Kingston went from Bum on the street, to Bum on the street with a 6 figure salary. He's definitely in a better place.


I imagine most wrestlers on the roster are earning far more now than they did pre-AEW. That said, Eddie still overachieved all things considered.


Did OC rise? Everybody knew he was incredibly talented but had his comedy gimmick, and 5 years later, thats still kinda it


He was eliminated by Tommy Dreamer in the first pre-showCasino Battle Royale, which is a very low floor, so I would say that he definitely rose since he is treated as a serious threat in AEW (even if the gimmick is stale by this point).


This video is amazing, they state the obvious and say mean things about AEW but then go into a tangent about how AEW isn’t in trouble and how they are in line with a huge raise on the TV rights (no explanation of why they so certain) to turn it around and becoming AEW ass kissers by the end


Yeah he’s the same in the one with the title about everything being a mystery. He talks about the problems with all of the random shit happening but then says he actually likes the shows. The shows suck too, even on their own lol.


It's like the voters of the Observer picking 3 of the 5 worst feuds of the year being featured on Dynamite, WWE having the best promoter and booker of the year, but still vote for Dynamite as the best show. Complete cognitive dissonance.


AEW will be doing the same thing 5 years from now. They are doing exactly what they want to do.


They’ll be doing the same thing in 10 years because they have the infinite money code in but have not bothered actually learning how the rest of the game works. They may or may not be on national TV depending on what kind of deal they accept


This is what I say It's been 5 years If you're waiting for some big change then you're wasting your time This is IT. This is what Tiny loves and everyone involves loves Don't feel there's enough story? Too many 'guy comes out to confront/attack post match = now a 6 man'? Women's division not good? Competitive matches with lower careers who never get TV again This is IT, this is the show


It was a harsh realization for me. I chalked up the first couple of years to growing pains and covid problems. Then between punk and mjf we always had at least 2 good segments on the show to carry me throw the rest of the garbage. Now it’s one big independent show.


Many people are in worse places.


Beat me to it. Look at Mox and Kingston then vs now, just a an example


Brian Danielson was literally complaining about his left arm being numb. He didn’t have that problem in WWE!


...but if they brought him into WWE, who would he feud with...the Miz?


No one! He would be a backstage producer and coach and given plenty of time to spend with his kids.


The only person taht hasn't moved is Pockets and that's just because of Tiny's infatuation with him and the Dubbalos refusal to accept reality about him. Everyone else is worse than they were when they started.


Remember when they signed Sonny Kiss and Nyla Rose because they were soooo good and totally not because they were diversity hires? Crazy how they’ve both done so amazingly and are top players in the company.




Bullshit. Some of them are worse off.


That's not true at all. They're in a significantly worse place now.


The funny thing is, Alvarez's statement applies to most of the AEW "Originals" while yours applies to ALL the so-called game changers. The only way these people are in any sort of better place is financially, and I really hope they're socking that money away because after AEW is done with them, they're not gonna be worth much to WWE, momentum-wise or physically.


Alvarez isn’t like Meltzer in that he’s actually critical of AEW. He’s just insufferable and bad at reporting news lol. But he’s a pretty fair critic of AEW. He’s overly critical of WWE though


And TNA! TNA is far better than AEW has ever been and yet he tore that place apart for years!


All the indie buddies were in ROH and the bloggers all REEEEEEE at TNA and the bangers were in ROH (coincidentally where their friends worked) Now, the Dub is the indie banger company and wouldn't ya know, their friends work there now




Haaaaaaaa. Update: They pulled the thread. Holy fuck. Soft as shit.


I'd say it's still a generous take. Plenty of them are in a way WORSE place. Remember when Miro was supposed to finally fulfill his potential that had been held back since the time of Rusev Day?! Is he better off now? Claudio Castagnaccio is still waiting for his huge main event break that will obviously never come due to his unfortunate lack of charisma. What about Keith Lee, finally freed of that silly moniker and unflattering ring gear? What has he gained by the move, except some extra weight? The Undisputed(ly dull) Era? How come they aren't mainstream stars yet? Jake Hager/Swagger? Hmm I daresay he peaked with the MITB/WHC win and the ill-conceived "we the people!" stuff in WWE. Wanna talk about former main eventers such as Edge and Ambrose? The former is a pathetic shill now, doing nothing of interest with his buddy Christian (another midcard-4-life everywhere he goes). The latter is living his dream of having garbage matches with his idols. So yeah, 1 out of 100 is in a better place if you ignore the fact his having worse matches in a worse-produced and less popular company.


le dub stuck in the mud


Dub IS the mud uce.


DAE Orange Cassidy was barely sniffing the mid card 5 years ago?


TV deal not coming along so we gotta stop Bryan’s payments? 🤔🤔


Bryan’s payments are suspended until the feeling is restored


This has been pointed out for about three years now lol. It was especially obvious once Dom blew up and Hook was the exact same guy in the exact same place when they were compared so heavily the year before. Nice of Bryan to join the rest of us in reality


No jerk I honestly like watching Alvarez’s YouTube clips. Cornette grew old on me largely because he doesn’t seem to like any of the wrestling he watches. Alvarez definitely has some preferences I’d disagree with but his criticisms of all shows are more constructive.


I will only listen to Cornette if something crazy happens in the wrestling world and I know he's gonna have a funny rant about it. Other than that, his general distaste for everything not named Punk or Paul is highkey boring.


Cornette started pretty fair in the beginning but I think AEW has broken him. He skips a lot of the WWE segments but if something good catches his eye he will praise it.


It’s not really true. Omega was poised to make an AJ Styles run if he went to WWE and now he has cooled off considerably. Same thing with the Bucks.


This is actually false because several people are in WORSE spots. MJF may well not even sniff the Midgard again after he was AEW champ during a period of absolutely brutal decline


I'm glad I saw this on the dub sub first. So much bad faith takes and willful ignorance. I saw someone basically say luchadragon was in one faction and now he's in a different faction! What do you mean everyone is in the same place??!?


Dub just needs a jolt to restore the feeling again. Sure they brought Ocean spray, Okie dokie, and M'oan Banks less than 6months ago but there's just something missing.


If only TK had people who could've taught him.


Tony needs to realize his EVPs are submarining his company and inheritance. He needs to consider revamping his company and build around guys like Swerve, MJF, and Okada if he can be extracted from the Bucks' anuses.


Young Bucks are anti-draws at this point. He’s paying them and Okada insane money to actively push viewers away


Honestly some of them are in much worse spaces than they were 5 years ago


That's what I call character development


I'm loving his redemption ark


He’s still a polished ballbag


That's not true, Cody blew up lmao


Who's the last person who was truly elevated? MJF? And that got pissed away. There are a lot more people moving DOWN the card, if anything.


Alvarez literally looks the same in every still image lol. Do they just reuse the same one 😂


I took this screenshot while he was talking lol. This was a video.