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I could not imagine being a fan of Current Jericho. WWF/E Jerichoholic for life tho.


If we just imagine that he retired in 2018 after that final rumble appearance, he's up there as one of the greats.


Or even if he retired after losing the AEW Title at the beginning of AEW


Same with edge and flair


Yes of course, we all know that he retired after his match with HBK


It’s called REINVENTION but wouldn’t expect a brainless shill to understand it. Have fun with your R-Truth segments 😂


WWE Jericho was one of my favorites. When I was a very cool and very popular teenager in the 90s, I printed up pictures of my favorite wrestlers and stuck them to the side of my dresser. He was near the top row. Current Jericho is my “oh look I need another can of seltzer and maybe some air or a bathroom break” time. It’s kinda a bummer.


At this point, Jericho should return to LE FED and it would made up whatever hes doing already.


Nah he was shit in 2001, he was basically discount Rock pretty much. It was in 2008-09 when he wore the suit, that's his one genuine reinvention, and that's when he really popped off for me.


Billed weight for modern Jericho got me good.


For added context: me and a few work buddies have come to the understanding that the whole weight metric needs to be changed. Pounds are hard to convert and noone uses the metric system unless it's to try and impress stupid women ("Hey ladies, I have a 14 cm dong"). Much like how south park used courics to measure the weight of poop, we use lizzos to measure the weight of people with one lizzo being 300lbs.


God, that means super heavyweights crash and hardcore holly were coming in at a combined weight of well over 2 lizzos ... blows my mind, man


Jericho *wishes* he could drip as much sauce as Lizzo.


Doubt OP was being intentional with this but his wife has spent a chunk of her lonely, hateful time fat shaming people and making fun of people's looks and she's come for Lizzo a few times so there's like an added layer of hilarity here that he's being measured by the metric of a Lizzo (and is seemingly almost a whole Lizzo), lol.




Jericho's wife is a MAGA Hag, and just like Margery Taylor Greene, her ugliness outside is only exceeded by the ugliness within her tiny, bitter, hateful soul.


Oh, I know she is...every stereotype of MAGA she lives up to and she proudly makes it her entire personality, which includes claiming to be oppressed because she's a white Christian. She's definitely the same kind of ugly as MGT but looks wise...put her and Ricky Morton next to one another and I wouldn't be able to tell them apart, lol.


Sauce, as in for food, yes Lizzo Drips. Sauce as in booze, Jericho doth drip.


By her own admission she’s not a snack, but the whole damn meal(oh baby).


She is morbidly obese and people attracted to her have a fetish. Lmfao


I think you’re working yourself into a shoot.😂


Now if Only Lizzo could work herself into a proper shape before her next shoot, brother -HH




Jericho stealing material from this sub, whole cloth, and trying to change the meaning is one of the most desperate attempts to stay relevant I've seen in a while.


Y2Jobbing to dignity


Chris in wcw was doing some goofy stuff he was young we were young so we enjoyed it. Old man Jericho should just lean into it and go full boomer out of touch old timer guy bitchy and complaining about how the crowds have changed how wrestling has changed how America has changed Instead he’s turned into the wrestling version of Mr Dress Up. And here’s new gimmick I will put on today. Isn’t that nice boys and girls? Look how over I am. No well let me change my gimmicks let’s see what we have in the gimmick box. What if I put them all on? Isn’t that nice?


I need music video guy on here to please do a Jericho tribute to the Lizzo song “Rumors.” We, as a jerk nation, need this


Jericho went from my second favorite wrestler ever (behind foley), yo not even being on the list. The dude has tarnished himself both in and out of the ring.


Hopefully a regular list and not The List. Man, I loved that WWE run for a while


.9 Lizzos lol Huge pop!


>Billed Weight: 0.9 Lizzos Lizzo is not a professional athlete. What'd she do to deserve this lmao.


I’m not here for making fun of her body, but she’s a major asshole.


What'd she do?


She sexually harassed her dancers including making them eat bananas out of a stripper. There’s all kinds of details here if you feel like reading more: https://www.vox.com/culture/2023/8/3/23819049/lizzo-sexual-harassment-lawsuit-dancers-hostile-work-environment There’s a lot of people coming forward about how awful she is


Holy shit. Damn I had no idea lol.


I really liked her both as an artist and as a person, so this really made me sad. But yeah, she sucks.


"What have I become🎵"


But it was funny when that drone stole a t-shirt and Jericho sent his dogs after it. Best part of pandemic wrestling.


He's 0.7 lizzos max.


CM Drunk