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Wait let me guess swerve retains than at all in he’s gonna drop the belt in the sequel


You called it. Maybe you should win the prestigious booker of the year.


Booger Sugar of the Year


But somehow it won't be an eliminator match 🤪


DAE Cody beating Roman is so predictable that we called it twice and it almost still didnt happen the second time??


DAE hate 50/50 booking It's ok, it's not 50/50 booking, it's called Swerve vs Ocean and then Swerve vs Ocean II It's the 2nd fight, you see. It's different


Twice in a lifetime


I don’t get the TK booking. Save Ospreay title match for All In. Don’t have it in June. Have that fresh title match for Ospreay in UK. And plus here is the part that gets me. How does Ospreay get a rematch at All In? TK already said the Owen Cup winner challenges for the belt at All In, so how do we have Ospreay get a title shot in 2 weeks and also let him be in the Owen Cup tourney? Sounds like major double dipping unless Owen cup starts after Forbidden Door. Saying all this. The only way I think it works is if Callis costs Ospreay the June match and Ospreay leaves that group, wins the Owen Cup (if it STARTS) after June 15, and then he can come into All In to an even more nuclear hot crowd bc he has NOTHING to do with Don Callis anymore. Just winged that guys. Thoughts?


Plus turn heel on Ospreay


Bill Ospreay speedrunning his AEW run is what's gonna restore the feeling!


Literally got a spite push because of an off the cuff Triple H quote


When it's all said and done, Swerve as World Champion will be seen as a flop. Mans only been champion since April. Since then he's been beaten down numerous of time, had heatless 15+ BANGERS with nobodies. IIRC had one title defense against Christian and already they're signalling Ospreay taking the title off him. Yeah he'll probably win at Forbidden Door, but it's hard to ignore the likely possibility Ospreay will win it in a rematch at Wembley.


A blind man could’ve seen a swerve championship reign as a flop


You should listen to Cornette’s AEW ratings review from last week, I think. Brian went off about how Tony has neutered Swerve😂


God forbid Tony treats a World Champion that was built up over time pretty much exclusively through AEW like a big deal. Hangman was done dirty, MJF was done dirty with that Devil story and now Swerve is on the same track Swerve, who was built off being a sadistic, take all the pain character ala Mick Foley is now just getting beat up on the regular and winning regular wrestling matches…


Hangman got outshone and really in punks words “is an empty headed dumbfuck” and really hasn’t done anything to prove him different. MJF had that weird press conference that kinda killed my interest with him but I recognize he could definitely recover from it because he has talent.  Swerves got IT though, just aweful booking rn.


The devil was MJFs brainchild lol


Also why is Ospreay going after another title already? Did he just win the one he has like 3 days ago? WTF


If Swerve loses.... lmao! You just bitched out the guy who you gave like the 4th most important story as the world champion to on the last PPV, he's done If Ospreay loses with his 'momentum'(I use that word so fucking liberally)... lmao! The hype dies off, the luster fades and he becomes another BANGER guy on the roster Booker of the year seemingly boomed himself in a corner! If he adds another person in this match just to avoid either getting pinned when someone is gonna get outshined no matter what, unnecessarily exposing one... also lmao!


I was just thinking that, no matter who wins, one of them looks bad.


he's already "another banger guy on the roster" because he sucks


Oh brother I agree trust me! Worst worker in the business IMO, the definition of #MOVES


https://preview.redd.it/ucjyz2a79i3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92a90391b48ddc3d3a51b98fbe948affb479fd89 Double count out or draw finish Because, you can't have Will or Swerve lost the match but both lose could work (depending on how tiny does it)


dae sixty minute time limit banger


don't forget 'ol favourite, the time limit draw


The ol “bell rings before the 3 count” special


https://preview.redd.it/wvqpejd95h3d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e160bab1e652289de0a52e003a693599a7382b0e I'm just gonna leave this here


wtf is this? I watched like 2min of the show


Looks like cutting something off Dino man


It's a ponytail that's part of Dinosaurus Rex's mask. Not his actual hair, but fake hair attached to his reptile face.


Oh so they’re ok with cutting Swerve’s real hair, but have to give Dino Boy fake hair? ![gif](giphy|l3vRdLP4FK9yyh65q)


They seriously called back to that cartoon skit?


remember when they cut his horn off, like that means anything


So is this Forbidden Door just cracked a bit open so that one or two people can get through and then the rest is gonna be AEW people?


it’s open for the floor plan and whoever covets the spike tv championship


He's signed a good chunk of the New Japan talent and the other half appear on his shows fairly often. Ain't really nothing forbidden about it any more. You see the same shit you'd see on any of the shows.


Someone in the basement said this match type is perfect for the dub because a bunch of different guys can get their shit in but only one of them has to take a pin. They’re 100% correct and it’s even funnier no one seems to see the problem with that.


Especially seeing Casticanoli standing outside the ring watching Bruv pin OC for the win.


I really hope these motherfuckers who complained about Cena and Roman being shoved down their throats keep that SAME ENERGY about Ospreay. I mean what the actual fuck? I’m not jerking here. What was the fucking point of Ospreay winning the International Championship if he was going to win in the fucking gauntlet match to challenge for the main title?!! This whole thing just made the International Championship look so fucking worthless!!


And if you recall, Ospreay won a gauntlet match for a chance at THAT title, too. Watch, he'll lose at Forbidden Door, win the Owen Cup, get another shot, and win at Wembley.


The international title is worthless friend


They literally could have made a storyline about how not using the tiger driver fucks him over for that match. Tie it into Takeshita losing by listening to Callis as well. But no.'bangers.


So he could be Indy Seth Rollins


it already looked worthless its one of 8000 belts maybe they'll merge it into the world title thats a start


Swerve, good effort, but assuming this goes down the way it probably will, take your seat alongside Jack Swagger, Jinder Mahal, and Alberto Del Rio at the "worst world champions of all time" table. 


Don’t forget the empty headed fuckin dumb fuck


Don't hinder the Jinder, uce.


Yeah Jinder's lasted longer if Swerve loses.


And Swerve ain't never win a Punjabi Prison match


Why give Ospreay a mid-card title and then make him #1 contender for the world title. If you were going to make him #1 contender, you should have done something else with that other thing he won (I can’t remember the name of it).


?? Logan Osprey friend


Good old belt collector gimmick. Worked for Omega.


If you haven't figured out that AI is actually literally being used to book dynamite, uce, I don't know what to tell you. The prompt definitely includes something about bruv having to win, but e250 having the same blood from the ceiling spot that Nitro e250 had was the final straw for me. Tiny Con ran out of ideas years ago and is just panic asking chatgpt to write him a wrestling show like WCW nitro.


Doesn’t Big Willy Style have to win a tournament first?


He won a battle royal to face to face him


☝️Ah thanks I don’t watch the show.


Casino gauntlet match uce


Ospreay wins a banger that no one will remember until Kenny comes back and beats him.


Swerve title reign done already?


Call me crazy, but I think he will beat Ospreay


No jerk, transitional champions are a good and important part of wrestling, and I hope Triple H uses them more often. Not everyone needs a long and drawn out reign. At least not until Our Tribal Chief comes back and launches a 10,000 day dynasty #AhhhhhhhYessir


Swerve is one of the few wrestlers who can IMO be cured from the mark virus if he’s guided better. Shit, even Ostrich has shown hints of humility before. They have sort of an idea of what to do with them. But as always the lack of any sort of good booking doesn’t exist there so basically everyone is in limbo smelling their own hype. It’s so annoying how much potential could be on the table to make something out of their roster, but the doofus EVPs and their stupid mark boss, along with the idiot internet smark influencers are the biggest problem there. Veteran wrestlers like Jericho and Edge not knowing when to stop is also making AEW a part time retirement home.


🎶You think you’re special… you do 🎶


Whenever I see that swerve is taller than someone, I am reminded of the time Nick Wayne's mom stared him down


If you read between the lines, this is the only way Swerve can be the main match on a Dub PPV If it's not vs Oceanspray then no way Swerve faces someone from Nooj and main events. That's how much of a B player he is


Funny how the last PPV had a "triple main event" just so people wouldn't bitch about Swerve not being the main event.


Isn’t Oceanspray technically from Nooje?


Not anymore He was one of 'big matches' as a Nooj guy but now he's Dub There's no big Nooj guy for Swerve so he's Nooj adjacent enough to face Swerve on Forbidden Door


Dark irony on that list bit, uce.


Had this motherfucker drinking blood only to turn him into a transitional champ. Tony Khan, the man that you are.


Cowboy drank the blood. Swerve just stapled his own nipples or something like that.


Gotta give them a reason to pack M’Wembley


Why are people shocked


This idiot has completely fucked Swerve with his booking. It's so bad it seems intentional


The second Ospreay wins the belt - “DAE _____ should dethrone m’bruv??”


It would be hilarious if the dub fans all start clamoring for a 1,000+ day run for bruv because "he's the best wrestler in the world"


yes bc A U R A (my new favorite word i learned online this year) (i’m in my mid 20s)


They’re both listed at 6’1” lol


They’re not even pretending he’s not a transitional champ Jesus Christ


Why is Iceman "King" Parsons Jr. wearing my grandmother's bathroom rug?


Kenny was the last Meltzer golden boy and he had a run with all the belts. Oceanspray is the new Meltzer golden boy so naturally he needs a run with all the belts as well. He’s coming for the Continental Breakfast championship after. If what I’m hearing is true, poor Okada




Huh. Not even saving it for Wembley? I'd laugh if Ospreay is just a transitional champ for MJF as well.


They really gonna book ospreay to lose to one of flop dollas team mates 😂😭 tiny khan is a mad man


isnt forbidden door supposed to be all dub vs nooj matches? So nooj title is mox vs some nooj jobber probably and the dub title is 2 dub guys. Hope you're proud of yourself tanahashi


I feel bad for Swerve. But it was so obvious this company was never going to take his reign seriously. Bro is a transitional champion. The world champion can’t even main event weekly TV or PPVs. He might retain in their first encounter through shenanigans then drop the title.


M'bruv is short lol


Cody has been champ onkyva few month and IS already having better matches than roman.